
Cuteness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "cuteness" Showing 1-30 of 56
Stephen         King
“One of the really bad things you can do to your writing is to dress up the vocabulary, looking for long words because you're maybe a little bit ashamed of your short ones. This is like dressing up a household pet in evening clothes. The pet is embarrassed and the person who committed this act of premeditated cuteness should be even more embarrassed.”
Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Richelle Mead
“My god, Sage. Your eyes. How have I never noticed them? When you stand in the light. They're amazing... like molten gold. I could paint those... They're beautiful. You're beautiful.”
Richelle Mead, Bloodlines

Emma Donoghue
“[E]verywhere I'm looking at kids, adults mostly don't seem to like them, not even the parents do. They call the kids gorgeous and so cute, they make the kids do the thing all over again so they can take a photo, but they don't want to actually play with them, they'd rather drink coffee talking to other adults. Sometimes there's a small kid crying and the Ma of it doesn't even hear.”
Emma Donoghue, Room

William S. Burroughs
“Like most qualities, cuteness is delineated by what it isn't. Most people aren't cute at all, or if so they quickly outgrow their cuteness ... Elegance, grace, delicacy, beauty, and a lack of self-consciousness: a creature who knows he is cute soon isn't.”
William S. Burroughs, The Cat Inside

“A kitten is the delight of a household. All day long a comedy is played out by an incomparable actor.”
Champfleury, The Cat Past And Present

Natsuki Takaya
“I kept making you cry... didn't I?

- Hatori Sohma”
Natsuki Takaya, Fruits Basket, Vol. 2

Lauren Oliver
“My boyfriend's an idiot," I say as soon as he lurches away.

"A cute idiot," Ally corrects me.

"That's like saying 'a cute mutant.' Doesn't exist.”
Lauren Oliver, Before I Fall

Rosemary Clement-Moore
“You're not hurt, are you?"
"Only my delicate sensibilities.”
Rosemary Clement-Moore, Texas Gothic

Pierce Brown
“Oh. Darrow. I remembered. No more Truffle Pig. She hates it. Says it’s demeaning to her other contributions and athletic stature.”

“Uh-huh. Well. She doesn’t get to choose her own callsign.”

“Of course not. I was thinking Strawberry Lass. No? Crow Whisperer? Red Rabbit?”

“We’ll figure it out later.” I have a thought. “What do they call baby eagles?”

He acts like he’s just seen a puppy. “Eaglet. Oh gods. She’ll die.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“Without you on this journey I would have fallen apart. You’re my brother, Cassius.”

He thinks I speak in hyperbole. “What’s next then, when this journey ends?” he asks.

“Cassius. I wasn’t just talking about this trip. By journey, I meant my life.” He looks over at me, touched and more than a bit surprised. “You’re my brother. We let ten years slip past. Ten years we should have fought side by side. I won’t make that mistake again. Whether you like it or not, you’re with me to the end.”

A very small “Oh,” is all he can manage. He thinks for a long moment. “I mean that’s a lot of commitment, Darrow.”

I knew the sarcasm was coming but I still almost burst a stitch laughing.

“Brothers,” he murmurs. “It does feel like it fits. We’ll try it on.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Wataru Watari
“It was a rather cute reaction, but as I wasn’t a part of any of that, I didn't give a damn.”
Wataru Watari, やはり俺の青春ラブコメはまちがっている。2

Laura Kinsale
“She instantly lowered her face, staring at her lap, so that nothing was visible of her beyond the clusters of sunflower curls that framed the netted bun on top of her head. Intrigued by the curve of one plump cheek, he lifted her chin and made her look toward him, ignoring her flinch as he touched her.
His first impression was of green eyes, wide as a baby owl's and just as solemn. Dumpling cheeks, a straight nose, and a firm little mouth- all ordinary, and all in common female proportion. There was nothing notably strange about her features- and yet it was an odd face, the kind of face that looked out of burrows and tree-knots and hedgerows, unblinking, innocent and as old as time. If she'd had whiskers to twitch it wouldn't have surprised him, so strong was the impression of a small, prudent wild creature with dark brows like furry markings.
Strangely, she made him want to smile, as if he'd just pulled aside a branch and discovered a nightingale staring gravely back at him from its nest. He found himself reacting in the same way, consciously containing his moves and his voice, as if he might startle her away.
"Hullo," he said softly, giving her a light, suggestive chuck beneath her plump chin as he let her go.”
Laura Kinsale, Seize the Fire

