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There is no beating around the bush with Cater: she is very clear about what she wants and extremely confident that she can obtain it. She tends to be impulsive at times, but her honest, off-the-cuff style can be rather refreshing. Cater hates losing, and she refuses to let anyone or anything get her down.
~ Rubicus


Cater is a member of Class Zero and a major protagonist of Final Fantasy Type-0. Raised in an orphanage with the other 12 members of Class Zero by Arecia Al' Recia she was trained to become a messianic savior of Orience: The Agito.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 5-B, possibly 4-A | 2-A

Key: Base | Vermillion l'Cie Cater | Dissidia

Name: Cater

Origin: Final Fantasy Type-0

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Classification: Human, Loci of Valor, Agito Cadet, Class Zero Member | Vermillion Bird l'Cie

Powers and Abilities:

Unseen Chaos Physiology, Blessed (Is blessed by the Vermillion Bird Crystal, which should have the same properties and abilities as The Crystals. Gaining their abilities as a result), Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Expertly trained with a Magicite Pistol), Magic, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), Space-Time Manipulation (Magic is shown in the novels to remove concepts and warp space and time itself,[1] like the Devil's road, which the concept of time was lost,[2] and time and space were twisted to the point[3] the past, present and future[4] existed as one[5]), Law Manipulation (Magic is stated to rewrite[6] the natural order of things[1]), Subjective Reality (Magic,[6] in its basest form,[7] is projecting one's inner[8] mind onto reality,[9] and is powered by intelligence and mental strength[6]), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic as a whole is shown to affect a wide variety of different beings, from intangible/immaterial beings to non corporeal beings, to abstract concepts like Chronodia, who's the flow of time itself ,[10] to Nonexistent beings like Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness), Forcefield Negation and Intangibility (Magic negates conventional physical durability, barriers, and armor, requiring specific defense against magic which is powered by the mind and spirit), and Power Modification (Including Duplication, Fusionism, Statistics Amplification (several spells and items increase stats, can become more powerful through absorbing Phantoma), Size Manipulation, Homing Attack, Danmaku, Aura, Breath Attack, and Energy Manipulation, Magic users across the games have consistently shown the ability to manipulate the shape and properties of their own magical abilities, with even higher tiers of spells simply being considered stronger versions of the same basic ability), Statistics Amplification (via Trance, Aura, and Protect which all enhance various stats), Fire Manipulation (Via Firaga), Ice Manipulation (via Blizzaga), Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic; Both Fire and Blizzard spells and their higher levels are stated to affect the electrons of the target s to create fire or ice, [11]with the latter being capable of bypassing durability in the process[11]), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (via Thundaga; Lightning based magic is capable of attacking the nerves), Healing (via Curaga), Air Manipulation (via Tornado), Earth Manipulation (via Quake), Holy Manipulation and Petrification (via Holy), Invisibility (via Inviga), Weapon Creation (Can call and create cards from thin air), Data Manipulation (Magic is synced with Relics, which are used for Data Input and communication), Healing and Purification Type 3 (via Full Cure), Resurrection (via Raise, Reraise, and Undying Will), Power Nullification (via Silence), Instinctive Reaction (via Avoid), Poison Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement and Disease Manipulation (via Bio. Which sends out a poison spell that stated to Corrode the target[11] and inflict diseases), Aura and Damage Boost (via Aura), Forcefield Creation (via Wall), Damage Reduction (via Protect which reduces damage taken), Limited Invulnerability (via Invincible), Teleportation (Has been shown to be able to teleport), Homing Attack (MIS and ROK spells home in on the target's location), Age Manipulation, Death Manipulation and Blood Manipulation (via Death, Kill Fire. The Death spell is stated to solidify the target's blood), Negative Status Effect Inducement (via Hell Thunder and numerous other spells), Summoning (Can Summon Eidolons and Meteors), Durability Negation (via Flux Blizzard, deals damage in proportion to enemy health and Ultima), Time Stop (via Stop and numerous other spells), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Able to function properly in Pandemonium. Which is described as a Void-like space), Immortality Negation and Regeneration Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and High-Godly; The Dominion Crystals grant negation of these immortalities and regeneration abilities, and has killed numerous foes blessed by the other Dominion Crystals), Non-Existence Interaction (Nature Type 3, Aspect Types 1 and 2), Soul/Conceptual (Type 1) Absorption, Life Force Absorption, Energy Absorption, and Power Absorption (Class Zero is capable of absorbing the souls of their enemies called Phantoma. Restoring MP in the process and becoming more powerful), passive Fate Manipulation (The Dominion Crystals are tied to Fal'Cie who are stated numerous times to steer the fates of living beings, and meaning it can bind Type 4 Acasuals. Class Zero are stated to be literal manifestations of destiny itself), and passive Text Manipulation and Plot Manipulation (The History of Orience including all 600,104,972 cycles of the spiral, extending to every event and action taken by every character across the past, present and future is controlled by the Akahasic Records based upon what's written within it. Arecia freed Class Zero from this binding in which their power alone passively "write the final pages" of the Akashic Records. The process being described as "choosing their own endings" and "the endings" of the records themselves)

