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My father can't answer you 'cause my father is dead. My brother and I lost him a long time ago. You wanted to ask Padre for the truth. Go ahead. Ask us. We are Padre.
―Sam to Madison, June and Odessa.[src]

Sam Krennick is an antagonist and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Fear the Walking Dead. She was the co-leader of PADRE alongside her brother Ben. She served as the primary antagonist for the first half of Season 8.


Before her father's death, Sam was a normal young adult who cared about the safety of her family. Before her father was devoured, he told Sam and Ben to not let PADRE die. After his death, she went on to be the co-leader of the island, alongside her brother, Ben.

Once she became co-leader, she became an extremely manipulative, ruthless, and dangerous woman. While under the control of PADRE, she would kidnap and give all the children and residents bird names, such as Lark, Wren, and Blue Jay because of her parents motives. Due to most children's parents dying at the early stages of the outbreak, Shrike would lie and manipulate the children into thinking they abandoned them to save them from the pain of knowing their parents died. She would stop the remaining parents who were trying to find their missing kids by having them executed by guards.

When she encountered her zombified father, she apologized to him for making PADRE a bad place. Shrike was unable to put him down, resulting in her being bitten. After seeing Krennick and being reminded of what he had wanted PADRE to be and how she had corrupted that vision, Shrike finally understood and regretted her actions, something that both Madison and Morgan noted to her brother.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about Sam's life before or as the outbreak began, except that she had a mother, a father, and a brother.



At some point following the outbreak, Sam joined a community called PADRE, where she became co-leader, alongside Ben.

Season 8[]

"Remember What They Took From You"[]

A hooded Morgan is led into an interrogation room in PADRE where a man on a speaker addresses Morgan with both acknowledging that they know who the other is. Morgan notices Madison standing in the room with him and Padre informs Morgan that he's been there long enough for PADRE to verify his story. PADRE has found the rafts of Morgan's Group and are currently processing the passengers. Morgan asks how many people were on the rafts and Padre tells him that while it wasn't as much as Morgan thought, it's still enough to satisfy PADRE's needs. Morgan and Madison exchange a look in the mirror as the man asks how Morgan knew that the rafts were out there and Morgan claims that he heard chatter on the radio and he thought that PADRE might be interested in them. The man warns Morgan that, if he wants to be a part of what PADRE is doing, he must show them that he's committed to their vision.

Morgan promises that he is, and he will as Shrike enters the room with another guard, holding a baby monitor with a baby's cries over it. Shrike tells him that the cries are from "our newest intake" while the man explains that PADRE wants Morgan to be a Collector collecting children to join the community like the one on the radio who was brought to PADRE by Madison. Morgan realizes that the baby is Mo and asks Shrike what PADRE is doing to her, confusing Shrike as to how he knows the baby's gender. Morgan explains that he can tell because he had a daughter, and Padre reassures him that they are simply drawing blood and giving Mo shots to keep her from getting sick and making other people sick. Morgan asks why PADRE can't bring the parents in too, and the man tells Morgan that they tried, but PADRE found that the parents don't want to build something better, but rather to "rebuild what we had, and what we had got us into this mess." Noting that Mo sounds scared, Morgan tries to get Shrike and the man to have someone comfort her, but he is informed that Mo will learn to separate herself from her emotions like all of the children at PADRE.

Unable to take it anymore, Morgan stands up and tells them to stop, but he is forced back into his seat at gunpoint. Morgan realizes that this is a setup and asks how the man knew and demands to know if Madison had told him. Padre explains that they got suspicious since a Collector bringing in both a child and a new recruit in one day doesn't happen often and they had to be sure as a result. Morgan and Madison suddenly attack, overpowering and knocking out the guards and Shrike and taking their guns. Madison sarcastically asks if it looks like she sold him out before they turn their guns on the window that Padre is behind and Morgan demands that Mo be brought to him and allow Morgan to escape on a boat with her, threatening the man's life if he refuses. Padre simply tells Morgan to do what's best for his daughter and Madison tells him to go while she keeps the man honest until he's clear, reminding Morgan that she's doing what she said that she would do, not wanting Mo to grow up on this island. As Morgan leaves, Padre asks if Madison really wants to do this, but she doesn't think that there's anything that PADRE can do that's worse than what she's already living. Padre menacingly suggests otherwise.

Seven years later, as Madison tiredly marks on another day on a makeshift and very long calendar on her wall, Shrike enters with a PADRE guard, addressing Madison as Lark, telling her that "it's that time of the week," and asking if Madison is going to play nice today. A silent and apparently catatonic Madison allows herself to be led to her cot and Shrike notes that Madison is skipping meals again and tells her that they have ways to make her eat. Shrike draws a silent Madison's blood from a large bruised area on her arm and promises to see her next week. Suddenly, Madison snatches the guard's gun as he walks by her and attempts to commit suicide with it, only to learn that the gun is unloaded. Madison charges Shrike, but the guard restrains her as Shrike sedates Madison. Shrike asks if Madison really thought that she would bring live ammo with them as Shrike knows that Madison wants to die, but PADRE isn't going to let that happen.

Following Madison and Mo's escape, Morgan and Grace contact PADRE to let them know where to find their daughter. Three PADRE boats arrive with several PADRE guards and Shrike who tells Madison that PADRE still has use for her. As Madison is taken onto a boat, she yells to Mo to "remember what I showed you. Remember what they took from you." Mo is led by PADRE guards onto another boat and Shrike, addressing Grace as Heron, orders her to go to the delta receiver for repairs. Watching Mo get taken away, Morgan comments that they at least got to see her, but Grace, breaking down into tears once their daughter is gone, admits that it only makes it harder for her which Morgan acknowledges and apologizes for before Grace leaves. Shrike announces that PADRE is retiring Morgan as a Collector, having invested too much in Mo to run the risk that she'll cross paths with Morgan again now that she knows that Morgan is her father. Morgan reassures Shrike that he's made sure that that's not gonna happen again which she knows is because Morgan thinks that's what's best for her now. However, that might not always be the case. Shrike has Morgan taken away on her boat.

