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“We shattered the door and burst into their sleeping chamber. They were there, and then they were gone. And gone with them was the scroll.”

A thousand years ago, Tung, a young thief, awaits his execution. Alone in a cold dark dungeon, all hope is gone… until Madrick, the disgraced royal wizard, is thrown into the dungeon with him.

Madrick reveals an incredible secret about a legendary spell, a spell which helps them escape their prison cell, and eventually their century.

As strangers lost in today’s modern world, the great spell is the only thing which keeps them alive. They think they are finally safe, until the fateful day when they meet Michael, a computer hacker who plans to destroy the world’s largest bank.

What happens when ancient magic meets the internet, and what if the horrors from a thousand years ago are waiting for the time-travelers in the present day? One thing is certain, with ancient magic brought from the past, modern life will never be the same again.

318 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 1, 2011

About the author

Ken Magee

12 books82 followers
Most folk believe that technology rules their lives. They’re wrong. Dark conspiracies and ancient magic actually dominate this world. My one mission in life is to open people’s eyes to that fact.

I hide behind the pretence that I write fiction to ensure I don't attract unwelcome attention; deadly attention.

My name is Ken Magee and I tell people I write contemporary fantasies which blend adventure and humour with technology and magic. My books live under the tagline ‘ancient magic meets the Internet’. Dark Tidings, The Black Conspiracy and A Darker Shade of Black make up the trilogy.

Here's the rest of my cover story...

I have always been intrigued by words and writing, so writing a novel has been a lifelong dream. However, I needed a career which would pay the bills, so for many years, I worked in the computer industry in a wide variety of roles including programming, systems analysis and sales. In the middle of it all, I served in the Naval Reserve... which was hard work, but a lot of fun.

In 2010, I decided it was time to finish Dark Tidings, the book that I had started many years earlier (writing not reading). As I said, I would have finished it sooner, but life got in the way. It's completed and published now, but I don't think any of the original book survived the process!

There are now three books. They're all contemporary fantasies packed with humour, thrills, twists and adventure. My big hope is that people enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

Over time, I hope my books will help bring the written word to the computer game playing generation(s). Games are great, but so are books!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Grumpus.
498 reviews277 followers
July 24, 2012
First, let me first say that I had the honour (written in the King’s English in deference to the author) of winning this through a random drawing at the Time Travel group.

Second, let me state that I enjoyed my correspondence with the author, Ken Magee.

Third, let me state that I feel that everyone who wins a freebie through Goodreads should step up and provide feedback to the others who were not as lucky to win. Most do but some do not. This is my soapbox. Moving on. . .

Finally, I feel guilty. Knowing that I was going to provide feedback as a result of winning this book, I had this “I have to like this book” anxiety. I sincerely hoped I would. Alas, it was “OK” as defined by my 2-star rating.

This book was however, an interesting amalgam of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, The Da Vinci Code, and Ghost In The Wires, three books that I enjoyed immensely. In the end, I thought the plot concept was excellent and I liked the characters but it was all a bit too predictable for me. I was also hoping for more interaction with the time travelers as they experienced new things for the first time in the 21st century. The awe that I had envisioned these characters would have as they discovered “everything” was not there. The impression I had was they simply accepted it all and moved on without that wide-eyed, child-like amazement and interaction I would have expected.

I appreciate the opportunity to have won this book, met the author (virtually), and provide this feedback but the angst I had in writing this was too great because of my desire to be sensitive to the author's feelings. Maybe because it is my first win, maybe because I met the author, maybe I'm not cut out to be a true reviewer, I don’t know. For me, personally, the advance knowledge of having to provide this feedback (if you win, you should) was a stressful experience and will make me cautious in trying to win additional freebies.
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 3 books180 followers
October 6, 2012
I got this book, from Making Connections for free, in exchange for an honest review. Get your copy here.

What I liked:
the beginning-it was fun and made me want to read ahead.
the humor-it was light and done well. Tung's name and his butchering of the modern slang were all funny.
the concept this book was based upon was quite interesting.

What I didn't like:
there's such a thing as oversimplifying things-I may have liked it in other books but it bothered me in this one.
the chapters constantly ended with "if x had known what y was doing, he may have been worried" and that got old after a while.

Maybe it wasn't my kinda book but it may be yours, so give it a try.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Dean C. Moore.
Author 46 books648 followers
July 24, 2014
Note, this review includes some Act 1 highlights.