Dimensional Travel (All Eidolons reside in Valhalla and are able to freely traverse through Etro's Gate to come to the aid of the summoner), Hellfire Manipulation (via Ifrit class Eidolons), Absolute Zero (via Shiva class Eidolons, whose ice magic can reach these temperatures), Earth Manipulation, Healing and Regeneration (via Golem class Eidolons), Death Manipulation, Durability Negation and Space-Time Manipulation (via Odin class Eidolons. Whose Zantetsuken and Shin-Zantetsuken techniques can instantly kill a foe in a single strike and open rifts in Space-Time to take their remains), Darkness Manipulation, Dream Manipulation and Gravity Manipulation (via Diabolos who can invade dreams and alter memories), Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic) and Radiation Manipulation (via Bahamut class Eidolons. Bahamut's Flare and Megaflare attacks are stated numerous times to be nuclear power)

Resistance to the effects of "Chaos" (A Phantoma is an amalgamation of a Heart, Soul, and Chaos. Has also been shown to fight other wielders of Chaos), Magic, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), Space-Time Manipulation, Law Manipulation and Subjective Reality (Can resist the effects of Magic which have these properties), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, and Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic; Can resist these elements and Fire and Blizzard spells plus their higher levels are stated to affect the electrons of the targets to create fire or ice), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (Can resist Lightning based Magic, which is able to attack the nerves), Poison Manipulation, Corrossion Inducement and Disease Manipulation (Can resist Poison spells which can corrode the target. This extends to the "Bio" spell which can inflict diseases), Status Effect Inducement, Time Manipulation, Death Manipulation and Blood Manipulation (Can resist the Death Spell, which can solidify the target's blood. Is also able to survive the summoning process, which normally kills someone), Mind Manipulation, Deconstruction (Can fight and attack the L'Cie Qun'Mi despite her forcefields being active, which can break down objects upon contact), Void Manipulation and Probability Manipulation (Able to enter the land of Pandemonium, which is described as a Void, and defeat the Rursuan Arbiter. Despite the probability of success being infinitesimal), Immortality Negation (Types 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9), and Regeneration Negation (High-Godly; Is able to fight and withstand attacks from numerous foes blessed by the Dominion Crystals, and can heal from her wounds. Is also somewhat able to withstand attacks against the Rursus who are stated to be able to destroy Phantoma), Fate Manipulation (Class Zero have been stated to defy the will of the Crystals, who as tied to Fal'Cie are able to manipulate the fates of living beings, Text Manipulation and Plot Manipulation (Dr Arecia freed Class Zero from the bindings of the Akashic Records, in which their power alone passively write the final pages of the Akashic Records to choose their own endings, not determined by anyone or anything but themselves)

All previous abilities greatly enhanced in addition to True Flight (L'Cie's have shown to be able to fly), Telepathy (The Vermillion Bird crystal has shown to communicate with people telepathically), Power Bestowal (l'Cie can bestow their phantoma and focus onto others), Immortality (Types 1 and 2; l'Cie do not age and unless they enter crystal stasis, and will remain alive even after fatal injuries. As shown by Quin'Mi who was fused to the land after being caught in the Ultima Bomb at Lorica), Technology Manipulation (Scaled from the L'Cie Qun'mi, who can reactivate and control machinery), Deconstruction (Scaled from the L'Cie Qun'mi, whose forcefields are able to do this), Summoning (L'Cie's are the only ones capable of summoning Verboten Eidolons. Which are stated to be even stronger than regular Eidolon's. However they are uncontrollable), Resurrection (High-Godly), Reactive Evolution, Invulnerability Negation, Resistance Negation, and Multiple Selves (Type 2; Was bestowed with both Rem and Machina's phantoma, which allowed Class Zero to come back in spite of having their own Phantoma's destroyed. In this state, this allowed her to damage and kill Cid when Class Zero's magic proved ineffective against him before), and Sealing (Fellow l'Cie had sealed away the Dracobaltians in Naraku)

