
Cowboys Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cowboys" Showing 1-30 of 133
Cat Johnson
“When you choose a man who thinks eight seconds is a long time, perhaps you need two of them. Hmm?”
Cat Johnson

Annie Proulx
“Late in the afternoon, thunder growling, that same old green pickup rolled in and he saw Jack get out of the truck, beat up Resistol tilted back. A hot jolt scalded Ennis and he was out on the landing pulling the door closed behind him. Jack took the stairs two and two. They seized each other by the shoulders, hugged mightily, squeezing the breath out of each other, saying, son of a bitch, son of a bitch, then, and easily as the right key turns the lock tumblers, their mouths came together, and hard, Jack’s big teeth bringing blood, his hat falling to the floor, stubble rasping, wet saliva welling, and the door opening and Alma looking out for a few seconds at Ennis’s straining shoulders and shutting the door again and still they clinched, pressing chest and groin and thigh and leg together, treading on each other’s toes until they pulled apart to breathe and Ennis, not big on endearments, said what he said to his horses and his daughters, little darlin.”
Annie Proulx, Brokeback Mountain

C.J. Box
“Nothing spells trouble like two drunk cowboys with a rocket launcher.”
C.J. Box, Cold Wind

Lorelei James
“The more she stared, the happier his dick was to swell with pride, doing a stellar flagpole imitation.

About a year later, Tierney dragged her gaze away from his groin and looked him in the eye. "This is why I was against casual Thursdays. There's always that one person who takes it too far.”
Lorelei James, Wrangled and Tangled

Susan Pace-Koch
“Plans make dreams reality.”
Susan Pace-Koch, Get Out Of My Head, I Should Go To Bed

Jack Schaefer
“They did not look at each other. They did not say a word to each other... They knew that talk is meaningless when a common knowledge is already there. The silence bound them as no words ever could.”
Jack Schaefer

Annie Proulx
“Again the ranch is on the market and they’ve shipped out the last of the horses, paid everybody off the day before, the owner saying, ‘Give them to the real estate shark, I’m out a here,” dropping the keys in Ennis’s hand. He might have to stay with his married daughter until he picks up another job, yet he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream.”
Annie Proulx, Brokeback Mountain

Jack Schaefer
“Ernie's past friendship. Your debt is to the living.”
Jack Schaefer

C.H. Admirand
“Emily swore and he was impressed; he'd never thought to string cocksuckingsonofabitch together in one sentence. He couldn't help himself; the snort of laughter escaped before he could hold it in.”
C.H. Admirand

Jarod Kintz
“There will be no purple-haired feminists during the coming food famine. Soon, all women will find cattle ranchers to be the world's sexiest men.”
Jarod Kintz, I design saxophone music in blocks, like Stonehenge

Catt Ford
“Clay sat up, swinging a leg over Jeff's body to straddle him. He grabbed both wrists and pinned them by Jeff's head, bending closer until they shared a breath between parted lips.

"There's something about you, Jeff. Always something."

"I'm just an ordinary guy --" Jeff stopped when Clay shook his head vigorously.

"You're not. You're special."

"Special how?"

"You taste good.”
Catt Ford, Extreme Bull

C.H. Admirand
“Tyler rounded the hood and opened the door. 'What?' he asked when she grinned at him. 'You've got a slide-over-here-honey seat!' His eyes crinkled with laughter. 'Well, what are you doing all the way over there?”
C.H. Admirand

“Politics is a lot like walking through a feedlot in springtime: it's slow going and you're constantly surrounded by crap.”
Kristi Noem, Not My First Rodeo: Lessons from the Heartland

Mark  Warren
“Back at the oak the men lounged in the shade and finished up their meal. Watching Clayt down at the creek, Nestor threw out a quiet question for anyone who would listen.
“How come Clayt don’t wear no spurs?”
“Don’t need ’em,” Lou said. “You seen him ride. He can purty much control a horse with just his knees and neck-reinin’.”
Nestor lay back and propped on both elbows. Lifting a leg, he turned one boot in profile and spun the rowel with the toe of his other boot.
“Hell, I like the way it sounds when I walk.”
Lou stood and brushed off his trousers. “He don’t need that neither.”
Mark Warren, Indigo Heaven

