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You think our rage a weakness? Then let me show you... how wrong you are!
~ Edge's rage when confronting Rubicante


Edge Geraldine is the prince, and later king, of Eblan. Despite his prowess in his homeland's style of combat, Edge is brash, outspoken, arrogant, and a shameless flirt. However, everything changed when his parents were kidnapped by the Archfiend Rubicante, causing Edge to join the heroes on a quest for revenge.

Powers and Stats

Tier: 4-A, far higher with Augments | At least 4-A, likely 2-C, far higher with Augments | 2-A, far higher with Augments

Key: Final Fantasy IV | The After Years | Dissidia

Name: Edge Geraldine

Origin: Final Fantasy IV

Gender: Male

Age: 26 | 43

Classification: Prince of Eblan, Ninja | King of Eblan

Powers and Abilities: 

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Self-Sustenance (Type 1; He can breathe on the moon with no issues), Blessed (Is blessed by The Crystal, which grants her the abilities of the Crystal), Weapon Mastery (Is an expert on Clawed weapons, Boomerangs and Katanas), Instinctive Reaction (Can instinctively react to danger[1]), Invulnerability and Attack Reflection (Can nullify any physical attacks and reflect magical attacks via the Lunar Curtain), Extrasensory Perception (Can sense other beings[2]), Stealth Mastery (is an Eblana Ninja, who excels at stealth), Magic (Ninjutsu is stated to be very similar to Magic to the point it operates on the same principles[3]), Subjective Reality (Magic,[4] in its basest form,[5] is projecting one's inner[6] mind onto reality,[7] and is powered by intelligence and mental strength[4]), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic as a whole is shown to affect a wide variety of different beings, from intangible/immaterial beings to non corporeal beings, to abstract concepts like Chronodia, who's the flow of time itself,[8] to Nonexistent beings like Exdeath and Cloud of Darkness), Law Manipulation (Magic is stated to rewrite[4] the natural order of things[9]), Limited Durability Negation, Forcefield Negation, and Intangibility (Magic negates conventional physical durability, barriers, and armor, requiring specific defense against magic which is powered by the Mind and Spirit), Power Modification (Including Duplication, Fusionism, Statistics Amplification, Size Manipulation, Homing Attack, Danmaku, Aura, Breath Attack, and Energy Manipulation; Magic users across the games have consistently shown the ability to manipulate the shape and properties of their own magical abilities, with even higher tiers of spells simply being considered stronger versions of the same basic ability[10]), Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), and Space-Time Manipulation (Magic is shown in the novels to remove concepts and warp space and time itself,[9] like the Devil's road, which the concept of time was lost,[11] and time and space were twisted to the point[12] the past, present and future[13] existed as one[14]), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation and Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic; Can use Fire and Ice Ninjutsu, both Fire and Ice related abilities are stated to affect the target's electrons,[15] being able to even negate durability in the process[15]), Soul Manipulation (can utilize Ifrit's hellfire, which is stated to burn the soul away[16]), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (via Thunder Ninjutsu, which are capable of attacking the nerves[17]), Status Effect Inducement (via Shadowbind), Smoke Manipulation (via Smoke), Afterimage Creation and Illusion Creation (via Mirage), Earth Manipulation (via Tremor), Air Manipulation (via Gale), Forcefield Creation (can use Murasame to cast Protect on himself), Gravity Manipulation (can cast Haste via Masamune, the Haste spell is stated to control gravity[15]), Madness Manipulation (Type 2) and Morality Manipulation (Can inflict targets with the Confuse status ailment, driving the target insane and attack anyone, even their allies), Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (Can inflict Poison with Poison, which is stated to corrode the target,[15]), Sleep Manipulation and Biological Manipulation (The sleep spell can affect the target's cerebral cortex[15]), Paralysis Inducement (can paralyze his targets with the Tiger Fangs), Holy Manipulation (via Godhand), Regeneration Negation (Mid-Godly) and Immortality Negation (Types 3, 4, 6, 7, and 9; Is capable of killing undeads and beings who resurrect in Mount Ordeals. Additionally, destroyed Scarmiglione whose true power manifests by coming back as an undead after death. Is even capable of permanently killing the Leshy creature, which can live on via possessing another corpse.[15] Is also capable of killing beings who are blessed with the Crystals, who grant these immortalities and regeneration abilities), Resistance Negation (Can bypass the enemies innate resistance to status ailments and being analyzed via the Bestiary item[18] and the numerous Lunar summons, which can affect Zeromus[18] despite him being resistant to these effects[18]). Has gained the abilities of the Lunar Summons, which should grant him the following: Mind Manipulation and Age Manipulation (via Lunar Mist Dragon[18]), Earth Manipulation (via Lunar Titan), Fire Manipulation (via Lunar Ifrit), Ice Manipulation and Absolute Zero (via Lunar Shiva), Electricity Manipulation (via Lunar Ramuh), Healing, Resurrection, and Statistics Amplification (via Lunar Asura), Pocket Reality Manipulation (via Lunar Bahamut[18] and Lunar Ramuh[18] since they made their own pocket dimensions in their dungeons), Water Manipulation (via Lunar Leviathan), Radiation Manipulation (via Megaflare, which is stated[19] numerous times to be a nuclear power[20]), Death Manipulation (via Lunar Odin), Shapeshifting and Power Mimicry (Lunar Bahamut was able to shapeshift into Kain and copy his abilities[18])