Holy Manipulation (via Alexander), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (via Ramuh), Water Manipulation (via Leviathan), and possibly Spatial Manipulation (via Knights of the Round. King Arthur's finishing strike in Knights of the Round destroys the dimension where the enemy had been taken to. However it is unknown if the Knights of the Round in Type 0 are the same as FFVII)

Same as previous greatly enhanced, plus Resistance to Mind Manipulation and Memory Manipulation (No longer affected by the crystals ability to remove memories of the dead), Power Nullification, and Limited Power Modification, and Power Absorption Resistance (The Crystal Jammer has no effect on l'cie and can utilize Phantoma as a power source instead, which cannot be nullified, modified, or absorbed without affecting the Phantoma itself which requires being able to interact with Chaos)

Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Serpah, who was going to absorb the souls of every living being on the planet), Corruption & Body Puppetry (Due to their light, Warriors of Materia can dispel attempts to control them), Empathic Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation (Type 3; Resistant to the effects of the True Moon, which is capable of affecting the hearts and minds of all living beings on the planet[9]), Gravity Manipulation (Unaffected by the gravitational pull of the True Moon, which even the Lunar Whale couldn't escape from[9]), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (Can withstand the attacks of Atomos, who manipulates space,[9] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[13] and can warp them into another dimension[13]), Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Can fight and survive on the moon), Absolute Zero (Can survive Shiva's ice attacks,[14] including Diamond Dust),

Hellfire Manipulation (Via Ifrit, Phoenix, Rubicante, and Marilith), Ice Manipulation and Absolute Zero and Duplication (Via Shiva who's Ice and aura are stated to reach Absolute Zero including her Diamond Dust, Shiva can duplicate herself[14]), Water Manipulation (via Kraken, Cagnazzo, and Leviathan), Necromancy (Via Lich), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (via Atomos, who manipulates space,[9] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[13] and can warp them into another dimension[13]), Death Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation (Via Odin, who's Zantetsuken instantly kills an enemy and opens a rift in space time to take their remains[15]), Matter Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation (via Megaflare, which is stated[16] numerous times to be a nuclear power[17]), Attack Reflection (via Carbuncle), Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (The Poison status effect, which is also stated to corrode the target[11]), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (The darkness status ailment via various equipment, which would render the target blind[18]), Power Nullification (The Silence status, which would render the target's ability to use magic null), and Petrification (Via Malboro's Bad Breath), Resurrection (Phoenix can revive fallen party members), Light Manipulation and Holy Manipulation (Via Alexander), Explosion Manipulation and Self-Destruction (Via Bomb), Healing (Via Sylph and Asura), Earth Manipulation (Via Titan), BFR (via Typhon), Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera the Death Seraph, who was going to absorb all souls on the planet[19])

Attack Potency: Planet level possibly Multi-Solar System level (Can defeat the Rursus who can give Zhuyu trouble) | Planet level possibly Multi-Solar System level (Far stronger than before, as a Primus l'Cie should be as powerful or more so than Zhuyu) | Multiverse level+ (Is comparable to her fellow Warriors of Materia, contributed to the defeat of the Planesgorgers and Shinryu)

Speed: Sub-Relativistic (Can keep up with her fellow cadets, who can dodge orbital laser strikes enhanced by Quin'mi from the Dainsfeld) | Massively FTL+ (Was able to keep up with other Warriors of Materia such as Warrior of Light)

Lifting Strength: Superhuman | Immeasurable (Superior to Neo Exdeath and Enuo)

Striking Strength: Planet level possibly Multi-Solar System level | Planet level possibly Multi-Solar System level | Multiverse level+

Durability: Planet level possibly Multi-Solar System level | Planet level possibly Multi-Solar System level (Should be comparable to Lord Zhuyu who could take hits from the Rursus) | Multiverse+ level

Stamina: Superhuman (Is able to complete high priority and lengthy missions) | Superhuman (l'cie seemingly can fight for days without exhaustion, as fellow l'Cie had fought for six days and seven nights)

Range: Extended Melee Range, Multiversal+ with Magic and Chaos (Magic as a whole is shown to affect omnipresent beings such as Exdeath when he's become one with the Void itself, which spans across the entire Final Fantasy Multiverse, can even banish foes into the Void with the Teleport ability.) (Chaos exists at all points of Space and Time, extending across the Visible World, The Historia Crux, The Invisible World, Valhalla, and even the Spiral which is a Multidimensional structure containing multiple worlds, of which the total reach Infinite) | Hundreds of Kilometers via Verboten Eidolons; Multiversal+ with Magic and Chaos (Same as before)

