
Handicap Quotes

Quotes tagged as "handicap" Showing 1-27 of 27
Stephen Hawking
“If one is physically disabled, one cannot afford to be *psychologically* disabled as well.”
Stephen Hawking

Stephen Cosgrove
“As you walk, hop, hobble, or wheel
Meeting people of different kinds,
Remember that being handicapped
Is only a state of mind”
Stephen Cosgrove, Fanny

Michael Bassey Johnson
“People with disabilities are sometimes very humble and approachable, if you want a seasoned reputation, then behave like one of the handicaps.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Samuel Johnson
“Nothing has more retarded the advancement of learning than the disposition of vulgar minds to ridicule and vilify what they cannot comprehend.”
Samuel Johnson, The Rambler, Vol. 4

“Sometimes life is your opponent and just showing up is a victory.”
John Passaro, In the Zone and Other Sports Essays

Jean-Dominique Bauby
“You can handle the wheelchair," said the occupational therapist, with a smile intended to make the remark sound like good news, whereas to my ears it had the ring of a life sentence.”
Jean-Dominique Bauby, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Mathias Malzieu
“My handicap will be a weapon of seduction? Do you really think so?”
Mathias Malzieu, La Mécanique du cœur

Criss Jami
“On athleticism, God knows no favor. It seems rather he is in the business of teaching winners how to lose and losers how to win.”
Criss Jami, Healology

“Pride is a very dangerous disease that can turn your talent, asset, and achievements into a handicap.”
Uzoma Nnadi

Sam Kean
“In fact, his travelogues spend amazingly little time discussing his blindness. Only one passage stands out for its frank discussion of his handicap and how it changed his worldview. In it, Holman was reminiscing about a few rendezvous from his past. Disarmingly, he admitted that he had no idea what his paramours looked like, or even whether they were homely. Moreover, he didn't care: by abandoning the standards of the sighted world, he argues, he could tap into a more divine and more authentic beauty. Hearing a woman's voice and feeling her caresses -- and then filling in what was missing with his own fancy -- gave him more pleasure than the mere sight of a women ever had, he said, a pleasure beyond reality. "Are there any who imagine," Holman asked, "that my loss of eyesight must necessarily deny me the enjoyment of such contemplation? How much more do I pity the mental darkness which could give rise to such an error.”
Sam Kean, The Tale of the Dueling Neurosurgeons: The History of the Human Brain as Revealed by True Stories of Trauma, Madness, and Recovery

“Een handicap is dichterbij dan u denkt. Probeer maar eens een website te bedienen met een gebroken pols of RSI-klachten.”
Peter Kassenaar, Handboek Website Usability

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“As impossibly paradoxical as is seems, is it possible that our limp is the very thing that allows us to run? And without a limp, could we in reality run?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we fail to instill a fixed sense of confidence in our children, we will raise handicapped children who have no handicap other than the conviction that they believe they do.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“I see in the papers that the singer, Frank Ifield, popular in the fifties, is planning a comeback. I remember reviewing his debut at the Palladium under the insane misapprehension that he was blind. (I had him confused with a blind vocalist who bore a similar name.) I watched agape with admiration while he strolled around the stage with every appearance of knowing where he was going, and I burst into spontaneous applause as he strode down to within a foot of the orchestra pit without the least sign of fear. By the end of his act I was misty with tears at the thought of his courage. I often wonder what he thought when he read the review in which I congratulated him on the gallantry with which he had overcome the handicap of sightlessness.”
Kenneth Tynan, The Diaries of Kenneth Tynan

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“A real handicap is the one who pushes down others to see his stand”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

“A non handicapped person who pretends to be one just to rely on begging, has ignorantly allowed poverty to monopolise his destiny.”
Elijah Onyemmeri

Sara Desai
“If you're worried that her wheelchair is an issue," John said, "I'll just remind you that your personality handicap hasn't stopped us from being friends."
Puzzled, Sam frowned. "What personality handicap?"
"Your inability to see things that are staring you in the face.”
Sara Desai, The Marriage Game

“Doven zijn geen gehandicapte mensen, maar mensen met een handicap.”
Wiljo Oosterom

Stephen Hawking
“I have had a full and satisfying life. I believe that disabled people should concentrate on things that their handicap doesn't precent them from doing and not regret those they can't do.”
Stephen Hawking, My Brief History

Nick Vujicic
“Often the very challenges that we think are holding us back are, in fact, making us stronger. You should be open to the possibility that today’s handicap might be tomorrow’s advantage (pp. 43-44).”
Nick Vujicic, Life Without Limits

“Anguish is the most dangerous disease that makes you handicap for lifetime.”
Yash Thakur

Paul Bamikole
“Often times, celebrated disability is a excuse to cover up real abilities.”
Paul Bamikole

Vincent Okay Nwachukwu
“Big headedness is no handicap; wearing a cap to conceal it is utter crap. After all, a big brain cannot be accommodated in a small skull.”
Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1

Carlos Wallace
“Your emotions should not be your handicap.”
Carlos Wallace

“The people in this dream were not figments of his imagination alone. He was not dealing with just confused emotional issues resurfacing, not if he was right. He was dealing with something more. The evidence itself, if he was right, was the best expositor of the party. This was especially true when one puts it together with his last memory.

It was incredible! It couldn't be true, could it? I might be hearing people' thoughts? How? Why? There simply has to be another explanation. Why now? Why me? Could this be a result of the selection pressures placed on organisms that I learned about in science class?

Alex understood that he was intelligent and that there were selection pressures that were placed on an organism by the environment and by other means, but he did not understand why it would happen to him and not others. It was not like there was a shortage of wealthy kids, or wealthy handicap kids, as far as he knew.”
L.B. Ó Ceallaigh, Souls' Inverse

“A non-disabled person who pretends to be one, only to rely on begging, has unwittingly allowed poverty to monopolise his destiny.”
Elijah Onyemmeri

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I will most certainly focus on one of two things; the nagging deficits of my handicap, or the masterful honing brought about by my handicap. And my choice of focus will determine if my handicap will remain a handicap.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough