
Mail Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mail" Showing 1-30 of 39
Lemony Snicket
“Strange as it may seem, I still hope for the best, even though the best, like an interesting piece of mail, so rarely arrives, and even when it does it can be lost so easily.”
Lemony Snicket, The Beatrice Letters

Laini Taylor
“The door opened. She looked in the mirror and suppressed a curse. Slipping in behind some tourists, that winged shadow was back again. Karou rose and made for the bathroom, where she took the note that Kishmish had come to deliver.

Again it bore a single word. But this time the word was Please.
Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone

Susan Lendroth
“To write is human, to receive a letter: Divine!”
Susan Lendroth

Mary E. Pearson
“Whatever you choose for your stationery is your favorite color because it's where you pour your heart out.”
Mary E. Pearson, The Miles Between

E.A. Bucchianeri
“You know something is wrong when the government declares opening someone else’s mail is a felony but your internet activity is fair game for data collecting.”
E.A. Bucchianeri

Grover Cleveland
“If it takes the entire army and navy to deliver a postal card in Chicago, that card will be delivered.”
Grover Cleveland

Anne Lamott
“Usually if you pray from the heart, you get an answer—the phone rings or the mail comes, and light gets in through the cracks, so you can see the next right thing to do. That’s all you need.”
Anne Lamott, Plan B: Further Thoughts on Faith

Brian Andreas
“Our mailman was a dance teacher at night & I would watch him sometimes to see if he would deliver mail differently than the others. I expected to see him leap over bushes with his toes pointing like arrows, but all he ever did was walk.”
Brian Andreas, Still Mostly True: Collected Stories & Drawings

“Her entry ticket into the High Auction is supposed to arrive today, and their mail can never be late.”
Misba, The High Auction

Shirley Jackson
“Mrs. Spencer distrusted letters on principle, because they always seemed to want to entangle her in so many small, disagreeable obligations--visits, or news of old friends she had conveniently forgotten, or family responsibilities that always had to be met quickly and without enjoyment.”
Shirley Jackson, Let Me Tell You: New Stories, Essays, and Other Writings

“Your dad wasn't a big talker," Sam said, his voice a rumble against my chest. "As you know. But I feel like I could tell, from the way he checked his mail, that he was super proud."
I bit the inside of my cheek. "Could not."
"Oh yeah," he said. "You should've seen it. He'd do this shuffle down the driveway--- it screamed that his daughter was about to become a doctor, he was obnoxious about it, to tell you the truth--- and then he'd open the mailbox and peer inside. Then he'd pull out the envelopes and start sorting them like he was reading through the paper you presented at the pop culture conference last year, the one about masculinity and monstrosity in The Shining---"
I propped myself up on my elbows. "Wait, how---?"
"I Googled you," Sam said. "Anyway, then he'd amble back up the driveway, his gait making it clear to the whole neighborhood that his daughter was strong and empathetic, smart and hilarious, and gorgeous.”
Alicia Thompson, Love in the Time of Serial Killers

“… she’s worried more about mail being late than perceiving a death alarm.”
Misba, The High Auction

Jarod Kintz
“I wrote you a love letter, and I sent it snail mail. Love is forever, and that’s about how long it’ll take to get to you.”
Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

Michelle Cuevas
“They are forever looking into the nooks and crannies of a thing, whatever the thing may be. Always up very early or very late, going for rides on the backs of whales who deliver the mail; waking up covered in a secret language of hums; writing about the hobbies of feathers; changing shape like a cloud; howling at the moon; being a radioactive night-light in the dark; being a life raft on an ocean of alphabet soup; being great-hearted; being selfless; believing in tall tales, doodlebugs, and doohickeys. Believing. Believing in themselves. Believing in you.”
Michelle Cuevas, Confessions of an Imaginary Friend

“some letters one really writes to oneself; some letters just describe what it is we hope will be returned.”
Sheridan Hay, The Secret of Lost Things
tags: mail

“There’s so much love sent through the mail.”
Sheridan Hay, The Secret of Lost Things

C.A.A. Savastano
“I do not follow politicians on Twitter; if they want to lie to me, it will cost them a stamp.”
Carmine Savastano

