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LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

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LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough LEGO Skywalker Saga guide, walkthorugh

This page of the guide for LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga contains a walkthrough of the Hunk of Junk level from Episode 4.

Last update: 11 April 2022

On this page of the LEGO Skywalker Saga game guide, you can find the second part of the walkthrough for Episode 4 (A New Hope). The following walkthrough describes the Hunk of Junk level and the related quests. You will learn, among others, how to get to the canteen and meet Han Solo, how to fix the Millennium Falcon, and how to protect Chewbacca while repairing the ship.

An Urgent Message

After completing the first level, you will get to Tatooine and play as C-3PO and R2-D2 once again - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

After completing the first level, you will get to Tatooine and play as C-3PO and R2-D2 once again. The surrounding wasteland is a vast location but exploring it is completely optional for the main story. You have to go towards the exit from the canyon, and ultimately it will trigger a cutscene.

After the cutscene, you will receive a task to find R2-D2 - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

After the cutscene, you will receive a task to find R2-D2. This is a very simple task - you have to exit the building and reach the blue circle in the wasteland. As a reminder, they let you advance in the main story and start new levels.

For the next mission objective, you have to follow R2-D2 - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

For the next mission objective, you have to follow R2-D2. Watch out for attacking bandits in the canyon. You can use, for example, Luke's blaster to eliminate them.

After the fights, you will have to follow Ben Kenobi. You will reach an entrance to one of the buildings with a new blue circle next to it.

New Beginnings

The next task is to travel to Mos Eisley - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The next task is to travel to Mos Eisley. To do this, you need to reach Luke's Landspeeder, which can be used for fast travel within the planet. Choose Mos Eisley as your destination.

In Mos Eisley, head towards the canteen - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

In Mos Eisley, head towards the canteen. Ultimately, the heroes will reach a locked gate, through which Stormtroopers will not let anyone inside.

You have to switch to Ben Kenobi to use mind control - turn to the Stormtrooper standing at the gate and hold down the mind control button. Select the Influence action to control he Stormtrooper. You have to approach the terminal from the picture and complete a simple mini-game by pressing the correct buttons. You will unlock the passage for the heroes.

Continue travelling to the canteen - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

Continue travelling to the canteen. Once inside, you will be tasked with finding the remote. To do this, talk to one of the characters marked with green exclamation marks, and a cutscene with Chewbacca will start. You have to get into a bar fight, and you can use any skill or weapon you like to do it, including Luke's blaster and Ben Kenobi's lightsaber.

You will meet Han Solo. After you watch the cutscene, leave the canteen and go to Docking Bay 94in the southern part of the city. Entering the dock will start the Hunk of Junk level.

Hunk of Junk - challenges

This level features 3 challenges - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

This level features 3 challenges:

  1. Absolute Scoundrel - Use the environment to your advantage against the Stormtroopers. You can unlock the challenge at the very beginning of the mission - while playing as Han Solo, aim at the structure shown in the picture above, above the hero. Throwing it down will be enough to complete the challenge (the character will automatically locate the weak point and fire at it).
1 - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide
2 - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide
  1. Don't Get Cocky! - You have to defeat 3 Stormtroopers with hidden turrets. It is only possible to complete the challenge in Free Play. Approach the terminal shown in picture 1 and hack into it with one of the characters from the Hero class.
  2. By exploring the optional area, hidden turrets will emerge from the ground - an example is shown in picture 2. All you have to do is wait for a group of enemies to appear - the turrets will automatically shoot them. They should be able to eliminate at least 3 different enemies.
3 - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide
The main objective of this mission will be to repair the Millennium Falcon, but the Stormtrooper reinforcements will try to interrupt you - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide
  1. Chewie, Get Us Out of Here! - Find different ways of blocking the Stormtrooper reinforcements It is only possible to complete the challenge in Free Play. First, make sure that the hidden turrets from the previous challenge have risen from the trapdoors.
  2. Other traps for Stormtroopers: build a turret or an Electric Trap (picture 1) and send R2-D2 to the blue terminals to block the passage for Stormtroopers. The last such terminal is on the upper level (shown in picture 2). You can get there only after repairing the elevator. Hacking into this terminal will block the access for enemies appearing around the crane.

Hunk of Junk - walkthrough

The main objective of this mission will be to repair the Millennium Falcon, but the Stormtrooper reinforcements will try to interrupt you.

The first fight with the Stormtroopers takes place at the beginning of the mission - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The first fight with the Stormtroopers takes place at the beginning of the mission. You can shoot them from behind a cover, target the yellow containers or, for example, drop the top structure on them. Watch out for grenades thrown by the opponents - you have to stop them before they throw them or run from the places where the grenades will explode after landing (example in the picture).

While completing this mission, you can optionally prepare for reinforcements - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

While completing this mission, you can optionally prepare for reinforcements. You can send R2-D2 to the blue terminals or build structures to help you defend yourself. They can be an Electric Trap or a turret that can operate autonomously or be used by one of the characters.

Preparations are not required to complete the mission - all Stormtroopers can be defeated with "normal" attacks using blasters and the Force.

The actions related to Millennium Falcon repair can be performed in a slightly different order than the one presented below - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

The actions related to Millennium Falcon repair can be performed in a slightly different order than the one presented below. Only the final part of the level is linear.

You will find a container you can cut with a lightsaber near the spaceship. This action can be done by Ben Kenobi - grab the container and cut a rectangle of any size. After the parts fall out of the container, hold down the building button to rebuild the Millennium Falcon fragment.

Approach the levitating platform shown in the picture above, which you will find near the ship - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

Approach the levitating platform shown in the picture above, which you will find near the ship. Push it towards the square plate so that it sticks to the device. Then, pull the lever. Thanks to your efforts, Chewbacca will get to the roof of the ship and will be able to start repairs.

After fighting the Stormtroopers, look around for the recess shown in the picture above - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

After fighting the Stormtroopers, look around for the recess shown in the picture above. Ben Kenobi can use the Force to open the panels. This will reveal another flying platform. Press the button next to it.

You have to deal with the wave of new enemies until the cutscene showing Stormtroopers riding down the elevator triggers - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

You have to deal with the wave of new enemies until the cutscene showing Stormtroopers riding down the elevator triggers. Go towards them and get rid of them.

The elevator is broken. You have to use Ben Kenobi again. Use the Force to move the missing piece to the elevator mechanism. You can jump on the elevator (preferably with a hero equipped with a blaster) and go up.

You have to go to the central balconies to which the crane is attached - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

You have to go to the central balconies to which the crane is attached. After reaching the destination, interact with the rotating mechanism presented in the picture above.

New Stormtroopers will appear on the upper level. It's best to shoot them - you can aim directly at them or the yellow containers near them. Fortunately, the game will not hurry you up, you can approach the enemies if the character who got to the top doesn't have a blaster.

Alternatively, you can reach the top as R2-D2 and use the blue terminal to hack the nearby passages before using the rotating mechanism. This will prevent reinforcements from appearing in the area.

After getting rid of the enemies on the upper level, return to the lower level - LEGO Skywalker Saga: Hunk of Junk - walkthrough - Episode 4 - A New Hope - LEGO Skywalker Saga Guide

After getting rid of the enemies on the upper level, return to the lower level. Continue fighting with the Stormtroopers while Chewbacca finalizes the repair work.

Defend yourself until the second short cutscene with the Millennium Falcon is displayed. Reach the ramp to take your place on the board of the ship and complete the level.

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