"Blue Jay"[]

Shrike appears in pictures in files in June's lab. June at first blames the experiments in the lab on Shrike, stating that the radiotherapy to treat the walker bite infections were Shrike's idea. June eventually admits that the experiments were her own based upon Alicia Clark's survival of a walker bite infection. However, due to the radiation itself being fatal to her test subjects, June refused to continue before Shrike forced her at gunpoint to do so. Shrike also kept June from mercy killing Hannah so that they could continue to study the young girl. June had eventually managed to escape after cutting off Shrike's trigger finger.

As June goes to put Hannah and Adrian down after saving Finch's life, armed PADRE guards and Shrike enter through both doors to the train, having presumably either led the herd outside away or eliminated it. Greeting June as Blue Jay, Shrike has one of her men knock June unconscious. June wakes up laying on a table and, showing June her missing left index finger, Shrike explains that they had figured that June was responsible when Collectors had started showing up on the island missing their trigger fingers as no one else could be that precise. After hearing that a transport got hit with a kid who needed surgery onboard, Shrike knew they'd come to the lab. Dwight demands to know what's going on and Shrike guesses that June told them what the lab used to be and how much promise it had. Sherry accuses Shrike of murdering people, but Shrike insists that they never killed anyone. Rather, this place was about saving lives and protecting PADRE's future. Shrike points out that Dwight was the one who lied to Padre about what he was doing that day, but Dwight argues that he brought Finch here to keep him safe from people like Shrike.

Shrike insists that "no one wants these children safe more than Padre. That is why this place is so important. What we were doing here could've protected these children from carrion. Can you imagine? But Blue Jay ran off before she could perfect the cure." June points out that whoever they tried it on died, but Shrike has faith that June will get it right this time. Shrike reveals that Padre has something big and expansive planned and he wants the children to be as safe as possible and June has to pick up where she left off. June refuses, but Shrike states that she just needs a little motivation. As one of the guards moves June, another one carries in Adrian's severed zombified head. As Dwight and Sherry angrily protest and plead, the guard attaches the head to the extension device and Shrike uses it to have Adrian bite the still unconscious Finch in the left shoulder. Dwight swears that he's going to kill Shrike, but she smugly states that she and June are the only ones who can save Finch's life. Shrike has a sobbing Sherry and Dwight, who is still spewing death threats at her, dragged away. Shrike instructs June to get to work, stating that she has a lot to catch up on and they have new patients on their way at this very moment. First, in order to make sure that June can never hurt PADRE ever again, Shrike cuts off her trigger finger.


In a flashback to 12 years ago, Sam and Ben Krennick explore what will eventually become Padre's interrogation room on the island. The two are frightened by a man yelling at them over the loudspeaker which turns out to be a practical joke by their father, Major General Krennick of the U.S. Army. Ben calls the one-way mirror creepy which Krennick explains allows him to keep an eye on things while he's in meetings. Sam and Ben suggest that Krennick get the mic fixed because the voice that comes out of it will creep people out. Krennick tells them that Sergeant Brenner thinks that it's probably just a faulty wire and he'll get it taken care of. Sam and Ben are disappointed that their father has to leave, and he has them follow him to show them something.

Outside, Krennick shows his daughter through a pair of binoculars a middle-spotted woodpecker pecking at a tree. Krennick reminds his children that their mother had told him that she was giving him the binoculars so that he would always see what's coming. After seeing the bird through them that morning, Krennick had felt like she was trying to tell them something, "that we were going to be okay here. These birds, they live in families. They cooperate to raise their young. If they can do it, so can we." Goddard interrupts to ask Krennick if they should load up, and Krennick orders him to give them a minute.

Sam complains about her father leaving the island, but Krennick states that it's how they are going to rebuild, the same way that they built PADRE: shipping containers that each contain enough supplies for people to rebuild. Ben objects that it's dangerous out there, reminding his father that both Atlanta and LA were bombed. However, Krennick counters that they need to enact their distribution protocols and to seed new communities which is the way that the program was designed. Sam questions how her father even knows that there's still people out there, and Krennick reveals that Senator Elias Vazquez had made contact with them the day before from where he's living in a bunker beneath the Franklin Hotel in Galveston, Texas with his staff. Ben wants to do the same thing and stay on the island until they know that it's safer, but Krennick knows that they'll never survive here if it's just them cut off from the world with no trading partners and other communities to rely on. Krennick promises his children that they will be safe on the island and reminds them to use the bird code names that he gave them if they need to communicate with him by radio for their own safety. While Ben is fine with Crane, Sam questions her own code name of Shrike and her father tells her that a shrike may be small, but it is brutal when it has to be, and it doesn't hesitate to look after its family. The three say their goodbyes and Sam promises to keep her brother safe while their father is gone.

In the present, Sam Krennick, now known as Shrike, uncovers the walker head and tells Madison that she this is how she can make up for betraying Padre after everything that he gave her. Madison won't be alone either as Morgan will be right next to her as soon as they can find him. Madison asks why Padre is doing this and Shrike tells her that it's for the same reason that he does everything: "to ensure what he's built endures." Inside, Shrike tells Madison that years in the future, when people look back and wonder how Padre was able to stop infections from walker bites from killing people, they'll remember today, and Madison will be a hero. Shrike begins to use the walker head to bite Madison, refusing to allow June to sedate her due to all of the pain that Madison has brought to Padre.

