
Jem Quotes

Quotes tagged as "jem" Showing 1-30 of 71
Cassandra Clare
“They say you cannot love two people equally at once,” she said. “And perhaps for others that is so. But you and Will—you are not like two ordinary people, two people who might have been jealous of each other, or who would have imagined my love for one of them diminished by my love of the other. You merged your souls when you were both children. I could not have loved Will so much if I had not loved you as well. And I could not love you as I do if I had not loved Will as I did.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
“Dreams can be dangerous things.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Sometimes," Jem said, "our lives can change so fast that the change outpaces our minds and hearts. It's those times, I think, when our lives have altered but we still long for the time before everything was altered-- that is when we feel the greatest pain. I can tell you, though, from experience, you grow accustomed to it. You learn to live your new life, and you can't imagine, or even really remember, how things were before.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Harper Lee
“If there's just one kind of folks, why can't they get along with each other? If they're all alike, why do they go out of their way to despise each other? Scout, I think I'm beginning to understand something. I think I'm beginning to understand why Boo Radley's stayed shut up in the house all this time. It's because he wants to stay inside.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Cassandra Clare
“Will: Have you ever seen what happens to someone with demon pox? First it lies dormant. One begins to turn yellow and green. Then the swelling sets in -
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“A parabatai. Like he was. And Jace knew, too, what that faded rune meant: a parabatai whose other half was dead. He felt his sympathy leap toward Brother Zachariah, as he imagined himself without Alec, with only that faded rune to remind him where once he had been bonded to someone who knew all the best and worst parts of his soul.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Heavenly Fire

Cassandra Clare
“I told you before, Jem, that you would not leave me," Will said, his bloody hand on the hilt of the dagger. " And you are still with me. When I breath, I will think of you, for without you I would have been dead years ago. When I wake up and when I sleep, when I lift up my hands to defend myself or when I lie down to die, you will be with me. You say we are born again. I say there is a river that divides the dead and the living. What I do know is that if we are born again, I will meet you in another life, if there is a river, you will wait on the shores for me to come to you, so we can cross together." Will took a deep breath and let go of the knife. He drew his hand back. The cut on his palm was already healing- the result of the half dozen iratzes on his skin. " You hear that, James Carstairs? We are bound, you and I, over the divide of death, down through whatever generations may come. Forever."
He rose to his feet and looked down at the knife. The knife was Jem's, the blood was his. This spot of ground, whether he could ever find it again, whether he lived to try, would be theirs.
He turned around to walk to Balios, towards Wales and Tessa. He did not look back.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
You see it, don't you, James? Without Tessa there is nothing for me--no joy, no light, no life. If you loved me, you would let me have her. You can't love her as I do. No one could. If you are truly my brother, you would do this for me.
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Harper Lee
“Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Cassandra Clare
“Being Jem, Tessa reflected, must be a great deal like being the owner of a thouroughbred dog that liked to bite your guests. You had to have a hand on his collar constantly.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“So you’re suggesting we take the train up to York, meet a ninety-year-old man, leap on him, and yank out his hair? I’m sure the Clave will be
“They’ll just say you’re mad,” said Jessamine. “They already think it, so what’s the difference, really?”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“I like ducks." Jem observed diplomatically. "Esspecially the ones in Hyde Park." He glanced side ways at Will; both boys were sitting at the edge of a high table, thier legs dangling over the side. "Remember when you tried to convince me to feed pultry pie the the mallards in the park to see if you couls breed a race of cannibal ducks?"
"They ate it too," Will reminisced. "Bloodthirsty little beasts. Never trust a duck.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Until death," Jem replied gently. "Those are the words of the oath. 'Until aught but death part thee and me.' Someday, Will, I will go where none can follow me, and I think it will be sooner rather than later. Have you ever asked yourself why I agreed to be your parabatai?"
"No better offers forthcoming?" Will tried for humor, but his voice cracked like glass.
"I thought you needed me," Jem said. "There is a wall you have built about yourself, Will, and I have never asked you why. But no one should shoulder every burden alone. I thought you would let me inside if I became your parabatai, and then you would have at least someone to lean upon. I did wonder what my death would mean for you. I used to fear it, for your sake. I feared you would be left alone inside that wall. But now... something has changed. I do not know why. But I know that it is true."
"That what is true?" Will's fingers were still digging into Jem's wrist.
"That the wall is coming down.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“If you have a soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. Whatever the color, the shape, the design of the shade that conceals it, the flame inside the lamp remains the same. You are that flame.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“She hated that will had this effect on her. Hated it. She knew better. She knew what he thought of her. That she was worth nothing. And still a look from him could make her tremble with mingled hatred and longing. It was like poison in her blood, to which Jem was the only antidote.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“Goodness, real goodness, has it's own sort of cruelty to it.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Harper Lee
“Before Jem looks at anyone else he looks at me, and I’ve tried to live so I can look squarely back at him.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Cassandra Clare
“Whither thou goest, I will go;
Where thou diest, will I die
And there will I be buried:
The Angel do so to me, and more also,
If aught but death part thee and me.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“Not really, but after that I think about how I could kill him while he slept if I really wanted to, and then I feel better.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
tags: jem

