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Calluvia's Royalty #1

That Alien Feeling

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Alternative cover editions for this ASIN can be found here, here and here.

He's the most precious human being Adam has ever seen. Too bad he isn't human.

Banished by his parents to the third planet in the Sol system, Prince Harht’ngh’chaali of the Second Grand Clan is completely fascinated by its inhabitants. Assuming the human name “Harry,” he tries to pass for a human to survive, but being human is so much harder than Harry expected. Humans are so confusing.

Adam Crawford isn’t looking for love. Financially secure and good-looking, he’s in a good place in his life. He doesn’t mean to fall in love with the quirky guy working at the coffee shop near his office. Harry is ridiculous—and ridiculously endearing. He wears ugly shirts and flowers in his hair, and he has a kind word for everyone. Adam falls hard and fast.

Little does he know that Harry isn’t what he seems and anything between them is impossible.

Star-crossed love between a human man and an alien prince from a world half a galaxy away.

Publisher's note: explicit sexual content

261 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 30, 2017

About the author

Alessandra Hazard

28 books7,373 followers
MM Romance Author

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,311 reviews
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
March 27, 2021
Sixth re-read: 27.03.2021
Just... just don't ask. I missed Harry and Adam, okay? Plus, Ksar is so hot in this book!

Fifth re-read: 12.06.2020
I couldn't keep away from re-reading this one after the forth book in the series got released. I just love Harry and Adam. This book is just my go to book. It's adorable and I will always come back to it.

Fourth re-read: 21.12.2019
I couldn't help myself. After I read the newest release from the author, I had to re-read this one. It's so adorable and I literally crave more. That's the only explanation as to why I keep re-reading it. I don't understand why, but Harry's depression made me teary again. Also I wish Ksar and Harry were closer to each other. We got to see some moments where you see Ksar truly caring for his younger brother, but I'm greedy. I want more.

Third re-read: 21.09.2019
I absolutely adore this book. The story is awesome, the characters fabulous, and overall, the book is worth reading over and over again. Hench why I couldn't stop myself for this re-read. This book just makes me smile, and it also hurts a bit, but then it heals me again. I just re-read it a couple of months ago, but it's still a good read. Even though I didn't set out to actually re-read it again.... Anyways, I want more of Harry and Adam. They are just so adorable.

Second re-read: 23.06.2019
God help me. After reading the newly released book in this series, I just had to go back and re-read this one again. I know, I know, I just re-read it like 4 months ago, but I just couldn't stop myself. Seriously. I love Adam and Henry together. Their love; friendship turned lovers, is just beautiful. The book is so fast forward and enjoyable that everyone should read this one. It's totally worth it and the book still made me smile and get teary at some point. Henry is so adorable and Adam's affection towards him is just perfect. Highly recommend you reading it!

Re-read: 06.02.2019
Jesus, this book gets to me. It makes me smile of the cute and silliness and teary of the depression and hurt. It's perfectly written in the aspect. I love the animalistic side to the story and I oh so still wish we had gotten a sequel for these two. I want more of the wonderfulness and perfectness. Seriously, they are perfect for each other. Man, it would've been great to have another book of these two. I adore this book, I adore the characters, I adore the story. I highly recommend it! ;) I mean, I still cannot believe I had to previously decided not to read it. I'm ashamed. Really. This happens so rarely to me. So read it!

“That sounds interesting,” Harry said.
“Not really,” Adam said. “But it pays well, and I suppose I can’t complain. I really have to go. It was nice to meet you, Harry.”
“Likewise,” Harry said earnestly. “Come here again!”
“I will,” Adam said before reaching out and touching the flower tucked behind Harry’s ear. “You know, on any other bloke this would look weird, but it suits you.”
Harry beamed at him. “Thanks!” He liked the way the purple flower looked in his chestnut hair. It almost made his eyes seem purple.
Harry watched a little sadly as Adam took his coffee and left.
He hoped it wasn’t the last he’d see of him.

⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱*So glad I changed my mind*⋰⋱⋰⋱⋰⋱

First read review:
I had originally shelved this book as a ‘checked-wont-read’ book because I thought it wasn't for as the first cover gave me the feels of a YA/child-book, and the blurb didn't seem all that. But I decided to give it a go as I'm a sorta fan of the author. Kinda "obsessed" with her ‘Straight Guys’ series..... Though I just re-read them, I kinda want to do it again. I, strangely, want to re-read this one again AND I JUST FINISHED IT! Jesus, I've lost it. And I had previously decided NOT to read it? I'm so glad I decided to read it after all!
Harry was still a little angry at his parents for giving him only false identification documents with the name he’d chosen and a small amount of human money before dropping him in a city called London two Terran months ago.
“It will teach you a lesson,” they had told him. “We’ve spoiled you too much. Maybe the experience will finally make you grow up.”
Harry had been secretly pleased at the time. If his parents thought it was a punishment, they didn’t know him at all. He’d always dreamed of getting off his planet and seeing the universe. Humans, or Terrans, as they called them back home, had always fascinated him. Their society hadn’t yet reached the technological and cultural level required for Contact, but it wasn’t long now, perhaps one thousand years at most unless humans destroyed themselves before that. For now, Earth was used only for short, educational trips—or when one’s parents wanted to punish their child for doing naughty things like reading other people’s minds without permission. (Harry had told his parents he didn’t mean it, but, sadly, no one believed him.)

