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Olivia Waterhouse has just graduated from nursing school and has her whole life ahead of her—until she gets drafted. Problem is, she isn’t being forced into the Army, she’s been chosen as a Kindred bride.

The Kindred are huge alien warriors—a race of genetic traders whose population is ninety-five percent male. After saving Earth from the threat of invasion they demand a reward—the right to find brides among the population. The chances of being chosen are about the same as those of winning the lottery—guess it’s just Liv’s lucky day.

Baird is a Beast Kindred who recently escaped imprisonment and torture at the hands of the malevolent Scourge. Through the torment and pain only one thing kept him sane—the thought of finding and claiming his bride—Olivia. His need to possess her is a burning intensity that threatens to consume them both.

Angry at having her future and her family taken away from her, Liv vows to fight back the only way she can—by resisting. She has one month on the Kindred Mothership with Baird—their claiming period. If she can keep from having bonding sex with him during that time, she can go home and get on with her life on Earth.

But Baird isn’t going to make it easy for her. Every week he is allowed to touch Liv more and more intimately and according to the contract she signed, she has to let him. She’s determined to resist him but his touch sets her on fire. And just as she thinks she knows what she wants, a twist of fate and an attack by the faceless Scourge AllFather changes everything…

327 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 9, 2011

About the author

Evangeline Anderson

232 books4,893 followers
Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. And yes, she is nerdy enough to have a bumper sticker that says “I’d rather be writing.” Honk if you see her! She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi erotica steadily ever since.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,620 reviews
Profile Image for Tiya Rosa.
143 reviews75 followers
July 9, 2012
I know I may have gone a bit overboard with the rant updates with this book, but boy did this just rub me the wrong way.

I get why Olivia needed to refuse the bonding. I get that the story needed that conflict in order for the reader to feel satisfied with the payoff at the end. I get that there is a lot of suspension of disbelief involved in novels like this for the reading experience to actually work. I get a lot of things, but at this point I can't hear the sense in all that over the sound of Olivia's stupidity.

Olivia did not want to get it on with Baird because doing so would mean she'd have to give up her life on earth with her sister and her friends and her career. That's a great reason. I so totally understand where she was coming from. I also understand why she had to say she did not want the alien even when she totally did. What I can't get behind is her constantly denying this lust she felt when it was obvious to everyone including their blind grandfather that she was all hot and bothered with this hot piece of alien flesh. I mean she said she felt nothing for the guy's kisses and two seconds later the guy touched her and she was all wet and ready.

And this is not a one time thing. This was the theme of 85% of the book. I can understand pulling an "OMG like I totes don't get aroused by you" "Oh really then why are your panties soaking wet and your tongue hanging out?" "Uhm, well, really? I mean, like no they're not." once or twice but to have it repeated over and over for hundreds of pages is a bit overkill and just screams of a TSTL heroine of the highest order. When you tell a guy that you're not lusting for his man parts and he proves to you - every fucking time - that you're a lying piece of shit, smart girls would just stop with that crap, woman up, and find another way to get what she needs. I bet you have no idea what I mean do you, Olivia?

When I first read Dark Lover and Beth said, "You know, Wrath, you don't have to lie to get me in bed. As much as I'm ashamed of myself, all you have to do is ask.", I didn't know exactly why I wanted to applaud her honesty. Now I remember why. It's because of heroines like you Olivia. Always denying stuff that can be proven true seconds after you deny it. And doing it the majority of a pretty long book.

Oh and Baird. Pretty much like every insta-love alpha hero out there. Except with no balls to call Olivia on her stupidity. Think doormat with a cock.

Pity that I actually liked the concept. And the sex was pretty hot, but I wasn't able to enjoy. Who would when you have the heroine going hot and cold alternately and stupid pretty much consistently?

I bet this book will work great as a drinking game with your girlfriends. You get to knock back a shot every time the heroine denies being in heat. Beats rolling your eyes and hitting your head on the desk any day of the week. (Note to self: organize lit-smut girls' night)
Profile Image for Sans.
858 reviews122 followers
November 17, 2011
I don't think I've ever gnashed my teeth before. I wasn't even aware it was physically possible until now. But Olivia. Sweet baby Jesus, she's enough to make you try to garotte yourself with your favourite scarf and slit your wrists with the nearest paperback.

How do I despise Liv? Let me count the ways:

- She's selfish to the point of stupidity.
- She refuses to see anyone's point of view if it doesn't directly correlate with her own world view.
- She asks herself questions endlessly but can't manage to answer a damn one.
- She can't get it through her obviously damaged cranium that Baird is NOT her ex-fiance. Like, at all.
- She was constantly stuttering. But not in the usual way. No, she'd say the first word, pause, say it again with the rest of the sentence. IN ALMOST EVERY FUCKING SENTENCE SHE SPOKE.
- She'd rather stuff wool in her ears and wear blinders than put on her big girl panties and actually THINK about things for half a minute.
- She somehow completely ignores over the fact that she's in love and refuses to accept that she just might be head over heels. Just because she didn't love her ex. Wait, what? What the fuck kind of reasoning is that, you half-witted slag?!
- She'd rather believe the worse about Baird than take a good look at herself and shake hands with her inner woman.

There goes my blood pressure again. This bitch gave me a migraine from all the teeth grinding and headdesking I did while reading this. The ONLY reason I didn't rate this one star is because of Baird and Sylvan. I liked them. A lot. I thought Baird deserved a hell of a lot more out of a relationship than the greedy, selfish twat he ended up with.

Another boost to the story is the world-building. The idea behind the story was awesome! If only the "heroine" (and once again, I use that term quite wrongly) wasn't such a ghastly slapper, I would have given this four stars.

