
Pendergast Quotes

Quotes tagged as "pendergast" Showing 1-15 of 15
Douglas Preston
“It's a very bad habit, but one I find hard to break.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Douglas Preston
“I can see that an insufficent, or perhaps even defective, socialization process has led you to believe that four-letter words add power to languauge”
Preston and Child

Douglas Preston
“My dear Vincent”
Douglas Preston

Douglas Preston
“Sleep is an unfortunate biological requirement that both wastes time and leaves one vulnerable.”
Douglas Preston, Brimstone

Giacomo Puccini
“Braveggia, urla! T'affretta a palesarmi il fondo dell'alma ria!''
''Shout, braggart! What a rush you're in to show me the last dregs of your vile soul!”
Giacomo Puccini

Lincoln Child
“Don’t you love that phrase,
a person of interest? So rich with dark suggestion, so full of murky hints—without actually saying anything
at all.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Douglas Preston
“Not in my swamp, with my alligators. -Pendergast”
Douglas Preston, Fever Dream

Lincoln Child
“—every single decent lead has gone to hell. I feel like I’m rolling a ball of shit up an endless mountain.”
“My dear Vincent, Sisyphus would be proud.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, City of Endless Night: Library Edition

Douglas Preston
“There is more in the world than is dreamt of in your philosophy, Doctor - or in the Merck Manual.”
Douglas Preston, Brimstone

Douglas Preston
“There is a mountain range behind the town, called the Sierra de Sangre de Cristo. It means the 'Blood of Christ Mountains' in Spanish.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Douglas Preston
“Not only eating Lieutenant, but slobbering over the food as well. Clearly, he, she, or it has no manners.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, Relic

Douglas Preston
“Hey, Margo, this looks like a big job. Why don't you send out for pizza? The best place in town is Antonio's. I recommend the green chili and pepperoni. Shall I fax the order now?”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

Douglas Preston
“God bless us, everyone," Smithback intoned. Margo punched him playfully.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child

“Pendergast," Ridder said. His voice was low and very, very cold. Despite herself, Corrie shivered when she saw the look on his face.
Pendergast stopped. "Yes?"
Ridder's eyes glittered like mica. "You've disturbed our lunch and agitated our guest. Isn't there something you ought to say to him before you leave?"
"I don't believe so." Pendergast seemed to consider a moment. "Unless, perhaps, it is a quotation from Einstein: 'The only thing more dangerous than ignorance is arrogance.' I would suggest to Dr. Chauncy that in combination, the two qualities are even more alarming.”
Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, Still Life With Crows

Douglas Preston
“»Aber führt Wermut denn nicht zu Hirnschäden?«
»Das Leben führt zu Hirnschäden.«”
Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child, Crimson Shore