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“When you can’t run and deliver like you used to, make sure your letters still bleed with imagery under the stampede of your wild thoughts and the untamed nature of your signature energy.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Nicole Krauss
“I’m imagining your response as you read this letter —which by then will have spent a week or two sitting in this lagoon, then another month riding the chaos of the Italian mail system, before finally crossing the Atlantic and being passed over to the US Post Office, who will have transferred it into a sack to be pushed along in a cart by a mailman who’ll have slugged through rain or snow in order to slip it through your mail slot where it will have dropped to the floor, to wait for you to find it.”
Nicole Krauss

Patricia Lockwood
“We worshipped a great white body that was an avalanche of good news, and we slit it open in every part. “That can’t go through the mail,” the postman gasped, “because that is a super-stabbed body!” The super-stabbed body rose up, with many butterknives sticking out of it, and said, “I AM the mail.” It had so many lovers.”
Patricia Lockwood, Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals

Petter Dass
“Man brevene med posten bandt
og sagde: Vær ei sene!
De svarte: Vi var aldrig vant
på vei at tælle stene!”
Petter Dass, Aandelig tids: det er: adskillege Bibelske Historier, uddragen af den ...

Terry Pratchett
“If, somewhere, any possible world can exist, then somewhere there is any letter that could possibly be written. Somewhere, all those checks really were in the mail.”
Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Olivia Sudjic
“At first, sending the confession by real mail had felt like a genius device. I would not have to sit by my phone and watch for the signs that indicated it had been sent and seen. Slim but solid paper would, I hoped, convey me better. Now I had to consider the very real frailties of the system. Ludicrous, in fact, to entrust something of such magnitude to a mailman. A perfect stranger. I looked up stories of nefarious New York mailmen. There was one who has willfully upturned the lives of ordinary people like myself by hoarding 40,000 pieces of undelivered mail. The city was crawling with thieves and malcontents.”
Olivia Sudjic, Sympathy

Jason Medina
“He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door. There was a pile of mail waiting on the floor, which made him chuckle. The last memories of normal life, he thought. He picked up his mail and tossed it into the garbage.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Rolf Dobelli
“Put together two stock market forecasts - one predicting that prices will rise next month and one warning of a drop.
Send the first mail to fifty thousand people and the second mail to a different set of fifty thousand.
Suppose that after one month, the indices have fallen. Now you can send another mail, but this time only to the fifty thousand who received the correct prediction.
This fifty thousand you divide into two groups: the first half learns prices will increase next month, and the second half discovers they will fall.
Continue doing this. After ten months, around a hundred people will remain, all of whom you have advised impeccably.
From their perspective, you are a genius. You have proven that you are truly in possession of prophetic powers.
Some of these people will trust you with their money.
Take it and start a new life in Brazil.”
Rolf Dobelli, The Art of Thinking Clearly

C. Rae D'Arc
“I circled a few misspelled words, then handed it back to Theo.
“Do these words mean anything to you?”
“Nights. Reed. Hour. Male.” His eyes widened as he spoke the words aloud. “The knights read their mail? Which knights? Why?”
“Crap,” I muttered. “Someone with influence over your mail doesn’t want you to know whatever’s going on in Margen.”
C. Rae D'Arc, Don't Marry the Cursed

Steven Magee
“Mail boxes were a mass casualty event in hurricane Ian.”
Steven Magee

Matt Cain
“But now here the notes were, in his hands, bringing his secret life bursting into the present and reminding him of how happy he'd been each time he'd unfolded one of them. It was this happiness that had first inspired him to become a postman; in quite a simple way he'd thought that by delivering mail he'd get to spend his life making other people happy.”
Matt Cain, The Secret Life of Albert Entwistle

Joshunda Sanders
“The most important thing is those letters... They keep soldiers connected to the most significant people in their lives. Their families, their children, their wives and mothers. That keeps them motivated to fight and to remember what they are trying to win victory for. You get them those letters, you inspire them to live and fight another day. Without the mail, morale sinks.”
Joshunda Sanders, Women of the Post

“There were twelve deliveries a day in London in 1914. It would be in his hands by mid-afternoon.
Robert Harris, Precipice

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