Resistant to the Following: Subjective Reality, Magic, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2), and Space-Time Manipulation (Characters are capable of surviving and resisting magical abilities, Which is[4] shown to[5] project one's inner[6] mind onto reality,[7] and as shown with the creation of the Devil's road,[9] remove entire concepts[11] and warp space and time[12] to where the past, present, and future[13] exists as one[14]), Law Manipulation (Resists magic, which can rewrite[4] the natural order of things[9]), Gravity Manipulation (Unaffected by the gravitational pull of the True Moon, which even the Lunar Whale couldn't escape from[7]), Disease Manipulation (Can remain in the Impact Crater for extended periods of time despite its presence rotting the land[21] and making it diseased[7]), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (Can withstand the attacks of Atomos, who manipulates space,[7] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[22] and can warp them into another dimension[22]), Life Manipulation, Absorption (Can cross the Devil's Road without their life force being drained[18]), Extreme Heat (Can fight for extended periods in the lava-filled chasms of the underworld), Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Can fight and survive on the moon), Absolute Zero (Can survive Lunar Shiva's ice attacks,[18] including Diamond Dust), Hellfire Manipulation (Can survive the heat and flames of Ifrit's hellfire), Age Manipulation (Can withstand the effects of the Lunar Mist Dragon's presence, which is capable of reverting Rydia to a child[18]), Resistance Negation (Can resist the status ailments from the Lunar Summons, which can affect Zeromus[18] despite him being resistant to these effects[18]), Soul Manipulation (Is capable of resisting the ability of the Trap Door to being absorbed down to his very soul,[15] on top of surviving the Devil's Road[23] which can rip apart one's soul,[12] and can withstand Ifrit's Hellfire, which is stated to burn the soul away[16]), Possession and Necromancy (Is able to resist the effects of the Leshy's possession ability[15] regardless if he's dead), Empathic Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation (Type 3; Resistant to the effects of the True Moon, which is capable of affecting the hearts and minds of all living beings on the planet[7]), Curse Manipulation, Void Manipulation, Mind Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, Time Stop, Statistics Reduction, and Corruption (Type 2; Is shown to withstand the effects of the Darkness from[7] Final Fantasy III more than once,[7] which is shown to have these abilities), Regeneration Negation (High-Godly) and Immortality Negation (Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8; Is capable of withstanding hits from numerous foes blessed by the crystals and is still capable of healing from his wounds and not lose his immortality), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (Can resist the darkness status ailment via various equipment, which would render the target blind[24]), Power Nullification (Can resist the Silence status, which would render the target's ability to use magic null), Electricity Manipulation and Pain Manipulation (Is able to resist the Lightning spells, which is capable of attacking the nerves[25]), Petrification (Can resist the petrification status effect), Death Manipulation and Blood Manipulation (Can resist the Death spell, which is even stated to solidify the victim's blood[15]), Attack Reflection (The Piercing Magic Augment allows the user to bypass reflect spells as a whole), Madness Manipulation (Type 2) and Morality Manipulation (Can resist the Confuse status ailment, which can drive the target to attack anyone, even their allies), Sleep Manipulation (Can resist the Sleep status effect), Paralysis Inducement (Can resist the Paralyze status effect), Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, and Matter Manipulation (Sub-Atomic; Is capable of the Fire and Ice spell in particular being capable of affecting the[15] target's electrons[15]), Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (Can resist the Poison status effect, which is also stated to corrode the target[15]), Transmutation (can resist the Toad and Pig spell), Size Manipulation (Is able to resist the Mini spell)

