
Bar Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bar" Showing 1-30 of 92
Ernest Hemingway
“Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee.”
Ernest Hemingway, A Clean Well-Lighted Place

Erik Pevernagie
“By confusing strategy with tactics and mixing up “what” and “how”, we may have a hard time staying on point. ”What” we want, on the one hand, and “how” we want to achieve it, on the other, needs a careful reading and a singular approach. (“When the bar is set too high”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Denis Johnson
“Sometimes what I wouldn't give to have us sitting in a bar again at 9:00 a.m. telling lies to one another, far from God.”
Denis Johnson, Jesus' Son
tags: bar, god, lies

Terry Pratchett
“I staggered into a Manchester bar late one night on a tour and the waitress said "You look as if you need a Screaming Orgasm". At the time this was the last thing on my mind...”
Terry Pratchett

Annie Proulx
“A kind of joyous hysteria moved into the room, everything flying before the wind, vehicles outside getting dented to hell, the crowd sweaty and the smells of aftershave, manure, clothes dried on the line, your money’s worth of perfume, smoke, booze; the music subdued by the shout and babble through the bass hammer could be felt through the soles of the feet, shooting up the channels of legs to the body fork, center of everything. It is the kind of Saturday night that torches your life for a few hours, makes it seem like something is happening.”
Annie Proulx, Close Range: Wyoming Stories

Gillian Flynn
“We named the bar The Bar. "People will think we're ironic instead of creatively bankrupt," my sister reasoned.
Yes, we thought we were being clever New Yorkers - that the name was a joke no one else would really get, like we did. Not meta-get ... But our first customer, a gray-haired woman in bifocals and a pink jogging suit, said, "I like the name. Like in Breakfast at Tiffany's and Audrey Hepburn's cat was named Cat.”
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl

Kamand Kojouri
“Nothing belongs to itself anymore.
These trees are yours because you once looked at them.
These streets are yours because you once traversed them.
These coffee shops and bookshops, these cafés and bars, their sole owner is you.
They gave themselves so willingly, surrendering to your perfume.
You sang with the birds and they stopped to listen to you.
You smiled at the sheepish stars and they fell into your hair.
The sun and moon, the sea and mountain, they have all left from heartbreak.
Nothing belongs to itself anymore.
You once spoke to Him, and then God became yours.
He sits with us in darkness now
to plot how to make you ours.” K.K.”
Kamand Kojouri

“Can you go back to America and tell all your friends that I do NOT want to be rescued? All these Americans and Viet Kieus who come here thinking that they need to save us are so stupid. If you had to choose between working in a factory for twelve hours a day with bosses who don't let you rest and [who] look at you like they are raping you with their eyes, or working in a bar where you have a few drinks and sometimes spread you legs for a man, which would you choose? Why don't people go rescue factory workers? We are the ones who were not scared to leave factory work for sex work. We are smart hustlers [*nguoi chen lan*], not dumb, scared factory workers!
—Trinh, twenty-four-year-old hostess in Lavender”
Kimberly Kay Hoang, Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work

Robert Liparulo
“A dingy emblem on the door depicted a little boy peeing into a pot. The rest of the bar was equally drab and tasteless. Dim bulbs behind red-tasseled lamp shades barely illuminated each of a dozen maroon vinyl booths, which marched along one wall toward the murky front windows. Chipped Formica tables anchored the booths in place. Opposite the row of booths was a long, scarred wooden bar with uncomfortable-looking stools. Behind the bar, sitting on glass shelves in front of a cloudy mirror, were endless rows of bottles, each looking as forlorn as the folks for whom they waited.

He caught the strong odors of liquor and tobacco smoke, and the weaker scents of cleaning chemicals and vomit. In one of the booths , two heads bobbed with the movement of mug-clenching fists. A scrawny bartender with droopy eyelids picked his teeth with a swizzle stick and chatted quietly with a woman seated at the bar. Otherwise the bar was empty.”
Robert Liparulo, Germ: If You Breathe, It Will Find You
tags: bar

Fletcher Pratt
“Need 'nother whiskey. Whiskey chaser. Gotta get two men drunk."

Mr. Cohan placed both hands on the bar. "Mr. Walsh," he said severely, "in Gavagan's we will serve a man a drink to wet his whistle, or even because his old woman has pasted him with a dornick, but a drink to get drunk with I do not sell. Now I'm telling you you've had enough for tonight, and in the morning you'll be thanking me..." ("My Brother's Keeper")”
Fletcher Pratt, Tales from Gavagan's Bar

Avijeet Das
“The moment I entered the bar with a book and and a diary in hand, her eyes were on me. She had always fantasized about getting into a deep conversation with a writer while sipping whiskey!”
Avijeet Das

James Baldwin
“I watched him as he moved. And then I watched their faces, watching him. And then I was afraid. I knew that they were watching, had been watching both of us. They knew that they had witnessed a beginning and now they would not cease to watch until they saw the end. It had taken some time but the tables had been turned; now I was in the zoo, and they were watching.”
James Baldwin, Giovanni’s Room

