Check out my Patreon page

I've always wanted to do special things for my fans, but generally the costs are prohibitive. Commissioning art, printing, postage, it all adds up.

I've also wanted to have a more meaningful engagement with my fans. Something more personal than snippets on Facebook or a tweet.

Patreon seemed like a solution to both problems. I can use it to finance cool perks for fans like custom signed book plates, artwork, fantasy maps of my worlds, signed chapbooks and more. It's also a place I can share exclusive "patrons-only" unedited work-in-progress for valuable feedback from my closest fans.

I've posted some samples of the things that I'll feature for my patrons: scenes from upcoming books, an Elfhome novella, discussions on writing, and artwork by artists I've commissioned.
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Published on February 22, 2017 16:03
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message 1: by mike (new)

mike gibbons Every author I like that has gotten patreon has stopped releasing books.

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