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Vala #1


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Cheyenne Loveless was just a boring sixteen-year-old girl. Then Denver Collins bit her and everything changed. Her plants start talking to her, she finds out she’s a Nymph, and a witch and the angel of death show up at her doorstep to take her away to the prestigious Vala School and Seminary. Oh, and she has no choice in the matter.

All she wants to do is blend in and return to being invisible, but the more time that passes, the harder that becomes. Plus she’s a daughter of the Divine, an exclusive secret society which rules the world of myth, and discovers she is a key ingredient to an ancient covenant created before she was born. A covenant that will reshape the order of the world.

Adjusting to a new school is difficult enough, but adding on everyone else’s hidden agendas is the icing on the cake. Cheyenne must learn to see through the lies in order to find her place — and possibly even love — in this new world.

274 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 17, 2011

About the author

Cloud S. Riser

49 books312 followers
The Artist Formerly Known as J.F. Jenkins.

Yes, I've changed my pen name. If you're redirected here after looking up one of my old books, that's why. Rather than rebuild my profile here on Goodreads, I've simply decided to combine my books into one place.

Who am I?

I am Cloud S. Riser and I'm a storyteller. Step into my worlds. There is a little bit of everything. Romance, mystical creatures, bizarre new worlds, and great adventures.

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Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 3 books180 followers
August 17, 2012
This is a YA book but not a typical one.
What makes it different is that Cheyenne-the female lead– falls for a bad boy and realizes that he isn’t perfect. Even though, she’s hopelessly attracted to Denver, she tries her best to keep a cool head around him.
I did find it odd that she didn’t much resent him biting her but I guess that could be because it opened a whole new world to her.
I loved the twins and their completely different personalities.
What didn’t sit well with me was that Cheyenne kept disregarding her dreams. I mean you’re at a magic school and those dreams felt ominous, yet she didn’t seem to pay attention to them.
The mystery surrounding the statue of the angel and the Fallen Angel was intriguing and I hope there’ll be more about them in the next book.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tracey.
686 reviews446 followers
November 16, 2012
When I first read the blurb for Vala: Agendas, the thing that struck me was "Her plants start talking to her".... Okay I thought, This should be interesting!! And while this started out as a bit of a slow read, it quickly picked up pace about a third of the way through and turned out to be a really great and engaging story!!!

Cheyenne Loveless was quite a reserved and quiet sixteen year old. She hates being in the spotlight but one night attends a party where she meets the gorgeous and mysterious Denver Collins. He convinces her to go outside with him where he proceeds to bite her and then flees. Its then that the plants and flowers start talking to her and she learns that she is a Nymph. Taken away to the Vala school she finds herself a part of the popular crowd with a social life and friends that she's never had before.

This book is filled with a whole lot of mythical and supernatural beings. It's also a book full of mystery. Almost all of the characters have points of mystery surrounding them. Each character is very different from the next with a whole range of personality traits to set them apart. I would have to say my favourite would be Denver. In the glimpses that we get of him, he seems to be a complete contradiction. He exudes a bad boy image with a who cares attitude but the we get little bits on nice and sweet. I can't wait to see more from him in the next book!!

If there was one negative to the story, for me it was Cheyenne's dismissal of the mother who raised her, nurtured her and loved her for sixteen years. I would have loved to have had a better insight into why she felt the way she did.

Outside of that one issue, Vala: Agendas was a really great and enjoyable book and I'm looking forward to seeing what awaits these characters next.

Review first posted at YA Book Addict... http://youngadultbookaddict.blogspot....
515 reviews5 followers
January 10, 2019
Exciting, refeshing and different from everything else I've read. I've read the "normal" paranormal with vampire, werewolves, witches etc. and I've mythology with the Greek Gods. Vala: Agendas takes parts of both of those and combines them into this mysterious, magical world. I was drawn to all of the characters because I feel that they each have their own interesting story to tell. Everyone is more than they seem and I look forward to more of this series!
Profile Image for Rachelia (Bookish Comforts).
148 reviews83 followers
December 14, 2013
Vala: Agendas introduces readers to a cast of magical characters who are living at a boarding school (Vala), learning about their powers, myths, & the Divine. The story centers around Cheyenne, the main character, who is quickly immersed in this world after being seduced and bit on the neck by a handsome male stranger. She learns that she isn’t just a normal teenager after all, but that she has the power to talk to flowers and that she is the daughter of the Divine (Persephone). Her whole life has been a lie in order to keep her safe from those who want a daughter of the Divine for their own purposes. While at the magical boarding school Cheyenne learns more about her heritage, and creates a group of friends (and even the occasional enemy), while also dealing with typical teenage problems - jealousy, crushes, dating, wanting to fit in, etc.

