James Quotes

Quotes tagged as "james" Showing 31-60 of 119
Cassandra Clare
“He touched her as he would touch his violin: it was how he knew to touch something that was precious and loved.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

C.S. Pacat
“I may not carry his brand, but he... He's burned into me." James's eyes were very dark. "He branded himself on my soul. They called him the Dark King, but he was a bright flame, and everyone else, everything else is just his pale shadow. I was Reborn, but I lived a half life. It's like this world was a blur. No one else was in focus. Until you.”
C.S. Pacat, Dark Rise

C.S. Pacat
“I beg you," said Marcus.
He said the words like there was a system of honor in the world, like all you had to do was appeal to a person's better nature and goodness would prevail. The self-righteousness of it stuck in James's throat.
"Beg me, then. Beg me on your knees to kill you. Do it.”
C.S. Pacat, Dark Rise
tags: james

Ron Hansen
“He also had a condition that was referred to as granulated eyelids and it caused him to blink more than usual, as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept.”
Ron Hansen

“Why do you call her ‘love’?” James asks. “I’ve heard you say that before, too. A lot. Are you in love with her? I think Adam’s in love with her. Kenji’s not in love with her, though. I already asked him.”
Warner blinks at him.
“Well?” James asks.
“Well what?”
“Are you in love with her?”
“Are you in love with her?”
“What?” James blushes. “No. She’s like a million years older than me.”
Tahereh Mafi, Ignite Me

Cassandra Clare
“Layla and Majnun - I sought not fire, yet my heart is all flame. Layla, this love is not of earth”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold

James Sallis
“Rina’s always claimed that I expect too little from life,” Standard said.
“Then at least you’ll never be disappointed.”
James Sallis, Drive

E.L. James
“Écoute ton cœur, ma chérie, s'il te plaît, essaie de ne pas trop réfléchir. Détend-toi, amuse-toi. Tu es tellement jeune, mon chou. Tu as encore tellement de chose à vivre. Laisse-toi aller. Tu mérites ce qu'il y a de mieux en tout.”
E L James

Meredith Duran
“His hand still rested on her breast, but his fingers had stilled. The touch that had been so agitating now felt comforting. As though he soothed her by it.”
Meredith Duran, Bound by Your Touch

Annabel Joseph
“They stopped and bowed their heads close together as the revelers ate and danced and celebrated around the glow of the fire. Darkness was falling over Lilyvale, the pink horizon a glorious and unusual marvel.

Lily and James hardly noticed, lost as they were in the preciousness of the moment. "Lily mine," James whispered. "We're finally home.”
Annabel Joseph, Lily Mine

Enock Maregesi
“Biblia pamoja na historia vinatwambia kuwa mitume kumi na wawili wa Yesu Kristo waliamua kufa kinyama kama mfalme wao alivyokufa, kwa sababu walikataa kukana imani yao juu ya Yesu Kristo.

Mathayo alikufa kwa ajili ya Ukristo nchini Ethiopia kwa jeraha lililotokana na kisu kikali, Marko akavutwa na farasi katika mitaa ya Alexandria nchini Misri mpaka akafa, kwa sababu alikataa kukana jina la Yesu Kristo.

Luka alinyongwa nchini Ugiriki kwa sababu ya kuhubiri Injili ya Yesu Kristo katika nchi ambapo watu hawakumtambua Yesu.

Yohana alichemshwa katika pipa la mafuta ya moto katika kipindi cha mateso makubwa ya Wakristo nchini Roma, lakini kimiujiza akaponea chupuchupu, kabla ya kufungwa katika gereza la kisiwa cha Patmo (Ugiriki) ambapo ndipo alipoandika kitabu cha Ufunuo. Mtume Yohana baadaye aliachiwa huru na kurudi Uturuki, ambapo alimtumikia Bwana kama Askofu wa Edessa. Alikufa kwa uzee, akiwa mtume pekee aliyekufa kwa amani.

Petro alisulubiwa kichwa chini miguu juu katika msalaba wa umbo la X kulingana na desturi za kikanisa za kipindi hicho, kwa sababu aliwaambia maadui zake ya kuwa alijisikia vibaya kufa kama alivyokufa mfalme wake Yesu Kristo.

Yakobo ndugu yake na Yesu (Yakobo Mkubwa), kiongozi wa kanisa mjini Yerusalemu, alirushwa kutoka juu ya mnara wa kusini-mashariki wa hekalu aliloliongoza la Hekalu Takatifu (zaidi ya futi mia moja kwenda chini) na baadaye kupigwa kwa virungu mpaka akafa, alipokataa kukana imani yake juu ya Yesu Kristo.

Yakobo mwana wa Zebedayo (Yakobo Mdogo) alikuwa mvuvi kabla Yesu Kristo hajamwita kuwa mchungaji wa Injili yake. Kama kiongozi wa kanisa hatimaye, Yakobo aliuwawa kwa kukatwa kichwa mjini Yerusalemu. Afisa wa Kirumi aliyemlinda Yakobo alishangaa sana jinsi Yakobo alivyolinda imani yake siku kesi yake iliposomwa. Baadaye afisa huyo alimsogelea Yakobo katika eneo la mauti. Nafsi yake ilipomsuta, alijitoa hatiani mbele ya hakimu kwa kumkubali Yesu Kristo kama kiongozi wa maisha yake; halafu akapiga magoti pembeni kwa Yakobo, ili na yeye akatwe kichwa kama mfuasi wa Yesu Kristo.

