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Ask an Astronaut: My Guide to Life in Space

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The new book from astronaut Tim Peake, the number one bestselling author of Hello, is this planet Earth?

How does it feel to orbit the earth ten times faster than a speeding bullet?
What’s it like to eat, sleep and go to the toilet in space?
And where to next – the Moon, Mars or beyond?

Ask an Astronaut is Tim’s personal guide to life in space, based on his historic Principia mission, and the thousands of questions he has been asked since his return to Earth.

Accessible, in-depth, and written with his characteristic warmth, Tim shares his thoughts on every aspect of his mission. From training to launch, from his historic spacewalk to re-entry, he reveals for readers of all ages the cutting-edge science behind his ground-breaking experiments, and the wonders of day-to-day life on board the International Space Station.

The public were invited to submit questions using the hashtag #askanastronaut, and a selection are answered by Tim in the book, which will be accompanied with illustrations, diagrams and never-before-seen photos.

Tim is pleased to announce that, as with his previous book, royalties received from the book will be donated to The Prince’s Trust.

247 pages, Hardcover

First published October 17, 2017

About the author

Tim Peake

28 books97 followers
Major Timothy Nigel "Tim" Peake CMG (born 7 April 1972) is a British Army Air Corps officer, European Space Agency astronaut and a former International Space Station (ISS) crew member.

He is the first British ESA astronaut, the second astronaut to bear a British flag patch (the first was Helen Sharman, who visited Mir as part of Project Juno in 1991), the sixth person born in the United Kingdom to go on board the International Space Station (the first was NASA astronaut Michael Foale in 2003) and the seventh UK-born person in space. He began the ESA's intensive astronaut basic training course in September 2009 and graduated on 22 November 2010.

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Profile Image for Kerrin .
349 reviews220 followers
September 25, 2020
With the recent announcement that Tom Cruise will fly on SpaceX to the International Space Station (ISS) in 2021, I thought it would be fun to listen to the audiobook Ask An Astronaut: My Guide to Life In Space read by the author, Tim Peake. After learning the strenuous educational requirements for life on board the ISS, I wonder if Tom Cruise has “the right stuff” to be an astronaut. Since learning Russian is one of the requirements to live on the ISS, I hope Tom is starting his language lessons now.

Tim Peake is a British Army Air Corps officer, European Space Agency astronaut, and a former International Space Station (ISS) crew member for six months beginning in December 2015. Tim went through a year-long application process and beat out over 8,000 others for the chance to be an ISS crew member. Then he had a rigorous 4 year training period before being assigned to a crew. Too bad he wasn’t a millionaire like Tom Cruise so he could skip this process.

In addition to scientific research, Tim got to do some cool things in space, including presenting a music award to Adele and running the London marathon. His personality shines through in the book. He has a great sense of wit, excitement, and joy as he discusses all aspects of training, launch, the structure of the ISS, life onboard the ISS, his return to earth, and the future of space exploration. He is on deck to go back to the ISS. Maybe he'll get to meet Maverick.

I learned a great deal of surprising information. Unfortunately, now know that I cannot apply to be an astronaut because I had Lasik eye surgery. Haha. Some of the information is a bit technical, but most of it is informative and very interesting for readers from middle school age and up. 5-Stars.
Profile Image for Anete.
508 reviews73 followers
August 15, 2020
Šī grāmata ir tieši tas, ko var iedomāties no nosaukuma – dažādu cilvēku uzdoti jautājumi par misiju uz Kosmosa staciju un astronauta atbildes. Informatīvi, izklaidējoši un dod reālāku priekštatu par dzīvi kosmosa stacijā, apmācībām, kas nepieciešamas, lai tur nokļūtu, zinātnes eksperimentiem, kas tiek veikti tajā un šī ceļojuma fiziskajiem un mentālajiem efektiem uz astronautu.