When I first started reading Agendas I was initially very intrigued by Cheyenne’s ability to talk to plants - it seemed like a unique gift (the only other story I recall this happening in is Alice in Wonderland) and I was interested in seeing what exciting things could be accomplished with it. However, her ability was often left by the wayside as she focused more on learning about her heritage and the Divine at school, and it only seemed to appear when it was useful or needed. Perhaps her abilities will be developed further in the sequels, as her Nymph abilities seemed to get very little page time in Agendas.
As for the characters, Jenkins has crafted some interesting ones, from Cheyenne’s roommate Halyn, to Ang and Zes, the twin love interests, to her stern teacher who also happens to be a fallen angel. Unfortunately, while the characters were interesting, some had their quirks that annoyed me and for the most part I had a hard time connecting with them (with the exception being Halyn).

Lastly, the pacing was a bit of an issue for me as well. In the beginning Cheyenne is very abruptly told that her current life has been fabricated and that she is a Nymph and a daughter of the Divine. She is then swept away from her ‘mother’ and taken to Vala- and she adjusts pretty well and quickly. Overall, things seemed to go a bit too well or were too convenient, and at times this made the plot slow and unengaging. The mythology explanations also sort of lost me for a while and was a tad bit confusing.

In the end, I just don’t think this was the book for me. Perhaps books that focus on mythology and angels and divine creatures just aren’t my thing? But for me, I just couldn’t get into Vala: Agendas as much as I wanted too, despite the unique storyline and characters.

Disclaimer : I received an electronic copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

To read more reviews like this please visit my blog Bookish Comforts!
Profile Image for Heather.
176 reviews19 followers
September 30, 2012
Cheyenne was just a normal girl living with her single mom until new bad boy Denver bit her. Suddenly Cheyenne finds that her mother isn't her mother at all but simply a guardian put in place to watch her until the time came for her to learn about her powers. As she waits for people at the Vala School to arrive she begins hearing things and realizes the flowers are talking to her. Before she can freak out too much she's whisked away to the mysterious Vala School.

Once there life is much different for Cheyenne then it had been in her prior life. Where she was shy, prone to panic attacks, and didn't have many friends before, suddenly she is popular with more friends and events happening in her life then she thought was possible. Her roommate Halyn is a sweet, caring witch who has high energy and quickly becomes Cheyenne's best friend.

Then there's the overwhelming amount of boys in her life. Cheyenne first meets the William's twins who are not only the most popular boys at school but they are cute too! Anj is intelligent, mysterious, and blind, but his magic allows him to see. Zes is nervous, sensitive, and adorable. I couldn't help but like both of the twins. Then there's Denver; he's apparently a student at the school and while he pretends to not care about Cheyenne there's a sexual tension between them that made me blush.

Finally we have Lucien, a dark angel and resident of Hell. He thinks he's reincarnate of Hades and Cheyenne holds the spirit of Persephone the First, who is of her bloodline. Lucien will stop at nothing to make Cheyenne his bride and finally unite the underworld with the Divine.

This book was a quick read that was very enjoyable. The characters are all very likeable and I felt as if I knew each and every one of them. There's so many mysteries to uncover in the story and it's fun putting the pieces together to understand what is happening in the school.

There were two things I didn't like about this book. I hated that Cheyenne left her guardian, whom she thought was her mother, and never spoke to her again. It made me sad for both Cheyenne and her guardian. I also thought that the ending of the book was abrupt. I would have liked to have had a few more pages written to know what was going on before it simply ended.

I will say I can't wait to read the next book in this series. There's so much going on and so much more I want to know about. I don't yet know what gifts Jewl, Anj, and Zes have. I want to know who Cheyenne will choose to date. I also want to find out what will happen between the demons and the Divine. I hope the next book has as much action and romance as this one did!

