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The Fall of Eldvar #2

Into The Desert Wilds

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Having survived the war near Altis, Estin and his family must make a new life in the desert lands near Corraith more than a thousand miles from home. Unlike Altis, these lands fully accept wildlings, giving hope for the future.

Starting to find her own life, Oria has no expectations of a future. She lives day to day in this new land. What it means to be an adult is as elusive to her as safety had once been, after growing up watching her friends die.

Surely so far from the invasion by the Turessians, Corraith is safe from the horrors they have already seen elsewhere...

438 pages, Paperback

First published August 10, 2012

About the author

Jim Galford

9 books24 followers
By trade, I am a computer system administrator. Generally speaking, all of my time is wrapped up in stupid-long work days, housework, or keeping my dogs from doing anything regrettable. On those rare occasions when I have free time, I write...and when I write, I write a lot.

My first published book, "In Wilder Lands," was put out in a rather remarkable (to me) situation.

In 2011, I was diagnosed with a collapsed vertebrae that was crushing a nerve line into my arms. Pain. Lots of pain. By April, I was told that I would need to have spinal fusion (at the young age of 35) or risk suffering permanent damage to my nerves.

Prior to the surgery, I had been bouncing around the idea of a fantasy story with some unusual characters. Finding out someone was going to drill into my spine sort of motivated me to start writing. In 30 days of writing, the first draft of In Wilder Lands was born in all its 200,000 word glory.

And yes, I've recovered nicely from the surgery.

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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews
Profile Image for Midu Hadi.
Author 3 books180 followers
October 26, 2012
I received this book from the author.
Similar to the first one in the series, the book kept me interested throughout.
I kept cringing at Feane's violent behavior but I also liked that about her- it made me realize she wasn't human but a wildling and predator at that.
I missed Finthe and all the other characters from the first book and kept hoping they might be added to the story.
The kits were the cutest and their antics added the much needed lightness to the story.
The humor was done just right.
Atall's fate made me realize that anything can happen in these books and I like the unpredictability.
My one problem was with Oria forgiving the traitor-even momentarily-so easily.
Good story, lots of action & humor and full of crazy wildlings who'd do anything for their family. What's not to like?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ryan.
15 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2021
(Prefacing this by saying I binge read this too late at night. I'm tired, and more than a little angry at this book)

Let's just say that if you're looking for a happy ending, look somewhere else.
You have absolutely no idea how much I wanted to rate this lower, simply because I DESPISED how it ended.

But I can't deny good writing when I find it. The characters, plot, pacing. It was all about perfect, and makes you want to cling to every word, and root for the characters. Just like the first book, you can feel the character's emotions very clearly.
The ending, while terrible, was amazing. I hated it so much that I desperately want to read book 3. Or never associate myself with this series again. Still deciding.

I have to admit that I am absolutely not looking forward to picking up the next book, as it appears to shift timeline and characters. But I'm going to anyway, simply because there are miniscule, half-hearted threads of hope strung uselessly throughout this book.
At this point, you would think I would know better by now, especially considering chapters 11 and 17.

But apparently I'm stupid.

Well worth the read. Especially if you hate yourself. (Please somone end my misery)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tricia Kristufek.
Author 28 books78 followers
August 8, 2012
Freedom has its own confines, but you need to find them within yourself.

Estin and his family have survived the war in Altis, having been transported by the mists more than a thousand miles to the desert surrounding Corraith. Just when they thought they could start their lives over, disaster once again strikes the wildling family.

Continuing where In Wilder Lands ended, readers are treated not only to the returned narration of Estin, but also the fresh voice of Oria. Trying to find her place in this world where there is no pack and thus no need for a leader of one, Oria struggles to give meaning in her life.

The desert is a stark contrast to the wildling's lush homeland, and as they struggle to adapt, they meet a variety of people and wildlings that alter the path they would have traveled. Most notably is Phaesys, a fennec fox wildling that captures and captivates Oria. The relationship between the two young wildlings grows throughout the book and is just as complicated as Estin and Feanne's relationship.

