
Carolyn Lee Adams Quotes

Quotes tagged as "carolyn-lee-adams" Showing 1-19 of 19
Carolyn Lee Adams
“I will not be a victim. I will not think like a victim. I am going to avenge all those little girls. I am going to win.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“Life isn't fair," comes the voice of Nana. She has told me that a thousand times. "What matters is how you handle it." I'm going to handle it by winning.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I win by taking risks. By standing out. Mom hates how I ride Tucker right past the judge as many times as possible in a class. She says it's showboating and it's tacky. Some judges don't like it. Long ago, though, I decided I'd rather win being me than lose by playing it safe.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“It's bizarre, but as disgusting and evil and terrible as the Wolfman is, I can't help but feel he's unable to control himself. It seems to me he makes up bizarre excuses to make it okay for him to kill and rape, because he can't stop himself from killing and raping. Whether born or made, the Wolfman is more creature than human. He's a monster.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“For a while there's nothing I can do but stand in the middle of the road, because going forward hurts too much. Going forward means continuing to try, when trying is so hard. The world is filled with idiots and assholes and monsters. Where are the guardian angels?”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I shut up. I don't fight, I don't scream. Shame rides alongside my terror. But somewhere deep, deep inside, I hear Mom tell me to trust my gut. My gut tells me I am blind and I am lost, and if I fought for freedom now, it would end in my death. I listen to my gut. Because I want to live.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“When he unleashes on her everything falls together. Like a crick in the neck snapped into place, the boy's brain pops and is put right. It is a beautiful undoing, a beautiful becoming. He doesn't stop to think about it when the punches follow her down to the ground. He doesn't stop to notice when she goes still or when the pool of blood under her head pillows out into a great, liquid heart. He doesn't stop until he's pulled off her and he doesn't start to think again until that night, when he's back at home. For hours and hours his brain stays beautifully popped into place.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I know how to work a problem. Frustration is the enemy. It makes you do stupid things. So you don't let it beat you. Instead you search for landmarks, look for signs. The task takes every single bit of me I have left. It's good, this task, because it keeps my mind focused.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I'm not going to be raped. I'm not going to be murdered. I'm going to bring him to justice so this never happens to anyone else. I'm not going to think like a victim. I'm going to think like a winner. Because that's what I am. I'm Ruthless, by God, and I need to act like it.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“In this otherworldly moment I am profoundly grateful to be here, to be alone, to experience this thing that no one has ever experienced and that no one else ever will.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“It was like a commercial for laundry detergent or tampons or a prescription medication with death listed as a possible side effect.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“He looks up and up and up to get to her face. His mama's a tall lady, and he's only seven. He's overwhelmed by red. Red heels, red nails, red lips, red hair, red eyes. So help him, the boy has always thought his mama's copper-colored eyes damn near shined red. He looks into those eyes and knows she's come home funny.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“Through the red haze of my blood I see a strange expression on his face. His eyes have come alive, and I don't like it at all. He's getting off on this now in a way he wasn't before. My first thought is that my honesty is feeding him in a bad, bad way and my second thought is not to question my gut.
"These are going to be very good days," he says to me.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“Wolfman clears everything off the table except his gun. That he keeps close at hand. There is a sense of ceremony about his actions. My stomach tightens up. We are about to begin.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I know you, Ruth Ann Carver. I know you better than you know yourself. You think you do things right. You think you're a paragon of right living. This is a self-told lie, one bolstered by your coddling parents and grandparents.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I don't know how the Wolfman knows all this, but he's not wrong. My warm cheeks turn scalding hot.
"Your shame is a good sign. You may break sooner than I thought. The breaking is good. It purifies.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“And in the echo of that gladness, horror blooms within me. In its own strange way, it's a horror as deep as any I've experienced so far. I've succeeded in taking another human hostage, in making him urinate on himself. I made a plan to torture someone, and then I carried it out, and it satisfied me to do so. As much hurt and hell as the Wolfman has caused, I don't want to be his judge and jury, his jailer and tormentor. I don't want to be that person. I want to be good. I don't want to fall into a big, black pit of darkness, because what if I can't get out?”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“I have no idea what to do, and everything is starting to feel dangerously hopeless. Hopelessness is not an emotion to be indulged. On the heels of hopelessness comes defeat, and even though everything seems pointless and impossible, I still want to win. Underneath my confusion and utter, bone-crushing fatigue, even though I don't know much of anything at all, I still know I want to win.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless

Carolyn Lee Adams
“As I squeeze, he turns his head, and there is the tiniest, slimmest of moments when he sees me. I look into those wolf eyes, and even though they are empty, they're still alive. In that split second he is alive and looking at me. I am alive and looking at him. Then the moment is over, the trigger is pulled back, and the gun is empty.”
Carolyn Lee Adams, Ruthless