Over Dove's objections, Mo bangs her sledgehammer on the tracks to draw away the outside guard, needing to see what's going on inside, and then leads the guard away into the woods. Just before the head can bite Madison, Mo boards the train and unplugs the extension device, demanding that Shrike let Madison go. The guards rush to restrain Mo, but June takes advantage of the distraction to grab Shrike's gun and pistol-whip her unconscious before she can call for help. Grabbing a pair of scissors, June puts down the walker head and cuts Madison free before opening fire on the guards as Mo knocks one away with her sledgehammer. Madison and Mo take cover as June exchanges fire with the guards. Mo wants to continue with Madison's plan and to enlist Morgan's help, but Madison informs her that Morgan can't help them right now and, until he's back, they're on their own. June eventually manages to kill both guards and Mo tells Madison that they just need to get through to the Prefects the way that Madison got through to her. If they do that, the other kids will follow. Madison warns Mo that it won't be easy while June provides Madison with an oxygen tank to help her breathe.

Shrike begins to wake up as a Prefect reports that they're done for the day and are heading back to the island. Madison kicks the radio away before Shrike can reach it, but it lands at Dove's feet. Dove holds them at gunpoint as Shrike instructs her to call the Prefect for more guards, but Mo protests, revealing that Shrike was going to kill Madison. Dove thinks that Madison deserved it, and Mo asks if Finch did too. Shrike orders Dove not to listen to her, but Dove hesitates. Mo asks if Shrike had killed Finch, but Shrike claims to have saved Finch's life. June reveals that Shrike is the reason that Finch got bit while Shrike states that Finch is somewhere where his parents can't do him anymore harm. Shocked to hear that Finch got bit and seeing the walker head on the extension device, Dove demands answers from Shrike who insists that she's protecting what Padre has built and she's ensuring that the kids have a future. Madison asks if that's what this setup looks like to Dove who continues to hesitate as the Prefect asks for her location.

Shrike orders Dove to tell the Prefect where to find them and to come, but Madison tells her not to do it, reminding Dove that if Padre lied to her about this, he's likely lied to her about other things as well. Dove's parents could still be out there, and Madison can help her to find them, but Dove doesn't want to find her parents as she believes that they had abandoned her and couldn't take care of her. However, Madison knows that that's not true because she's the one who took Dove away from her parents. Madison doesn't know who they were or where she took Dove from, but she knows Dove's face. Shrike insists that Madison is just trying to trick her while Madison insists that the only one tricking Dove is Padre with June adding that Madison is right, and Padre had kept all of this a secret so that none of the kids would know. Madison believes that they can change that if they can get to the island and the file containing all of the names of the kids that she took and where she took them from. That's how Madison can help Dove and all of the other kids that Padre has taken. Dove finally agrees to help them get back to the island as, while she doesn't care what's in the file, she wants to hear the truth from Padre himself. They can get past the guards if Shrike helps them with Dove making it clear at gunpoint that Shrike has no other choice. Shrike warns that if Dove kills her, Padre will do way worse than Shrike had planned to do to Madison today because Shrike is actually Padre's daughter. The group is shocked at this revelation.

12 years ago, Sam and Ben hide out, having stowed away onboard their father's boat. Krennick announces to his men that they have their work cut out for them, but that they're starting in a good place. The two emerge from hiding once the soldiers are gone and Sam protests that they shouldn't be here, but Ben just wants to make sure that their father is safe. Although Sam is sure that he will be, Ben notices that Krennick forgot his binoculars and he insists that they have to take them to him. Sam protests, but Ben is worried about how their father will see what's coming without them. Sam calls it just a superstition, insisting that Krennick has every other adult on the island with them and that he will be fine. Ben refuses to be deterred as they had thought the same thing about their mother, physically shoving Sam aside and locking her in before running off into a massive shipyard full of hundreds of giant shipping containers.

In the present, the group emerges from the train and Shrike warns Dove that she's making a big mistake and whatever Dove wants, it's not what she thinks. Diane and an armed group of adults surround them, demanding answers. Madison recognizes Diane, although she can't place where from, and she recognizes a man with her as someone who had been living in an auto yard running out of food with a baby that he couldn't feed and a woman as someone who had a sick son that she thought had pneumonia. Madison realizes that the group is made up of parents whose children have all been kidnapped by PADRE's Collectors. Diane stares intently at Dove for a moment before asking where their kids and Adrian are. While Madison doesn't know any Adrian, June knows who Diane is talking about and she reveals that Adrian was at the train and that he is dead. Diane tells June that Adrian had just wanted to find his daughter and June sadly admits that Adrian did find Hannah who had died too, a long time ago. Shrike states that Hannah died because of June, but June corrects that it was because of what Shrike made her do.

As they approach the Prefect transport boat, Dove states that they can use it to get back to the island. Shrike asks if Dove is sure that she wants to go down this road, but Daniel suggests that Shrike start answering some questions instead asking them. Madison asks who else knows that Shrike is Padre's daughter, and she admits that not many people do. Daniel questions why her father separates children from their parents while not doing the same thing himself. Madison calls Padre a hypocrite, but Shrike tells her that the way the island is run and they do things is something that Padre has believed in for a very long time. June demands to know why Padre is sacrificing people for an experiment that will never pay off, but Shrike tells her that, not only will it pay off, but it already is and to look at Finch. Madison questions what happened to Shrike's father to make him build a place such as this, but Dove interrupts as they need to get moving. Diane questions who the girl is and where she came from before she went to PADRE, but Dove admits that she doesn't know. Diane asks if Dove knows her, but she's never seen Diane before in her life.

