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Dragon Kin #0.1

Everlasting Bad Boys

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They're bad boys-with that little something extra. Sexy, wild, out-of-this-world talents that can leave any woman feeling weak at the knees (among other body parts), they're the ones to call when you want pleasure that lasts…and lasts...SHELLY LAURENSTONCAN'T GET ENOUGHEven for a dragon, Ailean the Wicked has a bad reputation. For 150 years he's been renowned for his fighting prowess, but now he's got a new conquest in mind-a gorgeous dragoness known as Shalin the Innocent. Ailean suspects she's anything but. And while he's saving her from her enemies, he plans to prove that, even in human form, a bad-boy dragon can show a girl a good time that's truly off the scale...CYNTHIA EDENSPELLBOUNDNo witch in her right mind would summon an immortal soul-hunter to her aid, but Serena Tyme needs Luis D'Amil's help to destroy the warlock who's stalking her coven. And she's willing to pay any price he names…especially when the tall, dark, sexy-as-hell assassin shows her he can work some sensual magic of his own...NOELLE MACKTURN ME ONFinally, Beth Danforth has found a man who can flip her switch. That's because supersexy Justin Watts, CEO of SpectraSign, is literally made of light, with a dazzling, custom-built body. The only thing he needs to maintain his energy level is to turn up the heat with a real woman, and with Beth, the results are guaranteed to be electrifying.

328 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2008

About the author

Shelly Laurenston

45 books7,719 followers
Originally from Long Island, New York, Shelly Laurenston has resigned herself to West Coast living which involves healthy food, mostly sunny days, and lots of guys not wearing shirts when they really should be. Shelly Laurenston is also The New York Times Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, creator of the Dragon Kin series. For more info on G.A. Aiken's dangerously and arrogantly sexy dragons, check out her website at www.gaaiken.com.

Pseudonym G.A. Aiken

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews
Profile Image for ᴥ Irena ᴥ.
1,652 reviews222 followers
October 10, 2015

Can't Get Enough by Shelly Laurenston (G.A. Aiken)
This was the reason why I started this anthology. I was planning to read Dragon Kin series because I liked the story from Supernatural anthology (you can also read it as a standalone - Dragon on Top) and since I have to read everything in order this was the perfect start.
I love this author's take on dragons. While she keeps a lot of paranormal romance elements in these stories, she still manages to make it different and more entertaining. Dragon Kin turns paranormal romance on its head. Completely. It's funny and over the top. The heroine throws an axe at the hero's head once. Next, she cuts his throat with her dragon tail. Makes you wonder what might happen to the poor guy if she didn't love him. I know I sound a bit bloodthirsty, but it is different and amusing.
The point is, I knew what to expect. I liked it and I am going to read the series.

Spellbound by Cynthia Eden
I believe this is the first paranormal Cynthia Eden story I've read. WI only read her suspense novels. I must say they are a bit tamer than this. The two protagonists spend most of their time having sex. Still, there was an actual story here. I just didn't expect this much sex.

Turn Me On by Noelle Mack
No story whatsoever. Nothing happens. In short: they meet, they have sex, there was something they have to deal with/accept and such and that's it. I could hardly wait to finish it.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews924 followers
April 16, 2020
5 Stars: "Can't Get Enough" by Shelly Laurenston
Shelly writes her Dragon Kin series under the name G.A. Aiken. I love her Dragon Kin series, the world she creates is fun and entertaining, and this novella was wonderful to read. It was quick, cute, and funny! Fans of the Dragon Kin series will want to read and thoughs whom have not read this series will enjoy the story as well. It's about Ailean the Wicked also know as Ailean the Whore as well as many other names and Shalin the Innocent. Ailean a dragon male does not want to settle down, but eventually finds that one dragoness whom he can't live without and has to help save her from mean princess bent on revenge.

Audio April 2020: I listened to Can't Get Enough and I couldn't get enough ^_^. I loved the audio. Had a blast with Shalin and Ailean. It's so nice to revisit the Dragon Kin series and see where they came from. I just read in Laurentson's latest newsletter that she's going to be publishing this story on it's own. Finally!! I've been waiting. I hope the audio comes out on it's own too, but I'll have to wait and see.


