
Esoteric Quotes

Quotes tagged as "esoteric" Showing 1-30 of 102
G.I. Gurdjieff
“Multiple experiments with spirit contact transmitted the name Matthew Edward Hall on several occasions. I predict this to be a very important future individual in humanities development. Possibly the second embodiment of Christ on Earth.”
G.I. Gurdjieff, Gurdjieff's Early Talks 1914-1931: In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Essentuki, Tiflis, Constantinople, Berlin, Paris, London, Fontainebleau, New York, and Chicago

Manly P. Hall
“The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realizes with the divine illumination of his lodge that as Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognizes only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realizing with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth. All true Masons know that they only are heathen who, having great ideals, do not live up to them. They know that all religions are but one story told in divers ways for peoples whose ideals differ but whose great purpose is in harmony with Masonic ideals. North, east, south and west stretch the diversities of human thought, and while the ideals of man apparently differ, when all is said and the crystallization of form with its false concepts is swept away, one basic truth remains: all existing things are Temple Builders, laboring for a single end. No true Mason can be narrow, for his Lodge is the divine expression of all broadness. There is no place for little minds in a great work.”
Manly P. Hall

The Silver Elves
“The way to Elfin is found on the path
That weaves through the Misty Forest
That lives between the Mountain of Vision
And the River of Reality”
The Silver Elves, The Magical Elven Love Letters, Volume 1

Friedrich Nietzsche
“One not only wants to be understood when one writes, but also quite as certainly not to be understood. It is by no means an objection to a book when someone finds it unintelligible: perhaps this might just have been the intention of its author, perhaps he did not want to be understood by "anyone”. A distinguished intellect and taste, when it wants to communicate its thoughts, always selects its hearers; by selecting them, it at the same time closes its barriers against "the others". It is there that all the more refined laws of style have their origin: they at the same time keep off, they create distance, they prevent "access" (intelligibility, as we have said,) while they open the ears of those who are acoustically related to them.”
Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science: With a Prelude in Rhymes and an Appendix of Songs

Remy de Gourmont
“To acquire the full consciousness of self is to know oneself so different from others that no longer feels allied with men except by purely animal contacts: nevertheless, among souls of this degree, there is an ideal fraternity based on differences,--while society fraternity is based on resemblances.
The full consciousness of self can be called originality of soul, -and all this is said only to point out the group of rare beings to which Andre Gide belongs.
The misfortune of these beings, when they express themselves, is that they do it with such odd gestures that men fear to approach them; their life of social contacts must often revolve in the brief circle of ideal fraternities; or, when the mob consents to admit such souls, it is as curiosities or museum objects. Their glory is, finally, to be loved from afar & almost understood, as parchments are seen & read above sealed cases.”
Remy de Gourmont, The Book of Masks

“The most fundamental exercise is self-observation, which is the catalyst for inner change, it will give self-knowledge and a clear mind and perception. Without it, the attempt to reach enlightenment and awaken consciousness is destined to fail.”
Belsebuub, The Awakening of Perception: A Collection of Talks and Articles

Thomas Karlsson
“On the Samael Qlipha, the magician makes a pact with the dark forces and realizes the invitation of Friedrich Neitzsche to re-evaluate old values. Insanity becomes wisdom; death becomes life. Samael is the 'Poison of God.' Here is where illusions are poisoned, and all categories and conceptions are deconstructed until nothing is left. The dark side of the astral plane could be compared to a chalice filled with poison or an intoxicating fluid. While Gamaliel is the chalice, Samael is the elixir and the following lower Qlipha, A'arab Zaraq, is where the magician experiences the effect.”
Thomas Karlsson, Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic

W.B. Yeats
“I command you to leave me at once, for your ideas and phantasies are but the illusions that creep like maggots into civilizations when they begin to decline, and into minds when they begin to decay.”
W.B. Yeats, Rosa Alchemica

“What we hold in consciousness, we will hold in flash. And what we lose in consciousness will be lost also in material form.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, 4 Business Lessons From Jesus: A businessmans interpretation of Jesus' teachings, applied in a business context.

