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Home for the Holidays #1

Mr. Frosty Pants

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Frosty former friends get a steamy second chance in this Christmas gay romance!

Can true love warm his frozen heart?

When Casey Stevens went away to college four years ago, he ghosted on his straight best friend, Joel Vreeland. He hoped time and distance would lessen the unrequited affection he felt, but all it did was make him miss Joel more. Home for the holidays, Casey hopes they might find a way to be friends again. But Joel’s frosty reception reminds Casey of just how hard he had to fight to be Joel’s friend in the first place. It’s going to take a Christmas miracle to get past that cool façade again.

Joel isn’t as straight as Casey believes, and his years of pining for Casey have left him hurting and alone, caring for his abusive father and struggling to get by. Unable to trust anyone except his rescue dog—and with no reason to believe Casey is interested in him for more than a holiday fling—Joel’s icy heart might shatter before it can thaw.

Can Casey and Joel’s love overcome mistrust, parental rejection, class differences, and four long years apart?

Mr. Frosty Pants is a stand-alone, Christmas gay romance by Leta Blake featuring a virgin hero, childhood friends-to-lovers, second chance romance, and romantically steamy scenes.

314 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 7, 2018

About the author

Leta Blake

59 books1,665 followers
Author of the bestselling book Smoky Mountain Dreams and fan favorites Training Season, Will & Patrick Wake Up Married, and Slow Heat, Leta Blake has been captivating M/M Romance readers for over a decade. Whether writing contemporary romance or fantasy, she puts her psychology background to use creating complex characters and love stories that feel real. At home in the Southern U.S., Leta works hard at achieving balance between her writing and her family life.

If you'd like to be among the first to know about new releases, you can sign up for Leta's newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/bdn32H

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31 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 527 reviews
November 10, 2018
Mr. Frosty Pants is a holiday story and features Christmas trees, wreaths, ugly sweaters, and snow.

But it's more complicated than that.

When Casey left for college four years ago, he ghosted his friend Joel. Coming out to his snobby parents was hard enough. Casey didn't want to risk Joel's wrath. He didn't trust enough, even though he'd been in love with Joel for eons.

Joel is prickly and standoffish. He is not an easy character to like, but because the story is told in a dual POV, we see that Joel's sarcastic, aloof exterior hides a heart that's been bruised by his abusive father.

Joel wants nothing to do with Casey's offer to renew their friendship. But then Casey kisses him, and everything changes.

While Joel's father is truly despicable, Casey's parents are more complicated. I think they really wanted the best for Casey, even though they went about it the wrong way. The way Casey's dad treated Joel was unforgivable. And I kind of wanted to shake Joel for making a promise he never intended to keep, a promise he didn't want to keep.

Both MCs have soft edges and rough patches; they are real people. Joel's love for his dog made me smile, and I loved the way Casey cared about Joel and wanted to see him succeed. Joel worried Casey would judge him for living in a trailer home, but Casey couldn't care less about that.

This is a slower-paced novel where the relationship is nurtured and allowed to evolve; it's not always easy, but Joel and Casey talk and cuddle and make love (and holy hell does Leta Blake write amazing sex! *growls*).

The epilogue is warm and passionate and absolutely perfect. When Leta Blake writes sweet, she adds enough angst and hot sex to elevate the story from nice to naughty.

I would love to read more about the secondary characters (like Walker) who were introduced here.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
December 2, 2018
I love, love, love Leta Blake, but Mr. Frosty Pants exhausted me.

If you like angst that is unrelenting, this is for you. Joel was hard to like, and I have a soft spot for a curmudgeon MC. Joel was such a downer, and I get why with a dad like that, but I had to force myself to pick up the book and keep reading at times because I wanted to avoid living in that negativity.

I'll admit, the sex was hot. Leta always brings it with the heat, and she always delivers with her virgins (my fave). But the sex alone didn't warm me to Joel's frosty attitude, which was tiresome rather than endearing.