I just finished reading this book, and what a treat it was. I’ve rarely if ever seen sci-fi and fantasy blended so seamlessly. But this is as much fast paced action adventure and thriller as it is the other two genres, so I hope you can survive the genre-bending. Done any less artfully and the mix might not have worked, but as it was, it was simply delicious. To say that I can’t wait to see this as a movie is an understatement; I can’t stop the movie from playing inside my head. The images were that vivid and captured not just my imagination but a piece of my soul along the way.

On the fantasy side, an accomplished wizard must suffer the unbearable fate of seeing the most powerful of all spells fall into the hands of his bumbling sidekick, who he must then keep a vigilant eye on to see he doesn’t wreak havoc on the two of them, to say nothing of the world. Just when the wizard’s fate doesn’t seem like it could get any worse, he comes to find out that he’s got the biggest, baddest sorcerers then living looking for him, out to reclaim that spell for themselves, with no small desire to see these two suffer the fates of the damned.

Why need our heroes worry, you say, if they’ve got the most powerful of all spells in their hands? Well, as it turns out, they can’t control it. And they have no idea what they’re going to conjure next until they conjure it and if it’s going to help them or not. When finally they get the spell to cooperate they land in the future, a thousand years into the future to be precise. One would think that gives them some distance at last on their pursuers. One would be wrong. Enter the sci-fi side of the story, our present day world which makes George Orwell’s 1984 look tame for Big Brother nightmares come true, where, as it turns out, the most powerful financiers and captains of industry date back, not just to the Free Masons, but prior to that, to the original Occultus Populous, the group originally in charge of the most powerful of all spells. Not only are these people quite adept at using magic, they’ve managed to maintain a stranglehold on power over the entire planet for generations now. In fact they’ve been quietly awaiting the day when the spell of spells would fall into their grasp. And that, as it turns out, is just what our heroes have unwittingly done, landed in their laps.

It is in the present that our two heroes meet up with an unwitting ally, who as it turns out has been working to bring down the powers that be pulling the strings behind everything happening on the planet. And he’s only too happy to add his computer savvy and all around tech wizardry to the pair of wizards. The question is, will it still be enough, because they’re still outclassed in every sense of the word. And with this preamble, we’re now just out of Act 1! If all that wasn’t exciting enough for you, I got news for you, the author was just getting fired up, and what comes next makes what I just described sound like a relaxing day in the park by comparison.

My only caveat is that the book is written in the omniscient point of view, which for modern audiences may take some getting used to. But having utilized this ploy myself when translating screenplays into novels, I can tell you, the omniscient point of view still has a lot to offer readers.

Run don’t walk to the book aisle to pick up this book!
Profile Image for Lance.
53 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2015
I love a good fantasy story. Add in time travel and what do you get?
Dark Tidings: Ancient Magic Meets the Internet Book 1
Sound intriguing?
The book follows two separate stories for about the first third the way through. Meet Madrick and Tung: a wizard and a teenager living about a thousand years ago. By acquiring the Spell spell, they are able to make a seemingly limitless amount of spells. Unfortunately, each spell has to be used before the next one can be created.
The other story is taking place during present times and is centered around Michael, a super computer geek that is newly hired at IIBE, a very wealthy and powerful financial institution. Michael is doing a great job and is quickly being recognized for his genius computer skills, but he has a hidden agenda to take down this greedy institution.
How could these two totally different stories have any commonality?
Sorry, my friend-no spoilers here. You are just going to have to read Dark Tidings for yourself. Suffice it to say that when you get to that part of the book, it just keeps getting better and better.
As of the posting of this blog, Dark Tidings is only 99 cents on Amazon. If you have Kindle Unlimited-its FREE! I hope you can pick up your copy and tell me how you liked this most unusual fantasy.
Until next time, I'm 4-LAN...and you're not :-)
Profile Image for Kath Middleton.
Author 23 books154 followers
April 22, 2014
What an unusual cross-genre book this is, and how heartily I have laughed at and enjoyed it! There are two parallel story lines for the first part of the book, one being set a millennium ago and its two major characters being an elderly magician and a young thief. The other story line follows a young securities expert in a big bank, who discovered that money is being syphoned into the vaults of the already rich, to the detriment of the poorer savers. Incredibly, the first two characters time-shift and the three meet. So far, so fantasy.