Instinctive Reaction (Auto-Potion causes the user to automatically use potions when in danger, and Counter automatically counters physical attacks when hit), Statistics Amplification (Item Lore doubles the effectiveness of healing and damaging items, including weaponry. Fast Talker doubles the rate at which one can cast magic, Bluff can increase one's intelligence, etc.), Curse Manipulation, Reactive Power Level (Last Stand doubles defense when the user is at low health, and Adrenaline does the same with offenses), Statistics Reduction (The Curse augment allows the user to curse others and halve their strength and defense. The Cry augment further halves enemies' defenses), Water Manipulation, Death Manipulation (Tsunami emits a massive wave of water that inflicts instant death), Fusionism (The Twincast augment allows the user to cast different spells with those they share a strong bond with), Sound Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Transmutation, Regeneration (Mid-Low, possibly High-Mid), Time Manipulation and Empathic Manipulation (Bardsong allows the user to cast magic through singing, including turning enemies into pigs, granting regeneration, casting haste, and increasing all stats. The bard's powers can also drain the target's will to fight[15]), Stealth Mastery (Hide allows the user to take cover, using ranged attacks such as aim and throw while hidden), Magic (Including Statistics Amplification, Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, and Transmutation. Recall allows the user to cast random magic spells, including Toad, Bubble, Bravery, Faith, and the three Elemental tiers), Air Manipulation (Whirlwind surrounds the target with a tornado and renders them weak to fire magic), Perception Manipulation (Eye Gouge allows the user to blind enemies), Information Analysis and Clairvoyance (Analyze allows the user to study enemies to see their stats, and is stated to Clairvoyance[15]), Power Modification (Upgrade allows the user to use items to enchant their weapons with different elements), Fire Manipulation (Inferno coats the battlefield in an eruption of fire), Darkness Manipulation, Life Manipulation (The Darkness augment allows the user to sacrifice their life in the form of greater attack power), Martial Arts (Focus, Kick, and Brace are all various different martial arts techniques), Accelerated Development (Level Lust increases the rate at which the user gains experience. All augments increase the stats of the user as they gain experience), Energy Manipulation and Restoration (Omnicasting allows the user to vastly increase the area of effect of their spells, even normally single-target ones. Bless gradually restores the MP of one's allies), Resurrection (When the user is slain with the Phoenix augment, they resurrect all of their allies), Awakened Power (Limit Break allows the user to shatter their previous limits)