I sometimes struggle with friends-to-lovers because there is already an intimacy established that the reader just has to get on board with. I struggled a little bit with that here as well, as the intensity of the relationship seemed out of line with what I saw with their communication. However, I was really rooting for them by the end, and though low self-esteem MCs aren't my thing, I even didn't hate Joel by the epilogue.

While I'm sure some readers will enjoy this a lot, it barely got 3-stars from me. Leta Blake has much stronger stories out there.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*


Profile Image for Eugenia.
1,789 reviews294 followers
November 11, 2018
NOT a fluffy holiday romance......

Let's get some things out of the way:
1. Leta Blake is one of my favorite authors.
2. I've read everything she's written save a couple books she's co-authored.
3. I nabbed this title straight away expecting a holiday comfort read based on the cover and title alone.
4. I saw the word VIRGIN in the blurb and started drooling.
5. The SEX scenes were HOT---there's no doubt that's what you'll get with a Leta Blake book.
6. I rooted for the guys at the end.

So, why the three stars?
1. This book was angsty as hell. The angst didn't go away.
2. There were huge amounts of elitism and homophobia from the parents of the MCs. It was tiresome and was the basis for all the angst in the book.
3. I didn't like the MCs until halfway into the book.
4. I didn't like the fact that our rich MC feared being cut off from daddy's money. Lots of people have to make their own way in the world without rich parents..suck it up.

While there is a happy ending and these guys obviously love each other, the social/money angle just wore me down-especially when Joel (the poor MC) kept on bringing it up. Constantly.

So, if you're searching for an angsty holiday book set in Tennessee with an HEA. Go for it..

Sorry Leta, but this is my least favorite of your books so far.
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews503 followers
December 29, 2020
Joel and Casey are such a great couple.
The friends to lovers theme can be hit and miss for me, but this worked really well.

And what a "Mr Frosty Pants" Joel was :-)


Casey returns home to Knoxville for the holidays. He's studying in New York and lives quite a wealthy life, funded by his rich parents.

He hasn't been home in 4 years, since graduating and leaving his small group of friends behind, especially Joel, the silent macho boy he's been in love with as a teenager.

Joel is still in Knoxville, running a home improvement store that his father used to run before a stroke put him in a retirement home. Business isn't the best and in order to pay the nursing bills for his dad, Joel lives on the verge of poverty, only calling a trailer home his own and sometimes even catching fish in a nearby lake to eat. 

He's in a bit a of a low point in life right now. His abusive father doesn't have any filters anymore after his stroke, so every visit means more verbal abuse for Joel who always had to hide his homosexuality from his homophobic singe father.

Pretending to have lots of female conquests in high school, he kept his feelings for his best friend Casey at bay, his life getting even darker once Casey left for New York without looking back.

Now Casey is back and hiding who he is doesn't seem practical to Joel anymore, so when both Casey and Joel realize that they are gay and attracted to each other, a holiday fling seems a reasonable consequence.

But Casey is determined to show Joel what it feels to be loved - and Joel desperately tries to push Casey away, knowing that he can never offer him the kind of bright future his parents have in mind for him.

It's a very sweet and heartfelt story and the sex is just juicy.

A real joy and a perfect Christmas romance, even though we spend a lot of time in that run down trailer of Joel's...

5 stars!
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,449 reviews789 followers
January 8, 2019

***2 Stars***

First thought after finishing the book -->Holy hell I'm exhausted!! This whole book is like a gloomy, cloudy, rainy, depressing day where you're hoping that one day you'll remember what the sun looks like.

Do you see my excitement below before reading? Do you? Can you imagine how disappointed I am that this book ended up being a big bummer for me? UGH!

It was really hard to truly like anyone in this book...well except for Becca (Joel's current best friend), she was a total scene stealer and needs her own book STAT.

When you're not really connecting or caring about the main characters, it's kind of difficult to get into the romance.

Things just didn't match up for me with this book. Joel and Casey were best friends in high school, yet sometimes it felt like they barely knew each other. Even as adults, it felt like they barely dug in and really talked. All substantive conversations were kind of blurted out and quickly moved on from.