4.5 Stars: "Spellbound" by Cynthia Eden
Hot, explosive, and all around entertaining read. This is my first time reading from this author and I enjoyed her novella. The chemistry between Serena and Luis was explosive. Serena needs help saving her coven and summons Luis who is like a paranormal cop that gets ride of bad guys, but he is also the equivalent of the bogyman for supernaturals.


2 Stars: "Turn Me On" by Noelle Mack
I was not feeling this novella. I did not like Beth and I wanted more development in Justin Watts. Pretty much the story goes they have sex, he lights up, she freaks out and keeps freaking out and he just keeps hanging in there. This is the first time I've read Noelle Mack and I didn't really care for this novella at all.

Profile Image for Julie (jjmachshev).
1,069 reviews289 followers
June 16, 2008
Reviewed for queuemyreview.com; book release: Sep2008

Romance readers fall into two camps; those who like anthologies and those who hate ‘em. I’m in the like ‘em camp for a few good reasons. First, the stories are shorter so I don’t end up staying awake all night to finish; I can just read one or two of the stories and still ‘be done’, at least for a while. Second, I enjoy the opportunity to read different voices on (usually) the same general subject matter. Seeing how different authors interpret the same concept interests me. Finally, most anthologies include at least one author I am unfamiliar with, thus I always feel a frisson of excitement that I might find a new author to add to my very long, very detailed list. So, when I got the opportunity to read and review “Everlasting Bad Boys” by Shelly Laurenston, Cynthia Eden, and Noelle Mack, I jumped at it…and enjoyed myself.

Now since this is a Kensington Brava release, I expected each of the stories to be very spicy and they were deliciously so. I was a little surprised that Laurenston got so much more space than the other two authors, but perhaps that’s due to her increased mainstream popularity in comparison. I also quite enjoyed gazing at the front cover which provided plenty of inspiration between stories!

“Can’t Get Enough” by Shelly Laurenston is a 150 page historical tale of a pair of weredragons. He’s quite the ladies’ man (or should that be ladies’ dragon?) and she’s a scholar. He prefers to spend his time in human form, she’s only in human form to be able to attend school. He and his family are loud, aggressive, obnoxious, and plebian. She is quiet, peaceful, studious, and royal. But they are also each products of their upbringing, and their love story is an example of learning to become friends first and finding out that each has something special to offer the other and can bring out those qualities that have been overlooked by others. Sexy and satisfying.

“Spellbound” by Cynthia Eden is close to 100 pages of a more contemporary story about a demon assassin summoned by a witch. She and her coven are being hunted by a warlock trying to ‘steal’ their power and magic. She’s the only one willing to risk herself in order to save what she considers her family, the coven. He’s a badass bad boy who can kill with a touch and he and his kind are the bogeymen of the magic world. This love story begins with passion and grows into love…with a price. This was actually my favorite in the anthology as it drew more emotion from me.

“Turn Me On” by Noelle Mack is 75 pages of one of the most imaginative contemporary love stories I’ve read. She’s just looking for an advertising job. He’s energy personified and found a way to embody. Now he runs an advertising agency where she has applied. I wish this story had been longer because it did feel rushed. To me the story revolved more around the advertising issues than the love issues…but I still enjoyed it. I’ll be looking to see if Mack writes a story about ‘Wind’ who had a passing part in this tale.

All in all, I had a good time reading “Everlasting Bad Boys” by Shelly Laurenston, Cynthia Eden, and Noelle Mack. The increased popularity of paranormal titles and delicious cover should help boost sales for this steamy trio of stories.
267 reviews41 followers
January 17, 2015
Ailean is a Cadwaladr, which means he's a deadly fighter and well known for his devotion to his clan an protecting the crown. Ailean didn't get his title of "Wicked" for his fighting skills, he earned that through his whoring ways. Most fathers, both dragon an human, hate Ailean with a passion because of his lusty ways. He's not known to make commitments or stick around any of the ladies he seduces. This has got him into serious trouble, specially with the princess who happens to be infatuated with him.

