
Gage Quotes

Quotes tagged as "gage" Showing 1-14 of 14
Lisa Kleypas
“What are you thinking?" he asks.

I know Gage hates it when I cry - he is completely undone by the sight of tears - so I blink hard against the sting. "I'm thinking how thankful I am for everything," I say, "even the bad stuff. Every sleepless night, every second of being lonely, every time the car broke down, every wad of gum on my shoe, every late bill and losing lottery ticket and bruise and broken dish and piece of burnt toast."

His voice is soft. "Why, darlin'?"

"Because it all led me here to you.”
Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy

Lisa Kleypas
“And I wonder how Gage knew this is what my soul has craved. He turns me to face him, his eyes searching. It occurs to me that no one in my life has ever concerned himself so thoroughly with my happiness.”
Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy

Addison Moore
“I try to ignore the fact that he's sprawled out next to me in all his birthday suit glory right now which totally confuses the hell out of me. What am I supposed to be doing? Should I grab onto it with both hands like a fire hose?”
Addison Moore, Vex

Nicole Edwards
“I love you Travis. I've loved you since the day I met you. It killed me that you walked away, but it was the right thing to do. We weren't ready. We weren't ready because we weren't complete. We needed to wait for Gage to find us.”
Nicole Edwards, Travis

Lisa Kleypas
“You're so full of it, darlin'.”
Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy

Lisa Kleypas
“So if you were dating the UPS guy, he could buy you whatever the hell he wanted. But I cant."well...yes, but I'd never date the UPS guy. Those brown shorts are just not a turn-on for me.”
Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy

Jocelynn Drake
“I think I should be in mourning. Many brain cells were lost in the creation of that orgasm."

Trixie chuckled. "I appreciate their sacrifice.”
Jocelynn Drake, Dead Man's Deal

Addison Moore
“We all know whose side you're on," marshall says, picking him up and launching him toward the window. The explosive sound of glass shattering fills the room. The walls tremble from the sheer heft of his violent exit.

"What the hell?" Barron rushes in with a needle at the ready.
"I've removed your son from the premises per Skyla's wishes.”
Addison Moore, Toxic Part One

Lisa Kleypas
“I looked down at the brochure nearest me."We're going to Nigeria," I threatened. "I hope you like elephant polo."

-Liberty Jones”
Lisa Kleypas, Sugar Daddy

Jocelynn Drake
“I could feel her wipe away something wet, but I refused to think she had made me cry as well as admit that I was a coward. The League of Men was going to come confiscate my balls at this rate. But it didn't matter. Trixie was worth it.”
Jocelynn Drake, Dead Man's Deal

Jocelynn Drake
“Fan-fucking-tastic. Not only were Jo and Trixie in danger from this master vampire, but Trixie's beleif in my prickishness was fading fast.

Priorities. I need to focus on getting Jo free of Chester permanently while protecting Trixie from any backlash from the master vampire. I could always prove to her later that I was a dick.”
Jocelynn Drake, The Asylum Interviews: Trixie
tags: dick, gage

A.L. Jackson
“Yup, Uncle Logan said my dad finally got some so he doesn't have to be such a d-i-c-k, anymore. What'd he get, anyway, Uncle?" The question twisted Gage's brow into a knot as he tipped his head back to look up as his uncle who'd moved to stand behind him. Trent's brother was suppressing laughter as he pressed his lips to Gage's forehead.

"Seems he got something really special.”
A.L. Jackson, Give Me a Reason

Jocelynn Drake
“I didn't mean it to sound so challenging, but I needed to try to reassure my friend. Gritting my teeth, I tried to think of some way to placate Gideon. It was as if I was standing in quicksand, the earth slipping away from my feet the more I spoke. A smart man would keep his mouth shut. I wasn't always a smart man.”
Jocelynn Drake, Dead Man's Deal

J.B. Salsbury
“There's something about him that's impossible to walk away from. Like an injured boy being held captive by his abuser. But Gage isn't his abuser; he's his warrior kachina. His real-life protector made of muscle and bone and capable of inflicting damage on anyone who stands in his way. Pushing anyone who has the potential to hurt Lucas away, but also everyone who has the potential to love him.”
J.B. Salsbury, Split