The dialogue felt emotionless and awkward. The first chapter hooked me with all of Casey's feels about returning home and finally seeing the boy he left behind...but quickly after that all the emotions evaporated. I wanted more. Instead everything was one note and flat. With the exception of a couple of scenes, these guys felt so robotic.

Also, this book is wordy and longer than it needs to be. I found myself bored too many times with all the unnecessary tangents and runaway thoughts.

Overall, a book that had all the components I love in a friends to lovers tale, but unfortunately failed to engage me.

Thoughts before reading:

It's like all my holiday wishes came true! Friends to lovers, second chance friendship, all the pining, unrequited love, opposites attract, holiday setting.....THIS BOOK IS RINGING ALL MY JINGLE BELLS!! I can't wait to read!!

Image result for excited gif
Profile Image for Keira Andrews.
Author 61 books2,845 followers
November 8, 2018
Sexy and sweet Christmas romance! It’s a treat to get a full-length holiday novel, and Leta Blake delivers the feels and two compelling young men who get a second chance at love. I edited this book.
Profile Image for JAN.
1,198 reviews919 followers
November 22, 2018

I’m giving up on this since it's been dragging for days.
I don't really know what's wrong with it. I just know that I couldn't care less about what's coming up next. I feel disconnected not only from the characters but also from their story. Even the angst is weak, Casey as the rich boy who feels lonely and Joel with an abusive father, which BTW didn't work for me at all. In fact, the fact that his father is in a care home and still manipulating Joel’s life it's kind of a joke. Demanding breakfast? Really??

Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
November 19, 2018
Sorpresa muy agradable. Me gusta mucho la Navidad, y las historias que salen todos los años con esas fechas como tema central, el problema suele ser que muchas veces se cae en el estilo Hallmark demasiado dulce y con muy poquito de intensidad en las emociones. Y ese justo es el punto fuerte de Mr. Frosty Pants, una historia de amor con la Navidad de fondo, pero con sus buenas dosis de angst del bueno, un poquito de sufrimiento, y mucho amor en forma de segundas oportunidades y mi adorado "friends to lovers"
Mucha emotividad, intensidad, con su toque navideño y buenas escenas eróticas.
Muy recomendable para los que busquen una historia de Navidad, pero no quieren ahogarse en azúcar.
Profile Image for Sheri.
1,417 reviews184 followers
December 2, 2018
I waffled a bit on this one.
I enjoyed it but then again, it wasn't my favorite.
I love a good second chance story.
I love first love stories.
And yet I was distracted at times.
I liked the guys. I was happy for them.
But at the end, I was just feeling...okay about it.
Certainly not bad by any means but nothing I wish to ramble and rave about.
Maybe it's simply a MNY book.

*3/3.5 stars*
Profile Image for Bev .
2,080 reviews460 followers
November 19, 2018
I love me a good angsty read, what I'm not a fan of is angst for angst's sake like I got here. I didn't really connect with the characters, IDK ... there was just something missing with this one.
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,511 reviews70 followers
November 11, 2018
*3,5 stars*

This is likely a case of ‘it’s not you, it’s me’. I love Leta Blake’s books, I love the way she writes.
But despite the excellent writing, this did not speak to me the way I hope it would.

The title sounds light, but the book deals with pretty serious issues. So if you are hoping for a light and fluffy Christmas story, I don’t think this is it.
I did not mind that at all, but somehow the book did not gel for me, if that makes sense??

For me Casey and Joel do not have that special spark I love in romance.
Casey is a good and lovely guy, but at times I felt he was too assuming and too pushy. He seems to overlook the fact that it has been 4 long years since he’s seen Joel.
Joel comes across as downright depressed and bitter, which, considering his situation is understandable, but there are times when it gets a bit too much.

The thing is ... these are all good things for drama in a romance novel, so why the heck did I not feel more?

There is plenty of steam, and I loved Casey’s perseverance and Joel’s journey of self discovery.
Maybe it is the fact that the book has a very tight time frame of a couple of weeks?
And that these revelations happen so quickly. Or that Mr. Frosty Pants is turned in a couple of days?
Or that I just never quite 100% emotionally connected with either MC?

