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Metro Exodus Guide

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Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough Metro Exodus Guide and Walkthrough

Last update: 25 January 2022

This chapter of our guide to Metro Exodus focuses on Yamantau and our visit to a bunker. Artyom and his companions ride their train straight into a bunker that serves as the Russian government's main headquarters.

The level opens with a few cut-scenes and dialogs - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

The level opens with a few cut-scenes and dialogs. After reaching the destination, leave the train and go to the lift. Time for another long sequence where the only thing you can do is to observe. Soon, your comrades will save you. Grab a weapon and start searching the room - you don't have much time for that. The enemies will be here soon.

The enemies will attack you with firearms and melee weapons - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

The enemies will attack you with firearms and melee weapons. Those shooting you from the upper floor have priority. Luckily for you, Artyom is with his comrades. Finish this sequence by entering the lift.

Once you reach the upper floor, approach the box and move the lever - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

Once you reach the upper floor, approach the box and move the lever. Activate the mechanism in the next room. Go through the nook in the door. You now have to fight with enemies in tight corridors. Shotgun and other short-range weapons work great here. Keep moving through the rooms - eliminate every enemy you encounter.

You will reach a kitchen and a cold store - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

You will reach a kitchen and a cold store. Kill enemies and keep moving through the rooms. Soon, you will reach another fuse box - turn the light on and enter the adjacent room. You will see enemies getting hurt by hot air. Don't follow them. Go through the air duct - the one above the door, on the right.

Exit the air duct on the other side - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

Exit the air duct on the other side. Keep eliminating the cannibals. The path is linear, you shouldn't have any problems here. The only thing you need to remember about is to search the rooms for ammo - you will encounter a lot of enemies.

Soon, you will reach the tunnel - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

Soon, you will reach the tunnel. Miller will contact you - Artyom must go to the headquarters. Follow the narrow tunnel and eliminate more cannibals. At the of the tunnel, you will find chests. Climb up and reach the other side.

You will be attacked by more enemies - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

You will be attacked by more enemies. Save your ammo, and collect resources to craft e.g. more medkits. Interact with the lever in one of the rooms and then go through the newly opened door. You are trapped in an "arena" with a group of enemies. What is worse, you will face a very tough enemy - he is armored and uses a heavy machinegun.

Kill weaker enemies and then hide behind the pillar - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

Kill weaker enemies and then hide behind the pillar. Wait until the armored enemy stops shooting and then shoot him a few times in the head. Keep doing that until he is dead. After that, approach another door. Artyom will get attacked by a few enemies. A Molotov cocktail should be enough to eliminate them.

Artyom meets Anna and a minister responsible for the situation in the bunker - Metro Exodus: Visiting the bunker - walkthrough - Yamantau - Metro Exodus Guide

Artyom meets Anna and a minister responsible for the situation in the bunker. Follow the woman - you reach the headquarters. You meet with the rest of your friends - follow them to the lift. Eliminate enemies standing in your way. The train is on the upper floor - shoot cannibals chasing you. Soon, the chapter will end.

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