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Dangerous Times

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DANGEROUS TIMES is a multicultural crime-thriller with the pull of the unpredictable.

Psychopath Frank Moore has a plan that will drown goodness and grace in a river of blood. He has finally found the key to its success. Frank has found his scapegoat, his look-alike, John Kirk, a close-enough double who lives in the harbor city of San Pedro.

John Kirk wants to get out of San Pedro and leave his troublesome relationships behind. His live-in sweetheart is fed-up with his station in life and has become unfaithful, his mother finds solace from the death of Kirk's father by embracing the bottle, and Kirk's boss at the auto shop is an overbearing, cheap son of a bitch.

These troubles fall by the wayside when Frank Moore comes to town. Frank has switched their identities and fingerprints in government databases, an act that will send the innocent John Kirk on the run, through 48-hours of betrayal, violence, and murder—while Frank Moore will learn the meaning of "The best laid plans…"

261 pages, Nook

First published January 14, 2014

About the author

Phillip Frey

14 books24 followers
Phillip Frey grew up in Cleveland, Ohio, where he performed as a child actor at The Cleveland Playhouse. He then later moved to New York where he performed with The New York Shakespeare Festival, followed by The Repertory Theater of Lincoln Center.

With a change of interest Phillip wrote, directed, and edited 3 short films, all of which had international showings, including The New York Film Festival.

With yet another change of interest Phillip returned to Los Angeles to become a produced screenwriter. He is now devoted only to writing prose. The books "Dangerous Times" and "Hym and Hur" were his first published works of fiction. More recently he has had the privilege of having short stories published in various literary journals and anthologies. As for some of them:

A bizarre short story published in The Minnesota Review, Issue 92: https://read.dukeupress.edu/the-minne...

"The Doors"
A memoir about Phillip Frey's night out with Jim Morrison and Allen Ginsberg. It may be read in the literary journal "Florida English." It may be read now at: http://floridaenglish.org/journal/the...

"The Hero of Lost Causes"
This contest-winning romantic comedy is published in Scribes Valley Publishing's annual short story anthology, "Slow the Pace." Available on Amazon in print and digital. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EP4UK6A

"The Red Goddess"
A hellish story about an unstoppable wildfire. May be read in the literary journal "Whatever Our Souls," issue #2. Available on Amazon in print and digital. https//www.amazon.com/dp/B073VVCL8S

A tragic story narrated by a cat. Published in the literary journal "Alcyone," Issue 1. Available on Amazon in print and digital. Since it is the first story, it may be read in full by clicking on the cover for a Look Inside. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1976864453/

"The Uninvited"
A ghost story published in "Dark Dossier Magazine." Available on Amazon in print and digital. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1722069236

In this 1950's humorous story, teenage Hank becomes infatuated with a Marilyn Monroe lookalike. Published in the anthology "What Doesn't Kill You." Available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578209837

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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 3 books180 followers
July 6, 2012
What I liked about this book:

the humor-bad things were happening and the situation looked so hopeless and then unexpectedly, something made me laugh!
How I connected to the characters-absolutely hated Frank and Lisa (Emily too) and almost stopped reading when Kirk "died"!
I could feel the desperation (Hicks) and the loneliness (Bev)-written beautifully.
I also like how the characters realized their error and tried to put their life back together.
the ending was well done.

What I didn't like:

the beginning-the story took some time to pick up the pace and I almost gave up after reading the first 3 chapters or so, thinking this book wasn't for me!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Terri ♥ (aka Mrs. Christian Grey).
1,493 reviews474 followers
June 7, 2012
Quick review:

Cover: Fitting
Rating: R
Thumbs Up: 4
Overall: What a puzzle to fit all the pieces together.
Characters: Solid
Plot: A tangle of lives and limps to add to the thriller this book is.
Page Turner: Yes
Series Cont.? Yes?
Recommend: Sure
Book Boyfriend: John Allen Kirk

SUMMARY (50 words or less)

I was pleasantly surprised with this one. This book brings me back to my reading roots. Reminds me of Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. Two of my favorite authors. There is a lot going on in this book. This author finds a way to put it all together almost effortlessly.