As I said. I am pretty sure this is on me.
So I feel a bit gutted that Casey and Joel somehow didn’t get my Christmas spirit going.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
November 13, 2018
3.5 Stars!

My first holiday read of the season. You can't go wrong with Leta Blake. And while I can't say I loved this one, it was good. And I liked it.

It was a bit less angsty then we normally get from LB. But it *is* a holiday read sooooo I guess that makes sense. It was maybe a bit *too* sweet and lovey-dovey at times.

But overall, likable characters and story and I'm glad to see this will be a series.
Profile Image for Sarah.
327 reviews109 followers
December 9, 2023
Ahhhhhh, I love them!!

Casey & Joel have my whole heart but especially Joel! He's like a spiky lil porcupine that tries to poke and push away everyone but really he's just a soft soft boi and I WANT TO HUG HIM SO BAD! (I always seem to fall for the damaged ones lol) But I also loved that no matter how hard Joel pushed, Casey pushed right back and twice as hard cause he wasn't going ANYWHERE.

This book gave me SO MUCH MORE than I expected! There was all the sweetness that you expect from a holiday romance but the added ANGST was sooo so good. There was a moment where I was concerned because it felt like our MCs got together almost too quickly and with so much left of the book I was like "uh-oh, what's about to happen?" but I should've trusted Leta to never lead me astray. I LOVE that this was a substantially sized novel instead of just a quick read and I wouldn't change a single word.

And as always, the spice is ON POINT.

Can't wait for the next one!!
Profile Image for Mindy.
172 reviews
November 13, 2018
This was a great Christmas book. Just what I need to get in the the spirit. Not to fluffy or sweet, just right.
Profile Image for Gustaf.
1,442 reviews166 followers
December 13, 2023
So let’s be honest. I’m not one for angsty books. I love my fluff. Or slow Burns for that matter.

With that said, I was absolutely blown away by this book. Absolutely. Blown. Away. Leta Blakes writing is gorgeous. And Joel and Casey are both such raw characters.

I fell in love with Joel.
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews155 followers
December 10, 2019
I usually don't do Christmas Christmas books, by which I mean that it can be set around Christmas, the characters can be all in with the Christmas spirit, but I'm not keen on the whole Christmas Miracle thingy. (yes, that's the technical term). This was a book set at Christmas and it melted my iceberg heart and I shouldn't be surprised because it's Leta Blake.

This a sweet story of two boys kept apart by prevailing social conventions, economic class, and some pretty shitty parents. Casey Stevens left his hometown of Knoxville at 18 for college, and to feel safe from familial disappointment when he came out. He left behind dear friends and true love. At 22 he's back home, if only for Christmas break, and wondering if perhaps he can be brave and come out to his his crush/love, Joel Vreeland. Joel is the Mr. Frosty Pants of the title and he comes by the moniker honestly. He's naturally cautious, more liable to bark than smile, mostly because he's been dealt a shit hand in his father, a loathsome and vile individual, who I hated all the more because I know he's not a figment of the imagination for some people.

The whole story takes place in about a week, with Casey slowly but surely chipping away at Joel's defenses, and when those crumbled it was gorgeous. Joel is someone in need of love and Casey is the loving type. A match made in heaven. I loved how caring, and understanding Casey was of Joel's very valid feelings, I loved that they're bedroom dynamics where not what you'd expect, given their public personas, and I loved that once they expressed what they liked, the author didn't push a flip to fit current norms.

Go ahead, have some eggnog (they make almond milk variety too), sing some carols, and believe in true love.