A group of Prefects led by Hawk emerge from the woods, armed with guns and staffs and demand that they let Shrike go. Madison reveals that Shrike has been lying to them and that she is Padre's daughter while Daniel points out that Padre has been ripping families apart, but he has kept his daughter by his side this whole time which Mo confirms Shrike told them herself. Shrike suggests that he should focus more on getting her out of this and Hawk tells Dove that she and Mo don't have to go along with this anymore, but Dove and Mo are determined to go to the island to get answers from Padre. Although Hawk doesn't think that Dove has any right to question Padre, she has seen too many things today that Padre has to explain for her to just let it go. Hawk is too brainwashed to relent, but Daniel tells him that everyone present has lost their children to Padre and there are more of them, possibly including the parents of Hawk and the others. Hawk believes that their parents abandoned them, but Diane tells him that they didn't, and they have been fighting this whole time to get back to their kids. Daniel offers a visibly shaken Hawk the chance to join his group, but he asks Dove to just hand Shrike over to him. Dove refuses so Hawk goes to radio Padre, prompting Madison to hold a knife to Shrike's throat, knowing that the files will be destroyed if Padre knows that they're coming. Madison reveals that the files tell them who everyone is, where they came from and who their parents are, but Hawk refuses to let them get on the boat. While he's willing to shoot Daniel, Mo challenges Hawk to shoot her. Daniel and Mo order Madison to go while they hold Hawk and the others off, telling her that if Madison can show Dove the truth, the rest of the kids will follow. As the parents, Daniel and Mo form a human blockade against Hawk's group, Madison, June, Dove and Shrike leave for the island on the boat.

12 years ago, Ben runs through the maze of shipping containers looking for his father while Sam manages to free herself and runs after her brother. Sam finds an empty survivors' camp amongst the shipping containers and the words "DEAD HERE" spray-painted on a nearby container. Ben begins screaming for his sister and Sam finds him being chased through the maze by walkers which close in on Ben from multiple directions.

In the present, Padre tells a cured Finch that he thinks it's time for him to tell the others where he's been. Finch asks what Padre means and Padre explains that Finch was bit and he's still here and healthy and thriving. Finch asks where Red Kite and Starling are, but Padre tells the young boy that his parents have been reassigned somewhere that they can't cause him anymore harm. Finch tells Padre that they had saved him, but Padre states that it was his people who did. One of the guards receives a message that they have a situation and Madison comes on telling Padre that they have questions and his daughter. Madison demands that Padre order his guards to stand aside so that they can come and talk to him. Shrike asks Madison not to do this, but she simply tells Padre "no more hiding behind the mirror. Time to tell the truth." Shrike protests that Padre doesn't have to answer for anything, but Madison tells them both that every kid deserves to know why Padre had them ripped away from their parents while he wouldn't do the same for his own daughter.

Daniel reports in that his group got away from Hawk and his friends and he asks if Dove is still with her. When Madison confirms it, Daniel reveals that one of his people thinks that she might be Dove's mother. Taking the radio, Diane admits that she didn't think that it was possible, but a mother knows. Shrike tells Dove not to fall for it, but Diane identifies Dove as her daughter Alex who was taken away from her years ago by a Collector at a campground outside of Baton Rouge. Diane thinks that the Collector was probably Madison and she's sure that Dove is her daughter. An emotional Diane tells Dove that she's searched for her for a long time, and she sang "You Are My Sunshine" to her as Alex was taken away from her and she never stopped looking. Shrike insists that Diane is not Dove's mother and that she is just trying to get into her head. Madison orders Shrike to stop lying to her, but Shrike insists that she's not lying. Madison asks Padre for Dove's file so as to find out for sure while Shrike continues to insist that she's making a mistake. Madison threatens to tell everyone who Shrike really is, something that's overheard by all of the guards at the dock and Finch, and Padre relents and orders that Madison be brought inside and given what she wants. As the guards let them in, Madison tells Dove that she's about to get all of the answers that she came here for, and Madison grabs a sledgehammer from a nearby bucket of tools.

In the interrogation room, Madison puts a box full of files on the kids that she took down on the table and tells Dove to look inside and get her answers. However, Shrike interrupts them, insisting that there's something that they need to know before they read the file. Although they already know that this place is built on a lie, it's not what they think. June demands to know what it is then, but Shrike tells her that it's the only way to protect the kids from what happened here before. Madison asks Padre what happened before, but Padre refuses to answer to her. Madison recalls that Padre has always said that he's never lost a kid, but she doesn't believe it to be true and asks who he lost.

Madison continues to demand answers, but Shrike tells her that she will never get her father to admit to anything. 12 years ago, Krennick boosts his children up onto a shipping container, but he is devoured by the herd, including a zombified Goddard. With his last words, Krennick implores his children not to let PADRE die as it's too important and he loves them both. Ben sobs as he watches his father be devoured by the herd while Sam and Ben are safely out of reach thanks to their father's sacrifice. Fed up with the lack of answers, Madison smashes the mirror with her sledgehammer, revealing Ben Krennick on the other side. "My father can't answer you 'cause my father is dead. My brother and I lost him a long time ago. You wanted to ask Padre for the truth. Go ahead. Ask us. We are Padre," Shrike tells the group.