Shalin is a young dragoness with the title of Innocent. She spends a good amount of her time studying and learning things in human cities. She doesn't like being stuck in court or around certain snobby princesses, specially not one who hates her. Shalin has a few suitors, unfortunately for her Ailean the Wicked wants to be one of them. Shalin can't stand him though, he's always getting her into trouble, all she really wants is to continue her studies. She especially doesn't want to have to deal with the Cadwaladrs or be forced to learn human customs.

I loved seeing Ailean and Shalin as young dragons. The tension and build-up of this story really is spectacular as you get pulled along in the story. There's so much interesting back story that really adds to this series. I really liked the fact that you not only got the family aspect to this book, but you also get that signature craziness Aiken is known for instilling in her females. The fact that there's actual romance in this book is also what makes it a winner, its well developed and kinda left me wanting more of this couple.

For those that follow the Dragon Kin series, I'm sure you've already realized Ailean and Shalin are Bercelaks parents. Bercelak is the mate to Rhiannon, who are the parents of Fearghus and his siblings, basically the main characters in this series.
Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,088 reviews209 followers
May 11, 2020
3.5 I liked book one, liked book two better and really didn't like book 3. Book one as a nice short, quick and sexy. Book 2 had really fabulous characters I wanted more on them. Book 3 was weird, the Male MC was weird, he was supposed to be a nerd I think, but wasn't even human or of this world. His character was just so unbelievable in all ways for me and his love interest wasn't much better. She was prickly, then hot, then all business, then just unrelatable and unrealistic. I have read both of the first two authors and enjoyed their work, but never Noelle Mack. Based on what I read here I will not be reading any of her other works
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
October 7, 2015
3 stars
Can't Get Enough by Shelly Laurenston

3 stars
Spellbound by Cynthia Eden

3 stars
Turn Me On by Noelle Mack

Average stories makes for an average rating. Nothing especially captivating about this book.
I wouldn't recommend it mostly bc I'll forget it existed in a few days. Totally forgettable
Profile Image for *CJ*.
4,633 reviews555 followers
September 7, 2017
"Everlasting Bad Boys" is an anthology- but since Im reading to continue the Dragon Kin series by SL/GAA- I will only review the book "Cant get enough"
This is the story of Ailean the Whore/Wicked/Deadly/Powerful/Decimator and Shalin the innocent.
Now since I read this backwards, I know the couple is parents to Bercelak (the parents to the couple of the first novella Fearghus) and we know Ailean is (in)famous for his sexual exploits.
The H is a literal manho (dragonho) who sleeps with anything and everything- until his path leads him to Shalin, aka the one who ignored him. When an impulsive kiss with the h causes his crazy ex Adienna(who turns out to be Rhiannon's b of a mother later on) to sell her, he takes her under his shelter.
Sweet love story, loads of sex and violence ( I love the kickass heroines)- cute puppy and horse pets and a HEA. There is a lot of unnecassary fillers in the story- but overall it was an interesting read.
The book has its funny moments and I have to commend SL for writing truly exasperating heroes!
Adored the epilogue with the hatching and Bercelak's birth.
Safe with major exceptions
Profile Image for Ren Puspita.
1,336 reviews967 followers
April 5, 2017

So this April 2017, I decide to re-read Dragon Kin, to refresh my memory since I read book #6, Eibhear's 2 or 3 years ago (kinda blaming my reading slump). I see my read history and I read the novella back at...2012??!!!

No wonder I really forget the story XD.

So like what my old review stated below, I just read Can't Get Enough novella, written by Shelly Laurenston, aka G.A.Aiken. Idk why she don't use her Aiken pen name, or maybe she just didn't consider it before. Since I just finish re-read Dragon Actually that contain Chains and Flames, story about Rhiannon and Bercelak, I remember that Chains and Flames is her first Dragon Kin story. I'm not sure if Can't Get Enough written before or after, but I believe it to be later.

If you are chronologically reading order OCD like me, you might want to read Can't Get Enough first, because this novella is way way back before Fearghus's era. It's about Bercelak's parents, Ailean the Wicked (or Slag, or Whore, depending on who you may talk to) and Shalin the Innocent. But if you read this after reading Dragon Actually and Chains and Flames, it's fine too. This novella will complete some plot of Chains and Flames, like how Shalin finally become Ailean's mate and Rhiannon's bitch queen mother, Addiena's obsession toward Ailean that set the motion of event in Chains and Flames.