Bartholomayo, ambaye pia alijulikana kama Nathanali, alikuwa mmisionari huko Asia. Alimshuhudia Yesu mfalme wa wafalme katika Uturuki ya leo.
Bartholomayo aliteswa kwa sababu ya mahubiri yake huko Armenia, ambako inasemekana aliuwawa kwa kuchapwa bakora mbele ya halaiki ya watu iliyomdhihaki.

Andrea alisulubiwa katika msalaba wa X huko Patras nchini Ugiriki. Baada ya kuchapwa bakora kinyama na walinzi saba, alifungwa mwili mzima kwenye msalaba ili ateseke zaidi. Wafuasi wake waliokuwepo katika eneo la tukio waliripoti ya kuwa, alipokuwa akipelekwa msalabani, Andrea aliusalimia msalaba huo kwa maneno yafuatayo: "Nimekuwa nikitamani sana na nimekuwa nikiitegemea sana saa hii ya furaha. Msalaba uliwekwa wakfu na Mwenyezi Mungu baada ya mwili wa Yesu Kristo kuning’inizwa juu yake." Aliendelea kuwahubiria maadui zake kwa siku mbili zaidi, akiwa msalabani, mpaka akaishiwa na nguvu na kuaga dunia.

Tomaso alichomwa mkuki nchini India katika mojawapo ya safari zake za kimisionari akiwa na lengo la kuanzisha kanisa la Yesu Kristo katika bara la India.

Mathiya alichaguliwa na mitume kuchukua nafasi ya Yuda Iskarioti, baada ya kifo cha Yuda katika dimbwi la damu nchini India. Taarifa kuhusiana na maisha na kifo cha Mathiya zinachanganya na hazijulikani sawasawa. Lakini ipo imani kwamba Mathiya alipigwa mawe na Wayahudi huko Yerusalemu, kisha akauwawa kwa kukatwa kichwa.

Yuda Tadei, ndugu yake na Yesu, aliuwawa kwa mishale alipokataa kukana imani yake juu ya Yesu Kristo.

Mitume walikuwa na imani kubwa kwa sababu walishuhudia ufufuo wa Yesu Kristo, na miujiza mingine. Biblia ni kiwanda cha imani. Tunapaswa kuiamini Biblia kama mitume walivyomwamini Yesu Kristo, kwa sababu Biblia iliandikwa na mitume.”
Enock Maregesi

Kalynn  Bayron
“Every moment he spent with Wendy was a happy one. She had captured his heart. He put his left arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close. She nestled into his chest, and James was all but lost in the tide of her breathing.”
Kalynn Bayron, Hook's Origin

Marilynne Robinson
“The wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God, according to the epistle of James. But we have lived for years with the raucous influence of self-declared Christians who are clearly convinced that their wrath and God's righteousness are one and the same.”
Marilynne Robinson, What Are We Doing Here?: Essays

“I could’ve quit long ago, but there wouldn’t be nothing to quit to, unless I was ready to commit suicide.”
James Jean-Pierre

William  James
“What was bright and exciting becomes weary, flat, and unprofitable.”
William James, The Principles of Psychology

Cassandra Clare
“Layla and Majnun - The killing witchery that lies, in her black, delicious eyes. And when her cheek the moon revealed, a thousand hearts were won: no pride, no shield, could check her power. Layla, she was called.”
Cassandra Clare, Chain of Gold

Cathy Maxwell
“If the hand of God had come down from heaven and smacked him dead, James could not have been more surprised.
He waited, certain he had misunderstood.”
Cathy Maxwell, You And No Other

“Why all this fear and paranoia around Vault 7 and WikiLeaks? Solve the problem by demanding regulation that centers around Security by Design by technology manufactures, problem solved”
James Scott, Senior Fellow, Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology

Sara Ney
“You put those goddamn pants back on this instant,” I thunder, taking a step forward.”
Sara Ney, The Studying Hours

C.J. Roberts
“Who am I?

Am I Caleb?

Am I James?

I've often asked myself this very thing and have always come up with a different answer. Perhaps the only truthful answer is, "I am both."

Caleb will always be a part of me--probably the largest part. I want to be James.

James is a 29-year-old from Oregon. He was raised by his mother and always wondered about his father. He grew up with respect for women but also a need to display his masculinity to make up for his lack of a father. He went to college but took time off before grad school to go and see the world. He met Sophia at The Paseo de Colon and fell instantly in love.

James never met anyone named Livvie. He never hurt her.

We know different. We know the truth. So, for the purposes of this story you begged me to tell--I am Caleb.

I am the man who kidnapped Livvie. I am the man who held her in a dark room for weeks. I'm the one who tied her to a bedpost and beat her. I'm the one who nearly sold her into sexual slavery. But, most importantly, I am the man she loves.