The fierce protective nature and the need to fight to prove yourself that readers saw in Feanne is passed on to Oria, helping to shape the adult she will become. Estin's knack for finding trouble is also present, and Oria seems to have inherited that as well. As the wildlings prepare once again to fight the Turessian intent on seeing Estin and his family destroyed, it will take all of these skill and more to put a stop to him and save their new home.

Just as in the first novel, here is no lack of humor, love, or confrontation in this sequel. Or tears, at least at the end. Blended into the struggle to survive and adapt is a complex story with many themes: growing up, learning to love, thinking for yourself instead of blindly doing what you're told is right, and fighting for your beliefs, freedom, and most importantly, your family.

Galford's has done it again, creating a beautiful, magical land different from Altis yet still filled with so many vivid details and complex personalities that the reader can't help but follow in the character's dusty footprints. Anyone looking for an epic fantasy should not pass this book by.
Profile Image for Scott.
282 reviews51 followers
June 23, 2013
Into the Desert Wilds by Jim Galford is the second book in his Fall of Eldvar series. It continues to tell the tale of Estin and Feanne along with their kits. They have left there normal home mountain range and are now struggling to survive in the desert. They stay reasonably close to the city of Corraith, but as wildlings they don't fit in very well and Estin is hesitant to stay.

Even though this is the second book in the series it almost works as a standalone. It has been quite some time since I read the first book and some of the character references took my a while to remember the majority of the story flowed just fine. The animal nature of the characters continues to lend them extremely entertaining personalities, especially the paradox of Estin. He is an animal the would be considered prey to most predators, but his life and relationship with Feanne have been enough to override all of his natural instincts and make him a deadly predator himself.

The thing I enjoyed most about this book was the flow of the story. After the introductory phase where everything gets established there is a steady build of anticipation. Every confrontation between Estin or his family and the necromancer leads to a ramped up desire to see what happens next. A lot of stories feel repetitive when there are multiple confrontations between protagonist and antagonist and Jim manages to avoid that beautifully.

This is a great book for fans of fantasy, especially if you enjoy anthropomorphic characters.

Review copy provided by the author.
Profile Image for Stephen Neal.
12 reviews1 follower
August 12, 2015
After I blew through In Wilder Lands, I immediately had to purchase this book. I'm glad I have a Kindle so I didn't have to wait for the print copy to come in because I probably would have been waiting at the door to tackle the poor UPS driver the moment I saw them approach.

Anyway, I thoroughly loved the book. There were a few typos and such in the first book, but I didn't notice any of those in this book. Admittedly the changing of POV each chapter between Estin and Oria was a little frustrating because the first book is purely from Estin's perspective and that was just who I was used to. However, once I got past that I felt it really helped to drive the story and actually made me love it even more, even if there were times I wanted to strangle Oria. The writing was clear and very enjoyable and fluctuated well between perspectives.

If you've read the first book and aren't sure about Into the Desert Wilds all I can say is, get it. I'll have to buy physical copies of each so I can have them on my shelf. Happy reading!
10 reviews2 followers
September 21, 2014
Hold on to your seats, because the momentum from the first book doesn't slow with the second installment in The Fall of Eldvar series. Absolutly loved the book. If you just finished the first book and you're thinking "ehhhhh.... should I read the second?" The answer is yes 100% yes. After thinking the first book was the most amazing book I have ever read, the second book proved me wrong (don't worry, In Wilder Lands is still second, and only to Into the Desert Wilds).
Profile Image for Rachel.
644 reviews3 followers
January 6, 2023
Yep. Did not disappoint at all. (Excluding all the times when there were betrayals and deaths and such, but that's different. -sigh-)
It's amazing how well-written these books are. I love the characters, the plot is interesting, and I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next (why does the next book have to be set in a different time with different characters?).
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