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BG3Auntie Ethel Hag Model
You come to my home, interfere in my business, and now you have the gall to face me in the heart of my lair? You petulant bollocks. I'll rip your spine out your arsehole.
~ Auntie Ethel


Why are you so cruel?

Please. It's you lot who come to me. All you do is want - to be prettier, to be richer, to be loved. People are their own worst enemies, petal. I just let them see it.

~ Auntie Ethel with the Player

Auntie Ethel is a hag living in the swamps of the Western Heartlands, and in particular makes a habit of dealing with the druids of the Emerald Grove (in a human disguise, of course). She is a member of the Seeing Pearl, a coven of hags whose manipulations extend all the way to Baldur's Gate. She poses as a healer and arcanist that can help those in need, but in truth makes them pay horrific prices for deceitful goods- petrifying a target to cease their illness that she, herself, gave them, or raising a dead loved one as a zombie when asked to bring them back.

If destroyed in her home, she retreats to Baldur's Gate to pursue her true goal- devouring a child in order to birth a new hag to train in her magic. Sent away from Mayrina, a woman she made a pact with for her child, Ethel instead kidnaps a child named Lora and consumes her, beginning the gestation of an infant hag in her gullet.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A | At least High 8-C, likely 8-B, possibly 8-A

Key: Act One | Act Three

Name: Auntie Ethel, Sister of the Seeing Pearl, Trader of Quirks and Sundries

Origin: Dungeons and Dragons

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown, possibly many hundreds of years old

Classification: Hag

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magic, Reality Warping (Ethel is a talented practitioner of magic, meaning she can interface with and attune to the Weave to enact certain changes on local reality), Illusion Creation, Duplication (Ethel can create duplicates of herself- although illusory enough to be destroyed by any attack, these duplicates can indeed act as Ethel and even attack with her full array of powers[1]), Invisibility (Ethel can freely become invisible, oftentimes in the same action as spawning her coven of duplicates), BFR (Ethel can freely teleport other creatures, often using this in coordination with her illusion creation to confuse foes into attacking each other rather than her), Poison Manipulation (A favored spell of Ethel's is Ray of Sickness, which inflicts poisonous nausea on a target and damages them greatly), Fire Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation (Ethel carries a number of slimy grenades that explode in poison or fire), Enhanced Senses (Ethel can see in total darkness, and has the Alert feature that prevents being surprised at ambushes), Mind Manipulation (She can use Vicious Mockery, causing targets to go reeling from psychic backlash), Bodily Weaponry (As a Hag, she has massive claws she can use to attack physically), Paralysis Inducement (She can induce paralysis in enemies via Hold Person, and is known to favor paralysis via her alchemy as well- paralysis is also a notable side-effect of her memory tampering, as seen with the Bosun of the Blushing Mermaid), Power Nullification (Ethel can freely dispel illusions), Summoning (She has a number of masked underlings that she can summon to her side to assist her in battle), Teleportation (She can teleport at-will, and does so to escape Mayrina's brothers), Immortality (Types 1, 4, and 8, Ethel will resurrect upon death due to her Pearlspore Bells, allowing her to respawn at full health), Fungus Manipulation (She gave her lair a number of spores that enhance her resistances significantly, enough that it is unlikely to affect her with most mundane abilities), Disease Manipulation (Ethel was responsible for giving the lethal disease to the dwarf in her foyer), Shapeshifting (She can assume a human guise at-will), Healing (She can brew potions of healing in large quantities, and sells them at the Druid Grove to lure in more customers), Social Influencing (Ethel excels in goading mortals to unsavory deals to achieve their deepest wants- her insight into the human psyche is terrifying and devastatingly used, enough that there are many who worship her as a near-deity), Necromancy (She knows a great deal of necromancy and can create undead creatures such as zombies), Portal Creation (Ethel has prepared a number of portals that lead to various points around her bases of operation), Petrification (She is responsible for petrifying Efrin), Curse Manipulation (Many of her victims are afflicted by curses, such as Magron who remains alive in spite of decapitation unless her head is taken from her), Time Manipulation (Magron is in a stasis that prevents her from dying in spite of her decapitation), Power Bestowal (Ethel has a known tendency to bestow powers upon others when asked- including giving Lorin some level of precognition), Statistics Amplification (Ethel deals in a number of substances that grant significant stat bonuses, including her hair which, if consumed by a non-hag, permanently increases their abilities), Plant Manipulation (Ethel has grown a number of exploding flowers in her lair to deter intruders), Preparation, Blood Manipulation (One of her potions causes internal bleeding for an extended period of time, sufficient to lead to death for most folk), Statistics Reduction (Ethel's potions can often lead to direct downscaling of statistics), Fear Manipulation (Her potions have some effects of inflicting a target with fear), Dream Manipulation (At least one of her potions inflicts a dream powerful enough to inflict significant damage), Biological Manipulation (She can slightly alter the biology of a target, allowing for things like granting a bite attack), Fragrance Manipulation (Many of her potions and illusions generate sensory information, including fragrance, which is designed to entice a target to follow the illusion despite the dangers), Madness Manipulation (Type 2, she can render creatures insane for short periods of time), Sound Manipulation (She can alter one's perception of sounds, and as a hag can mimic other sounds herself, including other voices), Non-Physical Interaction (Through magical abilities, one can harm abstract, incorporeal, intangible, and even nonexistent foes), Transmutation (Her magic transformed Mayrina into a sheep), Memory Manipulation (She can tamper with the memories of others, either wiping them out completely or changing them to fit a distorted view of the world), possibly others

Attack Potency: Small Building level+ (Ethel is comparable to casters capable of using spells like Conjure Barrage) | At least Large Building level, likely City Block level, possibly Multi-City Block level (Ethel is comparable to high-level casters capable of using spells like Freezing Sphere, Lower Water, or Disintegrate)

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (As a medium creature with 18 strength, Ethel can push just over a metric ton)

Striking Strength: Small Building level+ | At least Large Building level, likely City Block level, possibly Multi-City Block level

Durability: Small Building level+ | At least Large Building level, likely City Block level, possibly Multi-City Block level

Stamina: Superhuman, likely comparable to adventurers capable of enduring extreme bodily trauma such as loss of limb or impalement, or significant periods of time without rest, with little to no impairment beyond the obvious

Range: Standard Melee Range, Tens of Meters for most abilities, Hundreds of Meters for certain abilities such as BFR, Summoning, or Illusion Creation (among others)

Standard Equipment: Tarnished charm, Auntie Ethel's Charm, Corellon's Grace, Ring of Feywild Sparks, potions of healing, invisibility, strength, speed, and fire resistance, slime bombs, The Eer-Seeing Eye, the Staff of Crones, and a large number of custom made brews

Intelligence: Gifted, possessing of generally above-average capabilities in all mental departments, Ethel's true handywork becomes apparent in her planning over years and manipulation of those around her, leading to layers upon layers of guises and tricks she has at her disposal

Weaknesses: Hag's Bane forces her to vomit out her consumed hostage, robbing her of a potential hag spawn. Destroying her Pearlspore Bells will remove her source of immortality and thus susceptible to a permanent death.

Notable Matchups





  1. Baldur's Gate 3


Discussion threads involving Auntie Ethel