
Client Quotes

Quotes tagged as "client" Showing 1-27 of 27
Philip Kotler
“Marketing is not the art of finding clever ways to dispose of what you make. It is the art of creating genuine customer value.”
Philip Kotler

“The most important thing to remember is that the safe word is for the client; you bring mace.”
Isa K., The Condor

Kelley Armstrong
“Mr. Walsh?” a woman’s voice said. “Can I get a comment, Mr. Walsh?”
“That’s not about me, is it?” I said.
“No, my client. He’s on trial for killing his business partner and dissolving him in quicklime. Which is ridiculous.”
“It is. Anyone in my client’s line of work knows that quicklime is a very poor solvent. Chemical hydrolysis is the method of choice these days.”
Kelley Armstrong, Omens

Richie Norton
“When it comes to getting a job or client, congruent value is aligning the employer's need with your value add.”
Richie Norton, Résumés Are Dead and What to Do About It

“Great artists need great clients.”
I. M. Pei

Bernard-Marie Koltès
“Porque, não importa o que diga, a linha sobre a qual caminhava, de recta que talvez fosse, tinha passado a curva desde que me viu, e eu apercebi-me do momento exacto em que me viu pelo momento exacto em que o seu caminho se tornou curvo, e não uma curva que o afastasse de mim, mas uma curva para vir ter comigo, senão nunca nos teríamos encontrado, mas teria antes afastado ainda mais de mim, porque você estava à andar à velocidade de alguém que caminha de um ponto para outro; e eu nunca o teria apanhado porque eu só caminho lentamente, calmamente, quase imóvel, com o passo de alguém que não vai de um ponto para o outro mas que, num lugar imutável, espreita quem passa à sua frente e espera que modifique ligeiramente o seu percurso. E se eu digo que fez uma curva, e como sem dúvida há-de dizer que era um desvio para me evitar, ao que eu afirmarei, em resposta, que foi um movimento para se aproximar, sem dúvida que isso é assim porque no fim de contas você não se desviou, que qualquer linha recta só existe em relação a um plano, que nós nos movemos segundo dois planos distintos, e que no fim de contas só existe o facto que você olhou para mim e que eu interceptei esse olhar ou o inverso, e que, à partida, de absoluta que era, a linha segundo a qual você se movia tornou-se relativa e complexa, nem recta nem curva, mas fatal.”
Bernard-Marie Koltès, Dans la solitude des champs de coton

“Hookers, Hondas and Hollywood all approach customers with a different mindset than the rest of the business world. Whereas most businesses talk about the importance of "customer service," agents, mechanics and people of the night talk about "servicing customers."

It is an important distinction, as customer service is generally a reactive process in which professionals and businesses respond to the needs of their clients, while servicing customers involves exploration to discover what the customer needs in order to start firing all the cylinders.”
Ari Gold, The Gold Standard: Rules to Rule By

“It is not an individual act, architecture. You have to consider your client. Only out of that can you produce great architecture. You cannot work in the abstract.”
I. M. Pei

Steven Magee
“President Trump’s lifestyle is almost the complete opposite of what most health consultants advise their clients.”
Steven Magee

Osayi Emokpae Lasisi
“Why do all this? Because there are people out there who need you, and they will be more than willing to give you what you need so you can give them your best, but if you're busy pursuing everyone, or if you're so drained at the end of the day, you won't be able to be your best and give your best.”
Osayi Emokpae Lasisi, Billionaire Mindset (for MoneyMaking Mommies): How to make your Billions and build your legacy

Osayi Emokpae Lasisi
“We have to remember that making money is essentially exchanging one form of energy for another form of energy - we are exchanging our ideas, our creativity, our passions, for money...we are asking people to take money out of their bank accounts and put into ours because our ideas and our creativity is more valuable to them than their money.”
Osayi Emokpae Lasisi, Billionaire Mindset (for MoneyMaking Mommies): How to make your Billions and build your legacy

Richie Norton
“My job is to help my clients ask better questions.

My mentor taught me, 'Ask a better question, get a better answer.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“To 'wow' a client is to win a client.”
Richie Norton

Victoria Denault
“If you're worried about some weird client-contractor rule you're breaking, keep in mind I didn't hire you. I didn't want you here at all."

His lip quirks up in the corner. "But now you love me."

I smile back at him. "I'm pretty sure fucking your client is a bigger broken rule than just having them do manual labor for you.”
Victoria Denault, Now or Never

“We cannot tell a client what to do, but we can say what to do with what we say.”
Alan Maiccon

“It is as simple as that. Whatever the client most desires to come true, the psychic makes sure she sees it happening. In this day and age, this kind of highly reassuring message is perhaps the only one people cannot readily obtain from the media or anywhere else. Many, it seems, are prepared to pay good money to hear it said in a way that at least sounds sincere, reassuring, and credible.”
Ian Rowland, The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading: A Comprehensive Guide to the Most Persuasive Psychological Manipulation Technique in the World

“Western men hear about girls who are sold and forced to sell their bodies, but no one here is forced to do anything. I come to the bar to work, …and if I want to have sex with a client, I have sex with him. If I don't, then I won't. No one forces me to do anything I don't want to do. [NGO workers} come here trying to give us condoms or save us, [but] how can they help me when I make more money than them?'
—Vy, twenty-two-year-old hostess in Naughty Girls”
Kimberly Kay Hoang, Dealing in Desire: Asian Ascendancy, Western Decline, and the Hidden Currencies of Global Sex Work

Marcia Reynolds
“There isn’t one right way to coach; coaching is a spontaneous process between the coach and client.”
Marcia Reynolds, Coach the Person, Not the Problem: A Guide to Using Reflective Inquiry

“Ein Kunde ist jemand, der wiederkommt und dich aktiv empfiehlt. Alles andere ist nur Glückssache.”
Roger Basler de Roca

Richie Norton
“My amazing client! Reached out to me about a year and a half ago or so and told me he was working 80 hours a week at his job. We chatted and worked a way to start a new 'stupid idea' on his own. A year later he sold it for 7 figures. Woot! We are working together again.”
Richie Norton

Rob Liano
“The customer isn't always right, but they're always important.”
Rob Liano

Utibe Samuel Mbom
“A positive, beaming smile is the trap that catches customers.”
Utibe Samuel Mbom, The Event Usher’s Handbook

Eric Schmidt
“A-i da clientului ce-şi doreşte contează mai puțin decât a-i da ceea ce încă nu ştie că îşi doreşte.”
Eric Schmidt, How Google Works