Check out my full review and likeness of Kirk on my blog post.

Profile Image for Red Haircrow.
Author 21 books112 followers
May 30, 2011
The descriptions of the character’s driving, streets, turns and buildings, or the settings in which he finds himself helps set the tone and mood of the story. Frank Moore is direct and brutal, yet I found him believable and even sympathetic to a degree because he does some of the acts that might cross our minds to do: kill the unrepentant druggie and rid the world of one more useless drain on society. Sometimes the detachment left me drifting, or the seeming randomness of thought, but it was all of a piece. It was as if the story itself was a character with clear personality, a certain style of movement and purpose. Frank Moore, his wife, the other players were puppets on a stage.

I found “Dangerous Times” to be both intriguing, for it’s straightforward and direct style of narration that fit the story to a tee; and terrific in it’s intangible build of suspense. I confess I was dismayed a bit by the length, which was 350 pages in .pdf format, but this was accounted for by the 1.5 spacing and Courier font. Not an easy one for eyes, but again, it did seem to fit the “Dangerous Times,” making for outstanding perspective.

For lovers of crime thrillers and suspense novels written in a solid, purposeful voice, “Dangerous Times” is a winner. It’s dark and gritty, yet still touched by flashes of brillance told in a unique voice. Once it grabs you, it doesn’t let you go. As it’s short description states: “this book is not for the squeamish. It begins as a creepy slow burner that leads to sex, violence, murder, and betrayal.”

For more reviews & interviews, please visit the site, Flying With Red Haircrow.
Profile Image for Carmen Blalock.
262 reviews14 followers
May 22, 2014
In life we make decision on a daily basis. Some of those decisions benefit us and some of those decisions could have been thought through a little better, but ultimately we made the best decision we thought at the time. What would happen if our decision was based on the actions of others, would the outcome be different or would you make the same decision? Should you throw caution to the wind just because it is someone else pulling the strings or should you still use a level head and make the best decision for the most positive outcome?

Frank Moore is living his life as best he can but he wants more and without his nagging wife Ty. Ty is a woman scorned not only by her husband but also by her uncle Eddie and if it is the last thing she does Ty wants to pay him back for all of the pain that he has caused her. Frank and Ty has come up with a plan to get her uncle back but all the while Frank has a plan of his own that doesn't involve Ty. Family secrets will hurt the family and the more secrets there are the deeper the pain will go.

John Kirk is just an average joe living an average life, not particularly happy but not totally miserable either. He has a girlfriend Lisa that he loves, his mother Beverly just adores him and John gets total joy from restoring his old car ~ a 49 Ford. But if John Kirk could just leave this life and have a new one he would if only he could get the chance, little does John know to be careful what you wish for.

Ben Hicks is a detective with scars ~ his son died, his wife has divorced him and his boss hates him. Life couldn't be better if he planned it that way. Now as fate would have it, Hicks finds himself on the chopping block once again and he see no way out of this one. If he could just leave this life for a new one, start over somewhere else he would be happier than ever before. Wishes might just be granted for Hicks, but at what price?

Dangerous Times is a thriller. The various characters have a six degree of separation situation because their paths are all intertwined and they don't even know that they are trying to obtain the same goal for the same person. I enjoy the suspense in this novel and the interaction of the characters and I would love to see them come again in another novel. I am definitely looking forward to reading more from Phillip Frey in the future. Dangerous Times is available for purchase through Amazon.com (Kindle only), BN.com (Nook only), Smashwords (various downloadable editions) and the authors website: http://www.phillipfrey.com/.
Profile Image for Ty.
48 reviews
September 28, 2011
Dangerous Times is the story of two men from different walks of life. Their lives intertwine, which could mean danger for the both of them.

