
Bram Quotes

Quotes tagged as "bram" Showing 1-17 of 17
Tessa Dare
“No, Susanna, " he said. "I cannot love you just a little. If that's what you want, you must find a different man." His green eyes were breathtaking in their intensity. His thumb brushed her bottom lip. "Because I can only love you entirely. With everything I am, and everything I ever will be. Body, mind, heart, soul.”
Tessa Dare, A Night to Surrender

Lia Habel
“I ran this through my "girl talk" translator and said, "I could eat him, if either of you'd like. Seems like it might be the easiest thing to do."
-Bram to Nora & Pamela”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Departed

Lia Habel
“I love you, Nora. I will think you beautiful when I have no eyes left to see. I will remember your voice when my ears go. You can’t hold on to me forever, but I will hold on to you until I am nothing but dirt.”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Beloved
tags: bram, nora

Lia Habel
“I know I won’t be there for every part of your life, but I’d like you to be there for every part of mine. I do.”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Beloved

Lia Habel
“I’m here for every bit of your life. The bad parts, the scary parts. And I vow to do all you ask of me that is fair … even at the end.” I knew I didn’t have to elaborate; I could see that he’d gotten it, and that it moved him. "I do.”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Beloved
tags: bram, nora, vows

Lia Habel
“Nora was the only thing that made sense. She was the only unchanging thing in my universe. She was my lodestar. No matter which way my emotions and circumstances and the impulses of my dead, dying, trying body pulled me, no matter how many mistakes I made, she was always true north. Sometimes I’d side with the dead, sometimes with the living, but always with her.”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Beloved
tags: bram

Ally Condie
“Reaching and reached. Cassia”
Ally Condie, Reached

Lia Habel
“[after Bram bit Nora at her request] It hit me then that she wasn't half as disgusted as she should be. '[Nora, a]re you … sure you're okay with it?'

She pulled her sleeve back up and shrugged. She was quiet for a minute before asking, '[Bram. ]Did you enjoy it?'

I decided to tell the truth. 'Yes. You wouldn't believe how good you taste. I don't think i could even describe it.'

She laughed. 'Good? Like filet mignon good? Or like … candy good?”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Departed

Lia Habel
“So, could there be a cure?' Nora looked at me out of the corner of her eye. I found myself looking at the floor. I knew the answer to that one.

'No,' Beryl said. 'Prions essentially cannot be destroyed. We've tried antibiotics, antiretrovirals, acid …'

'Freezing flesh, burning it …' Samedi ticked off.

'Autoclaving works some of the time, but not enough to be thoroughly trusted. Um … industrial cleaners of all kinds …'

'Your mother's cooking …”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Departed

Lia Habel
“Bram knocked, and Chas opened the door, her music growing louder. She had strips of tinfoil in her hair and a cigarette dangling from her lips–which she immediately hid behind her back when she saw Bram.
  Both of Bram's brows flitted upward. "Hi." He looked at the foil. "I'm not even gonna ask."
  "Martians are trying to control my thoughts, stupid." She noticed me then and smiled. "Hi, Nora! Ooh…" Her eyes fell to the weapon. "Shiny."
  "Nora needs some more appropriate clothes if she's to use the shiny," Bram said.
  Chas clapped her hands together. "Makeover!"
  Oh, God no.…”
Lia Habel, Dearly, Departed

Bram Stoker
“If any ordinary person be afflicted with ennui and want something to take his thoughts away
from a perpetual consideration of his own weariness let me recommend him to take up the
interpretation of secret writing. At first, perhaps, he may regard the matter lightly and be
inclined to smile at its triviality. But after a little while, if he have in him at all any of the
persistence or doggedness which is, and should be, a part of a man’s nature, he will find the
subject take possession of him to the almost entire exclusion of all else.”
Bram Stoker , The Mystery of the Sea
tags: bram

Bram Stoker
“There was a pity in her eyes which gave me some comfort, though not much; a man whose
soul is crying out for love does not want pity.”
Bram Stoker, The Mystery of the Sea

Bram Stoker
“....The secret voices of the brain need not always speak in
thunder; the Dream-Painter within us need not always have a full canvas for the exercise of his
Bram Stoker, The Mystery of the Sea

Lia Habel
“I gave [Nora] as long as she needed, all the while mentally designing my tombstone. 'R.I.P., Captain Abraham R. Griswold. He was completely useless and made girls cry.”
Lia Habel

Bram Stoker
“The requiem of the twain was the roar of the breaking waves and the scream of the white birds that circled round the Watter's Mou'.”
Bram Stoker, The Watter's Mou'

Susan Elizabeth Phillips
“-Y tampoco nada de consoladores -dijo-, aun que se lo mucho que deseas uno. Lo cual no es ninguna sorpresa, ya que...
-¿Quieres dejarlo de lado de una vez?
-De lado...Encima...Debajo... -Bram le acaricio la curvatura del labio superior -. Dentro...
una ráfaga de calor recorrió el cuerpo de Georgie. Estaba a punto de derretirse.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips, What I Did for Love

Susan Elizabeth Phillips
“De repente, las rodillas de Georgie empezaron a temblar. A temblar de verdad. Un temblor de terremoto, sólo que aquel terremoto se estaba produciendo en su interior.
Se había enamorado de él.”
Susan Elizabeth Phillips, What I Did for Love