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Walking Dead Wiki

Sorry, Madame said you all die today. The boy first. You do it. For your brother. Let it be the last thing the American sees.
―Capo ordering Codron to kill Daryl and his group.[src]

Capo (first name unknown) is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. He is a lieutenant of Power of the Living.


Capo is a brutal and ruthless survivor who seems to be one of the most gruff Power of the Living Guerriers. He has no problem with murdering survivors, including children. He also threatened to cut out Daryl's eyes if he did not speak. However, him ordering Stéphane to kill Laurent, a young child results in him being betrayed and killed by Stéphane.



Nothing is known about Capo's life prior to or as the outbreak began.


Paris, Île-de-France[]

At some point following the outbreak, Capo became a soldier for a political movement called Power of the Living and eventually rise up through the ranks as the movement's lieutenant.

Season 1[]

"L'âme Perdue"[]

Capo and a squad of Guerriers are on board the damaged research ship speaking with the captain when Genet and her bodyguards arrive at the ship. Genet speaks to the captain about what happened and who caused all of the damage, of which the captain replies that it was an American captive named Daryl Dixon. Capo, Genet, and the other Guerriers then leave the ship to return to their operations.

"Deux Amours"[]

Capo and a squad of Guerriers are searching for Daryl and Laurent when they find some of the boy's belongings on the dirt road in the woods and begins searching the immediate area for them. After Daryl is captured, Capo speaks through one of his Guerriers to Daryl demanding to know where the boy is. When Daryl refuses to divulge any information, Capo orders his men to cut out Daryl's left eye but Laurent suddenly shows up, to which Capo orders him captured. He and his squad then transport the two prisoners back to headquarters in Paris. He is present during Genet's speech to a crowd of Paris residents and other survivors from across France.

"Coming Home"[]

When Isabelle doesn't respond to Daryl's request for a big wrench, Daryl emerges from under the truck to find Stéphane holding it and he hits Daryl in the face with the wrench and throws him onto the ground next to the truck where Capo and three other Guerriers gather up Isabelle, Sylvie and Laurent. Daryl pleads with Stéphane to not do this, promising to go with him, but Capo tells Daryl that Genet has ordered for them all to die today, Laurent first. When Isabelle tries to resist, a Guerrier stabs her in the right shoulder and Capo hands Stéphane his gun, telling Stéphane to do it for his brother, letting the death of his friends be the last thing that Daryl sees. Daryl pleads with a visibly conflicted Stéphane to not go through with it as Stéphane takes aim at Laurent and Capo orders him to hurry up. Laurent tells Stéphane that God loves him, and Stéphane suddenly turns and shoots Capo and the three Guerriers dead instead. Stéphane takes aim at Daryl as he, Sylvie and Laurent hover protectively over Isabelle, but lowers his gun after a moment, deciding to let Daryl go and get his revenge the next time.


Killed By

After telling Stéphane to kill Laurent, Stéphane shoots Capo instead.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Capo has killed:

  • Possibly numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people





Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1
Season 2
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Capo is the last named character to die on-screen in Season 1.
  • Capo doesn't appear to speak English or at least not much English, using one of his men as a translator instead. The only time he is shown speaking English is when Capo tells Daryl that Genet ordered everyone's deaths.