P.S. lieliska grāmata, ko lasīt WC, īso “nodaļu” dēļ no WC iznāc gan atvieglojies, gan ar kādu jaunu interesantu faktu galvā, ko vari citiem pastāstīt.
Profile Image for Aaron.
348 reviews
January 1, 2018
Very accessible for readers of all ages! Spoken with authority, humor and scientific facts, this book hits upon the adventurer in every person both young and old.
The question and answer format allows the author to jump from topic to topic, but he keeps it lined up logically. Discussing topics as varied as effects of microgravity on the body to astronaut's diet to bodily functions, the reader will want to keep turning pages to discover more. Even the parts requiring a scientific explanation that may be just beyond a young reader's ability to comprehend move quickly before coming back to earth, so to speak.
Part of the enjoyment of this book is the author's nationality. Moving away from an American perspective helps the reader expand their own world. I recommend this book to any aspiring astronaut, scientist, explorer or knowledge seeker. Definitely not limited to any gender or age group, Ask an Astronaut: My Guide to Life in Space is an investment worth making.

* I received a free copy of this book from Goodreads giveaways *
Profile Image for _och_man_.
279 reviews3 followers
April 30, 2023
Sądziłam, że dzięki tej pozycji moje serducho zapała choć minimalną miłością do kosmosu. Myliłam się... ACZKOLWIEK! Jestem przekonana, że każdy, którego głowa nie pozostaje zamknięta na kwestie galaktyczne (cóż poradzę, że temat wywołuje u mnie albo ból głowy, albo wzmożoną senność?), polubi się z zapiskami pana Peake'a.
Wielce przystępna formuła z gatunku "pytanie/odpowiedź", okraszona licznymi  ciekawostkami, odwołaniami do historii i kultury, a także scenariuszami "co by było, gdyby?" - wszystko to sprawia, że mam wewnętrzne opory przed wystawieniem planowanych 2 gwiazdek. Dlatego zostaję przy 3 🌞
Profile Image for Agnese Liberte (agneseizmekle).
34 reviews52 followers
November 24, 2022
Nelaidiet garām iespēju izlasīt šo grāmatu! Jebkurā vecumā :) Atradu to pilnīgi nejauši Zvaigznes grāmatnīcas plauktā pie ģimenes un bērnu enciklopēdijām. Pašķirstot dažas lappuses, stils un valoda likās atbilstoša manām 9 un 13 gadus vecajām meitām, jo grāmata veidota jautājumu un atbilžu formā un teksts ir ļoti viegli uztverams. Viss beidzās ar to, ka meitas izlasīja pāris jautājumus grāmatas vidū, kamēr es, kā sāku ar 1. nodaļu, tā "dzīvoju kosmosā" 2 dienas, kamēr grāmatu ar lielu aizrautību pabeidzu. Lai gan jautājumu un atbilžu forma pieaugušo var drusku atbaidīt, tie izrādījās sastādīti ļoti strukturēti, pie tam secīgi sadalīti nodaļās, līdz ar to bija sajūta, ka lasu vienkāršu un ļoti aizraujošu stāstījumu. Tims Pīks, kurš 6 mēnešus pavadījis SKS un vairākkārt izgājis atklātā kosmosā, apraksta savu pieredzi, sākot ar pilota karjeru un apmācībām astronautu programmā un beidzot ar atgriešanos uz Zemes. Visus faktus un izklāstus viņš papildina ar savām tābrīža fiziskajām sajūtām un emocijām, un tas man radīja sajūtu, ka esmu tik tuvu kosmosam, cik nu viens cilvēks, guļot dīvānā, var būt :))
Profile Image for Thomas.
Author 1 book31 followers
April 23, 2019
This book is exactly what you would expect. A solid three and a half stars. It’s a fun journey into what it’s like to be an astronaut, the training, launch, life on the ISS, reentry, and everything that comes after. Lots of personal experiences integrated into a question-and-answer format.

I don’t know what else there is to say. Tim Peake is an interesting guy. Apparently, he was the first astronaut to wear the Union Jack on his spacesuit during a spacewalk. This is one of those books that makes you feel good about science and the future of human spaceflight. You can’t help but feel excited about it all.

I’ve been fascinated with spaceflight since I was a kid. I memorized all the stages of the Apollo missions to the moon from the launch of the Saturn V to splashdown. It’s an amazing breed of people they send into space. One thing I know for sure, I don’t have the right stuff. I’m glad someone does.

This is a fun read for armchair astronauts everywhere.
Profile Image for P42.
279 reviews1,667 followers
May 27, 2018

ZOBACZ RECENZJĘ NA YT - http://bit.ly/zapytajfizyka

To zdecydowanie najbardziej przystępna książka popularnonaukowa jaką czytałem w ostatnich latach.

