Tiya Rosa's Reviews > Claimed

Claimed by Evangeline Anderson
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did not like it
bookshelves: too-stupid-to-live-mc, kill-it-with-fire, pissed-me-off

I know I may have gone a bit overboard with the rant updates with this book, but boy did this just rub me the wrong way.

I get why Olivia needed to refuse the bonding. I get that the story needed that conflict in order for the reader to feel satisfied with the payoff at the end. I get that there is a lot of suspension of disbelief involved in novels like this for the reading experience to actually work. I get a lot of things, but at this point I can't hear the sense in all that over the sound of Olivia's stupidity.

Olivia did not want to get it on with Baird because doing so would mean she'd have to give up her life on earth with her sister and her friends and her career. That's a great reason. I so totally understand where she was coming from. I also understand why she had to say she did not want the alien even when she totally did. What I can't get behind is her constantly denying this lust she felt when it was obvious to everyone including their blind grandfather that she was all hot and bothered with this hot piece of alien flesh. I mean she said she felt nothing for the guy's kisses and two seconds later the guy touched her and she was all wet and ready.

And this is not a one time thing. This was the theme of 85% of the book. I can understand pulling an "OMG like I totes don't get aroused by you" "Oh really then why are your panties soaking wet and your tongue hanging out?" "Uhm, well, really? I mean, like no they're not." once or twice but to have it repeated over and over for hundreds of pages is a bit overkill and just screams of a TSTL heroine of the highest order. When you tell a guy that you're not lusting for his man parts and he proves to you - every fucking time - that you're a lying piece of shit, smart girls would just stop with that crap, woman up, and find another way to get what she needs. I bet you have no idea what I mean do you, Olivia?

When I first read Dark Lover and Beth said, "You know, Wrath, you don't have to lie to get me in bed. As much as I'm ashamed of myself, all you have to do is ask.", I didn't know exactly why I wanted to applaud her honesty. Now I remember why. It's because of heroines like you Olivia. Always denying stuff that can be proven true seconds after you deny it. And doing it the majority of a pretty long book.

Oh and Baird. Pretty much like every insta-love alpha hero out there. Except with no balls to call Olivia on her stupidity. Think doormat with a cock.

Pity that I actually liked the concept. And the sex was pretty hot, but I wasn't able to enjoy. Who would when you have the heroine going hot and cold alternately and stupid pretty much consistently?

I bet this book will work great as a drinking game with your girlfriends. You get to knock back a shot every time the heroine denies being in heat. Beats rolling your eyes and hitting your head on the desk any day of the week. (Note to self: organize lit-smut girls' night)
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Reading Progress

July 8, 2012 – Started Reading
July 8, 2012 – Shelved
July 8, 2012 –
15.0% "Is it just me or is a heroine going all "why do you, muscular handsome dude, want ugly old me with my curves and pretty face" beyond irritating?"
July 9, 2012 –
46.0% "Oh dear Olivia, constantly denying you're attracted to the guy even when you've been soaking up any surface you're sitting on when he's around does not only make you a liar but make you sound so so stupid as well."
July 9, 2012 –
63.0% "Die, bitch, die.

Gahd, I hate this heroine. Please can I have a different one? I'll be ever so good."
July 9, 2012 –
85.0% ""I do find myself most hungry after the unsatisfying taste of the female's mind."

AllFather gets me. Gets everyone who has read any book with a TSTL heroine."
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: too-stupid-to-live-mc
July 9, 2012 – Shelved as: kill-it-with-fire
July 9, 2012 – Finished Reading
September 18, 2012 – Shelved as: pissed-me-off

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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MostlyDelores God, I so agree. I hated that book, but it could have been good, the seeds were there.

message 2: by Tiya (new) - rated it 1 star

Tiya Rosa I know, right? The concept was pretty cool - a great excuse to fill the book with awesome sex, but the heroine just had to vie for the TSTL crown.

Ladymcbeth the others in that serie are really better !

Z-squared "Think doormat with a cock."

Yes! Thank you! I couldn't put my finger on what was bothering me about Baird so much, especially in the face of such an obviously inane idiot like Olivia, but you nailed it for me!

message 5: by Lisa (new)

Lisa M Take a shot every time Baird says the "P" word! Not sure if I can use it here...
There was some pretty good dirty talk. I especially liked "C*nt Honey". I'm not sure how to use that one in my daily conversations... :)

Brutally Honest Haha you nailed it! I got so fed up with her behavior that I totally skimmed the book... I love me some tortured heroes but omg...

message 7: by Amanda (new)

Amanda Campbell I'm only halfway through, and I sort of way to give up already because of Olivia's stupidity. The first couple chapters were amazing, and I loved it... but now... now I feel myself rolling my eyes and skipping pages Just to get through it faster. I'm glad it isn't just me

message 8: by Jill (new) - rated it 1 star

Jill Almost DNF, but I made it through... and I completely agree! I totally skimmed and almost gave up because of Olivia. She was wet-blanketish and didn't build tension, so the hot and steamy fell flat... when you finally got it. It was hard to like Baird as well, because he seemed kind of... well he fell flat. He was alpha but he wasn't alpha. Eh, I just didn't like the book.

Leigh UK I wish I read your review before I started this book. Sweet Bejeezes! Can I just shoot Olivia? Bitch slap her? Throw her overboard on the ship? It's been a while since I've come across such a blindingly dense leading lady! Tiya, your review is SPOT ON!

message 10: by Jill (new) - rated it 1 star

Jill "Die, bitch, die.

Gahd, I hate this heroine. Please can I have a different one? I'll be ever so good."

Too hilarious! You nailed it!

Sprezzatura Fortunately it's free. Because I'm now curious to read even though I may need a Valium to get through it! Glutton for punishment. Lol

Amandajane Great review. I had to quote you in my review. Your drinking game suggestion is awesome. I wish I had read that before reading this book. It would have made it so much more fun.

message 13: by Lara (new)

Lara loved this review!! was laughing so hard I needed to share with everyone around lol

message 14: by Leah (new) - rated it 1 star

Leah 5 years late ... but this is a perfect summary of the book .. I dnf about 70% through because Olivia made me want to rip my hair out .. EVerytime she said something I internally screamed "Shut up" .. I understand why she had to resist but her resistance got really old really quick and the book became extremely bland .. It takes a different kind of "talent" to make a book about aliens bland

Karen excellent review

Joanna This review is everything 😆 i think sometimes there's nothing wrong with two protagonists just liking each other. That could have been this book. I will say though, Olivia refusing to submit to a stranger isn't that unrealistic.

message 17: by Marlyn (new) - added it

Marlyn Oh! Thank the Lord! I’m not the only one who thinks this!! I thought I was crazy reading this book! What the hell is wrong with the main character?

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