Resistance to Mind Manipulation, Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Serpah, who was going to absorb the souls of every living being on the planet), Corruption & Body Puppetry (Due to their light, Warriors of Materia can dispel attempts to control them), Empathic Manipulation, and Madness Manipulation (Type 3; Resistant to the effects of the True Moon, which is capable of affecting the hearts and minds of all living beings on the planet[7]), Gravity Manipulation (Unaffected by the gravitational pull of the True Moon, which even the Lunar Whale couldn't escape from[7]), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (Can withstand the attacks of Atomos, who manipulates space,[7] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[22] and can warp them into another dimension[22]), Extreme Cold and Cosmic Radiations (Can fight and survive on the moon), Absolute Zero (Can survive Shiva's ice attacks,[27] including Diamond Dust), Memory Manipulation & Dream Manipulation (Diabolos can enter dreams and alter memory[28])

Hellfire Manipulation (Via Ifrit, Phoenix, Rubicante, and Marilith), Intangibility (Ifrit can become smoke or flame[29]), Ice Manipulation and Absolute Zero and Duplication (Via Shiva who's Ice and aura are stated to reach Absolute Zero including her Diamond Dust, Shiva can duplicate herself[27]), Water Manipulation (via Kraken, Cagnazzo, and Leviathan), Necromancy (Via Lich), Spatial Manipulation, Deconstruction, and BFR (via Atomos, who manipulates space,[7] crush enemies down to a molecular level,[22] and can warp them into another dimension[22]), Death Manipulation and Space-Time Manipulation (Via Odin, who's Zantetsuken instantly kills an enemy and opens a rift in space time to take their remains[29]), Matter Manipulation and Radiation Manipulation (via Megaflare, which is stated[30] numerous times to be a nuclear power[31]), Attack Reflection (via Carbuncle), Poison Manipulation and Corrosion Inducement (The Poison status effect, which is also stated to corrode the target[15]), Darkness Manipulation and Perception Manipulation (The darkness status ailment via various equipment, which would render the target blind[32]), Power Nullification (The Silence status, which would render the target's ability to use magic null), and Petrification (Via Malboro's Bad Breath), Resurrection (Phoenix can revive fallen party members), Light Manipulation and Holy Manipulation (Via Alexander), Explosion Manipulation and Self-Destruction (Via Bomb), Healing (Via Sylph and Asura), Earth Manipulation (Via Titan), BFR (via Typhon), Soul Manipulation (Via Zalera, the Death Seraph, who was going to abosrb all souls on the planet[33]), Memory Manipulation & Dream Manipulation (Diabolos can enter dreams and alter memory[28])

Attack Potency: Multi-Solar System Level (Is capable of defeating Bahamut and Dark Bahamut, the former is capable of creating a pocket dimension[18] with stars with its summon,[18] and is comparable to Kain, who's able to defeat Lunar Bahamut by himself, who's also capable of doing the same feat[18] and said dimension vanishing when Lunar Bahamut loses[18] and is capable of summoning Lunar Bahamut, and it's stated in the lore that In order for anyone to summon, they must be stronger than the summon in order to control them.[15] Is also capable of taking on Zeromus, who's stated to be capable of destroying[18] all in its wake,[18] which would include the entire moon of FF4, which is shown in the novels[34] and the actual game[18] to have a starry sky in the background), far higher with Augments | At least Multi-Solar System level (Is able to take on and harm the Creator, The Creator merely duplicating himself was enough to destroy his entire moon vessel,[35] which is shown to have numerous[36] stars,[36] nebulaes,[36] and black holes[36]), likely Low Multiverse level (The Creator was vastly superior to the Four creatures of darkness from FF3, which could each fight the endgame Warriors of Light in a 1v4, can also take on Gilgamesh and win), far higher with Augments | Multiverse Level+ (Borrows powers from the gods of the cycle. Contributed to the defeat of the Planesgorgers and Shinryu), far higher with Augments. Can negate conventional durability in a wide variety of ways.