This was a really good book full of twists and turns. It was unpredictable, a detail I enjoy when reading. There were times when the added details made for boring reading. I also found myself getting lost in certain spots because of the story going back and forth. Overall, this was an enjoyable book.
Profile Image for Jack.
2,739 reviews26 followers
October 26, 2011
A thriller with a complex and interesting plot which kept me guessing all the way through.
Profile Image for Barbara Cerda.
Author 8 books18 followers
November 1, 2017
Book Review


I went on a ride along yesterday with a man who killed for pleasure. This was a reading journey I’ll not forget.

I found it hard but fascinating sharing the thoughts of an unapologetic soul who found his pleasure using blade to slice flesh. Women seemed to be his game of choice. The prettier the better. It would perhaps be easier to accept if this twisted mind was housed in an unattractive body and face. Perhaps some mindless being brought to ruthlessness because of a tortured childhood, but no. The author created the type of villain we love to hate. Beautiful blonde, male, brilliant and indulgent in his refinements. This was one of the characterization in this work that makes it a good read.

But still it’s hard living in the head of a psychotic murderer – even for a few hours. And even when the author of the tale is so good at telling it.

“Frank was the kind of killer who didn’t like to get it over with quickly, unless he had to.” Dangerous Times

My most favorite thing to do is predict mystery outcomes. I’m usually right. the great reveal is that the author is so adept at introducing twist and animated characterizations – I became a captive audience. Scene by scene my predictions fell flat.

The deal is that a lot of money lies at the heart of this tale and its characters. Each one has a compelling reason to have it. Disparate themes, scenes and storylines comes together in a brilliant who done it.

My favorite character is John Allen Kirk Navy SEAL. His strong character and caring heart wins out. It’s like all John’s sound and balanced reasonings for achieving wealth bled into an unlikely new buddy cop Ben Hicks.


John Allen Kirk the ex-Navy SEAL has a need for a new life and a way to relieve himself of a woman he no longer loves or respects.

Frank Lester Moore is the monster with a brain. This is where the author makes his biggest impact on this reader. This evil is a well-crafted genius. Extreme malice of will and calculated forethought comes to mind.

Ben Hicks is becoming a failure as a cop and human being. The idea of getting his hands on enough money to make right al his wrongs is worth any price. Until he met up with John.

Critiques A film noir well done.

Genre: General audiences, Drama, Americana,

Profile Image for Editing Services by Cynthia Shepp.
161 reviews14 followers
August 12, 2012
REVIEW BY CASSIE HOFFMAN for Cynthia Shepp Book Reviews and Editing

Dangerous Times is a crime-thriller that is full of twist and turns and unpredictable situations. The story has murder, sex, lies, and it is just an all around dark and gritty story. Dangerous Times keeps you on your toes, guessing and wondering what is going to happen next.

Frank is a hit man who is paid to do his favorite thing, kill. He comes up with a plan to screw over his boss for a few million dollars. His wife Ty helps him, because she wants’ payback for what her uncle, Frank’s boss did to her parents. But what Ty doesn’t know won’t hurt her, because Frank has no plans to include Ty.

Frank is obsessed with what he does and fascinates about slicing women’s veins with his favorite blade when he sees them. He is a cold-blooded murder that loves what he does. He nicknames his victims pigeons. Frank has no sympathy for anyone or for what he does. He dreams about killing more and more people.

When Franks plan calls for a look-a-like that is where Kirk, ex-marine and mechanic comes in. He will Kill Kirk, take over his identity and trade places. So when they find Kirks body they will think its Frank and never come look for him.

Frank goes through with his plan, but everything stars unraveling. Something goes wrong…I am not going to tell ya what that is, but it’s a good plot!

That is where we meet Hicks, a high-ranking cop who has taken bribes and is facing being kicked off the police force. Hicks’ is also struggling with the death of a very close family member and a divorce.