12 years ago, Sam watches the herd milling around below the shipping container while in the present, Madison asks how it went from what Krennick was doing at the shipyard 12 years ago to what his children are doing here. Shrike explains that they didn't know how to go on while in the past, Ben emerges from a container stacked on top of theirs with a gun that he'd found in the container. As Ben watches a zombified Krennick amongst the herd in the past, in the present Shrike elaborates that they were left wondering what they even had to go on for. As Sam contemplates suicide in the past, a voice calls out for Krennick on the radio. In the present, Shrike states that the universe answered while Ben explains that it was one of the kids from the island wanting to know what happened to his parents with the rest of the kids wanting to know too. Dove demands to know what Ben and his sister told them, and Shrike admits that they knew that it would break the kids to know that their parents had died so they told the kids that their parents abandoned them, that they knew they couldn't take care of them, so they fled. As their parents left and never came back, the kids believed Shrike and Ben's lies. The two told the kids that they'd face the new world together without their parents and that they'd be better for it. Krennick died protecting what was inside the shipyard, so they made sure that it stayed that way, but Ben refuses to elaborate on how. June asks how a bunch of kids were able to recruit adults to their cause, and Ben explains that they had used the faulty PA system to make the adults believe that Krennick was still there, and they kept on believing it afterwards.

Dove asks why Shrike lied and she states that it was to protect the kids and directs her to open her file. When Dove hesitates, Madison looks in the box for herself and she finds Dove's file. As Shrike challenges Madison to reveal Dove's true identity, she discovers that Dove is actually Odessa Sanderson, the daughter of Ava Sanderson. A shocked Madison remembers meeting Ava in Louisiana with Morgan as both Ava and Morgan searched for their kidnapped daughters. Madison reveals Dove's real name to her and that she knew her mother Ava. Madison remembers putting a zombified Ava down to save Morgan's life and she sadly admits that Ava is dead. Under Shrike's prompting, Madison admits that Ava had died trying to get her daughter back from PADRE because Madison had made her believe that it was possible. Furious and in tears, Dove shoves Madison up against the wall, yelling at Madison for being responsible for her mother's death and for making Dove believe in something more. As Dove prepares to shoot Madison in revenge, Shrike orders her to let Madison go, promising that she will pay for what she did. Ben calls in guards who disarm June as Dove reluctantly stands down.

Shrike and Ben reveal that they intend to continue what they started at the train, making it clear that June has no other choice but to help them. June calls them monsters, but Shrike states that she and her brother are protecting these kids from the worst pain of all: the pain of losing a parent. Madison asks what that has to do with the train and the experiments and Ben explains that "as long as the world is the way it is, children will continue to experience unimaginable loss. But if there's a cure, that would change everything." Shrike adds that if that happens, they can go back to family and connection, but until then, they will protect these kids the way that they always have. Shrike offers Madison Ben's microphone to tell the kids that she rescued and the whole island the truth, but she decides to remain silent as Shrike had expected.

On the boat back to the train, Madison asks June what Nick and Alicia were like after her supposed death and June doesn't think that Madison would've recognized them. On shore, Daniel, Diane, Mo and the others emerge from the trees to surround Shrike and her forces. Daniel demands that Shrike let their people go, promising to walk away in exchange and no one has to get hurt. Daniel claims that they have another 12 soldiers deep in the woods with Shrike's Prefects, implying that they will kill Hawk and the others if Shrike doesn't agree to the deal. When Shrike doubts Daniel, he asks if she really wants to take that chance and Shrike relents, ordering her men to stand down. Daniel's people move in and disarm the PADRE forces and Diane addresses Dove as Alex, only to learn that Dove isn't her daughter and that Dove's mother is dead because of Madison. June tells Dove that she can still have a family even if it's not the one that she thought that what Madison made her believe in is still there. However, Dove chooses to stay with PADRE and Shrike tells the gathered parents that the rest of the kids will all make the same choice. Mo tells Shrike that the other kids won't, and Shrike will see, causing Shrike visible concern for a moment.

Later, Shrike stands outside of the shipyard which is overrun by a herd of thousands of walkers with the gates chained shut. Shrike contacts Ben who was supposed to meet her, but he felt that being out in the open didn't seem like a good idea after the events of the day. Shrike informs her brother that they have a bigger problem as the parents know where the island is which means that it's only a matter of time until they get there. Ben is worried that they will destroy everything that they've built, but Shrike suggests that they won't if PADRE isn't on the island when Daniel's group arrives. It doesn't matter if everyone knows who they are, just that what they've built survives. Shrike intends to do this by expanding and doing what Krennick had said. Ben reminds his sister that there are thousands of walkers in the shipyard, walkers that they put there to protect what's inside. Looking at the thousands of walkers and hundreds of shipping containers holding the supplies needed to rebuild civilization, Shrike declares that "we taught the kids how to fight for a reason. It's time they showed us what they've learned."

"King County"[]

Shrike uses Finch as leverage to get Dwight and Sherry to hunt down Morgan Jones, promising to give the couple their son and their freedom in exchange. The two reveal that Shrike believes that Morgan has come to King County for a reason, although she thinks that it's for weapons or soldiers for an attack. However, Morgan has actually come to put his zombified son Duane to rest.

After failing to find Duane in the house where he died, the PADRE guard orders Morgan on his feet, stating that Shrike wants answers and demanding to know why Morgan really came here. Grace insists that Morgan is telling the truth about having come to the house for his son, but she doesn't believe him and reports to Shrike that Morgan was lying and his kid isn't there. Shrike orders the guard to kill Morgan if he won't tell them why he's in King County, but despite Grace and Dwight's attempts to intercede, Morgan simply challenges Oriole to kill him, going so far as to press the barrel of the man's gun to his head. Exchanging a look, Dwight and Sherry suddenly turn on the PADRE guards, bashing them both over the head and killing them.