The book centers around Prince Harht’ngh’chaali (23 in Calluvian years, 18/19 in Terran (human) years) of the Second Grand Clan, goes by ‘Harry Calluvianen’ on Earth, and Adam Crawford (26, turns 27), a financial analyst. Harry start working at the coffee shop after he was banished by his parents. A coffee shop near Adam's office and that's a beautiful start of a friendship turned relationship. Overall, it was a beautiful story with a naive and adorable young man and a amused man who can't help himself from feeling absolutely fascinated towards the strange young man.
“And where would that home be?” Adam said. “You haven’t told me where you are from.”
Harry froze for a moment before remembering the advice his best friend had given him: “If they ask, just tell Terrans you’re an alien. They’ll never believe you and will just think you’re being funny.”
Harry said conversationally, “I’m actually an alien from the star system in the Sagittarius constellation.”
“Ah,” Adam said with a smile. “That explains your creepy alien eyes.”
“What! What’s wrong with my eyes?”
Adam shot him a strange look. “They’re dark violet color, Harry. Surely you realize that’s pretty unusual?”
The corners of Harry’s mouth turned down. Why had no one told him that his eyes weren’t very human? He could have worn colored contact lenses. He’d seen an advertisement on the TV.
“Hey,” Adam said, tipping Harry’s face up with his thumb. He was frowning. “Are you upset? Don’t be silly. Your eyes are very beautiful—unusual but beautiful.”

I really liked the story and I wish I had gotten waaaay more. It seems it's always like this when it comes to Alessandra Hazard's books; I always want more. Her stories makes me smile and totally forget time, however, when I'm finished with the books, I'm left with the feelings of wanting more. It feels like the each couple book is a prequel and frankly, I need a sequel for each one. I desperately want more and I desperately want her to write faster so I can get more books. Her characters are (most of them) awesome. Recommended! Btw, Samantha and Adam call Harry ‘Hazza or Haz’, which apparently is an endearing nickname for the curliest member of One Direction, Harry Styles.... or is it a London thing? Oh and Ksar... he was hot!
Adam sometimes had to pinch himself to make sure he hadn’t dreamed Harry up: he was one of those rare people who were beautiful inside and out.
It’s just a stupid crush, he told himself. A stupid juvenile crush on a boy. Harry might have been legal, but sometimes he seemed so naive and innocent that it made Adam want to wrap Harry in his arms and hide him from the cruel, dirty world. He was dirty, too, because despite all the affection and protectiveness he felt for the strange boy, he still wanted. Wanted to bury himself in Harry’s sweetness and dirty him up with his greedy hands and mouth, fuck him up and ruin him. Adam felt like a bloody pervert for wanting that, because Harry genuinely thought they were friends. And they were. Of course they were. It wasn’t Harry’s fault that he wanted more.

Jake, Adam's friend and colleague.
Samantha, works at the coffee shop with Harry.
Leylen’shni’gul, goes by ‘Leyla’ on Earth, Harry's bondmate; had been bonded since they were two years old.
Tamirs’shni’chaali ‘Terra’, Queen of the Second Grand Clan of Calluvia and Harry's mother.
Zahef’ngh’chaali ‘Zahef’, the King-Consort and Harry's father.
Ksar (31?), goes by ‘Alexander’ ‘Ksandr’ on Earth, the Crown Prince of their grand clan and a Lord Chancellor of the Ministry of Intergalactic Affairs and Harry's brother.
Sanyash, Harry's sister.
Seyn’ngh’veighli ‘Seyn’, Prince of the Third Grand Clan and Harry's closest friend on Planet Calluvia. Seyn was also going to be family in less than two years when he turned twenty-five and his childhood bond to Harry’s brother (Ksar) became a marriage bond. Seyn hates the cold, mean man (Ksar).
Scott, a friend of Adam who worked for the MI6
Borg’gorn, the AI to Harry's royal family?
Zeyneb’shni’waari, the Queen-Consort of the Sixth Grand Clan
He was dirty, too, because despite all the affection and protectiveness he felt for the strange boy, he still wanted. Wanted to bury himself in Harry's sweetness and dirty him up with his greedy hands and mouth, fuck him up and ruin him.

Quick basic facts:
Genre: - (Adult?) Science Fiction/Romance (M/M).
Series: - Series, (Standalone?), Book One.
Love triangle? -
Cheating? -
HEA? -
Favorite character? - Adam Crawford & Ksar.
Would I read more by this author/or of series? - Yes.
Would I recommend this book/series? - Yes.
Will I read this again in the future? - Definitely.
Rating - 3.5/4 stars.
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,546 followers
August 3, 2021

In spite of the deceptively YA-looking cover, I loved this story so hard. It'd been a while since I'd read a sci-fi story and this one truly made me smile.

was 23 on his planet, but their years were shorter, so he was somewhere just over 18 in Earth years, with Adam being 26.

After being taunted into reading his teasing sister's mind, Harry was banished to Earth as a punishment. And while working as a barista at a small London coffee shop, he met Adam, whom he immediately befriended. Not that Adam protested, but he really had little say in the matter. ;- )

As a baby, Harry was mentally 'bonded' with his future mate, so he continuously told Adam that he was engaged to a girl back home.

Aaaaaand then he'd immediately hop in Adam's lap and cuddle like the biggest queen this side of West Hollywood.

Tres' confusing, folks, right?

But Harry's people, once 'bonded', were both mentally and physically incapable of feeling any type of sexual attraction at all -- until their bond is sealed at age 25. And even then, they would only ever feel any attraction toward their bondmate.

Except Harry was a bit different than your run of the mill Calluvian.

Shortly into their friendship, Adam hated going to Harry's teeny-tiny apartment to "Netflix & Chill" (that part was really funny), so of course, the only solution was for Harry to move into Adam's second bedroom. Naturally.

So Adam continued to crush on Harry, while Harry continued to be clueless and cuddly, which eventually led to Adam putting and end to all of the touching for his own sanity.

Except when that happened, something in Harry's touch-starved psyche *snapped* and bond to She of the Arranged Marriage Who Must Not Be Named was no more.

Shut the bedroom door, time to get busy, right? Spoiler: They totally did, too.

But just after the sexy times began, Harry was immediately and unceremoniously transported back to his home planet. Without being able to say a word to Adam, leaving them both heartbroken.

