
Mistakes We Make Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mistakes-we-make" Showing 1-30 of 96
Kelli McCracken
“Sometimes we place faith in the wrong people for the right reasons. We're too blind to their faults, and they're too blind to appreciate us.
—Brighton Hayes”
Kelli McCracken, Heartstrings

Kayla  Cunningham
“Sometimes people rise above their past, sometimes not. And sometimes the people you least expect it from—like Raylan and my father—have a way of surprising you in the end.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

K. Weikel
“You are more than your mistakes. You are more than your past. The present might be rough, but the future is always bright as long as you reach for it.”
K. Weikel, Replay: White

“Sometimes people rise above their past, sometimes not. And sometimes the people you least expect it from—like Raylan and my father—
have a way of surprising you in the end.”
Kayla Cunningham, Fated to Love You

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Sometimes, the mistake is not the problem; the lack of remorse is the real mistake.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

“How do you learn if they don't make mistakes? It's good to make mistakes but not that many.”
Angela Bernabe

“It is better to make mistake and own it.
Than to follow what people think is right and then you fail.”
Ojingiri Hannah

Michael Lieber
“Only those who take responsibility for their mistakes, are rewarded with wisdom”
Michael Lieber

Emily McIntire
“For everyone who's afraid of making mistakes.
To err is to be human. Give yourself some grace.”
Emily McIntire, Crossed

Laura Chouette
“And all these mistakes she made over the years - they shaped her heart like a wildflower.”
Laura Chouette

“I have a certain amazing genius; worthy of a Nobel Prize I’m sure, and that’s making mistakes.
Yes, of course, all of us make mistakes, that’s part of being human, we’re all imperfect.
We all make mistakes, and regret things in our past. But we are not only our mistakes, but we are also what we learn from them. Maybe we have to repeat that mistake a few times to really get it. Sometimes we do wrong things, things that have bad consequences. Sometimes we think we can hide those mistakes by being our own defense lawyers and somehow justifying them, instead of just admitting we fucked up. Sometimes we hurt those we love the most in the worst way.
It does not mean we are bad people and cannot ever earn back the trust of those we hold dear.
Every mistake we make brings us closer to our own fragility and if we open our eyes, they also illuminate us. Realizing those mistakes might give us a map that opens up a whole new world and shines a light on our journey.
Learning something new every day is an ability we as humans have and should take advantage of every day in this lifetime.”
Riitta Klint

Alex Diaz-Granados
“I heard the door at the far end of the hallway swing open. Then I heard familiar footsteps approaching. After going to three different schools for seven years, I knew it was Mark.

“Hi, Mark,” I said.

“Hey, pal. I thought I’d find you here,” Mark said.

I sighed wearily.

“Did you find her?” Mark asked tentatively.


“Did you tell her how you feel?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes.”

“What did she say?”

I turned around to face my best friend. Concern born of seven years’ worth of friendship was written on his open face. Whatever his faults, you could never accuse Mark of being unconcerned.

“I – ah – wrote her a letter,” I said slightly embarrassed.

“I see,” he said quietly. He pursed his lips. “Did she say anything?”

“I asked her not to read it until after commencement.”

“I see,” he said again. I could tell he was disappointed in me.

There was another one of those awkward silences. I felt oddly like a mischievous schoolboy who’d been sent to the principal’s office for some infraction of the rules. Mark just shook his head in disbelief and gave me a tut-tut look.

“You know,” he said quietly, “sometimes playing it safe can be the worst thing you can do.”

“Macht nichts,” I said bitterly.