All three of these men’s lives are intertwined throughout the book; they are all similar in a way, and looking for a way out. There is also a racial divide in the book between, whites, blacks and Hispanics. You will meet quit a few different characters, who play a pivotal role in the story.

Throughout the book, Franks plan is unraveling right in front of his eyes. Will he get his “Pigeon”, make a successful switch, and get the money? Will his determination pay off? You’ll just have to find out!

Every chapter is told by a different character, they switch back and forth. We get to see what they are thinking, feeling, and dealing with. I enjoyed it to a point, it was something different then other books I have read, but it also would make me detach a bit. I struggled to read the book, just because it was a different genre for me but I really did enjoy it. I have to say the author knows how to write a story, merge the characters all together, and keep you guessing and wondering how it’s going to end.


“Listen wise-guy when you get to be my age, you’re gonna look back and see what a fuckup you’ve been”-Bob Staub

“Yeah, Maria, how bout I just take his shoes.”- Juan

“Ta-ten, ten-ten milly-milly-million!”- Ty

For more reviews of Great Books, please visit http://cynthiashepp.wordpress.com
Profile Image for ✨Cassie ✨.
531 reviews5 followers
August 13, 2012

Dangerous Times is a crime-thriller that is full of twist and turns and unpredictable situations. The story has murder, sex, lies, and it is just an all around dark and gritty story. Dangerous Times keeps you on your toes, guessing and wondering what is going to happen next.

Frank is a hit man who is paid to do his favorite thing, kill. He comes up with a plan to screw over his boss for a few million dollars. His wife Ty helps him, because she wants’ payback for what her uncle, Frank’s boss did to her parents. But what Ty doesn’t know won’t hurt her, because Frank has no plans to include Ty.

Frank is obsessed with what he does and fascinates about slicing women’s veins with his favorite blade when he sees them. He is a cold-blooded murder that loves what he does. He nicknames his victims pigeons. Frank has no sympathy for anyone or for what he does. He dreams about killing more and more people.

When Franks plan calls for a look-a-like that is where Kirk, ex-marine and mechanic comes in. He will Kill Kirk, take over his identity and trade places. So when they find Kirks body they will think its Frank and never come look for him.

Frank goes through with his plan, but everything stars unraveling. Something goes wrong…I am not going to tell ya what that is, but it’s a good plot!

That is where we meet Hicks, a high-ranking cop who has taken bribes and is facing being kicked off the police force. Hicks’ is also struggling with the death of a very close family member and a divorce.

All three of these men’s lives are intertwined throughout the book; they are all similar in a way, and looking for a way out. There is also a racial divide in the book between, whites, blacks and Hispanics. You will meet quit a few different characters, who play a pivotal role in the story.

Throughout the book, Franks plan is unraveling right in front of his eyes. Will he get his “Pigeon”, make a successful switch, and get the money? Will his determination pay off? You’ll just have to find out!

Every chapter is told by a different character, they switch back and forth. We get to see what they are thinking, feeling, and dealing with. I enjoyed it to a point, it was something different then other books I have read, but it also would make me detach a bit. I struggled to read the book, just because it was a different genre for me but I really did enjoy it. I have to say the author knows how to write a story, merge the characters all together, and keep you guessing and wondering how it’s going to end.


“Listen wise-guy when you get to be my age, you’re gonna look back and see what a fuckup you’ve been”-Bob Staub

“Yeah, Maria, how bout I just take his shoes.”- Juan

“Ta-ten, ten-ten milly-milly-million!”- Ty

Profile Image for Gloria Antypowich.
Author 6 books45 followers
November 5, 2012
Reviewed by Gloria Antypowich for Readers Favorite

I am a big fan of crime thriller books so I looked forward to reading Dangerous Times by Phillip Frey.