The rest of the story was mainly Harry finding a way to return, again, only to be whisked away, AGAIN. So one big ole' push and pull on the heartstrings for both of our devastated MC's.

I definitely found the feels in this story believable and gut-wrenching. Both MC's were just so amazing and perfect for one another, but this Huge Thing about their circumstances kept repeatedly yanking them apart, which was awful.

This story had the perfect amount of cute times and angsty drama for me.

My only real niggles were the fact that Harry and that Adam tried a few things that made me sad while being separated from Harry for an entire year and trying to get over him.

The ending did have one huge "Oh, No He Did NOT" moment, which was thankfully resolved quickly, but completely pissed me off at the time.

But the guys do, of course, get their happily ever after, so I was thrilled to see that finally happen.

I'd rate this one at around 4.25 stars and recommend it to readers looking for an adorable sci-fi story with two great MC's that you'll enthusiastically root for.


This book is *FREE* with Kindle Unlimited membership.

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August 17, 2017

I originally avoided this book because:

1. The cover screams YA.

2. The author is known for separations and angst.

I was wrong on the first count. This book reads more like NA, with a sci-fi element (👽) and some seriously sexy times.

I was not wrong on the second.

I loved this book ... for a while.

The meet-cute was adorable! Harry and Adam were like the sweetest couple EVER.

Until ...

Harry disappeared, and the story took a nosedive into alien genetics, sexual politics, and weird family dynamics.

Harry's world was only vaguely developed. I had no vision of his planet or the daily life of its inhabitants.

I was okay with the first separation but not the second. I also wanted to throttle Adam, who acted like a spiteful, fickle bitch.

Thankfuly the epilogue made up for some of the fuckery.

I'm looking forward to Ksar and Seyn's story next. There's something going on with those two.
Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
April 22, 2019
*4.5 stars*

Where has Alessandra Hazard been all my life?!

To be honest, I didn't read this book sooner because the previous cover was... shall we say, not good. But my friends all love this author and That Alien Feeling has just been sitting on my Kindle for ages, so I figured I might as well try it.

And I totally, totally fell in love with this little fluffy, alien story. I have a weakness for a hapless virgin MC who gets sucked into a love he didn't expect, and I was getting those vibes here. In fact, it reminded me a ton of one of my all-time favorites, The Last Pure Human. So, so adorable and so, so satisfying.

Yes, the story had lots of plot holes and it felt a bit young, but I simply didn't care! I got my fix of feelz and some surprisingly hot action, and that makes me a happy camper. I even tolerated , which you guys know gives me the heebie jeebies.

Just so much fun. Off to buy the next in the series.

Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
August 8, 2017
I was in a mood. Everything I've been reading lately hasn't been the one. I wanted to read something hot and possessive, something to consume and just relax to.

Normally when I'm in this sort of mood, I pop a can of the MCs all over my face (that's Mercy Celeste and Mary Calmes for those not in the know). Those authors always delivers the goods.

But it looks like these ladies have a new resident on my break-in-case-of-emergency-mental-shelf: AH, or Alessandra Hazard.

Let's get the possible deal breakers out the way, hm?

1) one of the MC's is in an arranged marriage, so technically there is 'cheating'. (I didn't view it as such but some peeps draw the line the sand. My line is blurred. Go figure.)
2) one of the MC's has sex with others while apart. (I got a little hurt by that)

If you can deal with those things, come join the party!

I was a little iffy with this author and sci-fi. She does contemporary and I wasn't sure how I'd feel about it. Color me the fuck surprised, there is clear world building, characters with depth and fucking phenomenal plot!

Normally, I get a nice drink in hand when I dive into Hazard's books, but there was no time while reading for:

I had a book to devour. I knew it was a winner from the first chapter. I finished it super late in the night and still woke up early just thinking about Harry and Adam. I have to reread this!

Harry, or Prince Harht, is a Calluvian crown prince. The 23 year old (on his planet, 18-ish on Earth) is sent to London by his parents as punishment for using his telepathy to pry on a family member's thoughts. With fake identification, the alien finagles a job at a coffee shop and gets paid off the books. He has no communication with his home planet. He has to wait until his parents deemed he learned his lesson on this primitive planet called Earth.

But Harry is an optimist and will always look on the bright side. He views his time on Terra (Earth) as an adventure. He's never had to work for himself. He finally gets to and makes friends... well humans find him odd. Not because of his unusual violet eyes but his optimism and bright smile and innocent view is too much for some.

Not Adam, a 26 year old financial analyst customer.

Adam is charmed by the odd young worker at his local coffee shop. Harry claims him as his friend. And the two start just as that. Harry can't tell Adam about his true self, so the conversations avoiding the obvious are funny.

From what I've read of this author, she doesn't do fluffy. And I was getting fluffy, charming feels with Harry, the true virgin at the wheel.

But I should have know Hazard would also include her wheelhouse:

"He was dirty, too, because despite all the affection and protectiveness he felt for the strange boy, he still wanted. Wanted to bury himself in Harry's sweetness and dirty him up with his greedy hands and mouth, fuck him up and ruin him."

Someone wants to wreck the other one, and the lecherous thoughts are hot. Know what was even hotter? The feels and unrequited crush. Harry is demisexual and his planet doesn't do sex outside of bonds (marriage). He innocently flirts and it makes Adam hot under the collar.

The two move from friends to lovers naturally and when they finally consummate with the obvious chemistry floating in the air?

Beam me the hell up, Scotty.

This isn't a smutfest per se, every sexual moment was weighted with emotion and perfect for the main characters. Rough, hot and needy, le yum! Bonus: self lubrication (I was having omega slick feels and almost blacked out)

And not only do Harry and Adam steal the show, but secondary characters, Prince Seyn, Harry's BFF and future bro-in-law and Crown Prince Ksar, Harry's asshole brother, take the wheel for a few moments too! [They will star in book two in what I hope to be a series!]

