
Ponzi Schemes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ponzi-schemes" Showing 1-5 of 5
Rachel Maddow
“Social security isn’t a ponzi scheme. It’s not bankrupting us. It’s not an outrage. It is working.”
Rachel Maddow

Jacob Wren
“Capitalism is not the simple desire to make a profit. Capitalism is the fantasy that growth can continue at a consistent rate indefinitely. When a child is young, it cannot yet imagine being an adult, so it thinks it will keep on growing forever. The fantasy that you can grow forever is exhilarating, one of the many aspects that make children seem so alive. We live in fantasy, all of us, all of the time, to a greater or lesser extent.”
Jacob Wren, Rich and Poor

“A bubble starts when any group of stocks, in this case those associated with the excitement of the Internet, begin to rise. The updraft encourages more people to buy the stocks, which causes more TV and print coverage, which causes even more people to buy, which creates big profits for early Internet stockholders. The successful investors tell you at cocktail parties how easy it is to get rich, which causes the stocks to rise further, which pulls in larger and larger groups of investors. But the whole mechanism is a kind of Ponzi scheme where more and more credulous investors must be found to buy the stock from the earlier investors. Eventually, one runs out of greater fools.”
Malkiel Burton

Jean Pierre Van Rossem
“Het enige Ponzi-systeem dat ik ken is de pensioenkas.”
Jean Pierre Van Rossem

Mathis Wackernagel
“The way we pay for the present by liquidating the future truly fits the definition of a Ponzi scheme. Any other forms of Ponzi schemes are outlawed, only the ecological one we seem to ignore or even encourage.”
Mathis Wackernagel, Ecological Footprint: Managing Our Biocapacity Budget