A warning for anyone considering reading this: the term "cunt" is used several times. Not as much as "pussy", but more than a few times for sure. I have no problem with this word, but I know it's a hot button for many. If you can get past Liv, it's a good story. And I'm definitely going to read the next book and will be thanking my lucky stars that Liv won't be in it more than a few pages.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
498 reviews36 followers
April 14, 2015
This was setting up to be a hilariously over the top sci-fi sex romp. I mean, the heroine answered the door in her 'comfy' lace teddy and thong, for cri-yi! ("some people like to relax in yoga pants, I love MERRY WIDOWS!")

There are beautiful man aliens with astonishing parts and devoted feelings, longing to bond and give unlimited pleasure to their forever mate! (Also really funny: the specific bonding schedule. Week 1: TOUCHING!)

Instead, we have a wet blanket tease of a heroine. She did not put out like she was supposed to. It did not build tension, it just annoyed the tar out of me.

Wait, was this NOT supposed to be a hilariously over the top sci-fi sex romp? My bad.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
843 reviews223 followers
June 19, 2024
Actual Rating 2.5 stars

I see how this book can be liked by so many people. However, for me it wasn’t there. The whole thing was too silly and irrational for my taste.

Olivia’s struggles were ridiculous. She was fighting something with reasons that had no fundaments and were illogical. She had no idea of anything and refused to inform herself on anything but she felt justified on her behavior. Since her reasoning lacked sense, I couldn’t care much for her or what was happening to her. She became annoying and absurd to me so, the whole time I had a feeling of randomness and thus, of pointlessness.

Baird has an incredible lack of character development. The whole book is filled with general and unimportant details and yet we get no depth on what actually matters, the main characters. I have no problem with all that extra information because it makes the world a bit richer, but is worthless with empty characters.

The conflict at the end seems like an afterthought. Not well though or develop at all, just put there as a completely random breaking point so Olivia could have a radical change of mind. Just absurd.

The romance was not romantic, meaningful or justified. It is an instant-love situation that has no explanation. He loves her just because she is her mate even though he doesn’t really know her (the shared dreaming is not enough), and she suddenly realizes she loves him, but I don’t know why or how that happened. So the romance was also a fail for me.

Then, I have to say that I found the sex scenes very mediocre, so...

The parts I enjoyed the most were the world building aspects, and although it seems promising for future installments of this series , it is not enough to sustain this book.
Since I didn’t care much for the characters and their story, the book ended up being too long for me and yet, almost empty.

To conclude, I’ll admit that I am curious about the Twins situation. I might read another installment with Twin Kindreds as main characters.

Claimed (Brides of the Kindred, #1) - 2.5 stars
Hunted (Brides of the Kindred, #2) - 4 stars
Sought (Brides of the Kindred, #3) - 3.5 stars
Found (Brides of the Kindred, #4) - 3.5 stars
Exiled (Brides of the Kindred, #7) - 4 stars
Shadowed (Brides of the Kindred, #8) - 3.5 stars
Chained (Brides of the Kindred, #9) - 3 stars
Divided (Brides of the Kindred, #10) - 2 stars
Devoured (Brides of the Kindred, #11) - 3 stars
Enhanced (Brides of the Kindred, #12) - 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Suzanne (Under the Covers Book blog).
1,745 reviews558 followers
October 15, 2013

3.5 Stars

Is there anything more perfect than a super sexy alien, or as they call themselves Kindred? I don’t think there is. They cook, they clean, they love to give you massages, they make you come until you pass out, really what more could a girl possibly want?! Unfortunately Olivia doesn’t quite see it like that, after being chosen as one of the Kindred males bond mate she does everything in her power to resist him, she misses her twin sister, her best friend and the job she loves, being with Baird the Beast Kindred she has bonded with will mean leaving it all behind.

This is the first book in the Kindred series and I really liked the idea. Earth had been attacked by bad aliens called the Scrouge, but just in the nick of time the Kindred, the good aliens, turn up to save the day! In exchange they want to do a genetic trade, whenever a Kindred alien calls a bride from the millions of women on Earth, Earth has to send her to the Kindred. Kind of like being called for Jury service, only there is more sex and it is forever!

So loved the idea and it has such a great potential for books with some hot aliens and their Earthling brides in it. However, what stopped me loving the book was Liv, I really didn't like her. I understood why she resisted Baird, and it wouldn't have been much of a book if she hadn't! But what annoyed me is that she never gave him a chance even when she knew how much he loved her and when she suspected she might love him in return. Now, don't get me wrong she wasn't TSTL, just bloody irritating!

However, Baird! My sweet yet animalistically sexy Baird! He was so perfect it me feel a little ill! Not only was he so hot he makes your eyes burn, but he was also sweet, patient, cock the size of baseball bat and head over heels in love with Liv. Baird ALONE has earnt this book 2 stars! But I think because it always seemed really one sided I never really saw the connection with both of them, even towards the end it never really came together for me.

But there were other things I really liked about this book, it showed the potential between Liv's twin Sophia and Baird's brother Sylvan (a Blood Kindred aka Space Vampire) and I really can't wait to read their book! So much so that I actually bought it half way through this one! Kat, the twins friend was also really good and I am hoping that she will get a book as well.

Although Liv pissed me off, I did like this book alot, it had humour (killer blue teddy bears called Bebo!) and an interetsing world with the potential for more. And did I mention the sex? It was HOT! I love how EA writes her steamy scenes, Baird had a filthy mouth in more ways then one! NOT one to be reading at work!

Favourite Quote

"Nothing's wrong." Olivia's cheeks were as red as her robe. "It's just..you're so big. I mean, can you acually use that thing without being arrested for assault with a deadly weapon?"


Girls Guide to the Kindred:

Beast Kindred aka Fuckably Feral Aliens- Savage in battle these dark, brooding warriors from Rageron bring their passion and intensity to the bedroom. They possess a very special endowment that ensures every sexual experience is a tantric one.

Blood Kindred aka Space Vampire Aliens-Cold as ice to their enemies, these tall, blond warriors from Tranq Prime warm up when they find the right woman. But be careful...they bite.