Morgan chides his friends for their actions, but Dwight and Sherry are unwilling to watch Morgan get killed in cold blood and he is not the only one trying to escape his past. Dwight compares what PADRE is making them do to living at the Sanctuary all over again. Morgan is worried that Finch will end up just like Duane and he isn't willing to have that on him. Shrike calls in for a report and Morgan warns Dwight that Padre is going to kill Finch. Dwight responds to a visibly frustrated Shrike and demands to talk to Finch so that he can know his son's okay. Shrike gives Finch the mic and Finch tells Dwight that he thinks the treatment worked. A confused Finch asks what's going on, but Dwight instructs his son to use the Chimney Sweep move that Dwight taught him in class. Acting fast, Finch knocks Shrike headfirst into a table using a stool, knocking her unconscious. Dwight tells Finch to board a morning supply boat that leaves in 20 minutes, promising that he and Sherry will meet Finch at the dock when he lands. After Dwight reassures Finch that he and Sherry believe in him, Finch runs off to make his escape. Before leaving to meet the boat, Dwight tells Morgan that, whatever happened here, Morgan has a chance to make things different with Mo.

"More Time Than You Know"[]

June tells Morgan that they must treat Grace fast, and Morgan asks for the last place that she saw the train car, but Shrike cuts in to tell Morgan that the train is no longer there. "Why do you think I put it on wheels in the first place? To keep people like you from messing with it." Morgan asks what Shrike wants and she claims that she wants to help save Grace's life. Morgan tells her to call off her men then, but Shrike wants Morgan to hear her out first. Shrike offers to tell Morgan where the train car is, have her people escort them there and even allow June to administer the treatment, explaining that she had paid a visit to King County and saw how many walkers that Morgan had killed single-handedly aside from the one who bit Grace. Morgan demands to know what Shrike wants and she tells him that there's a shipyard that is very important to their future. Standing next to a large machine gun looking at the shipyard, Shrike reveals that it has thousands of walkers inside that she needs cleared out. Shrike doesn't care if Morgan gets help from Dwight, Sherry, Madison or even Daniel's Resistance, she just wants the walkers dead. While Shrike was going to have the Prefects do it, she can risk Morgan instead of them. "That's how Grace gets a shot at living," she finishes.

After having passed out, Grace awakens again in the back of a PADRE truck. Morgan explains that they're on their way to the shipyard and Grace is then going to be taken to the train to meet June. Grace is shocked that Morgan surrendered to PADRE, asking how he knows that they will keep their word. Morgan reveals that they won't clear the shipyard until they're sure that Grace is safe with June, but Grace thinks that it's too dangerous despite Morgan's assurances that they've got it handled. Morgan radios Daniel who's people are armed and ready, but they need reassurances from Shrike that they're not walking into a trap. Shrike assures Daniel that the walkers are real and that she wants them dead, revealing that the contents of the shipping containers are valuable to her. Grace asks what they're going to help her do and Morgan tells her that they're going to help Shrike clear the shipyard, and they have the people and the weapons to do it with.

Morgan asks where the train is, but Shrike tells him that the job has to be done by hand, not with guns. The containers hold supplies that are needed to rebuild the world such as fertilizers and munitions. "One stray bullet and PADRE's entire legacy goes up in smoke," warns Shrike. Shrike didn't tell them before because she knew that Morgan had an army, but she didn't know that he had an armory too. Daniel backs out of the plan, telling Morgan that he's already told Shrike too much and it's too dangerous for Daniel to ask his soldiers to do this. Morgan begs Daniel not to back out on this now, but Daniel tells Morgan that he's not the one that Morgan should be angry with. Agreeing with Daniel, Grace takes the radio and reassures him that it's okay as Grace doesn't want anyone to die for her. Visibly saddened by the choice that he has to make, Daniel apologizes to his old friend as he genuinely wishes that they could help her.

The truck suddenly pulls over and Shrike tells Morgan that if he's not going to take the deal, then they need to make sure that Grace doesn't hurt Mo or Finch when she turns. Grace is dragged out of the truck and Shrike tells Mo that this is to protect her while Morgan begs Shrike that he will do whatever she wants. Grace begs the guards not to let her daughter watch while Mo begs them to stop. Morgan and Dwight share a look before attacking as Mo suddenly rushes in and shoves the guard's gun away as he shoots at Grace. Morgan strangles one man unconscious from behind while Dwight gets the other's gun and pistol-whips him unconscious as well. Dwight praises Mo's instincts and Mo credits Dwight's teaching of her. Mo promises that she's going to fight for every moment that she can have with Grace while Shrike calls in, ordering Kingfisher and Magpie to kill Morgan, Dwight and Sherry next. Grabbing a radio, Dwight informs Shrike that her men won't be able to comply with her orders, and Shrike warns him that while others have tried, no one has ever managed to steal a child from PADRE before. Before turning off the radio, Dwight tells Shrike that he thinks that Finch and Mo are going to be the first of many.

Hearing gunshots in the distance, Morgan realizes that Dwight and the others must be in trouble, and he has Mo raise Dwight for him. Dwight, Sherry and Finch flee from PADRE guards that are shooting at them into an abandoned house. Dwight reports that they're pinned down while Sherry tells her husband that they can't stay here for long as they're going to be flanked. Dwight warns Morgan that PADRE's forces know that they're following the wrong people and Morgan's group may have company soon. Addressing Shrike if she's listening, Morgan tells her that it's him that she wants, and Morgan asks that Shrike let Dwight and Sherry take their kid and go. Dwight doesn't believe that Shrike will call off her people after what they've done, and he sees that Shrike has sent Prefects rather than adults after them as Shrike knows that they won't kill them. Dwight decides to lay down suppressive fire, believing that if the Prefects do what he taught them to do, they'll fall back and regroup while Sherry takes Finch and runs. Dwight opens fire as Sherry reluctantly runs with Finch, Dwight's shots causing the Prefects to retreat as he had predicted.