Mark  Warren
“We put him to the test that afternoon after the Kid woke up. I piled every weapon we had into the wagon and trucked the arsenal halfway across the San Simon Valley. One by one I fired off a round from each of the borrowed weapons and wrote down the order in which I had sent the reports. When I returned at midafternoon, we compared my notes to the Kid’s. Jack had not once failed to identify gun make and model, caliber, and brand of ammunition. He was even able to tell whether I had fired off a report with my right or left hand. Lord knows how he did that.
I, of course, had to see it for myself. We sent Pate off to the South Pass of the Dragoons and he commenced to fire off rounds at dusk. BAM! came the first report, aborning to us from the distant mountains and then quickly disintegrating into the maw of the desert sky.
“Remington forty-four,” Jack said. “Eighteen sixty-nine model.” He sat on a rock with his hands splayed over his stumpy knees and his head cocked for the next selection.
Jack pursed his lips. “Colt’s Lightning . . . forty-one caliber . . . iv’ry grips.”
At this report Jack chuckled. “Well, first off . . . forty-five caliber Peacemaker, seven-and-a-half-inch barrel,” he announced proudly. Then he smiled. “That ol’ dodger Pate . . . he’s a slick one, tryin’ to pull one on me.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Along with the Colt he let go with a derringer, thirty-two caliber. Sounded like it ain’t been cleaned in a while.”
I sat down next to Jack and draped my arm over his rounded shoulders. “Jack, I believe you’ve given credence to the saying that every man on this earth serves a role.”
Jack gave me a look. “ ‘Serves a roll?’ Are we in the restaurant business again?”
Mark Warren, The Westering Trail Travesties, Five Little Known Tales of the Old West That Probably Ought to A' Stayed That Way

Mark  Warren
“His seventeen murders aside, Bob was not such a bad guy. I know, because I rode with him and his boys for almost a year. Once, Bob had stayed up half the night to sing an old Apache healing chant to a horse that had bloated with the colic. It worked too. Next morning we found a half-digested tumbleweed in a pile of dung. It measured three feet across. That must have been one hell of a chant.”
Mark Warren, The Westering Trail Travesties, Five Little Known Tales of the Old West That Probably Ought to A' Stayed That Way

LaKaysha Stenersen
“The great men and women of ancient times were dreams in their own way. Pioneers, explorers and cowboys lived with hopeful tomorrows and starry-eyed imaginings. They were lovers of the wind and tide, the romance of the deserts, mountains, and seas.
The thrill of the great unknown.
Despite their denials and insistence that there was nothing romantic about the way they lived, their actions spoke just the opposite. Dreams of new land, a new life,ba better tomorrow. Dreams of a girl, somewhere beyond the hills, with a heart full of love she'd give to the wandering man.”
LaKaysha Stenersen, Echoes of Mercy

Catt Ford
“All right, I figure I got a beating coming. Let's get at it."

"That's not why I came."

"Why did you then?"

"To find out why you did it."

Jeff looked at the floor. "I don't know."

"Want to do it again?”
Catt Ford, Extreme Bull

Lee Child
“Cowboys are the worst. Not much I can do to them that a horse already hasn't. - Reacher”
Lee Child, The Midnight Line

Jody Hedlund
“He wasn't willing to lose her. Not now. Not after all the loss he'd already experienced.
This time, he wasn't gonna sit around helplessly. He'd do everything he could to keep her alive, even if it cost him his own life.”
Jody Hedlund, To Tame a Cowboy

Robert Newton Peck
“Cows are stupid. Almost as brainless as the humans who herd 'em on horseback.”
Robert Newton Peck, Cowboy Ghost

Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy
“My woman is worth the world to me,” Boone replied. He hadn’t moved or lowered the weapon. “My brother, there, means plenty too. The last time you came around, I was flat on my back, near death, but I’m alive and well.”
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy, The Legacy of Boone Wilson

Aaron C. Rhodes
“Death faces every man. What makes a man is how he faces death.”
Aaron C Rhodes, American Cowboys

“His heart was in his head. His temples pounded with sorrow and rage. It was the kind of agony that only certain men could understand, men who had fought in endless wars, the kind of wars that left battle wounds all over their families and friends.”
Natalie Acres, Heaven Is A Place Called Missouri: A Serialized Western Romance

“The crack shot was like a sonic boom as an intermediate caliber rifle was used to take a life. Izzy wheeled around in a circle, holding her head with both hands as her screams kept coming.”
Natalie Acres, When Heaven Looks Like a Cowboy: A Serialized Western Contemporary Romance

“A war was coming to Heaven. And he would meet their enemy before they ever made it to the gates.”
Natalie Acres, When Heaven Looks Like a Cowboy: A Serialized Western Contemporary Romance

“Whatever the reason for their choices, too many country men saw the best years of their
lives melt with the ice cubes in the bottom of an empty whiskey glass.”
Mark E. Miller

“Whatever the reason for their choices, too many country men saw the best years of their lives
melt with the ice cubes in the bottom of an empty whiskey glass.”
Mark E. Miller

“Whatever the reason for their choices, too many country men saw the best years of their lives melt with the ice cubes in the bottom of an empty whiskey glass.”
Mark E. Miller

Mark E.   Miller
“Whatever the reason for their choices, too many country men saw the best years of their lives melt with the ice cubes in the bottom of an empty whiskey glass.”
Mark E. Miller, A Sometimes Paradise: Reflections on Life in a Wyoming Ranch Family

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