I really like how depth Shalin and Ailean's characters here. Didn't took me long enough to know that Shalin is introvert to the core, and Ailean's is her opposite. Opposite attract theme are very common but never failed to amazed me. I feel connected to Shalin, since while she kinda shy and meek, all of them are part of deceit. Even Shalin didn't realize that she was like a walking bomb, she able to hide her emotion by blending effortlessly into her environment, and yet, she can strike without warning. This is a person that you don't want to mess with, because I know that Shalin hate conflicts and seems pragmatic, but she can bite when cornered. Ailean himself is not just a mere playboy or easy going person. His antique behavior, constantly pushed his hatchlings, hit them, surprise them, all for the purpose so they can be ready for any battle and have good reflexes. All come from his hard past and that make Ailean is more than just a womanizer characters. He is a person (or dragon. Semantics.).

I always laugh when reading Aiken/Laurenston's story, but I know behind all her crazy plots, she always deliver something meaningful. I really, really, enjoy this novella! And I hope in the future, she will release an anthology that contains all of her novellas, so I can read it in one book!

Below is my old review

The rating just for Can't Get Enough by Shelly Laurenston who write as G.A.Aiken. The story is about Ailean the Wicked and Shalin the Innocent. Both are parents of Bercelak the Great and grandparents of Fearghus the Destroyer from Dragon Actually.
Guess Shelly Laurenston love to write family theme story after all.
Not too crazy but still steamy. And the length of story even just short still make me enjoy to read it.

Profile Image for Merve Özcan.
Author 24 books34 followers
April 3, 2012

"Bizim sahip olduğumuz şeyi bulabileceğini düşünüyor musun?" diye fısıldadı, sesi uyuşuk geliyordu, vücudu onunkine yaslanmıştı. Ailesini kalbine yakın tutup Ailean fısıldayarak cevapladı, "O kadar şanslı olacağını sadece umabiliriz."

İlk hikayeden olan bu alıntı bence kitabın ne kadar güzel olduğunu anlatıyor. Diğer kitaplarda adı defalarca geçen Ailean'ı okuma şansı bulduğum için çok mutluyum onun sevgili eşiyle olan ilişkisi öyle güzel ve büyüleyciydi ki kitaptaki diğer hikayeleri bayağı bir sönük bıraktı.
İlk hikayede Shalin ve Ailean'ın hikayesi vardı.

Okumayı seven Shalin bir kütüphanede çıplak Aileanla karşılaşır ve Ailean onu öper kıskanç Prenses bunu duyar ve Shalini kuzeyli vahşi ejderhala gelin olması için satar ve Ailean gelir onu kurtarır onu aile evine götürür, yıllardır aralarında olan çekime direnmeyi bırakırlar ve birlikte olurlar, kitabın sonunda ise Prenses başka bir ejderha ile eşleşir bizimkiler de problemlerini aşarak mutlu sona ulaşır.

İkinci hikayede ise bir cadı covenini öldürmeye çalışan kötü bir büyücüye karşı çağırılan bir kiralık katil ile cadının hikayesi anlatılıyor. Fena sayılmaz ama ilk hikayeninde tadı olmadığı kesin.

Üçüncü hikayede ise güneş ışığı olmaktan sıkılıp insan bedenine giren ve bir kıza aşık olan bir adam var. Bir reklam şirketi satıl almıştır ve çalışanına aşık olmuştur. Kız onun kimliğini öğrenince biraz panikler ama sonunda orta yolu bulurlar. Bu hikaye bana pek inandırıcı ve sürükleyici gelmedi sadece mantığını kavramak için okuduğumu söyleyebilirim.
Profile Image for Aly is so frigging bored.
1,666 reviews270 followers
March 20, 2015
1st read: 28 January 2012
Rating only for Can't Get Enough by G.A. Aiken aka Shelly Laurenston

I loved this story the most! I liked both hero and heroine but what made me give 5* was the interactions and love of the hero's family.