Shrike calls out to Morgan from outside of the train, telling Morgan that they need to talk. Morgan promises Mo, who continues to stare silently at Grace's body, that he's going to be right back. Outside, Shrike, surrounded by armed Prefects, admits that Morgan is a brave man as she thought that they'd have to come inside to get him. Morgan knows that any one of Shrike's people could've killed him before, but they didn't, and Shrike explains that they knew what Heron would've done to Mo if Morgan hadn't been allowed to intervene. Morgan angrily corrects Shrike on Grace's name and Shrike holds up Morgan's old battle axe, telling Morgan that they had dug it out of storage, and they remember what Morgan did with it seven years ago when he had tried to run. Shrike comments that it's a shame that Morgan couldn't have used those same skills today. Morgan asks Shrike to leave them alone to bury Grace properly, but she refuses to allow him to do it. Shrike tells Morgan that he can still make things right, but Morgan makes it clear that he wasn't asking for permission. Shrike knows that Morgan isn't going to harm her Prefects, but they don't have that same hangup about him. Holding his staff to Shrike's throat, Morgan warns her that the Prefects aren't the ones that she needs to be worried about. Shrike orders Morgan to listen closely, telling Morgan that she could kill him right now, but she doesn't want to. "I know the pain Wren's in. The whole reason I am doing what I'm doing is to prevent anyone else from feeling that kind of pain." Pushing down Morgan's staff, Shrike tells him that Mo has already lost a parent today and she asks that Morgan not make her lose a second one.

Mo emerges from the train, telling Morgan to stop and ignoring Morgan's orders to go back inside. Mo declares that Shirke is right and that she doesn't want to feel like this anymore. Morgan insists that there's nothing that Shrike can do to make that go away, but Mo asks Shrike why she needs to get to the containers in the shipyard. Shrike explains that it's so that they can build new settlements all over the country, so that they can make sure that no one else feels what Mo is feeling right now. Morgan tells his daughter that she can't run away from her feelings, but Shrike tells him that Mo won't be running away from anything but rather that Mo will be heading towards a bright future. Morgan questions this, pointing out that Shrike can't even get to the containers in the shipyard. However, Mo tells Dove and the other Prefects that she can clear it if they help her, that it's what PADRE has been training them to do for years. Mo ignores Morgan's protests that the walkers are going to kill her, stating that they won't if they do it smart and use their training. After a moment, Dove agrees and Mo leaves with Dove, Hawk and the other Prefects, completely ignoring her father's calls.

Held back by two Prefects, Morgan protests that it's not going to work, and he can't lose her too. Shrike accuses Morgan of only caring about what he wants rather than what Mo wants, but Morgan continues to insist that Shrike is going to get his daughter killed. Shrike reiterates that she doesn't want to kill him, and Morgan seemingly relents. As Shrike starts walking away, Morgan suddenly attacks and disarms the Prefects using his staff and superior aikido skills despite the fact that one of the Prefects is also armed with a staff. Morgan races after Mo, but as he runs past Shrike, she uses Morgan's battle axe to knock him to the ground. With all of Morgan's recent losses, he begins to slip back into his old insanity telling Shrike that "you're not gonna kill me... because you can't. Because I don't die! Everybody else does, but I don't." Shrike suggests that Morgan might be right and that he needs to think about why that keeps happening.

The Prefects grab Morgan and throw him into the train car with Shrike ordering them to make sure that Morgan can't get out. The two chain the doors shut and shoot more flares into the air. As another herd emerges from the woods and surrounds the train car, Shrike tosses Morgan's battle axe onto the tracks next to his staff and departs with her Prefects, leaving Morgan trapped and weaponless.

"All I See Is Red"[]

On a beach near the cargo ship, Ben joins his sister who tells Ben that they have to be ready as soon as the Prefects arrive. However, Ben has searched every single container and file that their father left in his office, but there's no sign of something that they're looking for. Shrike corrects Ben when he refers to her by her real name of Sam, reminding her brother that Krennick had been planning for the expansion and it was what he had been heading off to do when he died. Shrike concludes that what they're looking for must be somewhere that they haven't looked yet.

Mo, Dove, Hawk and the other Prefects find the houseboat before spotting a flare shooting into the sky. Shrike confirms that it was her doing, but she and Ben need the Prefects to double back, explaining that the coordinates that they need to launch the expansion are inside of the swamp since they've looked everywhere else and couldn't find them. Shrike believes that the coordinates are on Krennick himself who is now one of the walkers in the herd that's chasing the Prefects. Mo questions if this is about the coordinates or the fact that Krennick is her father, but Shrike insists that it's about the coordinates as it always has been. As Dove and Hawk exchange confused looks, Mo asks why they can't just pick their own coordinates and Shrike explains that "these locations were developed after years of study by the U.S. Military. They provide the right geographic, meteorological and topographical conditions to ensure the communities we seed survive. We don't find them, we might as well be throwing darts at a map!" While there are thousands of walkers inside of the swamp, only one is wearing a pair of binoculars and Shrike is convinced that the coordinates have to be hidden inside of them. The flare will draw the herd to them, and they are to kill as many of the walkers as they can until they find Krennick.

As walkers enter the waters of the swamp near the houseboat, the Prefects spread out and begin using their staffs to put them down. Outside of the swamp, Daniel and his people fight the walkers and Morgan tries to convince Mo to get to the houseboat and keep herself safe until he can arrive, but Shrike tells Mo that if she does that, everything they've fought for will be dead. Morgan and Shrike both insist that the other will get Mo killed with Shrike telling Morgan to walk away, that this is why she'd locked him in the train car and that she's trying to spare Mo's life like Morgan's. Morgan refuses to walk away and lose his kid like this, but Mo finally responds and tells her father that she's already lost her and to not make this any harder than it already is before she shuts off her radio.

