I'm Back! Sort of...

Good afternoon, on this fine MLK Day. A vaccine is on the way, along with a new President, and I can bear to look at my computer screen for about an hour at a time. Progress. 

My vertigo is persistent but subsiding, some. Enough to get some writing work done, if not some reading. Fear not! When words swim on the page, that's what manga's for. And audiobooks. Nothing shall keep me from reading or writing, which is what I hope to continue doing as a new year dawns. Also, there's a puppy coming. I never post about family stuff, I know! But puppies are so very cute, and it's not something I can help. 

In the meantime, there are some updates to my bio to reflect the state of my writing. The Shadow of Theron is done and looking around for a place to call home, though interested betas are always welcome. I'm hoping to polish up book 3 of my Frostbite series, which, the more I think about it, is probably in better shape than I think it is to be rightfully called a first draft, and other standalone projects are pushing their way to the front of the brain. It may swim a little, but the noggin still works. 

In an attempt to unplug my head and enjoy the things I can do, my ability to read a book a week has been, shall we say, annihilated. As a result, I'm reverting back to being much more choosy, and therefore, reviews won't be the focus of this blog any longer. What it will be, only time will tell. A stronger focus on the state of genre writing and the writing process in general is very likely. Whatever I do read, you can see with my thoughts on the Goodreads bar running off to the right there- a line or two is about all I can manage these days, as are easy breezy regency romance reads. I have so many good fantasy books that I want to get into (Dragon Reborn is at the top of the list), but I'm just not there yet. And heaven knows how long it would take to listen to an audio of that.

Stick your head out the window, if you can, and get a gulp of some fresh air. That's what I'm going to do. And I may just take Giordano Bruno with me. 

Puppyyyyyy! This mini dachshund will be coming home by the end of the month, from the fabulous Dachshund Dude Ranch in TX
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Published on January 18, 2021 09:20
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