
Maxon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "maxon" Showing 1-30 of 39
Kiera Cass
“No, I’m not choosing him or you. I’m choosing me.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“If you don’t want me to be in love with you, you’re going to have to stop looking so lovely. First thing tomorrow I’m having your maids sew some potato sacks together for you.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“You’ve changed me forever. And I’ll never forget you.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“You get confused by crying women, I get confused by walks with princes.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“Your Majesty—
Tugging my ear. Whenever.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“I hit your thigh!”
“Oh, please. A man doesn’t need that long to recover from a knee to the thigh.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“I can’t help it." I sighed. "One can never help being born into perfection.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“I should have known that if any girl was going to disobey an order, it would be you.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“Yes, Maxon," I whispered. "It’s possible.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“Just that. Your family must be very different from mine."
"I’d say so." I laughed. "For one, no one wears their tiaras to breakfast."
Maxon smiled. "More of a dinner thing at the Singer house?”
“Of course.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“You’re too beautiful for your own good. Once you leave, we’ll have to send some of the guards with you. You’ll never survive on your own, poor thing.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“I’ve met nearly every woman in this room, and I can’t think of one who would make a better friend. I’d be glad to have you stay."
My relief was inexpressible.
"Do you think," Maxon asked, "That I could still call you ‘my dear’?"
"Not a chance." I whispered.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“Is this a good time to pat your shoulder?”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“He must love you very much,' Gavril said once I had my footing.
I couldn't look at him. 'What makes you say that?' Gavril sighed. 'I've known Maxon since he was a child. He's never stood up to his father like that.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“Need someone to talk to? I could tug my ear right now.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“If this were a simpler matter, I'd have eliminated everyone else by now.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“He reached up and tugged his ear. And I did the same.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“A lot of things are yours, America”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“...I want it to be as easy as breathing for you to say yes.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“Do you think, that I could still call you 'my dear'?”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“December 27, 11:00 p.m.

My Dear America,

I’ve never written a love letter, so forgive me if I fail now. . . .

The simple thing would be to say that I love you. But, in truth, it’s so much more than that. I want you, America. I need you.

I’ve held back so much from you out of fear. I’m afraid that if I show you everything at once, it will overwhelm you, and you’ll run away. I’m afraid that somewhere in the back of your heart is a love for someone else that will never die. I’m afraid that I will make a mistake again, something so huge that you retreat into that silent world of yours. No scolding from a tutor, no lashing from my father, no isolation in my youth has ever hurt me so much as you separating yourself from me.

I keep thinking that it’s there, waiting to come back and strike me. So I’ve held on to all my options, fearing that the moment I wipe them away, you will be standing there with your arms closed, happy to be my friend but unable to be my equal, my queen, my wife.

And for you to be my wife is all I want in the world. I love you. I was afraid to admit it for a long time, but I know it now.

I would never rejoice in the loss of your father, the sadness you’ve felt since he passed, or the emptiness I’ve experienced since you left. But I’m so grateful that you had to go. I’m not sure how long it would have taken for me to figure this out if I hadn’t had to start trying to imagine a life without you. I know now, with absolute certainty, that is nothing I want.

I wish I was as true an artist as you so that I could find a way to tell you what you’ve become to me. America, my love, you are sunlight falling through trees. You are laughter that breaks through sadness. You are the breeze on a too-warm day. You are clarity in the midst of confusion.

You are not the world, but you are everything that makes the world good. Without you, my life would still exist, but that’s all it would manage to do.

You said that to get things right one of us would have to take a leap of faith. I think I’ve discovered the canyon that must be leaped, and I hope to find you waiting for me on the other side.

I love you, America.

Yours forever,

Kiera Cass, The One

Kiera Cass
“I wanted everything from and everything for him, because I wanted every piece of him.”
Kiera Cass, The One

Kiera Cass
“You ask for such simple things, I can't deny you.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection
tags: maxon

Kiera Cass
“The Angeles air was quiet, and for a while I laid still, listening to the sound of Maxon breathing.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“What are these?" Maxon asked, brushing across the tips of my fingers as we walked.
"Calluses. They're from pressing down on violin strings four hours a day."
"I've never noticed them before."
"Do they bother you?" I was the lowest caste of the six girls left, and I doubted any of them had hands like mine.
Maxon stopped moving and lifted my fingers to his lips, kissing the tiny, worn tips.
"On the contrary. I find them rather beautiful." I felt myself blush. "I've seen the world – admittedly mostly through bulletproof glass or from the tower of some ancient castle – but I've seen it. And I have access to the answers of a thousand questions at my disposal. But this small hand here?" He looked deeply into my eyes. "This hand makes sounds incomparable to anything I've ever heard. Sometimes I think I only dreamed that I heard you play the violin, it was so beautiful. These calluses are proof that it was real.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“I only wish I knew that you'd actually want to be with me when that time is over.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite
tags: maxon

Kiera Cass
“I will never forget your fire. I can't wait to see what you do.”
Kiera Cass, Happily Ever After

Kiera Cass
“I looked at his face, unsure of how many more of his smiles I'd have.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

Kiera Cass
“I was stunned into silence, the way I always was when he touched the sky places of my heart.”
Kiera Cass, The Selection

Kiera Cass
“It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.”
Kiera Cass, The Elite

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