Twin Kindred aka Menage a HOT Aliens-Muscular and rugged, these warriors from Twin Moons always come in pairs and cannot be separated. They experience physical pain when parted from each other...or the one woman they both choose to love. (MY FAVOURITE!!)
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews924 followers
April 28, 2020
Claimed is book one in the Brides of the Kindred series by Evangeline Anderson.

Anderson has created a unique and interesting world. The detailed description of the different Kindred races gave me an understand of who they are and what their expectations are for their bond mates.

Baird is a Beast Kindred. The biggest and baddest. His need for Olivia was great, but he did what he could to keep himself from rushing her into the relationship.

Olivia is a human who finds herself a Kindred bride whether she wants to or not. She isn’t my favorite. She was prudish at times and redundant. Her resistant to Baird was frustrating.

Baird and Olivia’s romance was ok. Their time together was stressful. I related to Baird's frustration and found it completely understandable. I liked how he showered Olivia with attention and put so much effort into wooing her. As for Olivia her resistance was very frustrating. She tried too hard on the resistant front. The sex is steamy and hot.

The plot is thin. The villains are perfect. Very villainous. The Scourge are our evil race. The AllFather makes a great antagonist. I wouldn’t want to go through his special brand of torture.

I enjoyed the secondary characters introduced. I liked getting their perspectives. I very much enjoyed how the author weaves in the story/set up for the next couple.

Claimed was an ok read, but not one I’d read again.

Rated: 3 Stars

Profile Image for Aму.
90 reviews50 followers
January 4, 2013
The scary thing is that I could actually believe in the possibility of such a thing in the future.. you never know what’s out there. And if this were to happen.. PLEASE – PLEASE – PLEASE let me be drafted! Photobucket

Claimed had me on page one with the word, "Mine." Mine is right Baird. As in I'm your's! He was the perfect balance between dominance and lenience. Hasty and patience. Gentle and rough. Affectionate and merciless. Plus, he worshiped her damn body! How many other men have you read about that massaged a woman's body for hours without asking for anything in return? (And you know what I mean by in return. *wink*) He only wants to satisfy her in every way. But of course she bitches, she moans, she makes "humorous" social faux pas on alien planets, but she rarely if ever does anything deserving of the praise and admiration Baird gives her. She knows bonding to him means she can’t go home to her twin sister and give up her soon to be starting job (Two ridiculously simple issues which are later resolved with some common sense and exchange of one sentence each.), so she holds out far longer than I would have been able. I mean, she didn't even want to give him a chance because she was afraid of how fast their love for one another was growing, which I understand, but obviously there is such thing as compromise that she didn't even want to try. Leaving him very frustrated and her always hot and under his spell.
Now I know it is going to sound like I'm hating on Liv but I just could not over look how much of a major turn off it was to read about her comparing every sexual thing Baird did/was about to do to an ex. I didn't mind it as much since she was only THINKING it, however, if her mouth would of opened? I would of SOMEHOW personified myself there just to stop her from hurting the huge, sexy alien! .. Don't look at me that way! It's a major pride annihilator for men!

The paranormal elements to the story; the sci-fi setting is intriguing and the physical liberties the author is able to take due to it’s Kindred characters add a little spice to this already spicy erotic novel. But do not expect information over-load with the alien 101 lesson, this series is centered on the romance and the odd customs of the Kindred; adding humor (killer blue teddy bears called Bebo!) and enough conflict to keep the story-line compelling.

I found the 4-week claiming period (Ms. Anderson must have a wonderful, succulent imagination.) leading up to the climax of bonding sex appealing because of the structured anticipation. As soon as you become comfortable in what is allotted in the first week, the stakes are raised in the next and you find yourself constantly in a state of thrill by the steady build-up of allowed and required intimacy. Down-side? I assumed the final bonding would be so much more intense and enduring, not just a simple WHAM-BAM-THANK YOU MA'AM.

Mindless Hormonal Rambling:
Can I go back to Baird now? Good. Now I am going to mention three things that will pique your interest in this book to the point of scrounging up those coins that people say are lost in the couch cushions somewhere but you obviously never find, 'cause I sure as hell never have!- What exactly was I talking about? Oh yes! The mentions.
1. Baird calling Liv, “Lilenta”. (Cutest. Pet-name. Ever.)
2. The claiming fist. (Let's just say it ain't a fist but it's definitely claiming something.)
3. Alien men are P-A-C-K-I-N-G! *wolf whistles* Forget about Subway's foot long, eat- I MEAN- meet Baird's. ;)
Profile Image for MelissaB.
725 reviews338 followers
April 17, 2011
This book was strangely fascinating, I had trouble putting it down. The heroine got kind of annoying when she resisted the hero so long though I did understand her reluctance to give up her former life. But how can you resist a sexy hero who is built, hung like a Clydesdale, dedicated to your pleasure and loves you? The answer is you don't but the heroine doesn't realize this until almost too late.

I enjoyed this story and will be looking forward to the next story with her twin sister.
Profile Image for Lindz..
1,027 reviews123 followers
February 16, 2014
So, I gave this book a five star, when the heroine actually pushed this book to a three star on multiple occasions.

However, the brilliance that is this series can't be contained in a three star package. I was so enveloped in this 'alien' world, that I couldn't help but push on and just hope beyond hope that Olivia unstupid herself from this whole whiny BS she was spewing at me with her perpetual inner dialogue.

Olivia, oh dear Olivia.

You didn't get smart until the last like thirty pages of the book. By that point I felt you didn't really deserve your big bad alien stud.

Do I feel that she emasculated him?

No, because Baird actually never gave up his intentions or his belief system. I believe all the crap rested on Olivia's shoulders to be honest. The woman refused to communicate, because she was so dead set on getting back to her sister and bff, who were GROWN WOMEN, and even they realized before her, that she belonged with Baird.

I mean I get it.