The world building is top notch, detailed with a lot of interesting factors. The Calluvian society and the way the rules are set up make a restricted life on the planet. Once Harry gets to taste freedom, he doesn't want to go back. There seems to be a conspiracy amongst his race and I think the author has tapped into a goldmine of potential as the arc between Harry/Adam is done but not the bigger picture of why the genetic mutations, telepathy and the Calluvian renegades are going to play out. The science fiction isn't too science heavy that you can't follow along. But not simple enough to lose interest.

Adam is a great match for Harry. They're both possessive of one another and feel deeply.

"He had to cut his losses, no matter how much he wanted to wrap Harry in his arms, fill him up and swallow him whole, taste and mark and memorize every inch of him, hide him somewhere only he had access to, and breathe him in, always."

There are a few knucklehead moments (very few). But no matter, their devotion to each other really makes the story. I loved this friends to lovers, interplanetary tale. I'm front row for anything else from this author especially this series. Because while her friends to lovers is tops, her enemies to lovers (which will be book #2) is even better.

RECOMMENDED It has all the things - hot, sweet, funny, enough geek to satisfy with a well thought out plot and great characters!

And if you don't like it, I can endeavor to love it enough for the both of us! ;P
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
June 7, 2017
This started out really really good. I was convinced this was going to be a 5 star read after the first 20%. But then everything went to shit....

Harry is an 18 year old alien from a far away planet sent to earth by his parents to teach him a lesson for using his telepathy on his sister, which is illegal on their planet.

Harry has found a job in a coffeeshop and is content to live in a small apartment by himself. But he does feel a bit lonely. That's why he is happy he is talking to one of the coffeeshop's regulars every day. Adam is very kind to him and Harry hopes he wants to be his friend.

Adam is 26 and knows he has no business becoming friends with the 18 year old naive barista. Especially since he wants to be way more than just Harry's friend. But he can't seem to help himself around the adorable guy.

After Adam and Harry been hanging out for several weeks Adam proposes Harry come live with him as his roommate, since Harry's apartment is so tiny. And Harry accepts without hesitation. Because all he wants to do is spend time with Adam..

I loved how Harry and Adam met and how their friendship evolved. Harry was such an adorable guy, I really loved him. And Adam was sweet and protective (at first), a perfect match for clueless Harry.

But then the angst hit. And when I say angst I mean ANGST. Every kind of angst you can imagine.


Overall this was a huge disappointment. I'm still angry with Adam and I want to hit him in the nuts.


This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,537 followers
August 8, 2021
4.5 stars rounded up!

omg. this was SO good. this book felt like the warmest, fuzziest hug ever.

my heart truly cannot handle the cuteness of harry. he was such an innocent, precious cupcake.🥺

the cute pet names adam had for harry? absolutely adorable.
how clingy and touch starved harry was from the very beginning and how adam gave him all the cuddles he needed was so endearing and heart warming.
they were just so unbelievably sweet together…🥺 i truly just CANNOT!!!!!

the ending made me smile so hard i almost teared up. it just made me super happy seeing them finally truly together and being all cute and in love.🖤

when they finally stopped laughing, adam pressed their foreheads together. “how do i say ‘i love you so much’ in your language? asking for a friend.”
harry chuckled. “your friend will never be able to pronounce it,” he murmured, rubbing his nose against adam’s. he gave adam a small, happy smile. “but tell him it doesn’t matter.”
perhaps it didn’t.

i also loved the side characters! ksar and seyn…? 👀 i am VERY into that dynamic. i think i will literally combust into flames when i see them finally get together in their book.

anyway to sum up, this book was fire. i can’t wait to read the rest of the series!
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,433 followers
August 16, 2021
3.5 stars

ahh, this was honestly so cute! 🥺 i don't really read PNRs, but this book/series may have convinced me to try them more bc i surprisingly had a fun time reading this! i admit tho, as much as i liked the banters, it did get a bit too cute for my taste where i cringed at some parts but maybe i'm just craving for angst (which i heard books 2-4 have so i'm excited), as well as, although i thought Harry's clinginess towards Adam was cute in the beginning, it kinda annoyed me by the middle but eh, they were still cute so it's fine. 😂 somehow, i have a feeling i'll love the rest of the books more but i thought this was a great start to the series and would definitely recommend!

i'm so excited to read about Ksar and Seyn tho, i already loved their dynamic from the glimpses we had and the fact that their tropes consists of enemies to lovers, age gap and best friend's brother?? chefs kiss.
Profile Image for Llakshmi.
512 reviews450 followers
February 2, 2022
This was too cute. Harry needs to be protected and bubble wrapped from the world 🌎

I don’t care what people back home will think of me because of our relationship. I want to be yours. I am yours. Your Harry.”
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews165 followers
May 27, 2021
You never know what to expect when you pick an Alessandra Hazard book. What I didn’t expect was to find the sweetest character in the universe. Harry was just so sweet and naive and adorable. And weird. And Adam. Adam was the sexiest man you can imagine, madly in love at first sight with sweet innocent weird Harry.

And the sex. The sex didn’t disappoint. Scorching hot, and deeply emotional. 🔥🔥🔥

Was this book sugar overload? Thank God no. The angst was real. Their love is impossible and illegal. Harry can’t stay on Earth and can’t have a relationship with a human.

I just loved this book and this couple. Perfection. And no worries, there is a HEA.
Profile Image for Preeti.
725 reviews
September 15, 2021
First of all, isn't this cover much more lovely than the alternate one?? And, then I want to acknowledge the fact that I never thought AH is capable of writing two lovable and likeable MCs in one book.🤭🤭 I mean, I like her MCs, in a bizarre way they are made for each other couples. But, I could never end up appreciating both the MCs in her books. Yet here Harry and Adam were both charming and entertaining. 

