
Cheesy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cheesy" Showing 1-30 of 35
Ana Huang
“I would take a thousand fights with Jules over a thousand easy days with anyone else. Because I didn't want easy. I wanted her.”
Ana Huang, Twisted Hate

Joe Dunthorne
“Oh diary, I love her, I love her, I love her so much. Jordana is the most amazing person I have ever met. I could eat her. I could drink her blood. She's the only person I would allow to be shrunk to microscopic size and explore me in a tiny submersible machine. She is wonderful and beautiful and sensitive and funny and sexy. She's too good for me, she's too good for anyone! All I could do was let her know. I said: "I love you more than words. And I am a big fan of words.”
Joe Dunthorne, Submarine

Lauren Asher
“I'm not sure what I did right in my life to deserve your love, but I'll stop at nothing to protect it.”
Lauren Asher, The Fine Print

Melissa Senate
“I don't want to say something cheesy like 'home is where the heart is,' but home is definitely where the heart is. And my heart is, and has always been, with you.”
Melissa Senate, The Breakup Club

Robin Alexander
“Grandma told me not to 'squirrel' you...

She and Anne saw two squirrels doing the deed, then the male squirrel ran off when it was over. I'm slightly offended she compared me to a hit-and-run rodent. I just want you to know that I want to share my branch and acorns with you, it's not just physical.”
Robin Alexander

Jandy Nelson
“I'm layering away: sauce, noodles, I belong to you, cheese, sauce, my heart is yours, noodles, cheese, I hear your soul in your music, cheese, cheese, CHEESE...”
Jandy Nelson, The Sky Is Everywhere

Judith McNaught
“Now they are empty, Ramon replied with a shrug of broad, muscled shoulders on his six-foot-three-inch frame....For the first time, a glint of humor touched Ramon Galverra's finely sculpted mouth and arrogant dark eyes.”
Judith McNaught, Tender Triumph

Stephanie Garber
“You know,' she confessed, 'I've always loved your dimples.'

'I know.' He smirked. 'You were so obvious with your love at first sight.'

'It was not love at first sight.' She huffed. 'I only said I like your dimples at the start.' She dropped her hand from his cheek. 'I didn't even like you. I thought you were terrible.'

'And yet.' He grabbed her hand again and wrapped it around his neck. 'You kept staring.'

Well...' She wrapped her other hand around his neck before sliding her fingers back into his hair. She really loved his hair. 'I might not have liked you, but you were always ridiculously handsome.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Kelly Moran
“Lifetime called. They want their movie of the week back.”
Kelly Moran, Residual Burn

Sarah Hogle
“We're going to have to choose each other, over and over, and be each other's champion, never letting ourselves forget the good whenever we're stuck in a patch of bad.”
Sarah Hogle, You Deserve Each Other

David Eddings
“We call this a “bow”, Cap’n, and the thing that’s sticking out of that fellow’s head over on the other side of the trench is called an “arrow”. If you put them together just right, they’ll do all sorts of nice things to people who aren’t nice.”
David Eddings, The Treasured One

Wayne Gerard Trotman
“Ah, fairest maiden, thine beauty doth maketh mine loins stir, and mine cup runneth over.”
Wayne Gerard Trotman, Kaya Abaniah and the Father of the Forest

Emily McIntire
“Hi,' she says.
My stomach flips. 'Hi back.”
Emily McIntire, Hooked

Suzanne Enoch
“Samantha,” he murmured, reaching out to tilt up her chin, to gaze into her bottomless green eyes, “I love you more than you love Godzilla.”

Her burst of laughter sounded surprised and delighted – two things he most prized being able to give her. “Even the new Godzilla?” she asked him, leaning in to give him a kiss that ended with her nibbling on his bottom lip.

“I love you quadruple the amount you love the new Godzilla.”

“Wow. That’s a lot.”
“Shut up and kiss me again, Yank.”
Suzanne Enoch, Barefoot in the Dark

Sarah J. Maas
“I want to draw you,' I said. 'As my birthday present to me.'

His smile was positively feline.

I added, flipping open my sketchbook and turning to the first page, 'You said once that nude would be best.'

Rhys's eyes glowed, and a whisper of his power through the room had the curtains parting, flooding the space with midmorning sunshine. Showing every glorious naked inch of him sprawled across the bed, illuminating the faint reds and golds of his wings. 'Do your worst, Cursebreaker.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Frost and Starlight

Brittainy C. Cherry
“Okay, I'm going. But I want you to know that this thing between us, it's powerful. There's no word to express this new found connection we have, Aria. It's like dividing by zero... you can't define it.”
Brittainy C. Cherry, Art & Soul

K.Hari Kumar
“He's cheap and cheesy, coz he loves you. If you want to know how 'expensive' he has been, just check his inbox, see how may gals he disappointed for you.”
K Hari Kumar

Criss Jami
“I do not recall our Lord ever saying one could not be 'cool'. It is only a problem if one esteems 'coolness' above that which is righteous and true, which is, when we give it its way, really what many of us do. 'Coolness' is too transient to be of any real and meaningful, lasting significance, and it is often in great conflict with one being one's most honest, most vulnerable self. That, and in reality, some of the coolest people are actually those who least concern themselves with being cool anyway, those who make 'trying to be cool' less evident.”
Criss Jami, Healology

Clair M. Poulson
“That was about as likely as my buying a 20 foot yacht and launching it on Lake Powell.”
Clair Poulson