Nie zabrakło ogromnego poczucia humoru tytułowego astronauty, bardzo lekkiego języka wypowiedzi, ciekawych i wnikliwych pytań oraz świetnego wydania książki urozmaiconej licznymi ilustracjami, schematami i co najważniejsze… zdjęciami!

371 reviews
June 12, 2018
Funny, fascinating, and inspiring. Tim Peak takes us on a journey to International Space Station through his book. He answers all of our questions such as how does it feel to leave earth, how do astronauts use the loo in space, and how does it feel to space walk.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
11.3k reviews464 followers
July 8, 2019
Picked up for a challenge, found myself so engrossed that I finished it in one night + one morning. Peake has a nice, light, straightforward way of explaining things, and the illustrations add just the right amount of levity. He even explained divers' 'bends' to me better than anyone else, using the analogy of a carbonated drink.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1,676 reviews411 followers
October 10, 2017
It is amazing to consider that since 1961 when Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space that only 545 people have reached Earth's orbit. Tim Peake is one, having been on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2015. His book Ask and Astronaut: My Guide to Life in Space is as close as most of us will get to knowing what it is like.

When Tom Wolfe wrote The Right Stuff, he was talking about the first American astronauts who had come up from the ranks of pilots. Today's astronauts need very specific skills, including being good at language, since being in the ISS requires knowing Russian.

"NASA astronaut and ISS commander Scott Kelly told me that it is only the first ten years of studying Russian that are difficult."

The most important trait needed to be an astronaut is character and drive. Mike Massimino also wrote about that in his memoir Spaceman.

Peake wrote this book to answer the questions people ask all the time about being space. Chapters include Launch, Training, Life and Work on the ISS, Spacewalking, Earth and Space, Return to Earth, and Looking to the Future. There are great illustrations, diagrams, and color photographs.

I can't imagine living in 'a tin can' for months. And yet this is what today's astronauts do. And sharing that space with other people.

Okay, perhaps I can imagine that but I really can't imagine spacewalking. Leaving the 'safe haven' of the ISS for a black vacuum where temperatures can go from frigid to boiling in minutes, unprotected from various flying space stuff. One wrong move and--well, watch the movie Gravity and skip the happy ending. Peake notes it is actually quite easy to fall off the space station. The danger is palpable.

All this while wearing adult 'nappies'.

But other things can go wrong, too. In 1965 a Soviet astronaut was in space when his suit ballooned and stiffened. His hands and feet slipped from their places, and the only thing he could do was depressurize his suit. He was suffering from decompression sickness when, with much struggling, he entered the airlock.

Peake was part of a team to repair the ISS solar panel, restoring its electric power. Being in space gave him "the sensation of being a microscopic spectator in an immeasurably vast universe. It was, at the same time, the most astonishing and humbling experience of my life."

This is a great book for inquisitive minds, from the young to us older folk who grew up with the Space Race.

I received a free ebook from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.
Profile Image for meri.
878 reviews33 followers
December 25, 2021
this was okay, you could guess maybe the author wrote the book for his children as it’s a bit childish at places. it’s very clear on even more complicated issues which is good. i’m not sure the q&a form was the best idea for a book like this, maybe a more traditional ”travel book” format with information woven in would have worked better. very thorough.
Profile Image for Natalia Dołżycka.
51 reviews39 followers
March 16, 2018
Książka przynosi mnóstwo odpowiedzi na pytania, o których nigdy byś nie pomyślał: dlaczego astronauci sikają na koła autokaru przed wylotem, co zrobić kiedy na stacji wybuchnie pożar albo czy kosmos ma jakiś zapach. Brytyjski astronauta nie tylko stara się każdy temat opisać jak najdokładniej, ale i robi to z ogromnym humorem, dystansem i pasją. A jeśli zdarzają się trudniejsze zagadnienia (jak na przykład opis startu kosmicznego czy jak wygląda strój astronauty), to z pomocą przychodzą rysunki i diagramy.