By all appearance, Frank and Ty Moore are normal people, living a nice life, in a nice house, on a nice street in West Los Angeles. But things are not always what they appear to be.

Ty is the niece of Eddie James, a dangerous, merciless, money laundering gangster. Frank works as his errand boy, delivering Eddies laundered money from point to point.

Frank Moore has psychotic tendencies. He is a violent man who has no conscience and loves to draw blood. He has come up with an outrageous plan to steal million of dollars in cash from Eddie. His wife, Ty, knows the basics of his plan and supports it as revenge for the murder of her parents at Eddies command. As the book opens, Frank is on his way to Charlie Habakkuks place to nail down a critical piece in his plan. He needs to find someone who looks enough like him to be identified as Frank Moore in death. Charlie is a hacker with a drug addiction and Frank has offered him a lot of money to find such a person and make an exchange of legal identities with him.

John Allan Kirk is fingered for the switch. Charlie uses his hacker knowledge and with a few strokes on the computer keyboard, Frank becomes John Allan Kirk and unbeknownst to him, John Allan Kirk is now recognized as Frank Moore. Frank tracks down his unsuspecting victim, stalks him and waits for the right opportunity to carry out his plan. But as we all know, the best laid plans can go awry.

Dangerous Times is a well written crime-thriller. The plot is fast paced and convoluted, filled with surprise turns, betrayal, violence and murder—and a bit of sex. The story line includes multiple characters, each with their own problems and circumstances, but Frey pulls them all in and makes it work very well.

As one character asked, "why does it all come down to the money". As another character said "It's the money in the pocket that makes the man." Each of the characters have their own answers to those remarks, but indeed the desire for money is a primary factor in the beginning.

In the end some of them realise that their everyday problems were not very big, compared to the mayhem Frank Moore brought into their lives. Others get a second chance to rebuild a better, happier life. Some lose their lives. And Frank Moore played a dangerous game—did he win; you'll have to read Dangerous Times to discover that!

I recommend this book to anyone who likes crime thrillers. You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Shalini Ayre.
139 reviews2 followers
July 18, 2012
Frank Moore, well dressed in his camel-hair coat, is on a mission - get the money and leave town. Anyone standing in his way will be taken care of. He's not concerned if he leaves his wife Ty behind or his mistress plus he wants to be rid of Ty's uncle. It's the last errand he does for him and then freedom.

John Kirk an ex-marine and an auto-mechanic. He's haunted by his past and despite some effort, wants to lose the 'manana' attitude. Lisa, his so called girlfriend has little respect for him and his mother finds comfort in a bottle of whiskey.

Lieutenant Hicks is a troubled man. Resentful that his wife left him for a 'white-ass lawyer', he still mourns the death of his son and has pangs of guilt for taking a bribe - kind of; the money is going to help him get out of San Pedro.

The lives of these three men become entwined in a dark and twisted tale of deceit, greed and murder. And it all starts with Frank assuming the identity of John Kirk. Frank's executes his plan with simplicity and cunning not aware that his scheme is unraveling. Remarkably, it still works out in his favor - or does it? A complete domino effect, Franks determination to get his money leaves behind a trail of destruction. Will he be able to succeed and walk away from it all unscathed?

A complex and tangled web of a story, Dangerous Times is a novel that keeps giving until the dramatic ending. Frey's characters are vibrant with great depth. He has created a hero of sorts with John Kirk, but I'm sure readers will find themselves willing Frank to be successful with his plan - I did. He's not particularly likable - no-one really is but that's the charm with this novel. One life is revealed as being connected with another and as Frey leads you down one path, you end up somewhere completely different.