Cassandra Clare
“If I was harsh with you, it was because I cannot bear to see you treat yourself as if you are worth nothing. Whatever part you might act to the contrary, I see you as you really are, my blood brother. Not just better than you pretend to be, but better than most people could hope to be.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“When to people tell the same lie..."
"They are working together," Will finished”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel; Clockwork Prince; Clockwork Princess

Cassandra Clare
“She had taken him for granted, she thought with surprise and shame, watching the flickering candlelight. She had assumed his kindness was so natural and so innate, she had never asked herself whether it cost him any effort. Any effort to stand between Will and the world, protecting each of them from the other. Any effort to accept the loss of his family with equanimity. Any effort to remain cheerful and calm in the face of his own dying.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Harper Lee
“Atticus---" ...said Jem bleakly. "How could they do it, how could they?"
"I don't know, but they did it. They've done it before & they did it tonight & they'll do it again & when they do it--- seems that only children weep.”
Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Cassandra Clare
“I do not believe you can threaten people into goodness.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“You point your feet out too much when you walk,” Will went on. He was busy polishing an apple on his shirtfront, and appeared not to notice Tessa glaring at him. “Camille walks delicately. Like a faun in the woods. Not like a duck”
“I do not walk like a duck.”
“I like ducks,” Jem observed diplomatically. “Especially the ones in Hyde Park.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel

Cassandra Clare
“Charlotte, Will’s being
'And the sun has come up in the east,'
said Jem, to no one in particular.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Prince

Cassandra Clare
“Then forget Gabriel. Is there a particular reason you keep biting vampires?”
Will touched the dried blood on his wrists and smiled. “They don’t expect it.”
“Of course they don’t. They know what happens when one of us consumes vampire blood. They probably expect you to have more sense.”
“That expectation never seems to serve them very well, does it?”
“It hardly serves you, either.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Angel
tags: jem, will

Harper Lee
“Ladies pick funny things to be proud of.”
Harper Lee
tags: funny, jem

Cat Clarke
“I can just close my eyes and let myself fall into oblivion. Maybe I'll hit the exact same rocks and my blood will mingle with his and maybe there's some kind of life after death and he's waiting for me there with his hand outstretched just like mine.
I don't want to die.
I try to twist my body backwards and pain shoots up my neck.
It's too late.
I chose life too late.”
Cat Clarke, Undone

Cassandra Clare
“Also . . . ,” the faerie said in a rush. “I saw you once, about eight years ago, when you were still . . . I only got one glimpse, but you seemed so hauntingly sad. And so hauntingly attractive.”
“Thank you,” said Jem. “I’m very happy now. Your cough seems to be getting worse, Kit. Do you need medicine as well?”
Kit straightened up. “Nope, I’m good. Come on, Brother Hauntingly Attractive.”
“There’s no need to mention this to Tessa.”
“And yet,” said Kit, “I’m gonna.”
Cassandra Clare, Para Sempre Caídos

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