Pierce Brown
“You all right?” I ask.

“I was used as a bus driver for a spy I’m in love with who I thought rescued me because she thought I was a hero, whose protégé chose to become a tyrant and shoot my best friend’s protégé in the head—whom I find out was the paragon of honor.” He smiles. “I’m over the moon, goodman.”

I squeeze his shoulder. “If it counts, I think you’re a hero.” He snorts a laugh but doesn’t throw my hand off. I pat his shoulder. “So I’m your best friend.”

He glares at me. “Don’t rub it in.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Rick Riordan
“Kau ini. Bagaimana dia mengatakannya? Canggung, tapi menyentuh hati.”
Rick Riordan, The Throne of Fire

Whoooa! Red! Green! Yellow! Brown! Purple! Even black!
Look at all those bowls full of brilliantly colored batter!"
She used strawberries, blueberries, matcha powder, cocoa powder, black sesame and other natural ingredients to dye those batters. They look like a glittering array of paints on an artist's palette!

"Now that all my yummy edible paints are ready...
...it's picture-drawing time!"
"She twisted a sheet of parchment paper into a piping bag and is using it to draw all kinds of cute pictures!"
"You're kidding me! Look at them all! How did she get that fast?!"

Not only that, most chefs do rough sketches first, but she's doing it off the cuff! How much artistic talent and practice does she have?!
"All these cutie-pies go into the oven for about three minutes. After that I'll take them out and pour the brown sugar batter on top..."
"It appears she's making a roll cake if she's pouring batter into that flat a pan."
"Aah, I see. It must be one of those patterned roll cakes you often see at Japanese bakeries. That seems like an unusually plain choice, considering the fanciful tarts she made earlier."
"The decorations just have to be super-cute, too."
"OOOH! She's candy sculpting!"
"So pretty and shiny!"
That technique she's using- that's Sucre Tiré (Pulled Sugar)! Of all the candy-sculpting arts, Sucre Tiré gives the candy a glossy, nearly glass-like luster... but keeping the candy at just the right temperature so that it remains malleable while stretching it to a uniform thickness is incredibly difficult!
Every step is both delicate and exceptionally difficult, yet she makes each one look easy! She flows from one cutest technique to the next, giving each an adorable flair! Just like she insisted her apple tarts had to be served in a pretty and fantastical manner...
... she's even including cutesy performances in the preparation of this dish!

Yuto Tsukuda, 食戟のソーマ 29 [Shokugeki no Souma 29]

Ali Hazelwood
“— Потому что, когда я с тобой, Мэллори, все по-другому. Когда я с тобой, я больше хочу играть, чем выигрывать.”
Ali Hazelwood, Check & Mate

J.L. Merrow
“It was weird, ’cause there we were in Italy listening to people singing in German. The music was nice, though, and there was this guy dressed up like a parrot. If you’d asked me a year ago to guess what opera was like, I’d never have guessed it had guys dressed as parrots. I might’ve wanted to go and see some sooner if I’d known. It was a sweet story, ’cause he met this girl who was dressed as a parrot too, and they got off together.”
J.L. Merrow, Muscling Through

“Show me all your sides, dive with me to your deepest points and guide me to your Everest. I'll always adore the way you are yourself, so don't tell me being sad makes me unhappy or love you less.”
Wouter Van Gastel

