Faithlife Expands its Church Management Solutions

Faithlife, makers of integrated church technology products including Logos Bible Software, and Servant Keeper, creator of the church management software Servant Keeper, announced today a new, exciting partnership that will see Servant Keeper join the Faithlife suite of church tools, becoming part of a revolutionary, integrated ministry platform.

“We are thrilled to have Servant Keeper join the Faithlife family and provide our customers with more tools and resources to help their ministry efforts,” said Bill Newman, former owner of Servant Keeper. “Faithlife shares our vision to be partners in ministry with church leaders and make their day-to-day work more efficient. This change comes at a critical time when the world needs more quality ministry tools than ever before that are simple, effective and convenient.”

Since 1994, Servant Keeper has provided its church customers with simple, user-friendly software that streamlines many tedious church administration tasks including attendance tracking, emailing and small group organization. The Servant Keeper software helps users easily engage in church management and delegate it to appropriate church leaders.

By joining Faithlife, Servant Keeper becomes part of Faithlife’s extensive suite of quality technology tools to assist church leaders in managing day-to-day operations as well as create deeper connection and discipleship among their congregation. As part of the Faithlife family, Servant Keeper users will have access to add on any of Faithlife’s offerings, which include Faithlife Proclaim church presentation software, Faithlife Sites, Faithlife Media, Faithlife Sermons, Faithlife TV, Logos Bible Software, and more.

“It’s an honor to bring Servant Keeper and its users into the Faithlife family, and welcome the team that built it to Faithlife,” said Bob Pritchett, Faithlife founder and CEO. “Their decades of experience working with church leaders will be an invaluable asset to us as we continue to produce tools to help people spend less time tinkering with technology and more time in the ministry they were called to do. The expertise of the Servant Keeper team will accelerate this mission.”

For more information, visit

About Faithlife
Faithlife, based in Bellingham, Washington, with offices in Arizona and Mexico, has been using technology to equip the Church to grow in the light of the Bible for more than 25 years. For more information, visit

(SOURCE: Faithlife via Christian Newswire)

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