The later chapters become the most wonderful, story-twisting thriller where, on so many occasions, I wondered what was going to happen. Usually it didn't; something completely unexpected happened. I found these characters so interesting and engaging that I was stuck to the book to find out the outcome. Ken Magee has a delightful sense of humour and the whole book was a joy. I would love to think he has more in store for this odd bunch! I really recommend this to anyone who loves a good tale, well told.
Profile Image for Angela.
Author 81 books236 followers
August 19, 2014
Ken Magee's tongue in cheek humor and fast pace are an absolute winner.

From the first page you can tell you have found something different and fun. Our two unlikely medieval heroes, Tung and Madrick are an absolute delight as they battle with the unpredictability of the spell spell. Their goofy ineptness leads them into all sorts of scrapes where they are forced to make the best out of the ridiculous magic that the spell spell scroll throws their way.

Magee's clever wit, his ability to play with language and his command over weaving stories within stories will keep you entertained from start to finish. Definitely a book you will want to read more of, which is a good as there are 2 others in the series.
Profile Image for Joo.
451 reviews
December 21, 2011
"What happens when ancient magic meets the internet? One thing is sure, modern life will never be the same again." Now that's certainly an eye catching tag-line. It caught my eye again and again, so then I just had to read it. And, boy, is it a damn fine read.

The two stories run seperately for the early portion of the book. You know their paths will meet at some point, but it's not like you are waiting for this to happen before the story can get going. The separate stories are enjoyable in themselves.

I thought this story was quite original. It's probably not, but it had that fresh feel to it. Try it - you may very well like it.
Profile Image for Helen.
283 reviews10 followers
October 29, 2012
I received this story from the author Ken Magee. I've rated it 4.5 stars!

A highly enjoyable roller coaster of a story. Ken Magee must have great dreams to come up with imaginative stuff like this. I thoroughly enjoyed it, though the ending was very abrupt. But that just makes me long for the next installment!
Profile Image for Ken Magee.
Author 12 books82 followers
August 13, 2014
Dark Tidings was the first book I wrote.

I loved the story (I would say that, wouldn't I?) and even I didn't know how it was going to end until I got there.

Ancient magic meets the Internet... and how?
Profile Image for Sam.
336 reviews7 followers
January 1, 2013
Dark Tidings is a fun blend of medieval fantasy and modern-day espionage thriller. Sounds improbable? Actually, it works rather well, and with a healthy dose of humour (which sort of reminded me of earlier Terry Pratchett novels and some bits of Jasper Fforde), this was a fun read. The humour is mostly quite subtle, and quite often relies on the language used to make the joke, hence the reminder of Pratchett.

The first part of the book has two separate stories. About a thousand years ago, Tung, a young thief, and Madrick, an older magician, find themselves thrown into the same dungeon. In the present day, Michael has just started work in the biggest financial organisation in the world with the aim of committing technological Armageddon to damage the company. The two stories alternate for a while before an incident with a very special scroll brings Tung and Madrick ten centuries into the future and an eventual meeting with Michael. They join forces, with some surprising results, as technology and magic meet.

Here be spoilers....

The ending was a little on the sudden side, but there are some good hanging plotlines there for the next book, and I look forward to reading that as well.

I won this copy in a Goodreads giveaway—thankyou Ken! The author had no input to or preview of this review before I put it up on Goodreads. It's all my own work :-)
Profile Image for Miki.
958 reviews40 followers
November 26, 2012
This Review was first published on my blog Lecture toute une Aventure

To be honest at first I wasn’t sure what to think of it. I really liked the summary and the global idea but the beginning of the book wasn’t to my liking. I felt it was a bit rushed and the fact we got a chapter from the past and one from the present was a bit disturbing when I wasn’t sure where the author wanted to go and in the same time it was too predictable. Tung and Madrick are funny however it really started to appreciate them when they got better together; I needed them to trust each other before I could trust them. The book is getting a lot better once they arrive in the present time.

The concept of the story is quite original and well thought but the final result could have been better in my opinion still when I finished the book I could tell I wanted to know what would happen and I enjoyed the lesson. We often forget that balance is important.. “l’enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions” is an adequate saying. The characters are growing, maturing during the story. At first they don’t trust each other and every one has a special egoistical project, like they are using each others then they are learning as we are. The big villains are numerous and powerful, but also too imbued with themselves. I don’t approve of all of the heroes’ actions either but they are human beings so it’s understandable. These heroes have flaws, they are far from perfect and it’s why the reader can laugh as well as be afraid for them.
I loved the sense of justice of Michael and the fact that he could reflect on his own life so well. He is intelligent but not arrogant, manipulative but still attentive…quite a mix.

