
Alternative Health Quotes

Quotes tagged as "alternative-health" Showing 1-28 of 28
Alice McCall
“Alternative healing does not always offer a quick fix of a symptom, but it does offer a permanent healing that resonates beyond physical well-being. It creates a total uplift in attitude, enhanced spiritual awareness, and so much more that will change the way you appreciate life everyday. Embracing alternative healing by focusing on the cause and trusting the process as it unfolds will be a journey that can be trying or difficult at times, but it will always be extremely rewarding.”
Alice McCall

Lucy H. Pearce
“Our bodies speak, if you would only listen. They speak another language: the mother tongue. It’s half the puzzle, the missing pieces you have been searching for, the how and why behind the symptoms you fixate on, the whole behind the healing, which cannot be found at the bottom of a bottle of pills.
But you do not speak our language. My sick sisterhood, whose bodies have been felled by mysterious illnesses, bearing the arcane names of men long dead, to signify their suffering with no cure, no hope. The mothers who long for answers to the questions that their bodies are living, for soul-utions to the protest against this cold, hard world.
Into their dry hungry mouths are dropped pills not answers. Prescriptions and descriptions of symptoms – not cures or laws to halt the toxic corporate world that is allowed to carry on felling us like trees in the Amazon…
Each woman is an Amazon. But she does not know it. Instead she is treated. Separately. Her pile of notes, her bills, growing higher. Each one believes the sickness is hers alone. Each is sent home, ignored, tolerated.
Alone. In the darkness.
Until one day Medicine Woman arises within her.
And there in the centre of her pain she finds her outrage, her strength, her persistence as she searches for answers. She finds the will to die to this world and the right to live a different life where she is honoured for the value of her soul, not the sweat of her brow.
She begins to understand the messages her body is sending…
Things are not right. In here… out there.
She begins to remember there is magic in her: the power to heal, the power to transform.
Medicine Woman rises.”
Lucy H. Pearce, Medicine Woman: Reclaiming the Soul of Healing

Dana Arcuri
“The average person walks into their doctor's office ready to accept whatever is said and handed to them. Without taking time to research or gain more insight, they accept pills and treatment
without looking into other options.

Our nation overeats. We put toxic fake food into our bodies, but wonder why we're sick. We continue a vicious cycle of consuming the wrong foods and drinks along with a stressful lifestyle, yet
question why cancer is so rampant. Most of our society live in fear and believe they have no control.

My positive message is that we do have control. We need to take back ownership of our bodies and minds. Don't blindly fill prescriptions without first checking into potential side effects, adverse reactions, and long-term damage to your body and mind. Be conscious of what you are consuming. Be informed. Take the initiative to gain more knowledge. Understand your options so you may be in a better position to make an informed choice.”
Dana Arcuri, Harvest of Hope: Living Victoriously Through Adversity

Heidi DuPree
“The higher self knows there is no right or wrong, no good or bad, and accepts that both light and dark must exist to maintain the balance of the whole.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Nancy S. Mure
“If there's one thing to know about the human body; it's this: the human body has a ringmaster. This ringmaster controls your digestion, your immunity, your brain, your weight, your health and even your happiness. This ringmaster is the gut”
Nancy Mure

Owen   Johnson
“Dink, my boy, I'll be a millionaire in ten years. You know what I'm figuring out all this time? I'm going at this scientifically. I'm figuring out the number of fools there are on the top of this globe, classifying 'em, looking out what they want to be fooled on. I'm making an exact science of it."

"Go on," said Dink, amused and perplexed, for he was trying to distinguish the serious and the humorous.

"What's the principle of a patent medicine?—advertise first, then concoct your medicine. All the science of Foolology is: first, find something all the fools love and enjoy, tell them it's wrong, hammer it into them, give them a substitute and sit back, chuckle, and shovel away the ducats. Bread's wrong, coffee's wrong, beer's wrong. Why, Dink, in the next twenty years all the fools will be feeding on substitutes for everything they want; no salt—denatured sugar—anti-tea—oiloline—peanut butter—whale's milk—et cetera, et ceteray, and blessing the name of the fool-master who fooled them.”
Owen Johnson, Stover at Yale

Nancy S. Mure
“The empowering thought is that busy hands cannot eat!”
Nancy Mure

Nancy S. Mure
“In understanding the basics of digestion, you'll discover who's in charge. Here's a hint. It's not you.”
Nancy Mure

Heidi DuPree
“Co-creating our lives from a heart-centered and spirit-connected space is simply more efficient, effective and healthy.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“To truly regenerate, to find what we are seeking, we must change from within.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“When we experience the loss of our outer life, the way to our inner light is cleared.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“When we take on responsibility for others, or make them wrong so we can feel right, we get in the way of spirit.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

“every disease is curable, except when Life energy is depleted.”
Julia H Sun

Nancy S. Mure
“If you can EAT! you can lose the weight!!”
Nancy Mure

Nancy S. Mure
“Processed foods are made to be addictive which is why we can't stop craving them.”
Nancy Mure

Nancy S. Mure
“The processed food industry hijacked our palates by using three highly addictive weapons -- sugar, salt and wheat.”
Nancy Mure

Nancy S. Mure
“Glyphosate is for sure, in every bite of food that contains wheat.”
Nancy Mure

Nancy S. Mure
“A high functioning palate allows you to live without sugar and salt”
Nancy Mure

Nancy S. Mure
“People who have character follow through. They don't lie to themselves or anyone else. They don't start something, ten give up because it's "hard." People of character set a goal and stick to it.”
Nancy Mure

Heidi DuPree
“Metaphors are a window into the soul and carry us across the boundary between the lower and higher selves, connecting us to the universal energy field and the collective consciousness.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“Giving and helping from the heart becomes like a magnet, amplifying the energy to all those involved in the exchange.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“From the unlimited wellspring of energy that flows from our center, life situations cease to be “too much” or “not enough.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“Giving authority to others to control your lower-self impulses only serves to keep you in the lower self!”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Heidi DuPree
“In order to live a healthy, happy and prosperous life, and fulfill the reason we are each here – our mission and purpose – we must return to our natural state of being, centered in and identified with spirit.”
Heidi DuPree, Awaken Your Greater Health: How Energy Medicine Opens the Way to Healing

Marva Riley
“The Doctor In You.

Anyone can attain & maintain excellence in health at any age.”
Marva Riley, Eat! Sleep! Meditate! A Nurse’s Guide to Health