I really enjoyed this book. It unravels at a steady pace and as the tension intensifies so does the intricacies of the plot. As I went from one chapter to the next, I kept wondering how is this going to end? Frey has created a tense, enthralling thriller with elements of a harsh criminal underworld and yet there are moments of tenderness. With simple, clean descriptions, its a story of 'everyday' people's fears, hatred and willingness to survive - no matter what. A highly recommended read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author to review. The opinions expressed are my own and I am not expected to give a positive critique.
Profile Image for Keith Nixon.
Author 28 books172 followers
December 22, 2012
Frank Moore, hitman for gangster boss Eddie Jones, has a plan. He intends to rip Eddie off to the tune of $5m, the trouble is he needs to find someone else to take the fall. Enter John Kirk, an ex-soldier turned car mechanic who bears a striking resemblance to Frank. However, things start to go wrong almost immediately. Frank ends up with $10m in his lap, John doesn’t die quite as Frank intended, all manner of people are after the money and then the bodies start piling up…

Even several days after finishing Dangerous Times I’m still not sure about whether I liked it or not. Yes, it’s well written, yes, the characters are well scoped out and yes, the dialogue is interesting. Although I appreciate an intriguing plot that gets to the point with a minimum of fuss and embellishment, Frey’s writing was economic to the point of being terse. So much so it proved sometimes difficult to keep track of what was happening, a few words missed here and there and I was soon lost and having to re-trace my steps for confirmation.

In addition there were several apparent methods of adding interest including switches of character perspective within a paragraph, which just served to jar the narrative and set the teeth slightly on edge. Also, the chapters rolled into one another, just a line space between them.
The whole cast of characters, from Frank’s wife and mistress, to John’s girlfriend and mother, to Hicks the bent cop (who seemed superfluous to needs most of the time), to Eddie and his cohorts, were particularly unpleasant and all, frankly, entirely out for themselves. That the plan went wrong almost immediately led to some interesting outcomes, however I found myself doubting that someone of Frank’s apparent intelligence would have left certain elements to chance (okay, this would have killed the story dead but then suspension of belief stretched).

And to Frank himself. Frey on his website says his protagonist is ‘impish’ and ‘playful’. This would not be how I would depict a sociopathic murderer with a penchant for cutting open main arteries with a razor. The book is also described as being darkly humourous, yet I can’t recall laughing once, it’s just not within that genre.

So, back to the beginning – did I like Dangerous Times? You know, I’m still not sure…

**Originally written for "Books and Pals" book blog. May have received a free review copy. **
Profile Image for Denise Murray.
46 reviews3 followers
July 17, 2014
Truth is very often said to be stranger than fiction. Well, If there is any truth to that statement then I shudder to think of the strange possibilities of real life. With that being said, the title of my most recently read novel, Dangerous Times is an understatement. Dangerous Times takes readers to a dimension that is 10 levels past dangerous. Phillip Frey has created a deceitful world of criminal activity, backstabbing and ruthless characters so deviously crafted, I found myself reading with my eyes covered. Dangerous Times is Frey's newly released crime thriller that is so calculated and deliberate with action, the suspense keeps you entwined in the corrupted web of crime until the very end of the novel.

Crime stories, whether fictional or non-fiction in nature are seething with sinister deviants that have such a twisted talent for vicious behaviors and emotionless thought patterns void of conscience. Dangerous Times introduces Frank Moore, criminal mastermind fueling the intense pace of the action in the suspenseful scenarios of stalkers, victims and deception- or is that really the case?

My first experience reading a crime thriller was purely coincidental. The paperback novel mysteriously appeared at the edge of my driveway one morning, just like the daily newspaper. With a story line that I never want to happen across in a newspaper headline, Dangerous Times is a depiction of the mechanics of madness elaborately captured in a disturbing, well written novel complete with an assortment of characters too vivid to exist only in text. Frey certainly does his readers justice with an intriguing and clever plot in Dangerous Times. My final thought as I finished the lengthy read was, "How does an author develop such a compellingly vicious plot for a book?" Then I thought again, "If truth is stranger than fiction, I really don't want to know."
- See more at: http://niecyisms.blogspot.com/2014/07...
Profile Image for Shandi Dews.
54 reviews1 follower
August 1, 2014
First let me say, I thoroughly enjoyed this book...in fact, I read it all in one sitting, which means I didn't go to sleep until 5 am! I know, I know, shame on me...I just couldn't put it down!