I did get it.

At first.

This is a story about an alien invasion took place on earth, the Kindred came and stopped it. In return they asked to have access to all single, unclaimed women on the planet. Now, don't take that in a barbaric sort of way. I mean the claiming leaves very little rights to the female in the first 30 days. Someone said they only got a week, no the first week was where the couple was supposed to COMMUNICATE! The whole claiming period was 30 days, hey I think that's good, I think thats just under what The Bachelor and Bachelorette gets lol.

Olivia refused to talk to him properly. I think she was suck on the whole lust at first site more than him. He tried so hard and she was like "NO WALL UP!" Baird was a damned saint and incredibly patient with her.

What redeemed this book, and me continuing with the series was the total attention to detail. I was enveloped and transported to a fictional reality where aliens were read, earth knew about it, and women were sent up as Brides to them. But get this, they don't just pick randomly. The couple has usually has some sort of bond going on for months called 'dream sharing' before the Kindred call them to claim. I thought this would ruffle the feminist in me. But I'm one of those feminists that doesn't believe being submissive in the sac diminishes you as a strong female. I thought Olivia, by the end, had somewhat redeemed herself. It really helped that Sylvan allowed her to work as a medic. Olivia had spent most of her adult life working her butt off to complete nursing school, and then she's sucked up into space by a big barbarian (with a heart of gold) and she saw this as a waste of all her hard work.

I get the bonding period is part of the contract to secure, I'm assuming, pregnancy lol Yet, human woman are very independent, and were someone like me would be like OOOO Hunky alien I'm down lets get busy and enjoy this naughty month together (I would so be knocked up in like a week lol), most would be like erm, back off yo.

As a whole the story was compelling, and engaging and I couldn't help but move on right to book two.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
December 30, 2015
2.5 stars

It takes me forever to finish this book. The book was interesting at first, but after Olivia's kidnapped, it went downhill. Baird is a big bad alpha, in this book you'll see he has to seduce Olivia in every way. It's fun to see how he tries to work out his thing, yet Olivia always turns him down.
Profile Image for Laura ❀.
65 reviews121 followers
March 18, 2021
2.25 stars★

What I liked:
★ Romance was decent (?)
★ Baird carried this book tbh - I mean if I had to be kidnapped by an alien I'd like it to be Baird because at least he's relatively understanding and patient lol and he also tried to make homemade pizza for Olivia (her favourite food)?? Instant win.

What I disliked:
★ The plot - was there really one? They were just kind of chasing each other around the spaceship thing for most the book.
Baird: Let's mate
Olivia: I mean I want too but I'm going to say no...
Baird: Let's mate
Olivia: oKAY maybe
Baird: Let's mate
Olivia: okay...I mean NO I will never mate with you
3 chapters later
Olivia: I love you Baird xoxo


★Oliva - honestly really disliked her for the entire book. I mean I wouldn't be happy about being told that I had to be an alien bride tbf but she was just constantly annoying throughout the whole book and her feelings to Baird changed every chapter it was so frustrating. I understand her being in 'denial' about her feelings because she didn't want to leave her family on Earth behind but for it to take up about 85% of the book?? It just dragged on for way too long.


I mean this book had potential but disliking the main character really spoilt it for me hahah
Profile Image for Katie(babs).
1,838 reviews532 followers
March 20, 2011
Evangeline Anderson is a multi-published author who writes for a great amount of epublishers and many cross genres. When I heard about Claimed, her self-published sci-fi romance, I wanted to give it a read since I’ve enjoyed her past work. And how could I not read a borderline erotic sci-fi romance with what I call a yummy, possessive hot alpha type alien male? Evangeline is great at writing steamy tension with wonderful, seductive heroes. Her hero Baird is definitely one of them.

Claimed is set in 2030, five years after the Earth is attacked by the menacing aliens known as the Scourge. Earth is saved from another alien race called the Kindred. The Kindred are alien warriors, humanoids, and ones that are bigger or massive when it comes to human males. The Kindred were able to defeat the Scourge and now live in ships above the surface of Earth. They come to Earth for brides since they’re lacking their own females. A human female can even belong to two male Kindreds, where there’s a four week ceremony allowing the Kindred males or one lone male to court his bride. Week one is where he feeds her and caters to her every need. They also sleep in the same bed and can touch. Week two is when the bathe together and some intimate scrub-a-dubbing goes on. Week three is the tasting period. The Kindred male tastes his future bride in whatever way he likes (licky licky that secret area on the female), and week four is where they finally consummate their relationship and bond together (the male attaches himself inside his female with his “mating fist at the base of the Kindred’s shaft which is engaged only during bonding sex with his mate”. This brings to mind the whole barb scenario ala Lora Leigh or JR Ward.) From that they’re committed and married.

Baird anxiously waits for his female to claim as his bride. He’s been having dreams about Olivia Waterhouse for a long time. When he was captured and tortured by the Scourge, he thought about her constantly to keep him from going insane, and feels she saved him. Olivia is also having strange erotic dreams of some unknown man. (Take a guess who it could be?). These dreams disturb her because they don’t make any sense. And then when two draft officers come to her home and take her to Baird, she really freaks out. It seems human woman are placed into a draft to be married to a Kindred. Olivia has been drafted as Baird’s chosen bride.

Olivia is scared, and rightly so. There’s a good possibility she’ll never see her sister again and her friends because when a human woman is claimed by her Kindred husband, she barely goes back to Earth. Plus since Baird is a Beast Kindred, she knows he’ll be overly possessive, on edge and too big for her to handle. (Poor well-endowed Baird). Baird is so excited to finally claim Olivia, although he knows it will be hard work on his end. And when Olivia is forced to go with him, she’s not receptive to his gruff charms. She tells him she’ll give him his four weeks, but refuses to bond with him. Now Baird has to figure out a way to court Olivia gently and with respect in order for her to fall into love with him and want to stay with him forever.