PS: I want to read more about the other dragon breeds(or whatever you call them)

2nd read: March 2015
Buddy read with Sarah
Still only for Can't Get Enough by G.A. Aiken aka Shelly Laurenston
It was soo good!
Profile Image for Komal.
325 reviews19 followers
December 25, 2015
Only read Shelly Laurenston's novella. A sweet story about a bookish dragoness and a sometimes obnoxious warrior dragon. I thoroughly enjoyed the banter between Shalin & Ailean. And I loved that Shallin was a scholar rather than a warrior. Now the long wait for Laurenston's next release continues...
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
March 22, 2015
Buddy read with Aly

I only really picked up this anthology for the Dragon Kin story by Shelly Laurenston (aka G.A. Aiken) but I thought I'd give the other stories a chance and I'm glad I read them all. Spellbound and Turn Me On were both enjoyable stories and it was nice to be able to try out a couple of new authors. Can't Get Enough was definitely my favourite story of the bunch though and I think this anthology is worth picking up for that alone if you're a fan of the Dragon Kin series.

Can't Get Enough by Shelly Laurenston (aka G.A. Aiken) - 4 stars

Having already read Dragon Actually (and the novella included in that book Chains and Flames), I had already met both of the main characters from Can't Get Enough. In fact Ailean and Shalin are the grandparents of Fearghus and I was quite curious to see how they'd met and fallen in love considering how different their personalities are. I knew immediately that I was going to love Ailean, he's a complete player and absolutely unapologetic about that fact. He's the kind of guy who has always known what he wants and happily goes out to get it but when he falls he falls hard and he now only has eyes for Shalin. Shalin is much shyer and more reserved, all she ever wanted was to be left alone with her books to get on with her studies but Ailean is a temptation she can't ignore no matter how much trouble he might get her in.

As much as I enjoyed the relationship between Ailean and Shalin (and that was a lot!) I think what I enjoyed most about this story was Ailean's crazy family. He's from a large and boisterous family where everyone has an opinion and they all think they have the right to interfere in each others lives and I just love that. I'm from a small family myself so I love seeing that interaction and close connection that the dragons all have. It is hilarious seeing the family squabble and tease each other but when it comes down to it they have such a strong bond and will always unite together against anyone who crosses them. They're quite a bloodthirsty bunch too so I'm hoping we get to see them causing plenty of trouble throughout the Dragon Kin series.

Spellbound by Cynthia Eden - 3.5 stars

Serena and her coven are being targeted, her friends are being picked off one by one by a warlock who is trying to steal their powers and she's getting desperate. Desperate enough to call for help from a Cazador - a powerful soul stealer whose duty is to protect the world from supernaturals who use dark magic - but she knows that help will come at a price. Luis isn't happy when Serena summons him but when he discovers the situation she is in he knows he has to help her, it doesn't hurt that he finds the witch incredibly sexy either.

These two had great chemistry from the beginning so although their relationship moves quite quickly I didn't have a problem with it. I enjoyed seeing them fight together as they hunted Serena's enemy and I thought they suited each other. This was a quick and fun read and I wouldn't mind revisiting the characters in the future.

Turn Me On by Noelle Mack - 3 stars

Turn Me On is a difficult story to review, in some ways I really loved it but in others I felt a little let down. I liked the main characters and enjoyed the interaction between them and I absolutely loved finding out more about Justin's past and where he came from however I think there were far too many unanswered questions and it was hard to accept how quickly Beth believed everything he told her. Towards the end the story took a turn into the completely ridiculous and we didn't get a full explanation on how things happened or why Justin did what he did. It just didn't make sense to me and that made it hard to believe the way their relationship moved forward from that point.

This story really did have so much potential though and I think if it had been a full length novel with a little more depth and background then I would have absolutely loved it. I don't believe that this is part of a series but if the authors revisited these characters or this world then I'd be very tempted to give it her another chance to win me over.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books605 followers
November 5, 2019
5 stars for the Cynthia Eden story only.
I haven’t read the others yet

5 stars for the Cynthia Eden story only.
I haven’t read the others yet

A witch's coven is marked for death and their powers are bound. With what little power she has left, one of them summons a crossroads demon.