“Like hell, macht nichts, pal. It makes a hell of a difference, if you ask me.” Mark shook his head sadly. “I really don’t want to be there when you find out for yourself what a stupid mistake it is that you made today.”
Alex Diaz-Granados, Reunion: A Story: A Novella

Britt Andreatta
“A true growth culture is safe for people to take risks and make mistakes. In other words, to learn.”
Britt Andreatta

Stewart Stafford
“Congratulate yourself when you fail - you're learning.”
Stewart Stafford

Laura Chouette
“And all these mistakes shaped her heart like a wildflower.”
Laura Chouette, When Dusk Falls: A Poetry Collection

Laura Chouette
“Some choices are destined to be mistakes.”
Laura Chouette

Erin Hatzikostas
“If you go through life without making mistakes, you’re sure to blend in.”
Erin Hatzikostas, You Do You(ish): Unleash Your Authentic Superpowers to Get the Career You Deserve

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is easy to remove a weevil from a grain, but hard to reverse the damage it does.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Sima B. Moussavian
“The wrong things draw you in like the Sunday-sun the eyes. You would stare straight into it and wonder if there is something somewhere out there, other than depressing sunny days and lonely Sundays: something more. When you would take your eyes out of the sun again, you would only see red spots as if the light had forgotten them on your retina and then you would stand around and ponder why your eyes would always wander towards the sun, although you don't want them to and actually know that it does harm.
~ As the moon began to rust”
Sima B. Moussavian

“We disrespected each other that was our mistake. It wasn't what we both deserved but it had to happen in order for you to let go the fantasy of me.”
Laika Constantino

J. Lynn Else
“Does the scale of a mistake really matter? Are a rich man’s feelings more important than a poor woman’s? Or are one person’s feelings any less valuable than a group of peoples'?”
J. Lynn Else, Lost Daughters of Avalon

“Healthy riskiness involves the realness of our humanity in design, nature and decision making liberties; may we extend grace to others and ourselves who use mistakes as lessons to re-direct the journey.

As for me, to lead, impact and influence others after my own self love chouces keeps me clear, considerable, and balanced.

I depend and trust in a Creator who is without fault who keeps my foot from stumbling; perfection is in that love connection.

I identify deeply with that, so when a mistake occurs, the next opportunity to prevent it, rounds up a little higher for the journey of life.

Its about conquering the world with a victory confident mindset, no matter what mistakes occur, but staying the course for the life lesson work...anyday, everyday, and so on....”
Dr. Tracey Bond

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Compromising your principles, even one time, is a terrible mistake.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If you didn't know at the time that a mistake you made in the past was a mistake, you can forgive yourself about it today!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Repeat a mistake once, it's a lesson.
Twice, it's a coincidence.
Thrice, it's a subscription to a comedy show called "Oops, I Did It Again!”
Monika Ajay Kaul

“Do not replicate the mistakes of a story that is meant to teach and guide you.”
Eduvie Donald

Carmen Neagu nee Eni
“I-ați explicat instrucțiunile pentru candidați?”, mi-au șuierat pe la urechi cuvintele președintelui comisiei de examen, la care am răspuns cu un „Da” de confruntare. Moment în care președintele iese val-vârtej din sala de examen și mă lasă în fața ochilor cu candidatul: o femeie în jur de 40 de ani căreia îi țâșnesc lacrimile, mâinile îi tremură, respirația îi este bolovănoasă. Cuvintele care îi ies din gâtlej zgârie liniștea spațiului cultivată de ceilalți 14 candidați care așteaptă să îi răspund: „Și eu acum ce fac?”
Carmen Neagu nee Eni, Tezaur de greșeli. Ghid de supraviețuire pentru profesori

Frank  Sonnenberg
“Mistakes don’t define you, but the way you respond to them does.”
Frank Sonnenberg, BECOME: Unleash the Power of Moral Character and Be Proud of the Life You Choose

Emmanuel Bhaskar
“Yamini felt a parched dryness in her throat and reached for her water bottle to quench her thirst. Just as she was about to remove her mask, a loud shout pierced the air. A figure in a fully protective suit came rushing toward her, intercepting the bottle just in time. "Do not remove the mask; you are not allowed," the person said firmly. Yamini looked up, startled, but the urgency in the voice left no room for debate. "You can drink water only after going to the ward," the person continued.”
Emmanuel Bhaskar, COVID Stories from India: Bloom in Hospital

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