Claimed is an inventive and quirky sci-fi romance with an adorable hero who lacks some social skills, including how to romance a woman. He’s very persuasive with his body in the way that Olivia can barely deny him. Baird is le sex on the alien stick. At no time does Baird overpower Olivia or force her to do what he wants, and that means when they are intimate. He may start something, but leaves it up to Olivia to finish it. Poor Baird walks around frustrated and is cranky at times. He also has some self-esteem issues because he thinks Olivia is scared of him and doesn’t find him handsome. If only he knew how much Olivia is attracted to him, but holds back because the idea of being separated from all she knows and those she loves is something she can’t accept.

There are some funny scenes, especially when Olivia tries to learn and navigate the Kindred way of life. When she investigates Baird’s home, she has a few problems, one being a rug in the bathroom that’s more like a human vibrator and a pet of Baird’s that looks like a cuddly teddy bear, but one with fangs for teeth. She also thinks Baird is drugging her into submission with his overpowering sexy scent. The sexual tension between Olivia and Baird is amazing, and Baird enjoys cuddling, taking baths and cooking for Olivia. This is my ideal man.

The only down side of Claimed is that it’s too long. There are long passages of internal dialogue from Olivia and shifting back and forth between her sister on Earth and then back on the ship. Also the ending with the Scourge seems tacked on in order to invoke a more emotional response so there can be a believable HEA to cement why Olivia has fallen for Baird.

Otherwise, I did enjoy Claimed. It’s a very sexy and sweet story with a close to perfect hero as you can get. Fans of Christine Feehan will like Claimed. I look forward to the future stories in this series and one I recommend you check out.
Profile Image for Vero.
1,508 reviews9 followers
April 28, 2015
Nope. Sounded like a good PWP. Was boring and annoying. After having seen some reviews with some rather unfortunate things being said about the heroine I started with low expectations.
Because she sounded awful.
And guess what.
She was even worse.
Still, this could have been a fair read.
If for example the hero wouldn't have been a card-board cliche-ridden TGTBT alpha guy who adored the ground the insipid, stubborn, silly and boring heroine walked upon.
If he had anything resembling a character. If he didn't live to serve the stupid b*tch, who did NOTHING WHATSOEVER to deserve it.
So the "mating" thingy happens, no one has a choice, a lot of "I cannot give up my brilliant life on earth, even if those Alien warriors are the only thing standing between humanity and extinction by another militant Alien race". 
The whole concept of a far more progressive Alien race whose main trade is in genetics could have been interesting. If not for the humongous plot hole:
Genetic traders who can't reproduce females of their own race? Really?
So that they are so desperate for some womenfolks that they introduce the females of other races into their own, alter them via mysterious olfactory stuff and puff - happy ending.
And on another side note: A society with highly predatory males with an extremely high sex drive it is VERY VERY improbable that the female gender would be revered and protected instead of raped and abused. 
Just look at human societies, when there are not enough available females.
I expected it to be a lot about sex. And it was. But it was really really boring sex.
Maybe because Mr. Super Hung Alpha Knot Guy was basically pussy whipped and after a few scenes between him and his "Bride" you only wanted to club him over the head to get him to chase another girl.
The best thing to say about it: It was cheap.
Profile Image for willaful.
1,155 reviews367 followers
December 1, 2011
I was torn between enjoying this and finding it a serious eye-roller. I get kind of irked by reading really obvious fantasies and the whole concept of the alien race of men who come in three genetic forms -- one incredibly oversized and capable of going for hours, one that sucks blood, one that comes in sets of twins and you have to have sex with both of them at the same time… well, it doesn’t get much more obvious than that. Or so I thought until I got to the all-protein, low-cal alien worms that taste like expensive chocolate. At that point, I decided the book was never meant to be taken that seriously and I might as well just have fun.

If you’re the type of reader who likes their science fiction to come within hailing distance of actual science, don’t even bother. There’s no rhyme or reason to this book’s scenario at all. If you’re just looking for an absorbing romance about impossibly hot guys who love nothing more than to wait on their women hand and foot (and tongue), here ya go.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
March 10, 2017
Quickly said: I adored Baird, even loved him. Hated, or disliked the Waterhouse sisters. They were selfish and annoying. I get some of their reasons for acting the way the did and saying the things they did, but still...no excuse. My eyes rolled a few times while reading. I also wanted to smack their faces. Hard. Baird saved the day/book though! Wouldn't mind seeing more of him. Wouldn't mind having him in my bed either...
Baird finally understood. For some reason, she was determined to resist him. Well, they would see how long that lasted when his scent began working on her. How long she could hold out when he was at last allowed to touch her.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult) Paranormal Romance
Series: - Series, Book One
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Not sure.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Sure, Baird's worth it.
Will I read this again in the future? - No.
Rating - 3.5 * Beast* Stars.
Profile Image for Kay's Blushing Book Reviews.
289 reviews277 followers
May 8, 2018

Claimed by Evangeline Anderson
#1 Brides of Kindred Series

The story sees humans living in the time of the Kindred drafting. The Kindred species saved the human race from an alien war and in return they have asked for human woman to breed with.
The Kindred species are predominately male, hence their need for female species to re populate. All human woman are placed in a drafting system and when they are chosen they must go to the Kindred mother ship to be married.

Baird is a Beast Kindred; his tormented soul is ready to claim his bride. First though he must get through the month long claiming period where every week a new test of resistance is given to Oliva. If she is able to resist his advances then she will be allowed to go home and back to the life she so much wants but if she gives in she will be claimed as his wife forever.

Olivia is a nursing student from Earth and has no desire to be a Kindred bride, she intends to win every test and get back home but that was until she heard his commanding voice, saw his tight muscular body and felt his heated and seductive touch.

