
Hopefulness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hopefulness" Showing 1-30 of 85
Stephen Hawking
“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.
It matters that you don't just give up.”
Stephen Hawking

Iain Cameron Williams
“A man who plants a tree could never be called a pessimist.”
Iain Cameron Williams, The KAHNS of Fifth Avenue

George R.R. Martin
“A great battle is a terrible thing," the old knight said, "but in the midst of blood and carnage, there is sometimes also beauty, beauty that could break your heart.”
George R.R. Martin, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms

Kamand Kojouri
“It’s so easy to lose faith and become lost in all of the politics of the world. That’s why we need the arts. To sublimate our frustration and anger into something beautiful. Freud called sublimation a virtuous defence mechanism because it is in the arts that we can find our humanity.”
Kamand Kojouri

Sharon Weil
“Hope is a helium balloon. It is a wish lantern set out into the dark sky of night.”
Sharon Weil

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“It is joyful to see someone who is hopeful in a situation that is hopeless.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Michael Bassey Johnson
“To picture the desert as a place where trees are capable of growing is an act of faith.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Bryan Stevenson
“But I do think it’s important that we stay hopeful about our capacity to overcome that bigotry. And I am persuaded that hopelessness is the enemy of justice; that if we allow ourselves to become hopeless, we become part of the problem. I think you’re either hopeful, or you’re the problem. There’s no neutral place. Injustice prevails where hopelessness persists. And if I’ve inherited anything from the generation who came before me, I have inherited their wisdom about the necessity of hope.”
Bryan Stevenson

Uzma Aslam Khan
“Somewhere in the great sky beyond this sky of planes was a star made entirely of words. And on the star lived as many different kinds of words as birds in all the skies, fish in all the seas, and clay patterns in all the hands of adoring women. Some words were cautious as the crabs nesting on the beach. Others, bold as the giant hornbills prattling in the trees. Then there were those that made no sound, but were equally fearless, folding their arms and waiting for her to sit on their lap. The prisoner who was no longer a prisoner was gathering all these many words to herself and would speak them, if there were but someone to listen, even a little.”
Uzma Aslam Khan, The Miraculous True History of Nomi Ali

Criss Jami
“May all your tears from grief water the flowers of hope, as though the more the tears, the more the flowers'll grow.”
Criss Jami

“Stand in hope, especially when things don’t seem hopeful, and The Divine will stand with you. Stand elsewhere and ruin your chances of it all.”
TemitOpe Ibrahim

“Can a person live without hope? Must a middle-aged man such as me who underwent a bevy of loss and failure aim to summon the interior moxie to watch the sunrise on each new day while wearing a faint smile of hope? Must I stoically resolve to endure bearing the weighty load of previous personal debacles? I gain nothing by wallowing in self-denunciation. Guilt and shame exact a severe tithe. I cannot lead a worthy life by tumbling into alcoholic numbness or a drug-induced pit.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“The problem with optimism is that when things change it might turn against you. I feel it is better to be hopeful because it is not concerned with what any outcome might be but still believes that everything will be well, eventually.”
Rowan Moses

Raymond Khoury
“Hope isn't real by definition, is it? It's just a state of mind....”
Raymond Khoury, The Sign

Karen Thompson Walker
“And this seems like a beginning, this here, the start of everything. She is warm with a furious hope, the elation available only to the very young.”
Karen Thompson Walker, The Dreamers

“May your days be filled with adventure, your nights with good company and romance, and may you never cease chasing the wonders of enlightenment and knowledge. Cheers!”
Bradley Lilly, The Bravest: A Fireman's Tale

Abhijit Naskar
“Hope is nature's defibrillator that,
Electrifies the heart to unsubmission.
Hope rescues us from the depths of despair,
Hope drags the being even out of cremation.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Himalayan Sonneteer Sonnet 16

Hope is nature's defibrillator that,
Electrifies the heart to unsubmission.
Hope rescues us from the depths of despair,
Hope drags the being even out of cremation.

Hope lights the way when clouds convene,
Hope brings sight when smog sets in.
Hope is the bird that heralds the dawn,
Hope is the answer to all things disheartening.