He takes care of the Other who break the rule. For the moment, he's bound to the little witch. But what she doesn't know is that he doesn't have to do her bidding. He only helps her because he wants to.

The two of them take on a warlock who's been stealing witches' powers, and plans on stealing hers as well.

I loved this, and I really liked the idea of the lonely solitary type of Immortal Soul Hunter who polices the Others. Luis was a great hero, and Serena was perfect for him. They not only had excellent chemistry together but they worked well together, as partners. I like that dynamic.

I wish this author would write more Paranormals in this world. She does an amazing job with her world building and side characters. If you love sexy Paranormal Romance, this is for you!
Profile Image for Carolyn F..
3,491 reviews51 followers
July 26, 2010
I'll review the stories as I go:

1. Can't Get Enough by Shelly Laurentson (Dragon Kin #2.5). Remember the short story at the end of Dragon Actually? Well, this is the story about Bercelak's mom and dad, Ailean and Shalin. Ailean runs into Shalin who he met years earlier and tries to help her after a jealous princess sells her to the Northern Dragons. They fall in love and there's a very cute ending about when Bercelak was born. Very good story.

2. Spellbound by Cynthia Eden. Serena summons Luis to help her with a warlock who is binding and then killing people in her coven. For him, it's love at first sight. She's a little afraid of him because he's the paranormal cop who gets rid of the supernatural bad guys. I think this is the first story I've read by Cynthia Eden and it was pretty good.

3. Turn Me On by Noelle Mack. Beth is looking for a job and goes on an interview with Justin Watts (who's actually made of light not electricity - and I hate the name - reminds me of the 1960's electricity character I think named "Kilo Watts" or something like that. They have sex, he lights up, she freaks out and keeps freaking out and he just keeps hanging in there but she so doesn't seem worth it to me. Sun spots make him go a little crazy and when he does, she starts complaining (again) about him not being a real man. Did I mention they only had sex the one time and she wouldn't let him near her again because she didn't know what would happen? I really, really did not like Beth. The ending was stupid, with a stupid joke and a "why did she change her mind" ending. This is the first time I've read Noelle Mack and I didn't really care for this story at all.

I'm giving the book a 3.5 star rating for the 1st story which is a 4 star and the 2nd story which is 3 star, so I'm averaging to 3.5 stars.
Profile Image for Rossy.
219 reviews244 followers
October 28, 2015
*Rating for Can't Get Enough only!

Nothing stresses me more than the wrong chronological order! The correct one is:

*Can't Get Enough
*A Tale Of Two Dragons - Until Chapter 20
*Chains & Flames from Dragon Actually
*Dragon on Top
*Dragon Actually - Until Chapter 20
*About a Dragon
*What a Dragon Should Know
*Last Dragon Standing
*The Dragon Who Loved Me
*Epilogue from A Tale Of Two Dragons
*How to Drive a Dragon Crazy
Profile Image for Esma.
278 reviews7 followers
March 28, 2012
Çok komiktiii :D Yazar hiç sıkmadan hikayeyi bitirdi. :D Çok çok hoşuma gitti hemen Bercelak'ın ( aslında ismi konulurken babası "little bastard" ismini uygun görmüştü :D ) kitabına başlayacağım.

Konuya gelirsek, Shalin okumayı seven nadir ejderhalardan biridir. Sessiz sakin, etliye sütlüye karışmaz bir havası vardır ve bu yüzden "Masum" (innocent) unvanını almış. Aynı zamanda prenses Adienna nın arkadaşıdır. Ama canciğer kuzu sarması değiller. Çünkü Adienna Shalin ve Ailean arasında bir şeyler olduğundan hep kuşkulanıyordur, sadece kanıtı yoktur. Ailean da çapkın ve güçlü bir ejderhadır. Tabii ki "çapkın" tabiri hiçbir şey. Bu yüzden "Fahişe" (whore) unvanını almış.

Adienna'nın sandığının aksine aralarında hiçbir şey yok. Zaten Ailean'ın gözü de Shalin'i görmüyor. Masum Shalin'imizse platonik aşk yaşamaktadır Ailean'a karşı.