Although the story is somewhat predictable, I found the Kindred culture strangely fascinating and at times humorous. Be warned though you will most likely get frustrated with the heroine Olivia’s stupidity. The push and pull is relentless from her and at times just simply tiresome but the hot alien alpha male Baird has you turning pages for more.


This was first published in 2011 so it’s not a new book but if you are into paranormal/sci fi erotic romance and you have not read this series than I am wondering what rock you have just crawled out from underneath. This is one hot and steamy read. In fact, I think I need a few cold showers after I read this.

Being the first sci fi erotic romance book I have read, I stumbled across it after looking for more paranormal romance novels after finishing the twilight series. I wanted something more in the adult category rather than teenage/college romance genre and was over the vampire hype.

The Kindred series is different from anything else I have ever read, each book in the series takes on a uniqueness of its own. They are not just erotic and exotic they have well developed characters and plenty of intriguing elements, making the books so addictive. I found myself reading one straight after another.

OVERALL: 4 Stars

GENRE: Sci Fi Erotic Romance
BOOK DETAILS: Book #1 of Kindred Bride Series
AUDIO AVAILABLE – Whisper- sync ready

This is not my typical read but for a venture out of the box book to read this was a hot, entertaining and amusing story. If you’re looking for something different, erotic and fun then this is a great light and fun read. So why not give it go!


Narrated by: Anne Johnstonbrown
Length: 12 hrs

Anne had a lot of different voices she had to narrate on her own, she did very well considering this. Her portrayal of a male’s voice was really good but I wanted more emotion in their voices, particularly in the intimate scenes. Overall though I enjoyed this audio.

Profile Image for Tracy's Place.
2,602 reviews44 followers
June 1, 2016
3.5 out of 5

Originally read 4/2/11
Reread 5/30/16 - Pretty much felt the same way about the story that I did the first time (see below). :)

I liked this story but I did have some issues with it.

What I liked:
1. I liked Baird first and foremost. He really made the whole story for me – if he hadn’t been the kind, patient and loyal man he was I probably wouldn’t have liked the book too much. He loved Olivia and wanted nothing but to please her. The great part about that is that he didn’t change who he was to do that. He didn’t become some mush-mouthed, google-eyed, lovesick man who would do anything for his woman. It was all within reason and because he stood up for who he was and didn’t take too much crap from Olivia I liked him all the more.

2. The world of the Kindred was pretty cool. They had traded info and technology with other worlds and because of this they had invented some items that I wish we had on Earth now. Like the TakeMe which is an animal with two heads (one on either side of its body) that can grow or decrease in size. It is kind of like a transport system around Baird’s ship and can even eventually know its “riders” thoughts. There were other cool gadgets as well but you’ll have to discover

3. The other Kindred who all seem to be huge warriors but with good hearts and souls…for aliens. :)

What I didn’t care for:
1. Olivia. I understood her desire to stay on Earth and continue in her chosen field (she had just graduated from nursing school) and to stay with her friends and her twin sister, but when push came to shove and she started to give in to Baird sexually, she blamed him. Ok, yes, if it wasn’t for Baird she wouldn’t be his “bride” at all but when she begged him to fulfill her needs she didn’t get mad at herself for almost giving in, she blamed him like it was his fault she couldn’t control herself. I understand being a strong woman but the blame throwing really got to me after a while. The first couple of times I could deal with but after that? Not so much.

2. The length of the book. It was quite long with parts of the book that didn’t really seem to take the story further in the long run.

3. As much as I liked Baird and the story did tell us that he had learned English and Earth slang I still found it quite amazing that he sounded so un-alien like to me. It sounded to me like he’d been born and raised in Southern California.

Overall, a pretty good book. I will definitely be reading the next book in the Kindred series.
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
May 26, 2015
I didn't like this one. The narrator made it worse.
In this story we had a nurse, Olivia Waterhouse, who just learned she was drafted to become the bride of the Kindred. The Kindred was an alien warrior race who had gotten some kind of treaty promising "brides" from earth in exchange for saving the earth from another malevolent race that invaded earth. Once the bride bonds with the kindred, they stay on that planet with her mated kindred.
There is a one month probation period in which the Kindred has to woo the earth women. If the kindred is unable to get her to have bonding sex with him, then the earth girl can return to earth no harm no foul.

So the first 8 hours of this story was Olivia doing her darnest to make sure she doesn't' sleep with Baird, the kindred who came to claim her. It was irritating and just slow to me. There is potential in the story but after 8 hours of "no, no, don't touch me." I was about to offer myself to Baird just to end my own agony of listening to her.

The ending set up book 2 nicely, so I will actually try it before I decide how I truly feel about the series.
Profile Image for Charlotte Stein.
Author 108 books1,830 followers
April 5, 2011
BAM! Five stars. Yeah that's right I love Evangeline Anderson. No-one does cheesy, unapologetic, total and utter crazy beefcake love like she does. And despite the over the top alphas and their you're going to do this even though you don't really want to nonsense, I never want to punch them in the face. That takes some skill, I tell you what.

Also: her sex scenes are always, always hot. Even when they're really similar to sex scenes in other books of hers. But then, she has written about eight million books. There's bound to be a little crossover!
Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews158 followers
March 9, 2018
This was an absolutely amazing book, I couldn't possibly say enough about it.
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
August 30, 2016
Main characters: Baird and Olivia (Lyv)
Type of Kindred bonding: Beast/Rager

Well, there are just some books you just know that the writer was having a good time when she was writing them. Like this book. I can almost see the writer smiling and laughing while writing this book. I certainly had a great time reading it.
There is an alternative future for humankind in this book. The Scourge have attacked earth and Kindred warriors run to fight against Scourge and help humans survive. There is only one small catch for the help they are offering. Kindred are mainly males (95% in their population) and they seek female matches to expand their gene pool all over the universe. There are 3 kinds of Kindred males depending on their characteristics which the reader learns as the storyline unfolds in each book:
1. Beast/Ranger Kindred, 2. Blood/Tranq Kindred, 3. Twin Kindred
Each of the following books will describe different kinds of Kindred and the way each kind bonds with their chosen female.
The first book is about a Beast Kindred, Baird, and his chosen bride Olivia. Their story introduce us in the world of Kindreds. We learn about the animals they keep as pets like Take-me, Zichther and animals they use as furnitures like Touch-U. We learn about foods they have like fireflower juice and a special dish made of alive worms they need to die just before you eat them and they taste like chocolate. And of course we learn about the claming period and the bonding week.
The book is seriously funny. Full of misunderstandings between the Kindred warrior and the earth girl. I highly recommend it!