The balance was so perfect. They were adorable but the plot provided us with angst too. And, I must admit I have a genuine weakness for sweet, chatty, and unusual MCs. And being alien made Harry extra special. The way he made slight observations about human behaviour, his inappropriate use of language, gestures and then his pouty responses when he failed to assess the situation correctly. 

Of late, I have realised or accepted that I like needy, clingy characters and co-dependency in my books if it feels natural and not forced. And, here the clinginess element just felt like another aspect of Harry and Adam's relationship. Can we imagine Harry not acting like a baby koala??? or are both of them not able to function without each other?? Definitely Not.

Yeah!! This book would have been a 5-star book if AH had cared to add another chapter to this book. But, as we know she is the queen of abrupt endings, this could have been worse. 

Yet, I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. Although I am not super hyped about the next book because both Ksar and Seyn look like another pair from the Straight guy series and I am so not in the mood for enemies to lover at the moment.
Profile Image for Martin.
765 reviews503 followers
August 12, 2018
This story was absolutely cute!

I’m actually surprised how thoroughly the world-building was done, as I assumed we wouldn’t even get to see much of the ‘alien planet’, but we took a pretty deep dive into the Calluvian society.

The story starts off with Harry – whose real name is nearly unpronounceable – being sent to Earth by his parents as punishment for prying (telepathically) into his sister’s mind.

So he’s currently staying in London among humans – and he’s loving it. Harry realizes he might seem a bit off among them, with his violet eyes, his porcelain skin and his tendencies to wear awful clothes which - to him - look perfectly fine.

Being an ‘alien’ in any sense of the word, he can hardly find real employment, so he works at a coffee shop and sells lattés to grumpy Londoners on their rush to work. Only he always has something nice and quirky to say to them and many people find Harry rather endearing instead of annoying.

Especially banking analyst Adam Crawford who flirts with him over the counter. Adam is mighty surprised when the cute foreigner asks him to be his friend.

And he is even more surprised to find out that ‘being friends’ with Harry means LOTS of hugging, cuddling and rubbing against each other – driving Adam literally insane, as he wants nothing more than getting down and dirty with the handsome kid.

However, Harry keeps speaking of his fiancée back home, so Adam knows that the kid is off limits. But why the hell doesn’t he seem to be able to keep his hands off Adam?

When Adam finally has enough of visiting Harry’s run-down, tiny apartment and asks him to move in with him instead, staying platonic friends becomes almost impossible.

The writing of this story wasn’t as refined as I would have liked to see it, but the plot definitely made up for it. I absolutely loved the plot.

I really liked the Calluvian politics and the background story on bonds between babies, throwback genes, suppressed telepathic abilities – and even some mild mpreg reference.

I also LOVED how this story finally gave a believable setting to the concept of demisexuality – which I am not fond of in regular romance. (I tend to think it shouldn’t take demisexuality for a homosexual man to prefer an emotional bond with a guy in order to enjoy sex).

The story was actually pretty straightforward too, taking place mainly in Adam’s apartment (when on Earth) and in Harry’s Calluvian palace (when back on Calluvia).

This was EXACTLY what I was in the mood for right now, so I’ll happily give it

5 stars!
Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
727 reviews1,147 followers
June 26, 2024
|| 2.5 stars ||

This started out incredibly sweet and cute, but the further along it went, the more boring it became. I found myself not caring much about any of it.

What I liked most about the novel was how sweet and innocent Harry was and how much Adam absolutely adored him for it.

Harry was… too good for someone like him. Harry was such a sunshine, everything good, happy, and kind, everything he could ever want all rolled into one person. Adam sometimes had to pinch himself to make sure he hadn’t dreamed Harry up: he was one of the rare people who were beautiful inside and out.

Before all the unnecessary drama and boring alien politics, the story was just about a guy being utterly in love with a naive, kind, oblivious boy (who secretly just so happened to be an alien), and I definitely liked that first part a lot more.
Although, I must say, even that became a bit redundant after a while.

'Calluvia’s Royalty' series:
1. That Alien Feeling - 2.5 stars
2. That Irresistible Poison - 2.5 stars
Profile Image for Shin Mon Thway.
663 reviews1,657 followers
December 30, 2017
This book is written by Alessandra Hazard so of course, I had to read it. 😁 Nerdy, funny and charming read with some bittersweet angst. 😌 This was such a delightful read. 💚 When this first came out, I remember my newsfeed was literally filled with the status of people reading this one so I don’t know why I waited that long to read this adorable book. ☺️

Harry is the youngest prince of the Second Grand Clan of Callva planet. He’s been always fascinated by humans and while his parents sent him to earth to teach him a lesson on how to be more responsible, for Harry, it’s like vacation on his favorite planet. 😉 Now working at a coffee shop as a minimum waged employee, Harry’s finding that befriending humans is not as easy as he thought. So he’s very happy and thrilled when he met a very friendly and extremely attractive Adam at the coffee shop he works.
Adam is doing very good in his life. So he had never thought he’d be immediately charmed and fascinated by the weird and cute coffee boy when he went to the coffee shop near his office to buy some coffee. Harry is different from anyone he’s ever met. He’s completely honest, naïve and oblivious at times. But Adam is already besotted with Harry and when he wanted to become friends with him, he happily became Harry’s only friend. The thing is he is gay and in love with Harry but Harry claims that he is engaged to a woman back home and supposedly straight. 😒