Keah Brown
“When we are vulnerable, I believe we are our truest selves. Emotion is all about vulnerability, and that is why, in the cheesiest sense, it is so beautiful.”
Keah Brown, The Pretty One: On Life, Pop Culture, Disability, and Other Reasons to Fall in Love With Me

Bridget Farr
“Kids like Hamilton and Piper, who have only lived in one type of neighborhood, often judge people living in other ones. My favorite family before Marjorie lived with five kids and their abuela in the 'bad' part of town. my second-to-worst family had a pool in their backyard and a woman to clean their house every Monday. Money doesn't make a good family. Love does that.”
Bridget Farr, Pavi Sharma's Guide to Going Home

Aria Cole
“You've got a way with words, Mr. Banger,” I teased.
“You've got a way with my heart.”
Aria Cole, Banger

Dana Bate
“I first tried a cheesesteak spring roll ten years ago at my cousin's wedding at the Four Seasons in Philadelphia, and though I wasn't as unconvinced as Shauna, I had my doubts. That Philadelphians could bastardize a menu item didn't surprise me- this is, after all, the city that invented The Schmitter, a sandwich made of sliced beef, cheese, grilled salami, more cheese, tomatoes, fried onions, more cheese, and some sort of Thousand Island sauce- but the fact that the Four Seasons found it worthy of their fancy-pants menu intrigued me.
One bite and I knew I'd struck gold. The cheesy meat and onion filling oozed out of the crisp, fried wonton wrapper, enhancing the celebrated cheesesteak flavor with a sophisticated crunch. This weekend, I'm doing a similar riff, but instead of spring rolls, I'm using arancini, the Sicilian fried risotto balls that are usually stuffed with mozzarella and meat ragu. Instead, I will stuff mine with sautéed chopped beef, provolone, and fried onions and mushrooms. The crispy, saffron-scented rice balls will ooze with unctuous cheesesteak flavor, and I will secure my place among the culinary legends.”
Dana Bate, The Girls' Guide to Love and Supper Clubs

Flora Ferrari
“Something about the way he says my name makes me feel like everyone else has been saying it wrong my entire life.”
Flora Ferrari, Maid for the Doctor Next Door

Raven Kennedy
“The thorns reminded me of the way your arrow pierced me so sweetly,” he says with a sigh. “And the pink blossom reminded me of your hair, and how it would look fanned out over my chest after an intense love-making session.”

I groan and bury my head in my hands.
“What. The. Actual. Fuck.”
Raven Kennedy, Crimes of Cupidity

Alessa Kelly
“Go on! Melt on my nachos.”
Alessa Kelly, Hold Me Forever

Juno  Dawson
“It's very... christmas movie. Like the cheesy ones on channel 5, where some frosty bitch from the city breaks up with a smarmy lawyer, and has a breakdown, so has to go home to Leafy Glade, Alabama, where she reunites with the humble carpenter she dated in high school, and ends up working as a mall elf, and rediscovers the true meaning of Christmas.”
Juno Dawson, Stay Another Day

Stephanie Garber
“That's not going to work at all,' he muttered.

'Why not?' Evangeline spun around.


'Jacks frowned, his lips turning down at the corners. 'I think it will attract too many people.'

She laughed. 'That's the entire point of an inn, silly.'

His frown deepened. Possibly at being called silly.

That made Evangeline smile wider.

Then Jacks was taking hold of the ribbon around her waist and tugging her closer to him. She'd noticed before that he couldn't go very long without touching her. Tucking hair behind her ear, toying with the straps of her gown, coming up behind her and pressing kisses to the back of her neck as he wrapped his cool arms around her and whispered things that often made her blush.

'I don't want anyone here but you,' he murmured. Then in one of his lighting-fast moves, he deftly stole the paintbrush from her fingers.

'What are you doing?' she squeaked as Jacks released her waist and swished the brush across the sign, adding two letters right before the word happily.

'There,' he said smugly, 'it's fixed now.'

Evangeline scowled, as did the little blue dragon who'd been perched happily on the sign. The greeting on the sign, still swinging from Jacks' handiwork, now read:


Inn for Travellers, Adventurers

and Those searching for

UNHappily Ever After.

'No one will come if it says that,' Evangeline said.

'Don't be so pessimistic,' Jacks carelessly dropped the brush back in the bucket. 'People will still come. They'll just be a little cursed if they dare to stay here.'

(Indigo Exclusive Edition Alternate Ending).”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Katrina Kwan
“Alexander's selected the best potatoes they have in storage, a medium-sized white onion, a hearty block of Reblochon-style cheese, a slab of fatty bacon, and has even retrieved a dry white wine from the downstairs pantry.
Eden's mind races. The ingredients are simple, but there are hundreds of different possible outcomes. She can't even begin to fathom what Alexander has in store for her.
He handles his knives beautifully. His grip is strong, but just light enough to offer the most flexibility. It isn't very long before he slices up generous bits of bacon and has it sizzling in a hot pan, fat melting away and frying all around the meat to leave it nice and crisp. In goes finely minced onion, and then a good cup or so of white wine to deglaze the bottom of the pan. Then it's the potatoes, which he's skinned and sliced with mind-bending accuracy.
Alexander pops everything into an oven-proof dish before covering the top with a hefty layer of cheese. He places it in the oven, but doesn't bother setting a timer. He's a skilled enough chef to know when it's done.
"Are you going to tell me what this mystery dish is?" Eden asks.
Alexander smiles. "It's a tartiflette," he explains. "My father used to make it all the time. Comfort food, for when I wasn't feeling well.”
Katrina Kwan, Knives, Seasoning, & A Dash of Love

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