I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

Profile Image for Angela.
337 reviews7 followers
December 18, 2012
PDF free for honest review

I found myself loving this book very much. It had it all for me, adventure, love, mystery, paranormal, and budding friendships/new families. The characters were very easy to come to love and hate, depending on the character. Cheyenne was my favorite character, and not just because she was the main character. She was a character that can be connected to on some level. She is a shy girl, some would call a nerd, and doesn't really have many or any friends in her high school. She is in to her studies and thinks the only friend she needs is her Mom. When she goes to a party that she was only invited to as "the proper thing to do" she goes reluctantly and soon wishes she would have just stayed home. At this party she is bit by Denver, a "vampire" of sorts, and her life changes in every way possible. Cheyenne soon finds out she is not who she thought she was, her Mother is not who she thought she was, and her life, as she knows it, is pretty much a great big lie. Soon she is being whisked away to go to some "special" school for people "like her", but she doesn't even know what that is yet. She learns that her parents are part of the Divine, a high up party in the magical society of myth. She also learns that she may not be safe at the new school, for the boy that bit her and started all this nonsense for her is also a student there. To make matters worse Cheyenne finds out that she could very well be betrothed to a Demon! She soon makes friends, which is something she has never really had before, but her life is far from "happily ever after". Can she continue to be protected from the Demon that wants to claim her as his wife and upturn the whole society as they know it? What happens when you make the wrong choices, but don't even know it? Will she be putting her new friends in danger just by being with them? Can she find love and be happy? If a Demon is after you, do you really have a choice of not being with him? What can they do to stop all this craziness? How does a teenage girl pick between Denver and Zes, two totally opposite types of boys? And will she have a chance to?

The plot was well thought out, but it did seem to move a bit on the slow side at a point in the book. It dove right in at first, then seemed to stall a bit before picking back up. It did pick back up though, which is what kept me reading. I also loved the mythical concept of it all, so found myself drawn into the book. I enjoyed the book, plot, and characters and am looking forward to reading on in the series to see where it takes them all. I do hope though, that the next book moves a bit faster than this one and has a bit more action all throughout the book.

4/5 Stars!
Profile Image for Megan.
472 reviews83 followers
May 21, 2015
The rating for the book is 3.5 but I rounded up to 4 cause goodreads doesn't do .5's!

Vala: Angendas follows main protagonist Cheyenne Loveless who is a normal sixteen year girl. She is quite shy and doesn't have many friends . Everything changes when she meets dark, handsome and broody Denver Collins. Every time she sees Devner she gets butterflies. She some how ends up at a new teen club that has opened and Denver approaches her and asks her to step outside with him. He then bites her. And from there everything changes.

I was a little annoyed when I first starting reading Vala as she just lets him bite her, even though she doesn't know he is going to, it just felt a little strange and unrealistic regarding the character, as she is shy and just basically the way it happened felt wrong. I was a little unsure of the book after the first few pages but I am glad I keep reading as the story really picked up and I couldn't put it down after the initial issues I had.

I really liked when Cheyenne went to Vala, the boarding school for people with "special skills", as it turns out Cheyenee is adopted, a decedent of Persephone and can talk to plants, it turns out she is a Nymph. There she becomes friends with a group of popular kids and finds herself on the other end of the popularity scale from loner to popular which is a bit of a shock to her. I really liked the twins Zes and Anj who are some of Cheyenee's new friends. They where total opposites and there "skills" intrigued me. I also liked that there is a love triangle between Zes, Cheyenne and Denver (as it turns out he attends the boarding school) I am not sure who I want her to be with but Zes is a little ahead of Denver.

It was great that there where alot of supernaturals in Vala: Angendas and not just your typical vampires and werewolves, we have nymphs, descendants of mythical creatures, witches, and an angel of death. I also really liked learning about the mythology of the creatures, there is of course Greek mythology in it which I am starting to really enjoy reading about.