Speed: Speed of Light (Can keep up with Yang) | Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Gilgamesh) | Massively FTL+ (Can keep up with Shinryu)

Lifting Strength: Class Y (Is capable of contending with Bahamut, who's able to move numerous planets through his summon[18]) | Multi-Stellar (Is comparable to the Creator, who's able to carry his entire moon on his own, which is shown to have numerous star clusters inside[18]) | Multi-Stellar (Should be comparable to his previous self) | Immeasurable (Is superior to Neo Exdeath and Enuo)

Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System level, far higher with Augments | At least Multi-Solar System level, likely Low Multiverse level, far higher with Augments | Multiverse level+, far higher with Augments

Durability: Multi-Solar System level (Has tanked attacks from Zeromus, who is the manifested hatred of Zemus, far surpassing Lunarians like Golbez and Fusoya), far higher with Augments | At least Multi-Solar System level, likely Low Multiverse level (Tanked attacks from The Creator and Gilgamesh), far higher with Augments | Multiverse Level+ (took hits from Shinryu), far higher with Augments

Stamina: Very high. He can fight through entire gauntlets of monsters without tiring, even against the likes of powerful beings like Zeromus. He has also faced the God of Eidolons, Bahamut, his Dark Counterpart, as well as an even more powerful version of Zeromus named Zeromus EG.

Range: Tens of Meters with Boomerangs. Multiversal+ with magic (Magic as a whole is shown to affect omnipresent beings such as Exdeath when he's become one with the Void itself, which spans across the entire Final Fantasy Multiverse)

Standard Equipment: A wide variety of Clawed Weapons, Daggers, Katanas, and Boomerangs with a wide variety of innate abilities; a vast array of different armors and equipment that grants enhanced resistances to elemental attacks and status ailments; and a wide collection of items that can boost the user, recover their abilities in a wide variety of ways, and inflict numerous status ailments on their targets. A Crystal

Intelligence: Gifted. Reigning as the beloved King of Eblan and commanding his own personal squadron of elite ninja known as the Eblan Four. In combat he specializes in high-speed hit and run attacks, brutally striking an opponent before darting into the shadows and exploiting every weakness he can, killing opponents while they're left helpless by his Shadowbind technique and using his myriad of techniques to use the elements against them.

Weaknesses: Edge is brash, outspoken, short-tempered, and prone to impulsive actions, all of which are exacerbated by his arrogance, but this has diminished by the end of the story.

Notable Attacks/Techniques:


Edge throwing Fuma Shurikens

  • Steal/Plunder: Edge is trained in the arts of thievery, allowing him to steal valuable items of his target with a moment's opportunity to gain an advantage, roughing up the victim in the process should his opening be large enough.
  • Throw: Edge is able to throw virtually any object that remotely resembles a bladed weapon like a throwing dart with pinpoint accuracy, dealing heavy damage.

  • Flame: Edge quickly sends out flame in all directions to deal Fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
    • Blast: Edge uses a more powerful version of Flame to deal additional Fire-elemental damage to all enemies.
  • Flood: Edge summons a torrent of water to engulf his enemies, dealing Water-elemental damage.
  • Blitz: Edge calls down numerous thunderbolts to strike his enemies, dealing Lightning-elemental damage.
  • Tremor: Edge generates a pulse that causes the earth to erupt where his opponent is standing, dealing Earth-elemental damage.
  • Gale: Edge compresses the wind into slicing blades that he sends at his opponent, dealing Wind-elemental damage.
  • Frost: Edge generates an enormous block of ice to drop on his opponent, dealing Ice-elemental damage.
  • Shadowbind: Edge pins his foe's shadow to the ground, rendering them incapable of movement.
  • Mirage: Edge generates clones and afterimages of himself to confuse the enemy, with the duplicates fading after taking two physical strikes for him.
  • Healing Pill: Edge consumes one of his emergency medical pills to heal minor injuries.
  • Smoke: Edge tosses a smoke bomb to cover his escape, allowing him to retreat and find a safe location to think or strike from another angle.
  • Throw: Edge is able to throw nearly any object with an edge as a weapon, having nearly pinpoint accuracy and lethality.