Jednak to, co zachwyciło mnie w książce najbardziej, to sam jej autor. Tim jest absolutnie niezwykłym człowiekiem, którego chęć niezłomna wola, pasja i chęć by przekraczać własne granice, jest do pozazdroszczenia. Dla niego żaden test nie był zbyt trudny, żadna sytuacja zbyt przerażająca, by się poddać. Z tekstu wyziera aż otwartość na nowe, gotowość na wyzwania i… radość, jaką sprawiała mu wyprawa. Ma się wrażenie, że pobyt brytyjskiego astronauty na stacji był w pierwszej kolejności przygodą życia, a dopiero w drugiej odpowiedzialną i poważną powinnością.

Cała recenzja: https://jestemgeekiem.pl/zapytaj-astr...
Profile Image for i fall in love book blog.
209 reviews6 followers
December 29, 2017
Honestly speaking, I had no idea who Tim Peake was prior to reading Ask an Astronaut. I'm now a fan. This book was written really clearly and felt like I was just sitting there having a conversation with him. The questions are done in a chronological type of way starting with liftoff in the beginning through the ride home at the end.

I learned so much that I never even thought to ask. The information contained in this book is thorough and often entertaining. I had no idea that astronauts are required to know Russian. It makes sense, but wasn't something I had ever thought of before. This book would be a great addition to anyone's library. Reading this expanded my knowledge and made me want to pick more books up about astronauts. Completely fascinating.

I received an advance reader copy of this book that I have chosen to review.
Profile Image for Alex George.
168 reviews3 followers
April 18, 2021
Solid book to Have Around.

Very interesting and thorough, makes you realise the extent to which space people literally think about EVERYTHING. Lots of nuts, read-aloud-to-the-room-after-reading facts about how fast things move sometimes.

The Q&A format gets a little draining into the second half, with Tim straight up repeating himself multiple times.