Standard Equipment: Her Magicite Pistol, Various Supportive Items, Dr Arecia Al-Rashia (Arecia is known to assist Class Zero in combat)

Intelligence: Above Average (Regularly trains and studies battle procedures and wartime strategies from childhood)

Weaknesses: Weaknesses provided by the "Heart and Soul". | Same as before, plus Verboten Eidolons take 6 hours of preparation and 1000s of sacrifices to summon and force the l'Cie into crystal stasis. | Same as before

Notable Attacks/Techniques:

Elementillery: Cater shoots shots imbued with elemental magic

  • Flame Shot: Cater shoots flame imbued shots
  • Frost Shot: Cater shoots ice imbued shots
  • Voltaic Shot: Cater shoots lightning imbued shots

Land Mine: Cater sets mines to be detonated on contact or at a command

Debuff Shot: Cater shoots shots designed to lower defense

Stilling Shot: Cater shoots stop imbued shots

Viral Spray: Cater sprays venomous fog that causes poison

Magic: An ability granted to the citizens of Rubrum by the Vermillion Bird Crystal, they draw power from it, enabling them to use a variety of spells and abilities in various forms.

Rifle: The standard spell type, it fires directly in front of the caster with; far, but narrow range and the ability to pierce through enemies.

Shotgun: A type that has; wide range but lower distance than the rifle type, it is powerful at close range but overall weaker than the rifle type.

Bomb: Effective at Close Range, this spell type creates a spread of whatever element around the user.

Missile: This type has homing capabilities and expands in accordance to its surroundings.

Rocket Launcher: This type is aimed overhead and results in an explosion once detonated.

Firaga: Cater releases a blast of flames to incinerate her foe.

Kill Fire: A variation of the original Fire Spell that causes instant death.

Blizzaga: Cater fires shards of ice to Freeze and pierces her foe.

Flux Blizzard: A variation of the original Blizzard spell that ignores durability in proportion to the enemy's health.

Thundaga: Cater discharges a blast of electricity to electrocute her target.

Hell Thunder: A variation of the original Thunder spell that causes multiple status effects to the target.

Aloud: A spell that fires a 180° cone of magic bullets in front of the user.

Bio: Cater sends a poison inducing wave around her person.

Death: Cater fires a wisp of magic that inflicts death.

Holy: The user fires a white sphere of holy energy that homes in on the target and turns them to stone on contact.

Meteor: Cater activates a Glyph in the sky to summon meteors overhead in a wide radius.

Quake: Cater shatters the ground over a large range.

Tornado: Cater generates a tornado that persists after her targets.

Ultima III: Cater utterly engulfs her target in a powerful magical explosion with them in the epicenter alongside paralyzing and inflicting stop.

Avoid: Cater automatically expend magic in order to automatically dodge enemy attacks.

Wall: Cater generates an energy barrier to withstand projectiles, beings can still enter it however.

Protect: Cater casts a spell on herself and allies that halves incoming physical damage.

Inviga: Cater renders herself invisible to her foe, the spell will wear off once successfully attacked however.

Curaga: Cater heals herself and allies of any damage taken.

Regen: Cater casts a spell that allows her and allies to constantly regenerate their wounds.

Esunaga: Cater cures herself and allies of any status effects.

Raise: The user revives the target from death.

Reraise II: The user casts a spell that will enable themselves and allies to revive from death automatically.

Undying Will: Cater casts a spell that will enable herself and allies to revive from death automatically.

Full Cure II: The user casts a spell that can fully restore themselves and allies HP and MP and cures them of any status effects.

Full Magic II: The user casts a spell that enables them and allies to use magic with impunity, doubles their magic's strength and grants them Haste.

Boost II: The user casts a spell that doubles their strength, casts protect and invisible on themselves and allies.

Eidolons: Beings from Valhalla, the military of the Dominion relies on them as equal to siege weapons, in return for their summons, the Eidolons require their life force to be summoned albeit the Eidolon can choose to revive the would-be summoner if they were dead. Dr. Arecia however has developed special eidolons that will not result in the summoner's death, exclusive for Class Zero's use alone.

Ifrit-Class: Ifrit Class eidolons are considered wild and powerful, using fire elemental attacks.

Shiva-Class: Shiva Class eidolons are fast and nimble, using ice based attacks on the battlefield.