When Harry ended up moving in with Adam because of his very claustrophobic flat, Adam is finding more and more difficult to control his feelings for Harry. And Harry being a snuggle monster doesn’t help poor Adam in getting a rein on his emotions. 😁 While Adam is thinking Harry as just an innocent, weird, cute boy, Harry has a very big skeleton in his closet. Yup, Adam doesn’t know Harry is an alien and whatever’s happening between them has an expiration date. 😢 Just after Harry also finally realized that he too has feelings for Adam, he was taken back to his home in half a galaxy away without even being able to say goodbye to Adam. Can these two star-crossed lovers will find a way to be together against all odds?
I absolutely adored the story until Harry’s second time going home. This novel is way more angsty than I expected. It’s funny and lovely to see how naïve and innocent Harry is and how Adam loves and protects Harry. The relationship flow between them is natural and sexy. I also love the ideologies and alien opinions and concepts in the story. But the story was a bit dreadful after Harry’s second time going home. Too much alien politics and angst. Instead of that, I’d love to read more of Harry and Adam. I really feel bad that Adam was left two times and it nearly destroyed him completely. 😭 Couldn’t be happier that they finally found a way to be with each other where their hearts truly belong. 😍Proves that there will always be a way for lovers to have a HEA even if they are half a galaxy away.😌 I’m also really glad that there’s an epilogue. Would love to read more of Adam and Harry in a sequel and I’m also very interested about Ksar and Seyn. So I’m hoping this won’t be a standalone. 😉

Favorite excerpts from the novel: 💗💜💗

”Harry was... too good for someone like him. Harry was such a sunshine, everything good, happy, and kind, everything he could ever want all rolled into one person. Adam sometimes had to pinch himself to make sure he hadn’t dreamed Harry up: he was one of those rare people who were beautiful inside and out.”

“People tended to take things for granted and value them more after losing them.”

“I’m not really sorry. I feel terrible because I don’t feel sorry about it. I like having all of your attention. You’re mine, not his.”

“Look at you,” Adam said, an edge in his voice. “Am I supposed to believe you have a fiancée? You’re mine.”

“I was ridiculously smitten with you. You were my sun and my moon and my stars. I wanted to make you happy. I wanted to impress you. I wanted you to smile at me and call me love. I wanted you to say I was special to you, your only babe. I fell in love with you long before I was even capable of feeling lust.”

4.5 true love always win stars

Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,183 reviews781 followers
October 11, 2017
4.25 Stars

After reading his sister’s thoughts, Harry’s parents sent him to Earth as a punishment for his misdemeanor. Apparently, it’s a crime in his planet. So they sent him away to learn some responsibility. Now after two months on Earth and finding a job at a Star Coffee, he met Adam. Adam is gay and Harry didn’t see any gay in his life. In Harry’s planet they engaged with their mates when they are just a baby and when they’re twenty five they married. So Harry has a fiancee but when he comes to Earth his bond becomes very weak and he feels some attraction to Adam but he doesn’t know what to do about it.

I liked this book so much! It’s a bit angsty but most of the time I had a smile on my face. I liked both characters especially Harry’s. He’s so cute and a bit naïve. Even I liked the secondary characters and I love to read Seyn (Harry’s best friend) and Ksar (Harry’s brother) and Jake (Adam’s best friend) stories. I want to know they have their own happiness too!

Well, about the cover! I think compared to Harry and Adam’s age, this cover is… I don’t know maybe a little childish (Adam is twenty-six and Harry technically is twenty-three but on Earth eighteen years old)?! But cute and lovely! I liked the writing so much. And I finished it in one sitting. My only problem was at the end, I wanted more! I liked to know more about them. That ending wasn’t enough for me! The story finished so soon!

Told in multiple POV, 3rd person. It’s a stand-alone story. All in all, I enjoyed it so much and hope you like it as well!
Profile Image for oshiiy.
343 reviews52 followers
September 14, 2021
4.5 stars ⭐️ Loved it. Loved it. I officially became a big fan of AH today. I didn't believe back then I could love her stories much because most of her stories are unbelievably cheesy and too predictable. (No offense 🤭) Oh, Dear, I couldn't be more wrong!!
Because, now I'm too captivated by her stories, her writing style, and especially, the possessiveness of each character which is portrayed in her every story.

I loved The Alien Feeling from the start to the end. The MCs are too cute to be true, especially Harry. He is the cutest and lovable character I've ever met in a story. (apart from Jonty 😁) I loved how naive, and innocent he was. The way he behaved with Adam made me feel like I was watching a fairy tale. I could not help, I was laughing and grinning the whole time, and totally forgot that I had an assignment to do. 🥲 That's how Harry and Adam persuade me not to do anything but read this cute story without even getting a rest.
Oh, boy I would die if I can get another book alone for only these two. Yeah, one can wish.. 😭

The Summary
As punishment for invading his sister's privacy, Harry’s family banished him to the Earth. (yeah, we're currently in here 😁)
On the Earth, coping with everyday life was a bit hard for Harry but with time being he was fitting in there. He worked in a coffee shop and it was the place where he met Adam. Adam was a financial analyst and his office was near the said coffee shop. Adam was a tall, dark, and handsome fella. Harry’s cuteness was one of the beautiful things that Adam saw in him. So, Adam and Harry became best friends, and their relationship became something more adorable.

I loved every time how Adam called Harry with such endearments. It was too cute, and Adam's nicknames for Harry (Hazza, Haz) were unbelievably adorable.

fav quotes

“Harry leaned into Adam’s touch. He missed Adam’s hands. He wanted Adam to touch him all the time.
Harry whimpered, pressing his face into Adam’s chest and nuzzling into it. Babe. He was Adam’s babe. “Yeah,” he murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around Adam. It felt so good, but the ache in his lower body actually increased, becoming nearly unbearable. “I need you.”