Overall I enjoyed Vala: Angendas. There where great characters, a good storyline and lots of mystery which I liked. I can't to find out what happens next!
Profile Image for Michelle .
2,080 reviews294 followers
January 29, 2012
I really really loved this book! I was so excited while I was reading it because I kept liking it more and more. I have been in a so so reading slump. Lots of 2 and 3 star books that I either didn't enjoy or liked but didn't love. It kind of puts you in a weird mood. I want to be excited about the books that I read, and Vala: Agendas did that for me! Once I picked it up I could not put it down. I actually had dinner plans and had to stop reading around 1/4 way through the book, and all through dinner I was just thinking about what was going to happen next. I think I may have even eaten a little faster.

Cheyenne is a cool character, I love that she interacts with plants. There are so many freaking secrets in this book, I don't even know where to start. It seems like everyone has not one, but multiple secrets- it is hard to keep them all straight. I am dying to know about the secrets surrounding Denver the most! We don't even know what he is! I know it must be driving Cheyenne crazy but she handles it all really well. Probably better than I would be. I know I would be demanding answers. (I hate not knowing things)

Denver is the mysterious, bad boy type and normally that is not my thing, but there is just something about him. I like that Cheyenne acknowledged that he was a bad boy and she normally did not go for that, but she couldn't help herself sometimes when Denver is involved. I am dying to know more about his backstory and I hope it is a real focus in the second book.

The twins Anj and Des are pretty cool, but when Cheyenne's dad said she didn't trust the seer, I was so intrigued. I did not doubt either of them for a second. I am so interested to see if anything is going to happen with them. They seem really genuine, so I would be really sad if that is not the case- but I guess we will find out soon enough.

I really liked that there are still more than a few unanswered questions at the end of the book. It is giving me something to look forward to for the next book. I think Vala Agendas sets up the story really well for an awesome series! I can't wait for the next book to come out. I'm really excited for it! Lot's of great things are to come!
Profile Image for Chrystal.
395 reviews114 followers
January 24, 2012
This was an amazingly unique story. I was not really sure what to expect with this novel, but I was pleasantly surprised that it was it's own story and not like anything else I've read of late.

Cheyenne is a quiet, reserved girl who tends to keep to herself. She has almost no friends and has panic attacks easily. I kinda liked the fact that she was a bit bookish/geeky as if made me related to her more. After a night of fun with a few friends she is attracted to a guy, Denver Collins, who she thinks might kiss her, but in fact actually bites her. That is when her world turns upside down and feels more like a bad dream.

From this point on she finds out her Mom is not really her mother, but a kind of foster mother. She also finds out that she is a Nymph and the daughter of the Divine, she is Persephone's daughter. Strangers, a witch and a Fallen Angel, come to her home to take her to her new school and to eventually meet her real parents. So much happens in a short time for Cheyenne, but she adapts pretty quickly. It's almost like she finally feels like she is a part of something instead of feeling like an outsider. And her panic attacks are almost non-existent and she becomes a stronger person as the story expands.

She meets some amazing new friends - Halyn (her roommate) and Anj and Zes (the twins). She has an instant attraction to the twins, she seemed more interested in Anj at first, but I kept pulling for Zes throughout the story. Little does she know that this Denver Collins guy attends her school and is looking to cause her some trouble.

There are all kinds facets to Cheyenne's story: her attraction to the despicable Denver, her connection and love for Zes, and of course there is Lucien who believes she is bound to end up his possession due to some old tale of the Divine.

There are so many ways for this story to go and I cannot wait to see what happens in the next installment. I'm pulling for Cheyenne and Zes, but have a feeling Denver and Lucien will try to disrupt their relationship some more.
December 19, 2011
Today's review is on Vala: Agendas by J.F. Jenkins

Vala Agendas was a delightful book to read, if at times a little bit slow. It was easy to fall in love with the characters and the story line; which is based on a unique myth. In fact, the school where the main and supportive character's attend works to clarify the myths from the facts of their supernatural students.

Cheyenne Loveless is out one night when she is approached by a handsome boy with emerald, green eyes. She is instantly attracted to Denver Collins hoping that he will kiss her, but instead finds that he has bitten her. Now her life is turned upside down.

The mother that she has known and loved for 16 years in not really her mother at all. There are two strangers in her home; a witch and a Fallen Angel, and she must go with them to a new school to be kept safe. And, she's not even human. She is the daughter of the Divine and a Nymph.