It could be an interesting book for a younger audience perhaps even starting at 12 but the humour is sometimes subtler and thus an older audience could enjoy it more but I guess it will depend on each person. It’s a big adventure with action and humour and a very, very light touch of romance so it could interest a large public.

Overall, it was a good read and I liked the book (more at the end), I think the author is quite promising and I wouldn’t mind to continue reading the series to see his writing style improving.
Profile Image for Yzabel Ginsberg.
Author 3 books111 followers
October 18, 2012
(Book provided by the author through ARR #421 in the Making Connections group, in exchange for an honest review.)

The premise of this book made it look like the kind of story I could enjoy—magic and technology mixed with a hefty dose of humour—and enjoy it I did. Granted, I thought the two storylines would converge much sooner; instead, they do after a while only, and at first I wondered when that would be. However, when the author brings them together, it all makes up for it. Besides, Tung's and Madrick's antics in their own era provided for very fun moments, that made me laugh a lot; not to mention I have a soft spot for such characters with a definite 'loser' streak, yet are able to get through their problems in the end.

The overall plot flew nicely and fast enough, with magic of old intertwined with conspiracy theories and modern means of action. The ending, while a cliffhanger and reminding me that there is a sequel, was of the kind I'd find brilliant—from the moment the characters made their decision, it spelled (pun intended) something grand and terrible in the making.

There were two things that bothered me in this novel, though. The first was the style itself, that I found at times a little too dry and descriptive, thus keeping the characters at a distance from the reader, so to speak; there were plenty of inserts such as "little they did they know at the time that...", and while those were, in a way, in line with more traditional "tales formatting", I'm just too keen about that. Also, I'd have liked to see more of Tung's and Madrick's reactions to the modern worled (the way things went, they just seemed to adapt much too quickly, in spite of a couple encounters and mishaps, and I think this removed some potential for more funny situations and interactions).

Still, I'll probably pick the second installment along the way, as I want to know more about what the three heroes left behind.
Profile Image for Tej.
37 reviews15 followers
August 15, 2012
The book's first quarter of chapters is a curious alternating mix of two very different narratives. One is a quirky fantasy tale about a wizard and a thief set a thousand years ago. These two unlikely characters are very amusing and the predicament they both find themselves in is even more so. The other narrative strand is a more slightly more serious present day tale of a computer whiz working his way into the heart of banking with a big plan. How these two completely different narrative platforms and genres will cross was becoming a mind boggling mystery for me.

However, those 2 very different narrative strands soon cleverly converged and its a helluva fun journey indeed. There is a whimsical jocular tone whenever the story is centred on the Wizard and the thief with plenty of wry humour, though sometimes a little bit too forced and repetitive but overall, its an immensely fun narrative style. The author always end each chapter with a forecast hint of repercussions resulting from an action a character just made. Its a nice little trick that kept me intrigued as I wonder "hmm, I wonder what repercussion that will have?".

The whole plot is cleverly done and is an exciting journey but I think it should have been more thrilling towards the end. Somehow the level of tension tapered out when it should have been more nail biting. But this shortcoming is made up for an always breezy witty narrative. The ending is a cracker and very much open to a sequel.

Overall this was a highly enjoyable time travel adventure, cleverly plotted, imaginative and often very funny.

I understand the author, Ken Magee is 90% finished on a sequel and is aiming for a 2012 late summer release as of writing. I am certainly looking forward to it as soon as its out.

4.5/5 stars

Profile Image for Simon.
131 reviews3 followers
November 19, 2012
Tung is in the king's dungeon waiting for his punishment, but then Madrick, the King's disgraced wizard, is thrown into his cell. Thus begins Dark Tidings. As the book continues, we also meet Michael, a computer expert who is about to begin his personal war against a corrupt bank.

Luckily for Tung, Madrick has a very special spell scroll which has helped him in the past. This scroll is a very special spell scroll in that it produces random spells for the wizard to use. Unfortunately for Madrick, the last spell it creates takes away Madrick's spell-casting abilities; however, fortunately for Tung - it can be passed on to a new owner. Thus begins the adventure!

Using the scroll, they are then able to escape their fate. However, rival wizards find out that Madrick and Tung have the fabled scroll and start to chase them so that they can have the scroll. They are also pursued by the Kings men. Without giving too much away, they use a random spell which sends them into the future where they meet with Michael.