[I received a free copy of the book, when I joined Evangeline Anderson's email list]
Profile Image for Lo.
201 reviews52 followers
March 17, 2020
This came up as a recommended book and initially I just kind of skimmed past it because I didn't think it would be for me and then I realised that I had never given this genre a chance so how could I know that I didn't like it.

So I picked it up, started and what can I say, I am glad that I did! It was a nice easy read and I enjoyed every minute of it! I will definitely be reading the second book and will try this genre further.

4 stars and a lesson learn to not judge a genre until I give it a fair chance.
Profile Image for Hannah G.
319 reviews18 followers
August 30, 2016
My rating for this book is 2 stars.I didn't know what to expect from this book, it had mixed ratings. Aliens aren't really my thing but i thought why not. One word to describe this book predictable. I'm mean, earth female has been drafted to bond with alien male. She resists and fights him. Something happens she realizes what she would loose. They get together. Wedding, the end. Th heroine Olivia/Liv isn't stupid she just makes idiotic choices. 80& of this book is her fighting Baird and her emotions about him. It was annoying. She kept bringing up the fact that she's losing everything if she leaves earth. I mean not really. She studied to be a nurse they have medical places she could work at. Her sister, Bff, extra can come over for hoildays and call you everyday. I mean what's she losing. Nothing. Next she fights Barid romanitly constaintly And hurts his feelings and accuses him of stuff he hasn't done and judges him when she doesn't know him. I hate people like that. She was so whiney in the way a child acts if their toy is taken away. I mean "I wanna go home. I have everything there." Love. Where is it? I don't know how they fell in love. Let's be real falling in love with seeing someone in dreams. It's to out there. And when they were together all they did was argue. This isn't romance. They are supposedly soul mates. Number 1 why would you fight your soulmate? Number 2 how could you fall in love by arguing and lust. That's what it was lust and barely any smut. Barid was my favorite character. I liked his brother but he was to caught up in his ex. Anyway while I was reading this I read Barids name as bird. That's totally besides the point I loved him as a character. He wasn't an alpha male in my opioion. He just had some alpha male qualities. Like being commanding and possessive. But he was more the guy who always said what that their thinking and their emotions. One think I didn't like about Barid was that he was a commander but he didn't act like that. In books if a character has an occupation it needs to be there in the story and character. An example would be a prince would not wear jeans and an t shirt everyday. Sophia (Livs sister) was not helping the book she acted like it was Livs duty to come back to earth for her. The ending was overly dramatic in an bad way. The alien concepts were done perfectly. The main villain/enemy was a guy who spoke like a snake. That was not needed. Last thing I disliked was that the enemy was an entire race, in my opioion that would be like calling all humans evil. So I hate that. The things that saved this book from being hated was Barid and alien elements. I'm planning on reading the next book but if it's as bad as this one. I'm gonna X the whole series.
May 28, 2022
I liked it - Full RTC

- h is kidnapped from her home on earth; illegally transported and dropped on a foreign planet
- Forced to pick a mate and remain on planet for 1 year as is custom and bc she was illegally brought from a planet that isn't supposed to have slaves/people brought from it to other planets
- H that was considered "unattractive" to native peoples but was hot to h
- Insecurities of the H bc he thought the h must be playing him/was sent as a spy
- Mystery of why h was brought and by whom seemed to be rushed and not as well developed as could have been (still several questions about the why, who, what bc it was really crammed in there at the end)
- Solid, hot steam

Plot --- 3.5/5
Main Characters --- 3.5/5
Supporting Cast --- 3.5/5
Steam Level* --- 4/5
Violence --- nothing graphic that I can recall
Language --- some
POV --- 3rd

*Note that steam level is not a rating so much as a how hot was it: 0/5 - clean; 1/5 - mild (nothing descriptive); 2/5 - 3rd base action/1 home run; 3/5 - now we're getting somewhere (a couple of full-on steamy scenes); 4/5 - yes please! (erotica territory); 5/5 - they did EVERYTHING in this one, y'all
Profile Image for Kathryn.
793 reviews19 followers
May 28, 2011
Claimed is an erotic romance, if the cover and title left any doubt. Set in the very near future, an alien race known as the Kindred are protecting the earth from another alien race known as the Scourge. In exchange, the Kindred have made agreements with earth to find brides from the female population. If a woman is drafted, she is then forcibly removed from her house and transported to the Kindred space ship for a 4 week claiming period, with different rules of what is and what is not allowed sexually during each week.

I stuck with this since I hoped the glimmers of an interesting story I felt during the first fifth of would appear more pronounced and push the book into actual quality erotic fiction. Essentially, the book faded quickly for a few very specific and unforgivable reasons.

First of all, this is a very long book compared to most other erotic fiction and available for a reasonable price. Most of the novellas in the genre range from 4.99 to 9.99, so finding a full length novel for only 2.99 was originally what snagged my interest. But the writing ended up as too wordy, repetitive, and predictable. I wish the author had condensed everything. When a character continues to run the exact same dilemma through their head but in different chapters, I then become bored and annoyed and tend to barely skim the passages with only internal monlogue. I became bored.

Second, I dislike authors who put forth the barest of effort in creating a science fiction setting. If the book is science fiction, then I want science, not furry little alien creatures running around.