Never let intellect trod on the sapling of hope,
When things get rough intellect is first to scarper.
The brain needs backbone to trudge through hardship,
Without hope, backbone is first to lose its caper.

But again, most times inaction sets in, disguised as hope.
Real hope sets you on fire, it doesn't make you mellow.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Never let intellect trod on the sapling of hope,
When things get rough intellect is first to scarper.
The brain needs backbone to trudge through hardship,
Without hope, backbone is first to lose its caper.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Todd Stocker
“Don't have HOPE that the situation will be better. Have HOPE that your savior will be nearer.”
Todd Stocker

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Being hopeful means never doubting that morning is on its way even in the darkest darkness of night, and acting with the psychological superiority of this thought!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Benjamin P. Hardy
“Hope is the powerpack that sustains you through the ups and downs of whatever you’re pursuing.”
Benjamin P. Hardy, Be Your Future Self Now: The Science of Intentional Transformation

Yuri Izdryk
“масакра моя маскувальний маневр
щоб вижити в цій популяції
і хрін вам і фіг вам і хуй вам і хєр –
не діждетесь капітуляції”
Yuri Izdryk, Після прози

Connie Kerbs
“Trust that you will get to the other side of the pain. You really will. It won't last forever. It can't. It won't have the energy - it will fizzle out, just like a rain storm. The sun will come out again. Blue skies will replace the grey, stormy ones. Always keep that in mind, especially when you feel like giving up, or that you "just can't" anymore. That is a temporary feeling that, just like the storm itself, "this too shall pass." If you can't think of anything else in a moment of darkness - remember, the true cliche' that "it is usually the darkest just before the dawn," and "This too shall pass." And then just keep putting one foot in front of the other. Keep keepin' on. Hold on. Hold out. Hold in. Just hold if that is all you can do. It's okay. When the bright light returns - and it ALWAYS does - it will all make more sense. The illusions and distortions of the darkness will show their true face for what they were - often mirages and monsters of our own making in the wee hours of the storm. Just remind yourself, again and again - "This too shall pass." And, just like that - it will. And you will be wiser, stronger, braver, and better for it. Like it or not.”
Connie Kerbs

Steven Heighton
“Hopefulness, Nhat Hanh suggests, is a harmful emotion because it’s based on an illusion. A hope is not something real that exists but rather a wish that something might exist — or might disappear if it now exists. Unlike the present moment, which is real and occurring, hope is speculative, an abstraction projected into the future. And by hoping ourselves into the future, we miss out on the good things — miracles, few though they might be — happening even now, despite our problems.”
Steven Heighton, The Virtues of Disillusionment

Abhijit Naskar
“What Hope Means (The Sonnet)

What do you think hope means,
To sit and do nothing!
Such is no hope but cowardice,
Real hope gets you walking.

Hope means to take charge,
Hope means unsubmission.
Hope means to not lose sight,
Hope means to cause illumination.

Life is what happens to the human,
Human is what happens to life.
Nature is what happens to the animal,
Human is the animal rising civilized.

I repeat, hope is no excuse for inaction.
Real hope brings emancipation from submission.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Hope is Nature's Defibrillator (The Sonnet)

Hope is nature's defibrillator that,
Electrifies the heart to unsubmission.
Hope rescues us from the depths of despair,
Hope drags the being even out of cremation.

Hope lights the way when clouds convene,
Hope brings sight when smog sets in.
Hope is the bird that heralds the dawn,
Hope is the answer to all things disheartening.

Never let intellect trod on the sapling of hope,
When things get rough intellect is first to scarper.
The brain needs backbone to trudge through hardship,
Without hope, backbone is first to lose its caper.

But again, most times inaction sets in, disguised as hope.
Real hope sets you on fire, it doesn't make you mellow.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

Abhijit Naskar
“Hope means to take charge,
Hope means unsubmission.
Hope means to not lose sight,
Hope means to cause illumination.”
Abhijit Naskar, Himalayan Sonneteer: 100 Sonnets of Unsubmission

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