What's the most Uhh about this book is just how eerily British Tim Peake is. It's like he's a genetically engineered Upstanding Briton. He has two kids. Loves Coldplay. Loves the Queen. Eats bacon sarnies in space. He's run the London marathon. He's Mr Some Guy. The One Show incarnate. It's actually low key unsettling lmao
Profile Image for Carole Knoles.
317 reviews4 followers
December 3, 2017
This year seems to be a bonanza of space related books. Ask An Astronaut by Astronaut Tim Peake is a perfect companion book to read along with the wonderful Endurance by Astronaut Scott Kelly. After little bites of information about astronauts, space travel, and the amazing ISS these two writers have fleshed out the picture in a fascinating and informative way.
273 reviews2 followers
July 5, 2021
If you’re a bit of a space nerd and/ or someone who likes asking questions, you’ll probably enjoy this. It is set up in a question and answer style, sorted by different major aspects of becoming/being an astronaut, such as training, launch or space-walking. Additionally, the reader is presented with fun facts about space, and the Photo section at the end of the book is beautiful.
Profile Image for Elif.
1,186 reviews34 followers
August 19, 2024
Hiç kimsenin size gönül verdiğiniz bir şeyi yapamayacağınızı söylemesine izin vermeyin.
Bu kitabı seneler öncesinde Martı Yayınları’nın yaptığı çekilişte kazanmıştım ve nedense bu zamana kadar okuma isteği gelmemişti. İyi ki kitaplığımdan hiç çıkarmamışım çünkü okumaktan bu kadar keyif alacağımı asla düşünmemiştim. Tim Peake 2026 senesinde ISS’e giden ve 6 ayını geçiren bir astronot. Kendisine sosyal medyadan sorulan soruların hepsini derlemiş ve bir soru cevap kitabına dönüştürmüş. Hem teknik detaylara hem de her türlü deneyimini anlatıyor. Sorulan en basit soruları bile geçiştirmeden cevaplamış ve astronotlar nasıl tuvaletini yapar, nasıl yıkanır gibi en ufak detaya kadar anlatmış. Ben çok büyük keyif alarak okudum ve uzaya, astronotlara, havacılığa merakınız varsa mutlaka bakın. Bana hem çok fazla bilgi kattı hem de astronotlar hakkında komik şeyler de öğrendim. Bunlardan biri uzaya giderken ve uzay yürüyüşünde yetişkin bezi takıyor olmaları. Bir diğeri ise ayak tabanlarının yeni doğmuş ayağına dönüşmesi, kalplerinin şekillerinin değişmesi gibi birçok bilgiyi bana kattı. Uzaydayken çektiği fotoğrafları derlediği bir kitabı varmış yurtdışına ilk çıkışımda almak istiyorum. Teknik detaylar bazen fazla olsa da bence sorulan bazı sorular ufak yaştakilerin de ilgisini çok çekecektir.
Profile Image for Ralph McEwen.
883 reviews23 followers
July 7, 2019
Scott Peake has written a very easy to understand book about a very complicated subject. He has interwoven his personal observations and feeling, with known facts, requirements and inquiries about space travel that is fun to read. I picked up several things about space travel and living on the space station that I never thought about.
Beyond the subject matter, I found the structure of this book most appealing. By breaking the content into major groups and further using questions about those groups to focus on sub topics allows the reader to read the book in a leisurely manner and take breaks as frequently as desired.
Profile Image for Jo.
3,621 reviews134 followers
January 6, 2018
Peake was the first British astronaut to visit the International Space Station. He asked social media users to send him questions and this book is the result. He covers various aspects of 'astronauting' from training to the after effects of spending time in space. Some of the science bits went over my head but overall this was very interesting and quite informative.
Profile Image for Karly Acevedo.
243 reviews25 followers
December 30, 2022
No solo me a resultado divertido y fascinante, siento que he aprendido mas cosas de las que creía capaz de aprender sobre esta fabulosa profesión!
Sin duda lo recomiendo para aquellos que soñaron alguna vez ser astronautas, hay varios factores divertidos, Tim Peake explica con ejemplos dinámicos, al principio pensé que cierto lenguaje sobre formulas y de mas no lo comprendería, pero las graficas y dibujos han hecho mas digerible la informacion por lo que si, efectivamente lo podría leer cualquiera, ¡sacien su curiosidad!
En ningún momento se me hizo un libro pesado o tecnico, me he divertido soñando con estar en los pasillos de la IEE durante toda la lectura.
Desearía que hubiera una actualización del libro con nuevos datos al 2022.
Profile Image for Victoria Zigler.
Author 62 books235 followers
July 8, 2018
This was a fascinating read, which is both educational and entertaining. A must read for those with a fascination for all things space related.
2 reviews1 follower
February 21, 2018
This book performs its purpose satisfactorily. It is an informative explanation of the life of an astronaut rather than an exciting or even entertaining one. Mr Peake fails to drum up any kind of excitement for both training to be and performing the role of an astronaut, and relentlessly and continuously sucks the thrill out of working in space where this otherwise seemed impossible in light of the topic at hand.

In addition, there is a distinct lack of truly interesting or thought-provoking questions; the book feels as though it was pre-written as an explanation of an astronauts duties and then the questions added above each relevant sections. There are also a couple of times I felt him repeat the same things over again, sometimes literally answering with a copy and paste from a different question.

All in all, I give this book a 2 star review, and would only recommend to potential readers who wish for a dry explanation of exactly what goes into becoming and performing the duty of an astronaut.
Profile Image for David.
91 reviews21 followers
December 5, 2018
I listened to this on Audible and this was such an engaging surprise. I loved every bit of it and feel like I have been to space and back. The author has an incredibly down-to-earth style (yeah, I know, funny for an astronaut—right?!). I learned so much and the author is also British, so he has a dry, funny perspective at times that is entertaining while being informative. I read less non-fiction than fiction most of the time, but this one had me from the beginning to the end and I would recommend it to any friend and to you! 3-2-1, liftoff!
4 reviews
January 23, 2019
Here, I just finished reading this book.

Overall, the book was pretty sick. It included beast facts about space. There were answers to questions I have never thought to ask.

I award this book 5 stars.
Profile Image for rokiiii_b.
153 reviews11 followers
October 1, 2022
Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem tej książki!
Nie spodziewałam się, że okaże się ona tak ciekawa (dajcie jej chwilę na początku na rozkręcenie się).

Pod koniec aż poczułam nostalgie 🥹
Kosmonauci są szaleni.
Profile Image for za_pomniane.
803 reviews19 followers
August 3, 2022
Dowiedziałam się kilku ciekawych rzeczy jednak nie jest to nic nadzwyczajnego.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 327 reviews

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