Now, in the beginning of this story we are introduced to Frank, and are immediately tuned in to the fact that Frank isn't a nice guy. Frank, as it turns out, loves blood, and he seems to enjoy being the one spilling it, even more. Don't forget about Frank, because he is the center point of this entire story!

Further into the story, we meet Ben Hicks, a down on his luck cop, with a bad attitude, a temper, and a knack for getting himself into trouble. So much so, that he is facing charges for letting his temper get the best of him, when he beats a teenager to death with his bare hands.

Further into the story, we meet John Allen Kirk, a man who has unknowingly become a pawn, in a game of deception and murder. At the same time, we learn more about Ty and Emily, the wife and girlfriend (Respectively) of none other than Frank...remember him?

Lastly, we meet Eddie Jones, Uncle of Ty (Franks wife), and head of the Mafia...this is getting interesting, no?

So there you have it, a cast of characters, all somehow tied together in a chaotic web of murder, deceit, and greed. How are they tied together you ask? Read the book to find out! You can find it HERE, and just in case I haven't peaked your interest enough, let me just throw this final thought in...what you think is going to happen, changes, with every turn of the page :)
Profile Image for Heather.
113 reviews8 followers
August 14, 2013
It is possible I have a misunderstanding of the crime thriller genre as this book was not at all what I expected it to be; however, I don’t think that is it. Anyone that reads this novel will be able to tell it is a book about crime as this is a theme that spills over almost every page. As to the thriller part, I felt as though I was on a roller coaster ride so perhaps that was the “thrill” side of things. There are a large number of people thrown into the story, the perspective of the storyteller is constantly changing, and I lost track of the number of crimes that were committed.

It sounds like I hated the book, right? Then, why couldn’t I put it down? Why did I read every single word in one sitting? Even now, after writing everything that I just did, I have no idea if I liked this novel. It held my attention and Frey kept me guessing but… I don’t know if I liked it. I guess it is just one of those things that will remain a mystery.

Check out our FULL review by visiting us at Griffin's Honey http://www.griffinshoney.com/book-rev...
Profile Image for Britt.
196 reviews6 followers
July 17, 2014
Where do I even begin? Phillip Frey's Dangerous Time is one book I could not put down. This crime thriller kept me at the edge of my seat the entire time. The characters are so well developed that you feel for them and want the best outcome in all situations. Frey displays a great skill in keeping the reader second guessing on what's to come. Not to give anything away in the storyline,but I absolutely adored the characters: Kirk and Ty for some reason they just completely made the novel come alive to me. If you wish to experience a well-written crime thriller novel I definitely recommend Dangerous Times. This novel is short and starts off in the middle of action. There is no down time in this novel as every page, every word is dedicated to solving the case. Enjoy!
Profile Image for Lynn Hallbrooks.
Author 7 books111 followers
September 22, 2015
I discovered this book among those in the Masquerade Crew Review Club. I was given a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book is a Psychological Thriller

Frank, an errand boy for the mob, is seeking out a way to escape his current life. John Kirk, an auto mechanic, has a past that he'd rather forget. What John doesn't know is that Frank has plans for him that have nothing to do with repairing a vehicle.

I enjoyed this story because in some ways it was like Face Off and in others A Comedy of Errors. Each twist and turn you are not sure what will happen. Even the ending had me scratching my head...later on I caught its meaning.

Warning: This book is for Mature Audiences due to somewhat graphic violence and sex as well as adult language.
Profile Image for Nannette P.
17 reviews
August 25, 2014
This book plays out like a movie for your brain. It pulls you in , and with each word you can see the scene page by page. This is quite a read, especially before bed at night.
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews

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