The book is a great mix of comedy and adventure! A fun read indeed. The book has a nice complex mythology and some very interesting twists and turns as the story progresses. I definitely would recommend this book to anybody who enjoys comic fantasy!
Profile Image for Clare O'Beara.
Author 22 books367 followers
April 13, 2015
This fantasy meets urban fantasy novella is great fun, with inspired action and nicely populated by characters from past and future. Suitable for young adult to adult readers.

A stolen magic scroll and a wizard who is magically unable to use it, connect with an illiterate petty thief in a dungeon. Having escaped, they are pursued by magic users after the scroll and its potential for power. The pair in desperation travel to the future; our future.

Now we know why the alternate chapters have been following an English computer hacker who has worked his way into a bank's offices as a security agent. The two stories collide and we gain the greatest enjoyment from seeing the effects of random spells let loose in London. That global bank collapse - you just knew there was something sinister behind it, didn't you? Something or somebody.

Telling you any more would spoil the good-hearted story so I'll just say my favourite scene, among many great, memorable scenes from DARK TIDINGS, is the black stallion in the dungeon chomping on the fruit from the banquet table. I suggest you download this one and have a read. You could do with a laugh.
Profile Image for Nav Logan.
Author 8 books18 followers
May 31, 2015
Dark Tidings by Ken Magee

This Urban Fantasy blends the Olde Worlde with the modern cyber age with a dash of dark humour. Tung and Madrick are your stereotypical once-powerful mage and village idiot, lumbered together by ill luck. They have only one thing in common. They are both awaiting death, and it will arrive with the dawn. In desperation, they decide to unite despite their differences, and the outcome is an amusing tale. Added to this, we have Michael, a young man driven by the need for revenge against a faceless heartless regime. Here is a young man determined to stick it to do the right thing, but despite all of his careful planning, will he be successful? Although filled with dry wit and crazy humour, this book also takes a hard look at the modern world, and the ancient one for that matter. It delves deeply into the darker aspects of the human nature and doesn’t pull its punches.
An enjoyable read on many levels and I look forward to reading what happens in Book Two: The Black Conspiracy.
Profile Image for David Wailing.
Author 23 books59 followers
November 6, 2012
Dark Tidings is an entertaining blend of genres, guaranteed to appeal to readers who enjoy 'mash-up' fiction.

For the first half, it flips between what almost feel like two different books: the sword-and-sorcery medieval fantasy that wizard Madrick and thief Tung are having misadventures in, and the modern cyber-thriller where super-hacker Michael plans to bring down the most powerful secret organisation in history.

It's when the two worlds combine that the story really kicks off. There's plenty of humour in the surreal scenes of spell-casting in the 21st Century, and also some chillingly believable observations on just how the rich and powerful manipulate everything from behind the scenes.

The book covers a lot of ground, but concludes with more than one 'open door' through which events could continue. Ken Magee has created a warm, amusing but also unsettling world, and I'm keen to find out what happens next in The Black Conspiracy.
Profile Image for Judy Teel.
Author 16 books115 followers
October 30, 2012
If you like Terry Pratchett, you’ll enjoy this new author and the first book in what is sure to shape up as a delightful series. Dark Tidings weaves a complicated plot entangling heroes from the far past with a hero from the present who all share a common and formidable enemy.

I especially enjoyed how Mr. Magee interwove modern conspiracy theories and current events into his story. It added a fun touch of modernism to the adventures of Tung, Madrick and Michael. There were also plenty of laughs added in to the suspense, magic and technology of the story, which all worked to keep me entertained and enthralled.

The ending left me a little dissatisfied as it felt incomplete, but it does pave the way for Magee’s next book, The Black Conspiracy, so I wasn’t too put out about it.

All in all, Dark Tidings is an entertaining read and sure to please any fan of fantasy/scifi.
Profile Image for Katarina Nolte.
Author 9 books16 followers
August 20, 2015
Dark Tidings: Ancient Magic Meets the Internet Book 1 starts with a quote by David Rockefeller. It a hilarious fairy tale for adults about an ancient magical spell, the all powerful spell, the “Spell Spell” (sort of like homo Sapiens Sapiens).
The story consists of 63 short chapters and is told from the perspective of a medieval teenage thief by the name of Tung, and Michael, a modern day 21 year old IT techie/hacker. ... Book Review: Down at the End of the River By Angus Woodward | Katarina Nolte
Profile Image for Jan.
447 reviews14 followers
July 7, 2017
A magician and a thief get transported 1000 years through time. They end up befriending a computer hacker that wants to destroy the richest bank in the world and steal all its money. The hacker seems like a jackass. And his girlfriend, who is a "receptionist" at the bank seems dumb (although we are given hints that she is actually more than a receptionist.) I would love to know what finally happened. But I don't have the patience. The writing style finally wore me down. It is so dull that I just plain lost interest in continuing to read the prose.
Profile Image for Paul (Life In The Slow Lane).
766 reviews53 followers
March 26, 2015
Take some Monty Python’s Flying Circus and add liberal lashings of Doctor Who, James Bond and Scheherazade. Sprinkle it with a soupcon of Dad Jokes (some of them quite witty) and you have “Dark Tidings”. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. Written mostly in third person narrative, and in a simple style, gives it almost a fairy tale feel, but a fairy tale for adults!