Cormac McCarthy
“If we should meet again I hope there will be something in the way of a wateringhole where I can stand you a round. Perhaps show you about the place. Look for a tall and somewhat raffish looking chap in a tailored robe.”
Cormac McCarthy, The Passenger

Mick Herron
“...she passed a bar and was so grateful for the strength of mind that prevented her walking in and ordering a drink that she stopped at the next one to celebrate.”
Mick Herron, The Secret Hours
tags: bar, drink

Natalya Vorobyova
“When I pass the bar, you'll be barred from bars but put behind them.”
Natalya Vorobyova, Better to be able to love than to be loveable

“Gurkhas is one of the best Indian Nepalese restaurants in Melbourne serving the same taste of Himalayan cuisine. Serving palate tingling Nepalese food, we cater for all occasions. To know more visit our website or call us on 03 9387 4666.”
Raj Tamang

“Don't forget, with every successful jump, you had asked for the bar to be raised.

Vineet Raj Kapoor

“Attitude is the bar you set, the limits you installed. Now, it runs your life. You can’t go past your attitude.”
Abiodun Fijabi

“Check your attitude. Raise the bar. Beat your best efforts. You have much more in you than you are willing to admit.”
Abiodun Fijabi

“în seara aia
în fața unui manhattan
în barul din fața
mi s-a făcut dor de casă”
Tăușance, Legende urbane

Karen Maitland
“Raffe lifted the latch on the heavy door and sidled in. As usal, he gagged as he took his first breath in the cloying, fishy stink of the smoke that rose from the burning seabirds, which were skewered on to the wall spikes in place of candles. In the dim oily light, he could make out the vague outlines of men sitting in twos and threes around the tables, heard the muttered conversations, but could no more recognize a face than see his own feet in the shadows.

A square, brawny woman deposited a flagon and two leather beakers on a table before waddling across to Raffe. Pulling his head down towards hers, she planted a generous

kiss on his smooth cheek. Thought you'd left us,' she said reprovingly. You grown tired of my eel pic?'

How could anyone grow tired of a taste of heaven?' Raffe said, throwing his arm around her plump shoulders and squeezing her.

The woman laughed, a deep, honest belly chuckle that set

her pendulous breasts quivering. Raffe loved her for that. 'He's over there, your friend,' she murmured. 'Been wait ing a good long while.'

Raffe nodded his thanks and crossed to the table set into a
dark alcove, sliding on to the narrow bench. Even in the dirty mustard light he could recognize Talbot's broken nose and thickened ears.

Talbot looked up from the rim of his beaker and grunted. By way of greeting he pushed the half-empty flagon of ale towards Raffe. Raffe waited until the serving woman had set a large portion of eel pie in front of him and retreated out of earshot. He hadn't asked for food, no one ever needed to here. In the Fisher's Inn you ate and drank whatever was put in front of you and you paid for it too. The marsh and river were far too close for arguments, and the innkeeper was a burly man who had beaten his own father to death when he was only fourteen, so rumour had it, for taking a whip to him once too often. Opinion was divided on whether the boy or the father deserved what they suffered at each other's hands, but still no one in those parts would have dreamed of report ing the killing. And since the innkeeper's father lay rotting somewhere at the bottom of the deep, sucking bog, he wasn't in a position to complain.”
Karen Maitland, The Gallows Curse

Avijeet Das
“Sitting in a bar, I drink a few pints and quarts, this is how poetry comes to me at times, and sometimes it wants me to chase her.”
Avijeet Das

Steven Magee
“The summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii is in operation as an oxygen bar with many workers using it.”
Steven Magee

“My idea of hiking is a pub crawl”
Kevin Kolenda

Mariana Enríquez
“Ahora tampoco se puede fumar en los bares. Sí, ya sé que eso pasa en todo el mundo, pero un bar no es un lugar sano, santa Madre de Dios. Es para conspirar, para relajarse, para ponerse en pedo.”
Mariana Enríquez, The Dangers of Smoking in Bed
tags: bar

Adam A. Fox
“The Library Bar,” I read on the sign above the bar.”
Adam A. Fox, A Sinful Symphony: A Dark BDSM Romance

Maki Marukido
“Toutes les tenancières de bar sont des philosophes.”
Maki Marukido, Pornographer Playback

Cal Newport
“We are overworked and overstressed, constantly dissatisfied, and reaching for a bar that keeps rising higher and higher.”
Cal Newport, Slow Productivity: The Lost Art of Accomplishment Without Burnout

Richard Stark
“The shirtsleeved bald bartender was tall and fat, looking like a retired cop who'd gone to seed the day his papers had come through. At the bar, muttering together about sports and politics—other people's victories and defeats—were nine or ten shabbily dressed guys who were older than their teeth.”
Richard Stark, Backflash
tags: bar, crime

Steve Patton
“What does God know then...Chee..ma?" The tall doctor thought he had finally found his mark.

Still looking down, Chima set the glass aside and wiped his hands on a neat white apron that hung around his waist. He spoke with clarity as he placed both hands on the bar's edge - "God knows you aren't coming back from this safari alive.”
Steve Patton, The Sun Also Sets

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