At her new school she is surprised that she is able to make friends with fellow students Anj and Zes; the gorgeous and popular twins, along with her roommate Halyn. What's more surprising however is that Denver Collins is also a student there.

Trying to have a relationship with Zes, keeping her attraction in check around Denver, and keeping up with her grades is hard enough, but she also has to by wary of Lucian; the evil demon set on having her as his mate in accordance to some very old contract no one has actual proof of.

It's difficult to see where the story will lead, though I'm sure that Denver will be ever present in Cheyenne's life, (and hopeful that they get together). There haven't been any real back stabbing yet in the book, but I do not totally trust everyone either. However the story plays out, I will more than happy to find out.

3 of 5 stars

Profile Image for Once.
2,344 reviews80 followers
November 15, 2012
Cheyenne is just another girl who falls to the wayside in her school and is quickly dismissed as the unpopular nerd. It's not until one night at a party she somehow got invited to at the new nightclub for teens that her whole life changes. It's this particular evening that she meets Denver Collins, a brooding, dark and handsome young man with emerald green eyes that melt Cheyenne's insides every time she sees him. Denver invites Cheyenne to take a walk outside the club with him and instead of making out up against the alley wall, he asks her for a taste ... bewildered she says yes and he bites her. It's this bite that blows Cheyenne's whole world apart.

The next day Cheyenne gets a visit from two strangers whom her mother has invited to dinner. The strangers before her are a witch and an angel of death. They join them to explain to Cheyenne that she must come with them to the Vala School and Seminary. Vala is home to students of all grades up through college who are gifted and talented but not in the traditional sense. Cheyenne in particular belongs to a sect of their population called the Divine. The Divine are a secret society whose members are born of mythology. Cheyenne in particular it turns out is descended from Persephone.

Being a huge fan of Greek Mythology, I was tickled to read Cheyenne's story! The YA genre is filled with stories of vampires, angels and other magical creatures but not often Greek or Roman Gods/Goddesses. The story is a little bit slow at first but it picks up as it progresses. The characters are well developed and all now have a special place in my heart. I'm still rooting for Cheyenne and Zes, I am not a fan of Denver Collins and Lucien is properly creepy and makes my skin crawl. For any fan of the paranormal genre, I recommend this beautiful world that Jenkins has created! Look for reviews on her two follow up stories soon!
65 reviews29 followers
October 5, 2013
I won this book and the next two in the series in a giveaway by the author. I'm so ecstatic that I stumbled across the Vala books, so good!

Vala: Agendas is about a teenaged girl name Cheyenne who isn't exactly the world's biggest social butterfly. She suffers from social anxiety and is not involved in much going on with school and her peers. When she forces herself to attend a birthday celebration at a club (to make her mom happy that she's going out and trying things), she is attacked by a strange boy. This attack sets off a series of events that lead to her learning about who she truly is and finding the place where she fits in.

What first drew me to the story was that this particular paranormal tale focuses on a nymph. It isn't a particularly common mythological creature to use right now, so my expectations were set fairly high for a unique story that would hold my interest. I was right! Sure, there are a lot of elements that are present elsewhere, but it's the way Jenkins combines them that makes for such an enchanting story. Cheyenne is a realistically portrayed character, with her faults and flaws. Each character serves a purpose in covering the variety of personalities you'd expect in a large group of people. It's a well developed world to step into.

I related to the main character, with her social anxiety. And, I could definitely relate her finding her place at her new school. My geeky self didn't fit in well in high school, but college was a much different matter. It makes me root for her, and for all of the characters as I learn their flaws and hopes. I have very high expectations going into the next book, and for each book by this author I snag in the future. Highly recommend :)
Profile Image for Sapphyria  .
1,975 reviews55 followers
January 23, 2012
When Cheyenne attends a teen night club and gains the attention of the new kid, Denver, little does she know that he's about to open up a part of her heritage that has been kept a secret. After being bitten by Denver Cheyenne begins hearing the plants and flowers in her room talk to her. To top it off, it appears her mother knows about these incidents 2 strangers to their home. These 2 strangers, a witch and an angel of death, swoop into her life, remove her from what's familiar and deposit her at the Vala School & Seminary.