p.s.I forgot to add that I also did the audio for this by John Solo. I was a little unconvinced in the first two chapters, but then he took off like gangbusters. The sweetness he imbued in Casey's voice, and when Joel was trying to be a grump but failed? Dreamy.
Profile Image for Vanna (on-hiatus).
721 reviews85 followers
November 28, 2019
3.75 Stars!! I love holiday romances.. because they are low-angst, sweet, steamy and short.... This was sometimes sweet 👨‍❤️‍👨, and very steamy💞.... but it put me through the wringer as far as angst is concerned. AND, it was full length... so super long.... 😳 I did end up liking it however, but Joel's story depressed the heck out of me😢😭
Nevertheless, the story of best friends Casey and Joel from different classes of society, finding love after 4 years of estrangement was well-written. Casey despite his preppy upbringing was the strong one who fought for his love and future.. sometimes even with Joel. His faith and confidence was pretty awesome and I loved some of the supporting characters too. The HOT sexy times 🔥❤️🔥between the two made up for the angsty and emotional moments. Finally, I loved 💕 the epilogue and the HEA and so I can certainly recommend this book.. but be prepared for a lot of angst before the couple find their perfect Christmas HEA..🎅🏼🎄💕🌟
Profile Image for Daniel.
520 reviews92 followers
November 16, 2023
2.75 stars ...

Christmas reads, for me, should be enjoyable. 🤷‍♂️
This was ... not that. 😒
Yes, it has a happy ending ...
but getting there was arduous & unpleasant. 😣
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,823 reviews432 followers
August 26, 2023
Mr Frosty Pants by Leta Blake
Home for the Holidays series book #1. Contemporary M-M romance. Second chance, and friends to lovers troupes.
Casey and Joel were friends before college but new situations and environment and pressure took its toll. Casual throwaway comments ended their friendship and tore them apart. Four years later and home from college, the two meet up again but it’s not easy forgiving the hurt. What’s is going to take to get these two together to acknowledge their feelings are still alive?

Angsty and parental abusive pressure make this romance a bit heartbreaking and ultimately loving. There are heart wrenching scenes and difficult decisions. There are steamy scenes and tender moments.
This was my first book by this author and going through the sadness, and misunderstandings and hope to a satisfying ending was a wonderful introduction to an author with a large list of available stories to consume. I look forward to reading more.
Profile Image for Elsbeth.
1,231 reviews41 followers
November 24, 2018
DNF at 50% so no rating


I really hate to DNF but I just can't anymore. It's taken me a week to get to this point. More importantly it's making me grumpy.. Grumpy like Joel. I couldn't connect with either of the guys.

Gawd.. I need something uplifting now.
Profile Image for annob [on hiatus}.
574 reviews69 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
January 21, 2020
Dnf @41%

Cutting my losses. I had no major issues with the plot or writing style, and yet nothing seemed to work right for me. Not the character portraits, not the dialogues, nor the chemistry.
Profile Image for Joseph.
1,432 reviews41 followers
November 29, 2023
updated review 11/29/2023:
I guess I'll be reading this every year as I love it so much. I'm not always on board with Blake's books, but this one stays with me. I find some much of myself in Joel: abusive past, the difficulty in accepting love, the demisexuality. Joel just eats me alive when I read his character. I feel so much for him and what he went through, and the joy he finds in Casey loving him back, as understated as it is, pulls at my heartstrings *hard*. I love this guy and want to experience his story every Christmas.

I understand some of the reviews that don't take to this book. It is a bit angsty, although I don't think it's OTT. Both Joel's father and Casey's parents are pretty shitty, but Casey's parents do come around at the end with their own realization that their own story isn't so different from Joel's and Casey's. The rest of the cast makes sense as supporting characters. Sure, some of them are there to introduce the MCs of the next two books in this series, but their cameos never seemed superfluous to me. It was a way to explore the past of our two MCs without a lot of exposition as well as detailing a certain part of Joel's personality.

I might read this again this year as I'm thinking about it again just having finished it last night.

Original review:
Still a great read for me. I absolutely adore Joel and see so much of myself in him. Joel is someone who feels he's not worthy of being loved yet Casey is sweet and patient and is willing to give up his entire life for the man he loves. Sweetness.
December 19, 2018
Since I like angst even in my Christmas stories this one was right up my alley.

I adored the way Joel and Casey came back together after 4 years of no contact after Casey went to NYU. It's Casey's first trip back home and he makes it his mission to find Joel. While Joel is definitely frosty at the start, the two actually talk and open up and it's the start of more than they ever hoped for. I was happy to be there as the relationship evolved; they were best of friends before Casey left, even though they both harbored secrets and that allows them to move the relationship forward at a faster pace over the course of Casey's winter break.