I’m glad I read it and even more glad Ken wrote it. Good job Ken. You are a true wordsmith.
Profile Image for Nargis  Kalani.
407 reviews88 followers
March 24, 2015
When the modern world of internet collides with ancient magic, that is when the real fun begins. Before that, there too much suspense of what will happen next. The suspense continues till the end but this story was more than that, it left me with so many questions and deep thoughts. The adventure that i went through, of magic plus internet world was mind blowing. The characters were so intriguing, i totally loved this story and the journey i had through this book.
Profile Image for Rosie Reast.
24 reviews46 followers
July 8, 2014
I love this book. It made me laugh as the different situations unfurled. There was one with chickens that made me laugh and cringe simultaneously.
This book is full of little bits and pieces that were well thought out and researched, but full of humour. Sometimes out loud.
Despite the humour there was plenty of peril for the characters to experience.
Can't wait to read the sequel.
Profile Image for Katrin Hollister.
29 reviews5 followers
October 19, 2014
I've not finished reading this book yet, but I will for sure. A very entertaining tale with lively characters and a fascinating blend of ancient magic set in ye olden times and technology set in the modern era. The author keeps his readers entertained with a quirky cast, interesting dialogue, and yet manages to weave in something almost sinister as the story goes on. A great read.
Profile Image for Alex Hunter.
Author 3 books2 followers
April 3, 2013
A really enjoyable read. Fast-paced, some lovely characters (good and bad), and several twists that I didn't see coming. Anyone who likes contemporary fantasy that doesn't take itself too seriously should give this one a look.
Profile Image for B J Burton.
Author 2 books8 followers
December 6, 2012
This is a comic romp of a book with a mix of slapstick and more subtle humour, set partly in medieval times and partly in the modern world of IT and conspiracies. Original, fun, with a serious underlying theme to offset the humour. Recommended.
Profile Image for E.A. Carter.
Author 8 books150 followers
May 28, 2019
It took me less than a day to read this gem of a book, and when it ended, I was a little sad, because it had proven to be an entertaining (and, at times a true laugh out loud) escape. Dark Tidings pushes all the right buttons, there is magic (of the humorous Terry Pratchett bumbling variety), there is time travel (and all the hilarious anachronous mishaps its poor, misguided characters find themselves facing in a whole, new world), there is a good, solid (and deserved) swipe at the lack of integrity in western society's colossal banking regime, and by far the most original take on the NWO conspiracy theory I have ever come across.

The characters are well developed, each uniquely flawed complete with their own story arc, compelling backstory, and motives. Even as I approached the ending, I wasn't sure how the author was going to tie the many threads together, but he does in a most ingenious manner which utterly satisfies.

Dark Tidings is a solid read, hopping with pace and tension, whilst carrying a somewhat complex plot. The thoroughness of the author shows in every word.

TLDR: If you are looking for a great read, humor, a little clever satire, and chance to escape in the hands of a master storyteller, look no further. This book has it all.
682 reviews9 followers
April 18, 2021
DARK TIDINGS : AGENT MAGIC IN THE MODERN WORLD BOOK BY KEN MAGEE is book one in the series. It is a multi genre book. Fantasy/comedy/time travel/medieval times. Tung,who is locked in a dungeon,thousands of years ago,gets a cellmate Madrick,the kings wizard who has fallen on real hard times. Madrick has a magic scroll which gives Tuck magical powers and this is where the laughter begins. The two escape,and the disasters follow these two like the plague followed rats. Wizards,good and bad are after them to stop the reign of madness and that is all I'm going to tell you about this book. Read on to find out just how much of a mess the two can get into.

For me the book started out and I though how silly this really is ,which kept me reading on till the very end.

I recieved this audiobook free from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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