Cheyenne comes to realize that she's not a mere human; she's a nymph and the daughter of a goddess. And that there are people out there with secret agendas. Her budding relationships with her circle of friends at the school is interesting and well developed. The paranormal element is outstanding. Even in a market flooded (not that I mind--cuz I don't--I love paranormal stuff) with witches, warlocks, vampires, etc., J.F. Jenkins keeps this story fresh. It's not the same 'ole, same 'ole. The only complaint I have is that I'm not sure I like the situation between Cheyenne and the human woman who raised her. There is a lot of unforgiving hatred that Cheyenne feels toward her "mother," who only wanted to protect her and keep her safe. Other than that, I found this book interesting, engaging, and full of unanswered questions....I can't wait to see how the author plays out the sequel.
Profile Image for Cass.
52 reviews
November 24, 2011
I was a little apprehensive about reading Agendas, a book about a girl who talks to flowers? But I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading and fell in love with the characters!
Agendas reminds me of every good thing in the House Of Night Series; which I love. Right from the start you are given intrigue, betrayal and romance. Agendas isn't simply about a girl who talks to flowers, it's about a girl who is thrust into a society of the gods. I don't trust Halyn, I', half in love with Denver, Zes is to good to be true, Jewel is the frienemy, Anj is a mystery and Lucien makes my skin crawl! Cheyenne's character is very well developed and lovable (which is so much better than likable) I can't wait for the next Vala book and the continuation of Cheyenne's story. My only complaint about Agendas is that Cheyenne is so unforgiving of her foster mother, who has done nothing but love and protect her; yet she is unconditionally forgiving of her birth parents who basically abandoned her to the human race for her 'protection'. Even with this complaint (which is strictly personal) I adored Agendas, the first installment of the Vala Series and Cheyenne's story, WELL DONE J.F. Jenkins!

Profile Image for Cass.
52 reviews
November 24, 2011
I was a little apprehensive about reading Agendas, a book about a girl who talks to flowers? But I was pleasantly surprised when I started reading and fell in love with the characters!
Agendas reminds me of every good thing in the House Of Night Series; which I love. Right from the start you are given intrigue, betrayal and romance. Agendas isn't simply about a girl who talks to flowers, it's about a girl who is thrust into a society of the gods. I don't trust Halyn, I', half in love with Denver, Zes is to good to be true, Jewel is the frienemy, Anj is a mystery and Lucien makes my skin crawl! Cheyenne's character is very well developed and lovable (which is so much better than likable) I can't wait for the next Vala book and the continuation of Cheyenne's story. My only complaint about Agendas is that Cheyenne is so unforgiving of her foster mother, who has done nothing but love and protect her; yet she is unconditionally forgiving of her birth parents who basically abandoned her to the human race for her 'protection'. Even with this complaint (which is strictly personal) I adored Agendas, the first installment of the Vala Series and Cheyenne's story, WELL DONE J.F. Jenkins!

Profile Image for Heather Robbins.
223 reviews61 followers
February 2, 2012
I really loved this book! Great world to get yourself lost in. There are still questions I want/need answers to!

Cheyenne doesn't stick out..she is just a normal 16 yr. old girl. Well NOT so...she get's bitten by hottie Denver and learns she is a Nymph. This is why I love her because while learning all of this, she doesn't just take it and roll. She asks questions, gets mad, throws a fit just like a 16 yr old! She does grow into her new self as time goes on and things happen.

Denver...Mysterious, Dangerous, and well hottie. I really didn't want to like him but yeah I do. I really need to know exactly what he is up to though ahhhh!

Anj & Zes are just WOW yeah twins squeee. Anj is the outgoing, confident one. Blind as he is well, he can see what others can't. I think he is someone I would love to have around.
Zes....swoon. Yeah he is almost the opposite of his twin but alone away from a group he can show how he feels. Totally fell for this shy guy who is very loyal and caring.

I know I'm leaving out people I wanted to talk about but you just need to get the book and read all about the amazing people and the great world J.F. Jenkins has created here! It's an enjoyable journey :)
Profile Image for Holly.
1,871 reviews128 followers
February 4, 2013
I received this from the publishers to read and review.

When I read what this was about, I thought it sounded a lot like Haven and a bunch of other YA books where all the supernaturals go to the same boarding school. (And it's always a boarding school.)