There is plenty of what I expect from Leta Blake, heat, romance, some family drama from both sides and a real holiday feel to the story. Seeing now that it is marked as the first of a series, there are a couple of secondary characters I'd love to see get a story so hopefully we'll revisit the men again next year.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,764 reviews379 followers
November 16, 2018
As ever with a Leta Blake romance the narrative has a twist of spice to go with the sugar and an undertone of bite which brings human frailties along with the love.

Joel was a complex and complicated character who had only firm convictions of his lack of worthiness to keep his emotions banked hot and the fires in his belly alive.

I loved reading how Casey's unwavering commitment - once he had decided that he was just as much in love with Joel as he had been four years earlier - began to break down the ice he'd covered his heart with.

As Joel melted into his relationship with Casey, so did my feelings for this prickly young man.

Although this is a young/new adult romance, with the characters just 22, I do honestly believe they had the love and the legs to be a forever love.

Oh and first time virgin everything in the talented pen of Leta - not only powerfully emotional but also quite deliciously sensual too.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews260 followers
December 11, 2018
I can't put my finger on what, but something kept me from fully enjoying this story.

I think I had the worst time believing the depth of feelings these two had for each other. They were just 22 which meant they were nothing more than children when they separated.

It just didn't read easy to me and I don't think I had a lot of fun.

I did like the idea of it and I enjoyed how the boys took charge of their lives and well, grew up. The story was good and the sex was hot it just was not the Christmas story for me.
Profile Image for ⚣Michaelle⚣.
3,662 reviews223 followers
December 14, 2019
Sweet and slow-burn sexy holiday romance.

For some reason the MCs seemed a lot older than they were supposed to be, but I guess for Joel that fits given how much he's had to take on in his short life and the burdens he's carrying. (Ironic given he's actually the more "innocent" of the two as well.)

Both sets of parents had me at wits' end; Casey's with their arrogant snobbery & social climbing ways, and Joel's hardhearted dad always lashing out with homophobic rants & petty criticisms. Seriously, I want to understand people's motivations for putting up with that kind of treatment, but I can't. I walked away rather than have to deal with never living up to expectations or being mentally/physically/psychologically abused and having to live under the heel of those who claimed to love me. Maybe **I** am the one with the hard heart?

Anywho, loved the friendships among the various side characters (some of whom I'm guessing will be in the next one), and how LB painted parts of Knoxville as quite charming (and more progressive than it seemed on my last drive-through). The romance felt a bit rushed, but a lot of it was built on the friendship Casey and Joel built 4 years ago, so with a few flashbacks the emotions are remembered (if ever actually forgotten) and that provides the base of a relationship. A foundation both of them build on with time spent together in the "real world" - with Joel juggling his many commitments while eking out a living, and Casey struggling to find his own path and not the one his parents set out for him - recognizing imperfections and quirks in each other rather than relying on the almost nebulous, dreamy vision they had of one another as teens.

It was a bit angsty and depressing for a good portion of the story, not necessarily what I am looking for in a Holiday read; but, I do prefer a hefty does of reality with my escapist indulgences (which this had in abundance) so long as I get a decent HEA/HFN ending (which this, thankfully, delivers). Still, I probably would have only given this 3.5 Stars had I not so very much enjoyed John Solo's narration; that earned at least another quarter-star and I since it's the start of the Holiday season, I'm not rounding down right now.

Definitely gonna read/listen to the next one...
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
November 25, 2018
I really enjoyed this - it was a sweet romance... Casey & Joel adored each other as teenagers but were frightened to admit their feelings. Both boys parents were morons who were either physically or emotionally abusive. Casey moves away to go to college while Joel struggled to manage life and keep his head above the poverty line. When Casey returns four years later after working through his issues with a therapist he does the first thing he’d wanted to do four years before... to find Joel and to man up ! There was some angst in making this happen and I didn’t really buy Casey’s dads turn around at the end but I was glad to see Casey & Joel finally getting what they most deserved ❤️
Displaying 1 - 30 of 527 reviews

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