Morgan is filled with new determination, declaring that they are not going to die and they are finally going to break the cycle instead. Mo is confused, but she believes that there's no way out and Shrike will kill Morgan if they call her for help. Morgan finds a Flare Gun as walkers break through a window and shoots a flare into the air, ordering Madison over the radio to look up as that was him. Madison spots the flare and begins heading towards a nearby boat to get to the houseboat as Mo puts down the two walkers that had broken through the window. However, Madison doesn't know where Daniel is and she is caught by Shrike, Ben and two PADRE guards who need to get to the houseboat too. Madison suggests that they work together as they all want to save Mo, but Shrike tells Mo that when they first found her, she had to make sure that Madison would do what it took. While Shrike thought that she was, she now believes that they should've just killed Madison instead.

As Shrike goes to kill Madison, Daniel's people open fire, killing the two PADRE guards. Daniel threatens to kill Shrike if she doesn't surrender and introduces her to the parents of the children that she stole. While Shrike claims that PADRE rescued the kids, Daniel assures her that that's not how the parents see it. Dove, Hawk and the Prefects arrive, announcing that it doesn't matter how their parents see it as none of them are going back with them. Dove orders them to drop their weapons, confident that the resistance fighters won't shoot and that they're stuck trying to live a life that has been dead for a long time. Daniel orders Madison to get in the boat, explaining that "I was in the same situation they're in when I was young. I wanna try to get through to them." As Daniel, Diane and the resistance fighters lay down covering fire, Madison dives into the boat and takes off.

Taking the radio, Morgan tells Madison that Mo's going to be okay as he gave her the oxygen tank and she's swimming out to someplace safe. Madison asks about Morgan, but he tells her to just find Mo and make sure that she doesn't get on the ship. Shrike cuts in, telling Morgan that Mo is coming with them, PADRE is going to find the coordinates and Morgan will never see his daughter again. A zombified Krennick joins the walkers at the broken window and, realizing who the walker is, Morgan informs Shrike that the walker that she's looking for with the binoculars is right here in front of him. A shocked Shrike accuses Morgan of lying, but he threatens to bury the coordinates that she wants at the bottom of this swamp so that Shrike can never find them or her father. Morgan finally manages to reach his axe and cut himself free and he attacks the walkers, getting consumed by red again as a figure grabs Morgan through the window.

A frantic Shrike arrives, demanding to know where her father is. Morgan tells Shrike that he went down with the ship and Shrike tells Morgan that he can join Krennick then. Morgan goes into another red-tinted vision of his losses before noticing a zombified Krennick crawling out of the swamp. Shrike is consumed by memories of her own of her father. Morgan and Madison call for Shrike to shoot her father, but she drops the gun and breaks down, consumed by her pain over his loss, remorse for her actions and apologizing to her father, finally remembering what he really wanted PADRE to be and understanding that she had twisted her father's vision. Krennick approaches a kneeling Shrike and bites into her right shoulder near her neck and her arm before Madison shoves the general off of his daughter and puts him down with a blow from her sledgehammer as Morgan watches. Checking Krennick's binoculars, Madison finds the coordinates hidden in one of the lens caps. Shrike continues to apologize to her father and Madison notes that he was always with her, something that clearly affects Morgan.

Shrike awakens on the train car with June standing over her and a severed walker head in the extension device. June tells Shrike that no one's going to hear her, and that June had found out Shrike's location from Morgan and Madison and June brought her here. Shrike begs June to try the treatment on her with a higher dose of radiation, but June states that it's not up to her. June contacts Dwight and Sherry for what to do with Shrike and Finch, near death from his returned walker bite infection, tells his father "don't make her feel this. No one should feel this." Complying with his dying son's wishes, Dwight instructs June to make it quick and painless. Telling Shrike that it's more than she deserves, June draws a knife and puts down the walker head.

A tearful Ben runs in, having heard that his sister was here and wanting to see her before she dies. Ben pleads with June who finally relents, telling Ben that either he ends Shrike's suffering or June will, and Ben agrees, showing June that he's unarmed. Walking away, June tells Ben that once he buries Shrike, he needs to find another place to live. June departs, leaving Ben with his dying sister and June's knife to end Shrike's suffering. Ben cries at Shrike's bedside, apologizing to her before mercy killing his sister.


Killed By
  • Herself (Indirectly Caused)
  • Krennick (Infected, Caused)

After seeing her zombified father crawl out of the swamp, Sam falls to her knees crying rather than putting Krennick down as she should. Krennick then bites Sam in the shoulder and arm before Madison puts him down.

On the instructions of Finch and his parents, June prepares to end Sam's suffering rather than leaving her to suffer from the infection or trying the failed radiation cure on her. However, Ben arrives and agrees to do it himself with June leaving Ben a knife to mercy kill his sister with.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Sam has killed:

  • Hannah (Zombified, alongside PADRE guards)
  • Adrian (Zombified, alongside PADRE guards)
  • Finch (Caused)
  • Herself (Indirectly Caused)
  • Dozens of unnamed PADRE test subjects (Caused, Alive; Zombified, alongside PADRE guards)
  • Numerous counts of zombies and unnamed people (Caused and Direct)





Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Sam Krennick, please visit Sam Krennick (Fear)/Gallery.


  • A "shrike" is a rather small, but predatory bird which kills insects and small vertebrates alike by impaling them with its sharp peak. This fits Shrike's often sadistic personality, and the way in which she draws blood from Madison.
    • Her father gave her the name with the reasoning being a shrike may be small, but is vicious when it needs to be.
  • Sam is left-handed as revealed in "Blue Jay".
  • All three members of the Krennick family were killed by walkers.
  • Sam is the second character to be bitten and killed by their zombified parent in Fear the Walking Dead. The first being Jessica Diaz, who was bitten and killed by her undead father.