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Baccarat History

The baccarat history is very hazy and unclear and one cannot really pin point the exact time of its origin. A lot of people do agree on the fact that, baccarat history dates back into the Middle Ages. Most of the researchers also agree that initially baccarat was played with a tarot deck. There are many theories revolving around the baccarat history. One of the many theories states that Bacarrat was invented by a money lender who stayed in the mountainous region of Abruzzo. His name was Lino Bussoli. He was a shady character and did not look good and hence he was feared by a number of people. He was considered to be clever, as he was forever devisiong better and newer ways to make money. Hence he is considered responsible for inventing a number of casino games which later spread across the world.

Discover about French internet casinos at the casinojeux.com portal! Visit the casino en ligne francais website! Now the baccarat history took a turn. It now started being played in France. The French kings patronized and even legalized this game. The gamblers were required to pay a duty. The proceeds of the duty were used for charitable as well as development work for the poor. Then the baccarat history focuses on America. It is said that baccarat was brought to America by a Cuban known as Tommy Rezoni. He opened a casino in Las Vegas where slowly this game started gaining popularity. This was in the year of 1960. This game was adopted form the French version of baccarat known as the Chemin de Fer and it was introduced to the Cubans by Argentina. Currently there are four versions of this game that are played nearly all over the world. They are the American version, Chemin de Fer, European and the Baccarat en Banque. So this was a brief baccarat history.