Bir gün Ailean Shalin'in başını öper ve Shalin belaya bulaşır.. Aslında iyi ki de bulaştı. Yoksa kavuşamazlardı :D
Profile Image for Sophia.
14 reviews
August 4, 2018
this was an amazing book, with unique characters and an amazing story line.
Profile Image for Malinda.
1,852 reviews247 followers
July 18, 2017
I'm rating this at around 4 stars but I will note that I didn't read the 3rd story so that rating is only for 2/3 of the whole.

Can't get Enough by Shelly Laurenston
Pages 1 - 154/329 (finished at 45% on my Kindle)

4 stars

This was a very good story. Shalin and Ailean didn't seem like they'd make a good match but there was an undeniable attraction between them. When a jealous Royal makes trouble for Shalin because of Ailean, Ailean is pushed into protecting Shalin which gives them time to actually get to know each other...and fall for each other...if Shalin can deal with Ailean's family... Things do work out in the end and Shalin and Ailean get their HEA. Overall, a very enjoyable story. :)

Spellbound by Cynthia Eden
Page 154 - 254/329 (45-75% on my Kindle)

4-4.5 stars

This was a really good story. Serena is a witch that is being hunted (along with her coven) by a warlock. She doesn't know what else to do so she summons a Cazador, who is known to the supernatural society as the boogiemen that will come after them if they're bad. Luis is the Cazador that Serena summons and he's none to pleased at being summoned but he's unaccountably drawn to Serena and ends up agreeing to help her. Let's just say that while Luis is helping Serena, their feelings grow (and there's lots of sex) and once the warlock is dealt with and some drama is gotten past, Luis and Serena do end things with a nice HEA.

Turn me On by Noelle Mack
Starts at page 254/329 (75%)

Sorry, this one didn't interest me, the author isn't one I'm familiar with and I have a huge to-read list so I skipped it.
Profile Image for Kathy Davie.
4,835 reviews722 followers
March 20, 2016
Three stories in this anthology about immortal bad boys.

The Stories
Shelly Laurenston's Can't Get Enough finds Ailean, a dragon shifter escaping yet another girl's bed when he runs into Shalin the Innocent, a dragon shifter living as a human after being targeted by Princess Adienna for being more important to Ailean than she. Now the princess has sold Shalin to the enemy.

This is too funny with its unique twist on pets and dinner. A Laurenston-classic as Shalin is immersed in the exceedingly boisterous and violent play of the Cadwaladr Clan while Ailean seduces her with understanding.

Cynthia Eden's Spellbound is an interesting story with her desperate witch and the demon cazador del alma she summons to protect her. Serena Tyme and her coven are being hunted, bound before the sorcerer hunting them takes their lives. And Serena is desperate enough to seek out forbidden help.

Probably the hottest of the three stories as Luis D'Amil falls in love with this soft and curvy witch.

Noelle Mack's Turn Me On is the most creative with Beth Danforth finding a job as a graphic artist working for the most amazing "man". He's new to humanity...being made of light...lord, I sound like Rimmer from Red Dwarf! Beth fell in love with Justin Watts the moment she interviewed with him. Exciting, creative with one serious drawback...

The Cover and Title
It's like being in a bar with its blackness and the purple fluorescent lighting providing the mood that surrounds the naked torso of the same model who keeps appearing on Laurenston's books. He's cute, but aren't there any other guys available?

The title is too accurate for each of the heroes are Everlasting Bad Boys.
Profile Image for Saly.
3,434 reviews568 followers
September 24, 2011
by Shelly Laurenston and loved it. Ailean the Wicked notorious for his conquests meets his match in Shalin the Innocent who leads him on a merry chase. These two are the parents of Bercelak etc
Profile Image for Laura (Kyahgirl).
2,241 reviews151 followers
April 30, 2013
3.5/5; 4 stars; A-

I just read the Shelley Laurenston story. This should rightly be under G.A. Aiken as the story is part of her dragon kin series. It was funny and sweet. It was the story of Bercelak the Black's parents and how they met.
Profile Image for The Book Junkie Reads . . ..
4,989 reviews149 followers
June 24, 2018
As a whole the collection was a good way to get you a fix in the paranormal community. We were able to see three authors give us a glimpse in the world created from their minds.