The beginning of the book was really good. It built into the story easily and introduced characters in a way that made sense and intrigued me. Right off the bat, I wanted to know more about the first supernaturals she met, especially Mr. Thantos.

But after that, things started going downhill for me. The characters were easily jumbled together and forgotten as well as not being too terribly memorable. I just had a hard time keeping straight who was who, even though I'm good with names. They just weren't unique from each other, really.

I became really confused the more I read too. There were parts that didn't fit the characters in my opinion or the action just seemed jumpy. I think the premise behind it all was good, but it just didn't quite work.

There were parts I did like, but my overall impression of the book is about a 3.
Profile Image for Sana Noor.
140 reviews48 followers
December 19, 2011
Once again really good novel! The thing i like about the author is that she is willing to venture out of the comfort zone of the readers. I mean she doesn't know if her book will sell or if readers will enjoy it, but she is ready to take that risk.

We, as readers, are so accustomed with vampires, werewolves, fallen angels etc that when i came across this book it sounded different , yet i was apprehensive. I still gave it a shot and i was pleased. It really is a good book.

The characters are really real, apart from the supernatural element that they all possess, their attitudes and their behaviours, emotions everything is something that i could relate to.

I don't want to reveal anything but the one thing that made me upset about the main character was that she was quick to hate her foster mother and quick to love the parents who had left her. She played the role of the victim in this sense but i really wanted to slap her at that point.
Profile Image for Jess(ToTheMoonAndBackReviews).
345 reviews8 followers
January 30, 2012

I quickly found myself emerged in this book, always the sucker for mythology, this book did not leave me wanting as the author chose an interesting take on the romance and that is Persephone and Hades. For those of you who do not know the greek myth you can go here to learn more. Here

I think one of the best aspects of the story was that the personalities matched to people I could come across in my day to day life.

There is the popular guy that has been spoiled and has that somewaht jerky attitude, the shy guy, the "witchy" girl and the happy dope.

I also liked that the Persephone goddess changes, from mother to daughter as one steps down and allows the other reign.

Favorite Charrie: Lucian


1. " You never know. Maybe they're weird vampire rabies, or it could be an STD or somthing."

2. " I think I just swallowed a pea."
"It helps if you chew. Just a suggestion," Anj said with a smirk.
"They're small. It slipped."
Profile Image for Brittany.
171 reviews4 followers
November 3, 2012
When asked to review for this tour, I just couldn't help but want to after seeing the cover! It's so intriguing to me! I loved the authors writing style and how she weaved this mysterious tale while still leaving SO much to look forward to in the next book. There are so many unanswered questions left at the end that you just HAVE to read the next in the series. The characters are developed to the point that you can't help but want to love them. The story line keeps you flipping those pages so fast that you forget what you are actually supposed to be doing in "real life." This is a great paranormal story if you want something "different" to read :)
Profile Image for Juliette Townsend.
208 reviews31 followers
January 15, 2013
I was drawn into this novel from the very beginning. I've always liked stories where the main character finds out they never really belonged in the place they have been all their life. I like the idea that they are destined for bigger and better things. I did have some trouble with this novel though. I thought that the fact that she could talk to plants should have been more relevant to the overall plot. Read the rest of this review here: paperbacksandfrosting.com
Profile Image for Nancy Brandt.
Author 7 books63 followers
January 17, 2012
I think there were some minor plot issues in this book but over all, for a new author, this was a great book. A young girl is bitten, not involuntarily, by a boy outside a club and her life is never the same. She finds out that the world is so much bigger than she ever imagined and she is much more than she thought.

I was a bit disappointed in the ending and I wish all the loose ends and questions had been handled, but I suspect there is a sequel out there somewhere.
6 reviews
January 19, 2012
I had the privilege to read this book in a very early stage. I loved it then and I love it now. The premise is like nothing out there currently and that to me is part of Vala's appeal. Even though you will find familiar elements in it (vampires, fallen angels,etc) the mythology that J.F. Jenkins creates is all her own.

70 reviews
January 3, 2013
I didn't realize this was the first book. I actually read Jewl's book first. I liked this one as well. From reading Jewl's book, I was curious about how some things had happened with Cheyenne and reading this cleared it all up.
Displaying 1 - 25 of 25 reviews

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