
The China and Transformational Exports Program (CTEP) is a mandate for EXIM to help U.S. exporters facing competition from the People's Republic of China (PRC) and ensure the U.S. continues to lead in the 10 Transformational Export Areas:

AI • Biotech • Biomedical • Wireless Communications • Quantum Computing • Renewable Energy, Storage, & Efficiency • Semiconductors • Fintech • Water Treatment & Sanitation • High Performance Computing

Announcing Single Point of Entry (SPE) for Critical Minerals

Australia and US Flag

Under SPE, EXIM and Export Finance Australia (EFA) have established a streamlined pathway for businesses to approach our agencies and enable faster referrals and joint financings of eligible critical mineral transactions.

U.S. and Australian businesses may now approach either EXIM or EFA and receive streamlined access to both agencies’ financing support. This includes joint, coordinated feedback on their project(s) from both agencies, advice on next steps to work with each agency, and access to joint EXIM-EFA solutions. Learn more.

CTEP Benefits

Are you facing competition from the People's Republic of China (PRC)? To support your company's bid against PRC competition, EXIM may be able to offer

  • Reduced Fees
  • Extended Repayment Tenors
  • Exceptions from other EXIM policies

Are you working on the frontiers of technology? The 10 Transformational Export Areas also benefit from a tailored content policy [*]

  • EXIM's full financing support is available for transactions with at least 51% U.S. content
  • Transactions with less than 51% U.S. content must meet other criteria

Request a consultation

Estimate EXIM Support For Your Project

Please provide all values in millions of dollars.

Traditional EXIM PRC Competition Transformational Export Areas
Value EXIM can Finance under support type 0.00 0.00 0.00
EXIM financed local cost 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total EXIM Financing 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00% 0.00 0.00%
Total Cash Payment Due Up Front 0.00 0.00 0.00

This calculator is intended to illustrate the type of financing that may be available and does not guarantee the amount or availability of financing for a specific transaction.

EXIM will determine what constitutes U.S. content, eligible foreign content, ineligible foreign content and local cost.

* EXIM reserves the right to determine if a transaction undermines the intent of the charter mandate. To the extent a U.S. export may qualify as a Transformational Export primarily due to its end-use, it may not qualify if it is used in conjunction with a foreign supplier who directly competes with a U.S. supplier in a Transformational Export Area or would otherwise undermine U.S. competitiveness in a Transformational Export Area. If a transaction is determined not to qualify as a Transformational Export, it may still qualify as a 402(A) direct China competition transaction.