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Sara Niles Sara Niles > Quotes


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“To The Veterans of the United States of America
Thank you, for the cost you paid for our freedom, thank you for the freedom to live in safety and pursue happiness, for freedom of speech (thus my book), and for all the freedoms that we daily take for granted.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“To tell a tale so great as to tear the soul inside out"
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out”
Sara Niles, Torn From The Inside Out
“The ALL or Nothing, You Love Me-You Hate Me-I am Everything-I am Nothing. I want to Live. I want to Die, became the Curse of her life.”
Sara Niles, The Long Suicide: Losing Ariel
“It was difficult to find information because Post Traumatic Stress Disorder was called shell shock during W.W.II, and when Vietnam Vets were found to suffer from the same symptoms after exposure to traumatic war scenes, a study was embarked upon that ended with the new, more appropriate name in 1980. Thomas was diagnosed with P.T.S.D. shortly afterwards, before the term P.T.S.D. was common.”
Sara Niles
“In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved, until I learned how to become free.

Sara Niles
Torn From the Inside Out”
Sara Niles
“The most vindictive of this group of pathological abusers, carry the rage-filled energy from every wrong, or perceived injustice they ever experienced, deep inside themselves, awaiting a final vindication.”
Sara Niles, Homicide in the Street: From Out of The Maelstrom
“The sun would still rise, the seasons would still come, life would continue. I was thankful to have been a part of it; I would take the memories and savor them for the life ahead. I had been given the components that would comprise the fate of my destiny; they had aged into my soul so that part of the past would always remain with me. They would be there for me to draw strength from on days in my future when death would seem a triumph and life too hard to live any more.”
Sara Niles, Torn From The Inside Out
“Thomas was like a drug, so smooth and overwhelming that he took one up a level in their emotions just by watching him and listening to him. He was a natural entertainer, filled with talent and knowledge on many subjects and a keen sense of the arts and music. I admired him as he performed for us, and I forgot the ugliness again”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“I did not ask for a life of pain, but since I got it, I will Make it Count”
Sara Niles
“Thomas was the most loving, wonderful, and attentive husband that I could ever imagine on some days, and on others it was as if I married Lucifer himself.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“In America, it is reported by some sources that there were more domestic violence related murders in the home than the 58,000 Americans soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“In America, it is reported by some sources that there were more domestic violence related murders in the home than the 58,000 Americans soldiers killed in the entire Vietnam War.

We are in a state of domestic war, the battlefield is in the home.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“The very few among us who have earned the title psychopath, are the ones who deny or destroy their inner voice, their conscience: so that they are free to prey upon whom they wish with exuberance and abandon, do harm to others for their own pleasure. The sociopaths and psychopaths of the world who can put on a great show of caring but never be true to the character they deceptively portray to the world: Sick and Sadistic, Vulgar and Pathetic, the pedophiles and incestuous minded men and women who create brokenness and damage. Some are turned on by the taboos that are universally avoided because it is so obviously wrong, they love the feeling of power as they rape the sensitivity of the moral majority.”
Sara Niles, The Journey
“Another reason abusers don’t want to give up the ‘power’ is that they don’t want to give up the power.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“In the process of my evolution, I became a victim of domestic war, an emotional casualty for a major portion of my life, entwined, entrapped and emotionally involved until I learned how to become free. Freedom has never been easily gained and has often come at high cost throughout history, but one thing I will always know is freedom is worth every fight, and all pain.”
Sara Niles
“I learned many things about human nature, but one of the greatest is the nobility inherent within us all, for one of the greatest things about being human is the ability to be humane”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“It was nineteen fifty seven, the Little Rock nine were escorted to school by Federal troops under the order of President Eisenhower to counteract the attempt of Arkansas Governor Faubus to prevent it. Southern racial tensions produced a supreme irony: Federal troops against the National Guard. This visible strife between state and nation was one of the evidences of the racial turmoil of the times”
Sara Niles, Torn From The Inside Out
“To be human, is to be able to love the unlovable, and hope when things appear hopeless”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“The fires that burn deep within our hearts, fueling our deepest loves are indestructible; the power of the human spirit surpasses even death and life.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“The feelings Kera externalized, came from deep within, as though she both loved and hated herself, like she was trapped in a paradox that she could not find her way out of”
Sara Niles, The Journey
“Nothing good was withheld from me, even moral guidance was provided as my uncle read to me nightly out of a King James red-letter edition Bible. “Them’s the Good Lord’s words in red,” he would say reverently. These lessons installed in me a sense of moral propriety and spiritual obligation that I would later misconstrue to my own detriment. The strength of character I gleaned from them would enable me to survive myself and all lesser foes.”
Sara Niles, Torn From The Inside Out
“I could leave the world of the book enthralled and inspired, but the real world awaited me, to caress or to kick me; reality was a powerful force that could not be ignored.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“The power of the undefeatable human spirit, came alive in me, and stirred the embers of my long smoldering anger into a rage of fire. I screamed a battle cry inside myself, and felt the same vigor ignite within me that inspired men for thousands of years to fight when the odds were against them. I became passionate, as I adopted a plan to fight back and win.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“Thomas had a younger sister, Ester, who was a facsimile of the womanizer brother, who had behaviors that mirrored her brother’s treatment of women, for she treated men the same way, for the same reasons. The younger sister had raised her sons with a hurtful echo in their minds that said ‘men are no good’, and because they heard it so much from their mother’s mouth, I feared that they would one day believe it to be true.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“I smelled war on the horizon, with more deaths and trouble to come"
Bombing of the Twin Towers
From Rape of a Nation by Sara Niles”
Sara Niles
“Some things are too precious to forget, such as the lessons of history, and the deeds of unsung heroes, for if we stumble into the habit of forgetting, we lose both the value of life and the opportunity to become a wiser and stronger generation.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out
“The outer semblance of what normal looks like, is deceptive when you come out of a storm. When you come out of a turbulent storm, half-drowned like a wet rat, everything looks normal. Is it dry land? Then it is normal, you say to yourself. T”
Sara Niles, The Long Suicide: Losing Ariel
“The strength of society is the family and the strength of society is the family.”
Sara Niles
“Sometimes the lethal power is in the form of the simplest elements of all, air and water”
Sara Niles, The Ice Storm: Nonfiction Short Story
“The ego of a narcissist survives off the fuel from various things, work is only one, but a vital one for an empty ego.”
Sara Niles, Torn From the Inside Out

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