“Harry looked Adam in the eye, his face open and earnest. “I was ridiculously smitten with you. You were my sun and my moon and my stars. I wanted to make you happy. I wanted to impress you. I wanted you to smile at me and call me love. I wanted you to say I was special to you, your only babe. I fell in love with you long before I was even capable of feeling lust.” Harry took Adam’s hand and brought it to his lips. “I love you,” he murmured. “I always have” ❤️

My niggles
I want at least two or three chapters of Adam and Harry’s romantic time. I want more more more of them 😩, and I don't like all those political, bonding, genetics talks in the books. Sometimes, I felt like that they were too much. Instead of adding those parts to the story, if AH wrote a few chapters of romantic times of Adam and Harry, it would be a big reason for me to tick all boxes of my 5-star.

Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews237 followers
May 19, 2021
I remember talking with my dear friend June and discussing my doubts about this one, I don't like overly sweet characters and I thought Harry was gonna be that, I was wrong and June was right. 😍😍❤

While Harry was really naive, innocent and nice, he was also really interesting, quirky and very straightforward wich made me smile a lot, he was so real that people didn't know how to take him, only Adam did. And oh Adam, that guy suffered a lot, as a human he didn't know shit till the end, he was just confused and acting on his love for Harry but he always had doubts of what was the truth, thank god it got solved at the end. 🤗🤗

This book had a lot of Alessandra Hazard's magic, the possessiveness, the I can't breath without you, the toxicity wich we know ain't healthy but Alessandra makes it healthy enough for our brains to process, the hotness, the sweetness, everything!! And as always I'm left wondering: how the hell does she do that? Is it that we have a special connection or whut? Because I like everything she does with a passion!! She should write one MF to see how that goes, I would so read that. 🔥🔥🔥

The only thing I think she didn't explore was the mind reading... Hello?? Sex+mind reading= my brain frying. Opportunity lost there I tell you. 🙃🙃

But anyways, lovely as ever Miss Hazard. ❤🧡
Profile Image for Aeren.
510 reviews30 followers
August 9, 2017
Dios mío, que cosa mas fluffy y más mona! Me he pasado todo el libro con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja, justo lo que necesitaba! y ojalá hay segunda parte acerca del hermano de Harry. Éste es de los de releer momentos bajos. Una dulzura absoluta.
Profile Image for Virginia Cavanillas.
Author 43 books172 followers
February 18, 2018
3.5 stars.

A cute and light read.

I liked it but I NEED book two ASAP. That’s what eclipsed my reading. I wanted more of Seyn and Ksar till the point I wished the couple to be on page all the time. When the secondary characters shadow the MCs I tend to feel a bit disappointed and that’s why I’m rounding down to 3 stars. Which is not bad at all. It means I truly enjoyed the book and I also found the story refreshing and interesting. Mostly cute, I guess that’s the best adjective to describe That Alien Feeling.

I’m a declared fan of Alessandra Hazard and her OTT protagonists. Here, she creates (again) a clingy, needy, character and a sexy but unhealthy relationship but this time under the sci-fi prism, that dependence and unhealthiness fits brilliantly and makes perfect sense.

So, we have Harry the Calluvian, the beautiful and weird guy with the violet eyes.

A sweet, naive and super kind 18 years old who is experiencing a new world outside his birth planet and who’s facing an attraction and need completely unknown to his alien self.
We also have our more balanced Adam (26), the human MC who falls in love with the clinging extraterrestrial and who is completely charmed by Harry’s peculiarities. He ended up being a stranger to me and even if I like him I feel that I don’t know him *insert a sad face here*

The beginning is so sweet and sexy. That was my favorite part of the book. We have some light angst after that too. Not too much and not too deep but very welcome although I would have love a bit more of rejection and conflict between Harry and Adam. The sad thing is that at this point I just wanted some Ksar and Seyn in my life and on my pages and that was bad because my poor MCs were suffering while I was plotting book 2 in my mind (not my place, I know, I have my dearest Hazard to do so but I couldn’t avoid it)

There’s a curious thing with the sci-fi components in this book since everything seem an analogy. The author could have been talking about other human societies or religions with accurate references of asexuality, celibacy, demisexuality and depression. All of it is treated lightly, don’t think this is a deep story with conflictive or meaningful themes. No, no, this is cute and sweet and you just want for them to be together and share more sexy times and happiness. It’s pretty simple and nice.

So, as I said I missed more confrontation between the MCs and I could have appreciated a bit more of relationship development but I liked it anyway and now I’m more than ready for book two even if I guess it doesn’t exist yet. I so need that book, I want to know more about Seyn, more about Ksar’s powerful and hidden mind, angst, jealousy, denial... I want more than what these pages contained. Give it to me, please, Alessandra Hazard, I’ll be waiting.

Reviews for Book Lovers
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,260 reviews260 followers
February 6, 2018
This just worked for me.



-There's possessiveness

-Some angst

-Sexy times

-And a strong HFN.

4.25 Stars!

BUT! I do wish it had a diff't cover. I passed on this book for a long time because of it. It screams YA, and it's not.
Profile Image for Layla .
1,329 reviews19 followers
March 12, 2022
Reread #2 or 3?

Me: I'm in a huge slump
Also me: Because I can apparently only do rereads/relistens let me try a favorite.

Also me: finishes an AH book in 1 sitting and barely blinking.

Alessandra Hazard is magic and we should all bow to her greatness.

Now is this book perfect or Awe-inspiring. No actually. It's very AH meaning that it's all kinds of ridiculous at times.

Did I care? Nop.
Harry is the cutest alien ever, Adam is totally whipped and besotted and I was emamored with the whole dynamic.

Ergo... AH is magic.
121 reviews8 followers
June 2, 2017
EDIT: (1 June 2107)

Okay, to start off, I simply was in love with this book ever since I read the excerpt in the last book of her other series "Straight Guys". So my expectations were pretty big and I'm pleased to say that this book met every single one of 'em. Maybe I would've liked it a bit more longer, but since the author has promised us book two about Ksar and Seyn's story, I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot more of our Harry and Adam....

*sigh* Harry and Adam, where do I start?