Can't Get Enough - Shelly Laurenston - Dragons. What can I say. I love them. I enjoyed seeing the story or should I say the father that started it all for the dragon series that Shelly has out. Daddy was a bad boy but it just took one fiery woman to tame him.

Spellbound - Cynthia Eden -I love her work and it gave me good short read with a demon and a witch. This was just spellbinding.

Turn Me On - Noelle Mack -first time from this author and it gave me something to think about.
Profile Image for Colleen.
839 reviews35 followers
August 6, 2019
How disappointing, the reason I chose this novel was solely on SHELLY LAURENSTON CAN'T GET ENOUGH but after 3 chapters I am so bored.
Hmm. Not fairing much better with CYNTHIA EDEN SPELLBOUND but at least I made it to the end of chapter 5.
My first read by NOELLE MACK and TURN ME ON was the best story out of the three. Bit of a different theme as the H is a shifter but he is not of matter, made me think of the movie Starman. Cute and with humour.

Profile Image for Tina.
793 reviews147 followers
April 4, 2023
4 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

3.5 Stars⭐⭐⭐⭐

2.5 Stars ⭐⭐
Profile Image for Dar.
3,992 reviews81 followers
June 10, 2022
Can’t Get Enough by Shelly Laurenston
For two very smart dragons, it took these long enough to realize who they were to each other! Of course, there were other powers at play, but still. This was a fun and sexy story as these two battled others and each other to get their HEA!
Profile Image for Starry.
464 reviews
May 19, 2012

dragon.handsome.known in this century as ailean the whore.
Shalin the innocent.dragoness.beautiful-from ailean's description. his undying love.
Princess Adienna is a female who is obsessed with Ailean, and whoever and whichever woman sleeps with Ailean becomes her enemy.
Arranz is ailean's brother.
Ailean has had many, many woman to warm his bed, but he never thought he would yet again stumble upon shalin, the only dragoness that threw an ax at his head when they first meant.
Adienna thinks that Ailean is in love with Shalin, so she sells Shalin to the lightning dragons, their greatest and most dangerous enemy.
Bideven is Ailean's oldest brother.
When the Northners came to pick Shalin up, Ailean couldn't let that happen so he steals her back, causing war between the dragons.
i love how shalin is good with animals, especially those that are mean and are known to hate others.
Ailean is a chameleon, person who can blend into walls and all.
i love love how ailean loves throwing people out the window when he's mad, or even just for fun!!!!
kennis and kyna(twins) are ailean's sisters and are the most fearful of all dragon warriors. but when they see their mates(another set of twins-rare) they are a total different person.
i lovee nightmare(the horse) and how the horse hates ailean.
in the end shalin mates with ailean, and they have 9 kids total! 5 boys and 4 girls! i love berclak the black(their 9th baby)...it was funny how he hated ailean right when he was born, and i loved how they described him hatching from an egg(since their dragons). Adienna is on the thorn now-which is bad news for the family since adienna probaly still likes ailean....but the family will go through it.

spell bound
serena&powerfulest creature in other world(Luis D' Amil)
This book hooked me right from the beginning. the romance and desire between serena and luis was so intense, and im surprised the arthor can add all the intensity packed in suck a short amount of pages(for a romance book).
Luis is one of the most strongest and feared, because he lives to kill and suck souls from others. then serena comes chargining into his life by summoning him to her to help her track down the guy who's killing witches--and next would be her. Luis knew the first moment he laid eyes on serena that she will be his to keep.
in the end the evil warlock is killed and luis leaves without a goodbye, but serene summons him again and confesses her love to him, and he bounds them together-mates forever, imortal mates forever. you can assume that their happy in the future, and forever(cause of imortality).
Turn me on
i felt this book went by so fast, but the rating i will give this is about 3 1/2. Justin is alright, the arthur did something not many people do like created a character thats wind, light, and wickapedia. overall i think this book was alright. Justin is made of light and goes through some trouble with beth because of it, but in the end their all happy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 238 reviews

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