  • Item Lore: The user is capable of increasing the effectiveness of both healing and damaging items.
  • Counter: The user automatically counter attacks when they get hit by the enemy.
  • Curse: The user inflicts curse on the enemy, dropping their overall stats as a result.
  • Tsunami: Casts a giant wave of water upon the enemy that can potentially cause instant death.
  • Bluff: The user's intelligence increases drastically, increasing their spell's effectiveness.
  • Cry: The user starts crying and drops the enemy's defenses by half.
  • Dualcast: the user is capable of casting two spells at once.
  • Bardsong: The user is capable of using the bard's ability to sing, being able to use a variety of abilities, such as healing, inflicting status ailments on the enemy, or damaging them.
  • Hide: The user hides from the enemy, being undetected while capable of attacking from a distance with throwing items and bows.
  • Recall: The user casts a random spell that can cause random effects to the target.
  • Last Stand and Adrenaline: The user's strength and defenses increases when their health is low.
  • Fast Talker: The user is capable of casting spells at a far shorter time than normal.
  • Whirlwind: The user casts wind magic upon the targets and decreases the target's innate resistance to fire.
  • Eye Gouge: The user inflicts blind on the target, enveloping them in darkness and messing their optical senses.
  • Analyze: The user is capable of analyzing the target to determine their stats, strengths and weaknesses.
  • Upgrade: The user can mix an elemental attack item with their weapons, gaining their innate powers in their weapons as a result.
  • Inferno: The user casts a giant fire spell, damaging all foes in the area.
  • Darkness: The user sacrifices some of their health to gain a massive boost in power.
  • Focus: The user can store in energy to deal massive amounts of damage in their next attack.
  • Kick: The user flies at the foes with a flying kick, attacking everything in the vicinity.
  • Brace: The user reduces the damage taken by a large amount.
  • Level Lust: The user is capable of increasing their stats at a faster rate than normal.
  • Piercing Magic: The user is capable of bypassing spells that are capable of reflecting attacks back.
  • Bless: The user's magic power recovers at a steady rate.
  • Phoenix: The user can revive and restore other members should they die.
  • Limit Break: The user breaks their previous limits, being capable of dealing damages tens of times greater than they could previously.

Notable Matchups





  1. Final Fantasy IV Volume 2 Novel, chapter 11, page 245
  2. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 232
  3. Final Fantasy IV Settings Guidebook
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 1, page 29
  5. 5.0 5.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 3, page 107
  6. 6.0 6.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2, page 109
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
  8. Final Fantasy I
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 198
  10. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2 page 114
  11. 11.0 11.1 Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 5, page 199
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 67
  13. 13.0 13.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 1, page 73
  14. 14.0 14.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 3, page 147
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 Final Fantasy IV Settings Guidebook
  16. 16.0 16.1 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 3, page 160
  17. Final Fantasy IV Volume 2 Novel, chapter 7, page 54
  18. 18.00 18.01 18.02 18.03 18.04 18.05 18.06 18.07 18.08 18.09 18.10 18.11 18.12 18.13 18.14 18.15 18.16 18.17 18.18 18.19 18.20 Final Fantasy IV
  19. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 270
  20. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 271
  21. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 2, page 83
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 Dissidia Final Fantasy
  23. Final Fantasy IV Novel 1, chapter 4, page 195
  24. Final Fantasy V GBA Manual
  25. Final Fantasy IV Volume 2 Novel, chapter 7, page 54
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 26.5 26.6 Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia
  27. 27.0 27.1 Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
  28. 28.0 28.1 World Of Final Fantasy
  29. 29.0 29.1 War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
  30. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 270
  31. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, chapter 5, page 271
  32. Final Fantasy V GBA Manual
  33. Final Fantasy XII
  34. Final Fantasy IV Volume 2 Novel, chapter 11, page 243
  35. Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Novel, epilogue, pg292
  36. 36.0 36.1 36.2 36.3 Final Fantasy IV: The After Years


Discussion threads involving Edge Geraldine