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Adversary 2
For from such primal chaos comes change. And from change, growth. Foul and cruel though he may be.... the universe needs him.[1]
~ Roma describing the Adversary


Born at the beginning of the universe, the Adversary is a demonic god that seeks to return the universe to primal chaos. The Adversary’s most prominent role is in the event Fall of the Mutants where he attempts to takes over the Starlight Citadell of Otherworld and throw the world into chaos. He is often an antagonist for Storm and Forge, but recently had an encounter with the Phoenix, that resulted in him being temporarily dissipated. He, as well as other "shadow" entities, oppose the Phoenix's light.

Powers and Stats

Tier: Varies, up to High 1-B

Name: The Adversary, Sefako

Origin: Marvel Comics

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, though was seemingly "born" with the creation of the universe

Classification: Demon, God of Chaos

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, God Physiology, Reality Warping (Was capable of warping Otherworld.[2]), Chaos Manipulation (Consistently attempts to destroy and recreate the universe in primal chaos.[2][3]), Space-Time Manipulation (Did this to Dallas.[4] Could chase Echo through time and space.[5]), Invulnerability (The only methods shown to harm the Adversary is metal, with Rogue, who has absorbed knowledge on the Adversary, warning Wolverine. The Adversary claims that the X-Men's attacks, though landing won't work because they're physical and he's not.[1] Black Panther admits Wakanda's only plan for dealing with the Adversary is stalling him with his vulnerability to iron until Storm could defeat him.[6]), Possession (Possessed Forge's mentor Nazē[1]), Dimensional Travel (Could send Forge and Storm to other worlds.[4] Could travel from Earth to Otherwold.[2]), BFR and Pocket Reality Manipulation (Forge states that it's within the Adversary's power to create new worlds or send them to one.[4]), Elemental Manipulation and Attack Reflection (Was able to use to the elements Storm attempted to harm him with as a defense.[1]), Immortality (Types 1, 3, and 4. Was born at the beginning of time.[7] Was reborn as Haven's baby.[8]), Regeneration (Likely Low-High. Quickly regenerated after his physical body was shot with vibranium bullets.[6] Survive a molecular dispersion cannon meant to destroy him on the cellular level.[9]), Time Travel (Chased Echo through time and space[5]), Higher-Dimensional Existence (Forge and Dr. Nemesis imply that he is a higher dimensional being.[10] Has described himself as not being of this world or the flesh implying his true form is likely not on this plane.[11]), Unholy Manipulation (Was one of of the demons present for the Devil's Advocacy.[12]), Mind Manipulation and Illusion Creation (Was capable of putting Phoenix Echo in an illusion[7]), Energy Manipulation and Projection (Shown fighting Wakanda.[6]), Power Absorption (Was capable of absorbing the Phoenix Force from Echo.[7]), Soul Manipulation (Capable of devouring souls[6]), Resurrection (Brought the members of X-Factor back to life[13]), Dimensional Manipulation (Could control[2] the pan-dimensional[14] realm Otherworld), Void Manipulation (Haven while pregnant with the Adversary was capable of sending people to Oblivion and bringing them back.[15]), Extrasensory Perception (The Adversary has an undefined ability to sense/locate people, but was unable to find Forge due to Roma.[11])

Attack Potency: Varies (The Adversary is a demon and a god of chaos, like other gods, his power is affected by the the amount of people that believe in him.[6][16]), up to High Hyperverse level (Was stated by Roma to be a necessary aspect of existence.[1] Was capable of warping Otherworld[2] which has been described as a pan-dimensional realm[14] and a place where you can view events on every plane of the multiverse.[17] Has been shown as being of a somewhat comparable status to other high order demons[12] during the Devil's Advocacy, like Mephisto, Satannish, and Marduk Kurios, who are at this level. Has been described several times as having the power to destroy[11] and recreate[3] the universe in primal chaos. Is one of the "shadow" entities that oppose the Phoenix Force's light.[18])

Speed: Likely Infinite speed (Exists on the same level of reality and was in a comparable position to characters like Mephisto and Marduk Kurios during the Devil's Advocacy.[12])

Lifting Strength: At least Stellar (Should be comparable to other demons and was in a comparable position to characters like Mephisto and Marduk Kurios.[12])

Striking Strength: Varies, up to High Hyperverse level

Durability: Varies, up to High Hyperverse level (Physical attacks have been shown to be incapable of harming the Adversary unless they're metallic in nature. His durability should scale to his AP and should be somewhat comparable to other high order demons.)

Stamina: Unknown

Range: High Hyperversal

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: At least Above Average (Was born shortlly after the birth of the universe. As the Trickster God the Adversary is skilled in deception and manipulation. Has knowledge of the mystical and cosmic forces of the universe but to what extant is not fully known.)

Weaknesses: Physical forms the Adversary takes are vulnerable to cold iron. Sufficiently powerful magic is capable of sealing/BFR him. Due to the Adversary being a trickster god he often leaves openings for his enemies despite having the power to easily overwhelm and defeat them.


Notable Matchups





  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #227
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #225
  3. 3.0 3.1 X-Factor (1986) #119
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Uncanny X-Men vol 1 #226
  5. 5.0 5.1 Phoenix Song: Echo #3
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Black Panther (2018) #172
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 Phoenix Song: Echo #5
  8. X-Factor (1986) #117
  9. X-Factor (1986) #120
  10. Cable and the X-Force #16
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 X-Factor (1986) #118
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 Journey into Mystery (2011) #627
  13. X-Factor vol 1 #121
  14. 14.0 14.1 New Excalibur #1
  15. X-Factor (1986) #98
  16. Legion of X #2
  17. Fantastic Four (1998) #8
  18. Resurrection of Magneto #3


Discussion threads involving The Adversary (Marvel Comics)