Third, the book is one big tease. For readers who enjoy erotic fiction that slowly, ever so slowly, gets to the punchline, then this may be a book for you.

Fourth, the female lead was too stubborn, ignorant, and not very sympathetic. The male lead was overly attentive. Most readers will love this quality but I am coming to the conclusion that this book is really meant for readers other than me. I can see why many people will enjoy it but I did not. I was unable to relate with the characters and too many things did not mesh with my tastes. For example, the friend visited on the ship was incredibly annoying and dumb, a typical cheerleader mentality, and guess what, she was a cheerleader before she was alien-snatched. And the male lead, he was supposed to be some type of Beast Kindred, with more of the animalistic and mine mentality popular in paranormal and urban fantasy romances but he was a total pushover and completely self-controlled in the entire book. It was an odd contradiction in my opinion and that kind of sucked. My hopes were up for a good erotic scene but it never came, or it came when my interest was nil.

After writing this, I am unsure if I will read the next in the series. I would be comfortable recommending the book if the reader enjoys erotic romance reads not as intense and dark as I tend to enjoy. I guess when it all comes down to it, this book was too tame and generic for me.
Profile Image for Emily.
5,506 reviews527 followers
January 1, 2020
The Kindred, alien warriors, came to Earth rescuing them form the Scourge that only brought pain and death to those on Earth. In making an alliance with the Kindred, the powers that be agreed to have the suitable females put into a draft where if drafted they would have a month with the Kindred who had chosen her and make a choice at the end of the month whether they would remain with their fated mate.

Olivia Waterhouse never thought she would be drafted, her life was perfect the way it was. She had just finished nursing school and her twin and bestie were all she needed to make her happy. Baird though has been dream sharing with Olivia for six long months. Olivia has a plan to not be claimed and despite all her efforts she finds herself falling for Baird.

Baird treasures Olivia, he knows she is meant to be his mate and he also knows she fears him. Trying to prove he is worthy of being her mate Baird goes about trying to do things that he knows she likes. Olivia though is not sure she can give up her life on Earth for Baird. Which path will Olivia choose?

I read about one to two sci-fi a year, but boy am I hooked on this series. It as funny, sad at times, lightening and so descriptive I could easily picture everything that was happening. Loved every moment of this from the draft notice to the finale that caught me by surprise. Can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Debra Johnson.
10.9k reviews170 followers
March 14, 2023
Prch Amazon Aug. 1, 2015
Finished Reading October 19, 2015
Claimed by Evangeline Anderson
Genres: Adult, Erotica, Romance, Sci-fi.
4 Stars

1st, the good.
It started out quick, hard and fast. The story was engrossing and the set up intriguing. The writing was great, so it flowed really well & kept your attention. There were some really intense moments. The romance (of course) & the sex scenes, for the most part, were captivating.
2nd, the bad.
A few places got a bit to wordy. Words that could have been used to up the intensity factor in the 'scary' sections. Also, there was a section towards the end that just seemed to happen WAY to quickly. I am trying to say this without giving anything away about the story. I hate spoilers!

If I could talk to Evangeline Anderson I would tell her to get rid of the 'Wordy' sections & give the frightening sections the same intensity as the sex. After all, both parts make your heart beat faster and your gut clench. And isn't that what a great story is all about?

Profile Image for Becky (romantic_pursuing_feels).
1,031 reviews1,218 followers
January 6, 2023
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
World Building: 📖📖📖📖
Feels: 🦋🦋🦋🦋
Emotional Depth: 💔💔💔
Sexual Tension: ⚡⚡⚡⚡
Romance: 💞💞💞💞
Sensuality: 💋💋💋💋
Sex Scene Length: 🍑🍑🍑🍑🍑
Steam Scale (Number of Sex Scenes): 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Humor: Yes
Perspective: Third person perspective mostly from hero and heroine (though also from the heroine’s sister and another alien male, Sylvan)

(These are all personal preference on a scale of 1-5 (yours ratings may vary depending what gives you feels and how you prefer you sex scenes written, etc) except the Steam Scale which follows our chart from A Love Less Ordinary )

Should I read in order?
Yes. This is book 1 but definitely start here.

Basic plot:
Liv gets chosen for the draft and fights her Kindred warrior with everything she has so she can return home to Earth!

Give this a try if you want:
- Science fiction romance taking place in the light-ish future (mention of the space station that was completed in 2025 was destroyed)
- Higher tech setting – most of this story takes place on the Kindred Mothership
- Lots of “mine” being growled from the hero
- Super protective and possessive hero
- Bit of a curvy heroine
- You like lots of time spent in different perspectives and storylines. This series really does flow together over the course of the books and aren’t the best to pick up alone.
- Calls the heroine ‘lilenta” (means little one or dear one)
- Hero orders the heroine to come
- Mostly focus on the couple with plenty of forced proximity but also a touch of danger and action

My thoughts:
There was SO MUCH I loved about this book! But I also had a few issues.

First of all, this book is long. But it also FELT really, really long. I kept finding myself checking the percentage and it was dragging a bit for me. I think, for me, it was because this book also establishes other characters, themes, backgrounds, relationships. And that kind of drives me nuts but probably won’t bother other people. I just want the hero and heroine focus all the time. I will say that the world building was fantastic for me in this one and it probably stems from all those details so I shouldn’t complain too much, haha!

There is a lot of push and pull with the mains here. Basically Baird just wants to love and go down on and mate with Liv constantly and Liv is too scared of the change to her life to give in. It does feel a touch like we are having the same conversation over and over again and that could get frustrating.

Overall though, I loved the themes in this book. It was sexy, steamy and tension filled and I loved a lot of parts of it! I’ve already finished book 2 and had a couple issues with that one too. I will try more from her in the future though for sure! I’m especially curious about the twin kindred.

Cock/Hero Stats:

Content warnings:

Locations of kisses/intimate scenes:
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,620 reviews

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