Golem-Class: Golem Class eidolons are sturdy and possess high defense, they are blessed with Earth Elemental attacks

Odin-Class: Odin Class eidolons are special in the fact the summoner does not need to give their life to summon them, they are capable of instant death abilities and cutting swathes of enemies in their wake.

Diabolos-Class: Diabolos Class eidolons excel in gravity and darkness based attacks and sap the life from their enemies, with their strongest attacks even surpassing the firepower of the Bahamut Class eidolons, given time.

Bahamut-Class: Bahamut Class eidolons are the most powerful class of normal eidolons excelling in all fronts alongside their powerful Mega Flare and Giga Flare attacks.

Verboten Eidolons: Eidolons only capable of being summoned by l'cie, these eidolons even surpass l'cie in strength, albeit their charge time and cost leave them unfit for constant use, as in order to summon a verboten eidolon, it costs the lives of 1000s of summoners and the l'cie themselves, forcing them into crystal stasis.

▪︎ Alexander: A Verboten Eidolon in the form of an enormous castle, it's holy rays are so powerful it can wipe out a army in a second, even a L'cie has difficulty defending from it.

▪︎ Leviathan: A Verboten Eidolon in the form of a sea serpent, it's Tsunami was powerful enough to repel the forces of Concordia single handedly.

▪︎ Ramuh: A Verboten Eidolon in the form of a wise sage, his Judgement Bolt is powerful enough to overpower a l'Cie.

▪︎ Knights Of The Round: Verboten Eidolon in the shape of 13 30 Meter tall Knights in Red Armor, their power was enough to wipe out the forces of The Imperial Army at Battle of Big Bridge.

Hi-Potion: Restores 100% of the users HP.

X-Potion: Restores 100% of the party's HP.

Ether: Restores 100% of the users MP.

Remedy: Relieves the user of all staus ailments.

Mega Remedy: Relieves the party's of all status ailments

Elixer: Restores 100% of the users HP and MP.

Megalixer: Restores 100% of the party's HP and MP.

Fortified Ration: A Militessi ration that restores 50% of the users HP and grants them aura, increasing their strength.

Strength Serum: A Militessi serum that grants the user aura, boosting their strength.

Support Serum: A Militessi serum that grants aura to the entire party, boosting their strength.

Argentum Medica: Concordian supplies that restores 100% of the users HP and grants regen.

Aurum Medica: Concordian supplies that restores 100% of the users HP and MP and cures all status ailments.

Draco Medica: Concordian supplies that restores 100% of the users HP and MP and grants invincibility.

Phoenix Down: Ressurects dead party members

Phoenix Pinion: Casts Reraise on party members, reviving them upon death.

Teleport Stone: Allows the user to safely teleport away from danger.

Argentic Hourglass: Allows the user to turn back time by one day.

Rigid Scaleskin: Scales from a monster that grants protect.

Thick Hide: Sturdy Monster pelt that grants endure.

Fire Shard: A fragment brimming with flames, granting aura.

Ice Shard: A fragment brimming with ice, granting protect.

Lightning Shard: A fragment brimming with lightning, granting quick.

Light Feather: Feather Tinged with magic that grants freecast.

Fury Bristle: Whisker from a belligerent monster that grants aura.

Tree Sap: Tree Sap packed with nutrients that grants regen.

Insect Oil: Secretion from a poisonous insect that cures all ailments.

Pretty Pelt: A beautiful pelt that grants protect and aura.

Flan Ooze: Oil filled with magical power that grants Trance and Quick.

Bomb Core: Organ said to contain the soul of a bomb that grants Trance and Quick.

Turtle Shell: Shell from an adamantoise that grants Shell and Protect.

Dragon Fang: Sharp tooth found on wild dragons that grants Quick and Freecast.

Cactuar Spine: Needle from the famous Cactuar that grants Quick.

Anima Lantern: Lantern governing life and death that grants reraise.

Beast Flesh: Meat bursting with magical energy that restores 100% hp and mp and grants Trance.

Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 198
  2. Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 199
  3. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 67
  4. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 73
  5. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 3, page 147
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 1, page 29
  7. Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 3, page 107
  8. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2, page 109
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
  10. Final Fantasy I
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Final Fantasy IV Series Guidebook
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Dissidia Final Fantasy
  14. 14.0 14.1 Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
  15. War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  16. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 270
  17. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 271
  18. Final Fantasy V GBA Manual
  19. Final Fantasy XII


Discussion threads involving Cater