
Harry Styles Quotes

Quotes tagged as "harry-styles" Showing 1-30 of 42
One Direction
“Why did the mushroom go to the party?
Because he's a fungi!”
One Direction, One Direction: Forever Young: Our Official X Factor Story

“I don't think you can define love.”
Harry Styles

“My first real crush was... Louis Tomlinson.”
Harry Styles

One Direction
“You know I'll be
Your Life
Your Voice
Your Reason To Be
My Love
My Heart
Is Breathing For this
Moment in Time
I'll Find the words to say
Before You leave me Today”
One Direction

Louis Tomlinson
“And I'd marry you, Harry. Because it rhymes.”
Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson
“And as for you, stop having curly hair!”
Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson
“Woah! Calm down, Curly!”
Louis Tomlinson

One Direction
“You hand fits in mine like its made to be but bear this in mind it was meant to be and im joining up the dots with the freckles on you cheeks and it all makes sense to me. I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile you've never loved your stomach or your thighs and the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine but I love them endlessly.I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if i do its you oh its you they add up to and Im in love with you and all your little thing. You can't go to bed without a cup of tea and maybe thats the reason that you talk in you sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that I keep though it makes no sense to me. I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape you never want to know how much you weigh you still have to squeeze into to your jeans but you're perfect to me. I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth but if its true its you its these they add up to and Im in love with you and all you little things. You'll never love yourself half as much as I love you and you'll never treat yourself right darlin' but I want you to if I let you know I'm here for you then maybe you'll love yourself like I love you ohhhhh. And I've just let these little things slip out of my mouth cause its you oh its you its you they add up to and Im in love with you and all your little things I wont let these little things slip out of my mouth but if its true its you its you they add up to and im in love with you and all your little things. <3”
One Direction

Niall Horan
“Give it up for Harry Pottery”
Niall Horan

Louis Tomlinson
“Remember people you may not be plastic...but you are fantastic! never forget that”
Louis Tomlinson

Louis Tomlinson
“Mary? She's mine.
Yeah, but we had that thing...
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles

“He looks like a poem. One of those mournfully beautiful ones with short, unfamiliar words that sound ethereal when spoken and completely nonsensical when thought.”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“I'm yours. If you'll have me, I'm yours”
H28, Dark

“Treat people with kindness.”
Harry Styles

“I can’t grow attached to shadows. They’re gone as quickly as they come”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“It's like watching a bird that's been caged its whole existence and is suddenly released, overwhelmed with freedom and life, filling its lungs with what it never dared breathe and filling its eyes with what it never dared see.”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“but he can’t seem to look away as he stands among chrysanthemums and daisies on a cobblestone path, the tragic musk of roses settled in the air, staring up at dimly lit windows, searching for a boy who barely exists.”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“Harry’s somewhere beyond the realm of existence, in the dark corners that get forgotten or shunned, and he’s far away from everybody, so far away, but Louis imagines himself reaching out, imagines stretching his hand into the bleak darkness, and imagines his fingers brushing against the bits of Harry that are still there. And that’s all he needs.”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“It’s just how it is. Not everybody was born to be inherently ‘good’. The world is going to be filled with different characters, different flavours, different levels of respectability and whatnot, and Louis just so happens to be on the lower ranks. He’s not good, he’s not brave, and he’s not out to save anyone except himself. Even fairytales have their villains — it’s a part of life. And it’s always been that way. Louis’ always been a bit harsher around the edges. He certainly isn’t going to be winning any “Humanitarian of the Year” awards, that’s for sure. And he doesn’t mind it so much, being thoroughly unaffected by anything and everything and totally removed from his peers and their very trivial lives. Because he’s not like the rest of them. That’s the thing. They’re all the fucking same. With their money and their uppity attitudes and twattiness and their preconceived notions and recycled sentences that disappear as quickly as they come. The same.”

“He wants to take it back instantly. But he doesn’t. He just sits there, staring at this tornado of a boy with deep shadows and dark curls and holds his fucking hand like a child, unable to pry himself away”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“We were two distinct entities, a planet and its moon, drawn together by a gravitational force out of our control, spinning around each other in perfect synchronicity.”
AudreyHornesHeart, Flightless Bird

“Beams of moonlight catch on his face, illuminating his pallid skin, crimson lips, and the soft petals of the blossoms tucked in his hair”
Velvetoscar, Young & Beautiful

“If you're going to get in trouble for hitting someone, might as well hit them hard.”
Harry Styles

“In my most darkest and alone moments, I always wished someone would´ve been there to give me a hug”
Julez , Duplicity [h.s]

“if you're happy doing what you're doing, then nobody can tell you you're not succesful.”
Harry Styles

“You know how I…go through phases?” he asks, and his eyes flash up to Louis who blinks, confused.

“Like the strawberries and the gingerbread?”

“Exactly,” Harry smiles. “Like those. Well, I’ve always been that way, you see. I become fascinated by something, immerse myself in it…and then I’m done with it. Because, you see, once I’ve adored something, once I’ve found something perfectly beautiful, it is fleeting. It will never be perfect or wonderful to me again because I’ve already experienced it, already taken everything from it that I could.”

Louis nods. That’s, maybe, the worst way in the world to think about things, but he nods. Because Harry’s not finished, and this all suddenly feels…very odd. He swallows his last mouthful and sets down his food, waiting for Harry to continue, skin beginning to prickle.

“However,” Harry continues calmly, stubbing out his cigarette and setting full eyes on Louis. Full, empty eyes. Shit. “It’s not just objects that I feel that way about. I’m like that with people as well.”

Louis shifts under Harry’s gaze, feeling a cold sense of dread spread from the center of his body to every extremity and crevice.

“I find people who fascinate me. I play with them. I have fun. I enjoy them. And then?” Harry takes a sip of his sparkling water. “Then I’m done with them. I become bored. And I don’t want them around anymore.”

His eyes bore into Louis’ as he sets down his glass.

“Last night made me realize, Louis. You’re one of those people.”

“To be spontaneous is to live.”
One Word- sunflowersnstuff

“If you're happy doing what you're doing, nobody can tell you you're not succesfull.”
Harry Styles

“But alas, I was burdened with
feelings, and the only thing
keeping me alive was the
devastation that they would go
through at my death -

You’ll be seeing me in your dreams
But I’ll be there when your reality drowns.”
MysteryMixtapes, Stall

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