Harry was just the perfect little bundle of cuteness rolled together. Usually, I hate my heroes/heroines when they're so naive and act stupid, but the excuse of him being an alien completely worked for his favour. He was the best and had me hooked from the line he read Adam's mind in a thought accidentally .

"You're the most endearing thing I've ever met."

He had me thinking the exact same thing. *giggles*

And Adam, oh Adam, yes it might've seemed insta-lovish, but this is fantasy. And here, it's perfectly acceptable. I would've loved a lot more scenes in the beginning when they were getting to know each other though. It would've made this already perfect book even more perfect.

All in all, this book did it for me. I loved it so much, already anticipating Ksar and Seyn's story with bated breath. Eff that, more like breathless for it ,lol. A big thank you to the author for wowing me yet again with another awesome beginning to a series that's undoubtedly going to rock sci-if MM. ❤️❤️❤️




The excerpt has me HOOKED! Can't wait!!!
Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
929 reviews15 followers
June 5, 2017
Overall book rating: 4.5
Audio Book: N/A
Book Cover: 3.5

PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS GOING TO BE A SERIES!?!?!?!!?! Because this is something I can get immersed in.

I don’t like insta-love stories. It almost always drives me up the walls but this? This just made me smile ridiculously and sigh in pleasure.

First I was thinking...mmmm Harry is a tiny bit “Really?” but I think it’s what made the story work. Because he is just so adorably innocent, and bright and refreshing.

Poor Adam really didn’t stand a chance. Once he got a taste of this peculiar little thing there really just wasn’t any turning around.

I felt a whole lot of things in this read. Happy, Sad, Angry, Hopeless, Cheesy and hell I even wanted to battle Harry for a spot on Adam's lap a time or two, but I couldn't do that to Harry, he's just to adoreable to hurt.

I don’t read Alessandra Hazard ever since I drew the line with #3 of the Straight guys’ series. But let me tell you this, I’m so glad I gave this a try!! It’s simply GREAT! And I LOVED IT.

I want more!!

I NEED Ksar! Like NEED NEED! And if she tops that off with a little Seyn in a third book I sure as hell will not be complaining.

That’s it. I’m not saying anything else. READ THE BOOK!

Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
646 reviews256 followers
May 21, 2021
So good and definitely a page turner! I love Harry and Adam together. I wish we could’ve seen them as couple more after everything. Despite them being cute, I’m honestly glad this story also showed depth and complexity. I wanted to be a Class 7 telepath when I was reading this.
Profile Image for Rain.
2,118 reviews28 followers
October 31, 2022
*3.5* The first part of this story was pure innocence and discovery. I just wish the last bit had the same feeling as the first.

What worked:
✔️The absolute sweetest alien barista
✔️Customer who is bemused by the childlike wonder of barista
✔️They fast become friends and then more
✔️Steamy steam

Adam sometimes had to pinch himself to make sure he hadn’t dreamed Harry up: he was one of the rare people who were beautiful inside and out.

What didn’t work:
✔️There was a slight twist as these two are separated for a time and I was extremely unhappy about decisions that were made.
✔️Mini info-dumps on the alien world and their customs until I didn’t care anymore.

Overall, I loved the beginning, was kinda meh about the middle, the ending irritated me as it was rushed and wrapped up much too quickly.

The BEST part of this story was chatting with my buddy reader Shruti! We dissected these characters like it was our profession
Profile Image for River .
450 reviews73 followers
June 5, 2017
3.5 to 4 stars.

This book was such a surprise.
I was in a book funk and I didn't wanted to read anything but the blurb for this one sounded interesting enough so I decided to go for it and after I started I couldn't stop.
The book is not perfect and I'm the first one to accept that I would have changed a few things because afer the 50% mark a lot of things happened that just diminished my rating a lot.

Harry is an alien, he was grounded by his parents and sent to eart to learn some independence and boundaries. He is a sweet heart and finds most human things beautiful even if a little weird. He gets a job a coffee shop becausea boy's gotta eat.

Adam is a man that pretty much has his life together, He meets Harry at the coffee shop and is instantly charmed by his quirkiness. The problem is, Harry has a fiance so even if Adam develops a crush on him, he is off limits.

Harry really enjoys spending time with his human friend and feels warm every time he cuddles with him but he doesn't understand human feelings so he doesn't understand that he is falling in love with Adam. Besides there's the whole thing of the fiance in his home planet.

Like I said, after 50-60% mark things take a turn, we are introduced to Harry's best friend Zain and his brother, who's scary as fuck, we meet Harry's home planet and we learn a lot about Harry's species and their history, I personally found this very interesting and I'm glad by the fact that apparently there is going to be a book 2 BUT I also accept the fact that it was a bit much and I did took a lot from the romance aspect of the story, A lot of time was spend expaining and it was bit confusing because of all weird terms. The epilogue was not satisfactory for me, I felt the story ended abruptly and I need more time with Harry and Adam to feel their connection but I'm hoping to see more of them as an established couple in book 2 (Zain's book) plus I'm curious about what Alessandra is oing to do with this new planet and race.
Profile Image for Santy.
1,211 reviews71 followers
September 15, 2019
re-read Review

I really loved reading this again and have bumped up my initial rating because Harry! Ugh! Loved him.

3.5 Stars! -Initial Review Below

I really liked this book! Harry's quirkiness and blundering innocence was so endearing I couldn't stop smiling . Adam I didn't really connect with but liked all the same. They were perfect for each other.

I also liked the world building with the inter-galactic politics as well as the interactions among the characters(some more than others but I guess that happens). The sexy times were also, veeerrry sexy (as should be) with the writing done really well.

Getting to the end, I had hoped this was book 1 in a series because I would totally read a book about Ksar and Seyn. This is because I KNOW underneath all that harshness and meaness that they flung at each other runs some big ass attraction! :D
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,311 reviews

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