She loves me. It's quite sick, isn't it?”
C.J. Roberts, Epilogue

Lauren Landish
“Katelyn blows Cindy Lou a kiss with a big "Mwah! You wanna stay with Auntie Katelyn tonight, sweet girl?"

Cindy Lou smiles, kicking her pink-striped stock-covered feet, and then returns the kiss. Except it's more like she blows a raspberry, and orange baby food goes everywhere, getting all over James and dribbling down Cindy Lou's chin.

"Sum of a bifch!" he shouts in shock, disgust wrinkling his brow. "Oh gawd, it's in ma mouf! I 'eed a 'apkin!"

We're all fighting back laughter as Sophie, who hasn't missed a beat of her own dinner, hands him a paper towel. To his credit, he wipes his daughter down first then scrubs at his own face.

"Language," Mama Louise corrects.

You'd think she'd give up on that by now. We're all pretty rough around the edges, even though we have some decent manners. The language rule just doesn't seem to be one that stuck ... to any of us. Hell, I've even heard the girls go off worse than any of us boys before, depending on the topic and their level of excitement or fury. Mama Louise's fighting a losing battle on a sinking ship, but she combats every instance in her presence and says what we do when she's not around is something we'll have to make our own peace with.

"I think it was warranted, Mama. Do you know how gross those carrots are? Blech,”
Lauren Landish, Rough Love

Steven Magee
“I am the James Bond of electromagnetic radiation.”
Steven Magee

Louis Menand
“If we are looking for alternative visions of American life in the decades following the Civil War, Homes, James, Peirce, and Dewey are not the figures we would turn to.  This has something to do, no doubt with their temperaments and their politics, but it is also a consequence of their attitude toward ideas.
What was that attitude?  If we strain out the difference, personal and philosophical, they had with one another, we can say that what these four thinkers had in common was not a group of ideas, but a single idea -- an idea about ideas.  They all believed that ideas are not "out there" waiting to be discovered, but are tools -- like forks and knives and microchips -- that people devise to cope with the world in which they find themselves.  They believed that ideas are produced not by individuals, but by groups of individuals -- that ideas are social.  They believed that ideas do not develop according to some inner logic of their own, but are entirely dependent, like germs, on their human carriers and the environment.  And they believed that since ideas are provisional responses to particular and unreproducible circumstances, their survival depends not on their immutability but on their adaptability.”
Louis Menand, The Metaphysical Club : A Story of Ideas in America

Roberto Bolaño
“Jim liked dark women, apparently, history's secret women, he would say, without elaborating. As for me, I liked blondes.”
Roberto Bolaño, The Insufferable Gaucho

Tracey West
“Your fashion plan was nothing compared to my brilliant plan,” James said. “I came up with the idea to hire someone to capture Pikachu for us.
“Meowth read a magazine article about a kid who was great at capturing Pokémon,” James continued. “A kid called Snap.

“But like always, Meowth made a mistake. Snap was good at capturing Pokémon — on film. He was a photographer, not a Pokémon trainer.”
Tracey West, Pokemon Chapter Book #05: Team Rocket Blast Off!

“labels are for gifts under the tree, not for those who are sexually free”
Rocky Flinstone

Julia Quinn
“Good Morning to you," the marquis said. "Where is Caroline?"
"Damned if I know, but half the ham is missing so I imagine she's come and gone."

James whistled. "Mrs. Mickle certainly outdid herself this morning, didn't she? You should have had Caroline move in sooner."

Blake shot him an irritated glance.
"Well, you must admit that your housekeeper has never gone to such great lengths to keep YOU so well fed.”
Julia Quinn, To Catch an Heiress

Julia Quinn
“James climbed in and pulled a hunk of bread from a satchel on the seat. "What the devil is going on?"

"Mmmble nnn munchke."

"I beg your pardon?”
Julia Quinn, To Catch an Heiress

“While I was getting boogers wiped in my hair during Biology, he was being spit on in Social Studies.
A common story.
But there was a day, a sunny day in May, I’m sure, when at exactly 2 P.M., we both looked out of the window of our different schools and … What?

We didn’t wish—wishes are wasted …
We didn’t hope—because our future was inevitable …
And we didn’t pray—we were on our own.
So we sent out energy bullets: “This is for New York.”
“This is for when I get there.”
Little pockets of energy, to be saved and accumulated and used upon arrival.

I was so scared it was all going to be gone by the time I got there. Ninth grade, tenth grade—can’t this thing go any faster?

In the magazine, there were funny people with funny names like John Sex, who had wild white hair and a snake!—and didn’t that just open up a kaleidoscope of new possibilities?
And how long the years are—endless! And the minutiae of your daily life! So tedious, when there are BIG THINGS happening a thousand miles away. And when you go to bed at night, it’s hard to believe those people, those fabulous, daunting people, are out there right now!
So we wait, and we endure, and someday we will be there, and we will make it.

And, by golly, we did.”
James St James, Party Monster: A fabulous but true tale of murder in clubland