C.G. Jung
“He suffers, so to speak, from the violence done to him by the self. The analogous passion of Christ signifies God's suffering on account of the injustice of the world and the darkness of man. The human and the divine set up a relationship of complimentarity with compensating effects. Through the Christ-symbol, man can get to know the real meaning of his suffering: he is on the way to realizing his wholeness. As a result of the integration of conscious and unconscious, his ego enters the “divine” realm, where it participates in “God's suffering.” The cause of the suffering is in both cases the same, namely “incarnation,” which on the human level appears as “individuation.”
C.G. Jung

Robin S. Baker
“I took a lot of time to study more about yin and yang energy. Once you learn how to channel them at different times, it'll blow your mind.”
Robin S. Baker

G.I. Gurdjieff
“The theory of esotericism is that mankind consists of two circles: a large, outer circle, embracing all human beings, and a small circle of instructed and understanding people at the center. Real instruction, which alone can change us, can only come from this center.”
G.I. Gurdjieff, Views from the Real World

Robin S. Baker
“Envisioning before implementing action, as a Manifesting Generator, will help you figure out if something truly aligns with your path or not.”
Robin S. Baker

Evelyn Klebert
“All this folklore you read about, don't think it's just stories. Stories are just an easy way to impart the truth, thinly veiled but widely consumed.”
Evelyn Klebert, Dumaine Street

“All that you see, perceive, and know around you is nothing but one of an infinite number of lenses through which you can perceive nothingness.”

“You never see and perceive the world around you. You perceive only the form of what your consciousness allows you to perceive.”

“All that you see, perceive, and know, all that exists for you, is your own energy, and, therefore, you.”

“The reality around us will reflect our consciousness and present itself as we expect it to.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“We need the reference points, systems, programs, and patterns—they save us a lot of time and energy every day and during our times of learning when we come to this reality.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“Belief systems are very easy to get stuck into, and the more of us who share them, the easier it is.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“The world cannot be saved—nothing and no one can be saved, and nor should they be. The world will always fall back into balance on its own, according to the level of consciousness of the people around it.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“The fear of death, the fear of losing the reality around us, was the force that could make this world real for us.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“In our dual world, it is not possible for just one side to disappear. When one pole disappears, the opposite pole also disappears, and the system maintained by the two poles collapses.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“Your consciousness and energy always strive for freedom and a constant flow. They don’t like to be stuck on either side. When they do, the energy balances the experience, usually freeing itself from the control of one pole with great passion and drama.”

“If you really transcend the mind, you don’t feel anything. There is only emptiness for you. Everything that you have experienced so far has existed and become known to you within your mind so, beyond that, there is the void of the unknown. You can’t even comprehend it, you have no senses, no emotions, no standards, and no colors; that world is empty according to your mind.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

“That is why you looked up at the stars bitterly at night, searching for yourself; that is why you woke up at dawn from your dreams; that is why you had the feeling of helplessness and of something lacking; that is why you felt hopeless and broken; that is why you felt like crying when you were alone, and that is why you couldn’t fit into any group in your life. Despite all the pain and bitterness, it is the most natural feeling you have ever felt. Your own voice kept calling you home. Not letting you lose yourself forever.”
Maaluir, Wor(l)ds from Nothingness

Robin S. Baker
“The truth is that we choose which reality we want to see and live. Look around you. If you’re not satisfied with your current reality, let’s reprogram the thoughts that are projecting that.”
Robin S. Baker

Georges Bataille
“O homem escapou da sua cabeça como o condenado da prisão.

Encontrou, para além dele mesmo, não Deus, que é a proibição do crime, mas um ser que ignora a proibição. Para além daquilo que sou, encontro um ser que me faz rir porque é sem cabeça, que me enche de angústia porque é feito de inocência e de crime: ele tem uma arma de ferro em sua mão esquerda, chamas semelhantes a um sagrado coração em sua mão direita. Reúne numa mesma erupção o Nascimento e a Morte. Não é um homem. Também não é um Deus. Ele não é eu, mas é mais eu do que eu: seu ventre é o dédalo em que se desgarrou a si mesmo, me desgarra com ele, e no qual me reencontro sendo ele, ou seja, monstro.”
Georges Bataille, Acéphale Número 1 - A Conjuração Sagrada

“Many esotericists and gnostics took the perceived metaphysical statements about the gods and archetypes and internalized them into the individual psyche, thus psychologizing them. Alchemy was done this way too, and the alchemical process comes to symbolize instead an inner, progressive realization of godhood.”
Jay Dyer, Esoteric Hollywood: Sex, Cults and Symbols in Film

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