Peter Abrahams
“You’re born cute. Babies are cute. Not hard to guess why – it’s so everyone will forgive them for being such a pain. You grow a little older, and people say, what beautiful hair, or get a load of those baby blues,’ or something nice that keeps you thinking you’re still on the cuteness track. Then you hit twelve or thirteen and boom, they tell you everything needs fixing.”
Peter Abrahams, Down the Rabbit Hole

Claire Vaye Watkins
“Cute is the worst way to be. Cute is an act of erasure. Cute is gynophobia writ large.”
Claire Vaye Watkins, Gold Fame Citrus

Pierce Brown
“Four days out from the dockyards, and Sevro and I have apparently forgotten how to talk to each other. At the same time, we can’t seem to ever be more than one room away from each other or avoid touching each other when we are in the same room. It’s weird like that. The push and pull of a war bond that goes as deep as ours. So much guilt, but at the same time he’s my security and refuge, and I am his.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“I watch him for a moment. “The Pink isn’t here.”

He frowns. “And…what does that mean?”

“You’re sweet on her. Why else would you be so nice to me?”

“Shall I be rude?” he flirts and I blush. “Is that your bent?” He sighs. “Maybe that’s the fashion now. Haven’t been back to Mars in an age.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“You only have to tell her something once. Cassius has taken to her. Gods know they spend enough time together clinking cups into the wee hours. I know she fills the vacuum Pytha and Lysander left when they deserted Cassius, but I’m surprised how fond she is of him in return. Cassius au Bellona is the last person I’d expect a Red to like.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“I’m not leaving so let’s not bicker at the last. You can escape into the volcanoes, lose them in the spews.”
“Oh, shut up.”
“Mars needs you. Your boy—”
“If Pax grows up to be as stupid as you, I’ll be a proud father. I’m not leaving you.”
“Really?” He sounds incredibly touched. “You’d really die here with me? I just…well…I thought that was your and Sevro’s thing. Thank you, Darrow.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“And my word is my bond,” he says.

“I flew the Archimedes on Io. I—”

“My goodlady, I mean this with all my heart. That was not flying. That was just ‘not crashing.’ That you avoided a finale in the hard deck doesn’t mean my latrines should be devoid of your affection.” He pinches my cheek. “Your face. It’s a jape.” I stab at him with the vomit mop. He takes it away faster than I can blink and stores it on the wall.

“You’re a condescending pricklick,” I say.

“Only to my favorites.” I blush when he winks at me.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“What you did on Io. Why you did it. It’s just…” I look down, feeling stupid, knowing he doesn’t need compliments from me. “I dunno. I just think you’re a good man and you have a huge heart and I don’t think people say that enough. Just wanted you to know that I see it, Bellona.”

For once, he doesn’t have anything ironic to say. His eyes glitter, and he bends, looks into my eyes, and kisses me on the cheek. I’m filled with an urge to protect him and his too-fragile heart. “Go on now. Before I try to keep you,” he says.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Pierce Brown
“I have a warrant badge,” I say as the lift begins to rise. “I would have used it to get past that tinpot. Truth is you just can’t stay away from me, Bellona.”
Pierce Brown, Light Bringer

Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
“Strictly as a matter of taste, I do not like children. Small animals are adorable in the way my biology programs me to find large-eyed, small-skulled mammals adorable, and they can grow up into formidable or admirable creatures--cubs become bears, calves become elephants, fledglings become eagles. Babies lack language, which makes me bored and impatient, then turn into children, whose saccharine vocal emissions grate my nerves, and then turn into adult humans, the most monstrous of all animals.”
Karla Cornejo Villavicencio, The Undocumented Americans

“Me and my cold feet could always just sleep over there. Alone.”
“Like hell I’m letting you sleep alone,” I mutter.
And then I’m shaking my head, wrapping an arm around her legs, and pulling them against me.
She looks at me, shocked. And then she smiles, bright and big like the night sky hanging above us.
I fear she could rival the stars.”
Lauren Roberts, Reckless

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