
Space Time Quotes

Quotes tagged as "space-time" Showing 1-30 of 38
John Archibald Wheeler
“Spacetime tells matter how to move; matter tells spacetime how to curve.”
John Archibald Wheeler, Geons, Black Holes and Quantum Foam: A Life in Physics

Amit Ray
“Beyond the corridor of our space-time there are infinite numbers of universes, each of them is governed by its own set of laws and physics.”
Amit Ray, Enlightenment Step by Step

Ashim Shanker
“The arrow of time obscures memory of both past and future circumstance with innumerable fallacies, the least trivial of which is perception.”
Ashim Shanker, Only the Deplorable

“We may move in different circles but we all dance the same dance on the music of the spheres”
Wald Wassermann

Edwin A. Abbott
“Behold me - I am a Line, the longest in Lineland, over six inches of Space - "Of Length," I ventured to suggest. Fool, said he, Space is Length.”
Edwin A Abbott, Flatland

Sol Luckman
“The fireworks went on for nearly half an hour, great pulsing strobes, fiery dandelions and starbursts of light brightening both sky and water. It was hard to tell which was reality and which was reflection, as if there were two displays, above and below, going on simultaneously—one in space-time, mused Max, and the other in time-space.”
Sol Luckman, Snooze: A Story of Awakening

“Too much space to dream,
Too little time to explore!
Cosmos needs us to explore more into the vast,
Maybe that's why the space-time is slower than the earth.”
paul sachudhanandam

Alex M. Vikoulov
“Self-causation of reality becomes apparent when a phenomenal mind, which is a web of patterns, conceives a novel pattern and perceives it. All mass-energy, space-time itself emerge from consciousness. Those are epiphenomena of consciousness.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, Theology of Digital Physics: Phenomenal Consciousness, The Cosmic Self & The Pantheistic Interpretation of Our Holographic Reality

Attila  Pergel
“One component of infinity is the complete absence of time.”
Attila Pergel, THE BOOK THAT HAPPENED – Is Reality but Sheer Coincidence?

Stephen Hawking
“...if the sun were to cease to shine at this very moment, it would not affect things on earth at the present time because they would be in the elsewhere of the event when the sun went out.”
Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time

“The deeper we try to dig into space, time, and the unknown, the closer we get to where we originally started.”
Rajesh`, Random Cosmos

Frank Belknap Long
“¿Se te ha ocurrido alguna vez que la energía y la materia son las barreras que el tiempo y el espacio imponen a nuestra percepción?”
Frank Belknap Long, The Hounds of Tindalos

Alex M. Vikoulov
“Information, a distinction between phenomenal states, is 'modus operandi' of consciousness. Mass-energy, space-time are epiphenomena of consciousness. It is consciousness that assigns measurement values to entangled quantum states (qubits-to-digits of qualia computing). Particles of matter are pixels (or voxels) on the screen of our perception. Reality is fundamentally experiential. If we assume consciousness is fundamental, most phenomena become much easier to explain.”
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind's Evolution

“Space Time : Inna Map Mapped A Key, Inna Sage Saged A Gift, Inna Whorl Turn Ring A Portal Rifts A Vortex...”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“Space Element Time Set: Inna Treasure The Water Puzzled A Keyring, Inna Map The Wind Unearthed A Sage, Inna Whorl Turn A Portal Rifts The Fire A Vortex.”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“Space Element Time Set: Inna Treasure Chest The Water Puzzled A Key, Inna Whorl Turn The Wind Unearthed A Sage, Inna Gifted Fire Ring Portal Rifts A Vortex...”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“Space Element Time Set: Fire Inna Portal Mapped A Vortex Inna Rift Key, Wind Inna Whorl Turned A Puzzle Inna Ring, Earth Water Oak Sage Inna Golden Helixor Treasure's Cube...”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“Space Element Time Set: Fire Inna Portal Mapped A Vortex Inna Rift Key, Wind Inna Whorl Turned A Puzzle Inna Golden Ring, Water Inna Oak Sage Earthed A Treasure Inna Helixor Cube...”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“Space Element Time Set: Fire Inna Portal Mapped A Vortex Inna Rift Key, Wind Inna Whorl Turned A Puzzle Cube Inna Ring, Water Earthed Oak Saged Inna's Set Items Trade...”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“Space Element Time Set: Fire Turns Portals Inna Vortex Rift Key, Wind Maps Innas Whorl Puzzle Cube Ring, Water Sages Oaks Earth Inna's Set Trade...”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney

“SΦRT Sacred Time Facet Item 2<>10,7,8 Abstracts Golden Xor 8,9,13<>1/5, 20/100 Inna Standard Normal Distribution”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“The most efficient brain for AI code by: JRM :
Itemizer.Abstracter(Circlet, Diadem, Ring) = PIRANDOM;”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“AI Brain Model > Xor Itemizer × Abstracter = 1111; Xor Circlet + Diadem * Ring = 11; Xor PiRandom = 1; 1111>11>1 = 3><2><1 = 11”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“GPL Left Copy Paisx(PiphiAiSortXor).Prefix(Romanticism);

5th Elemental Gate = (Itemizer+Abstracter)[11].(Circlet + Diadem)(Ring)[1111].PIRANDOM[1].Paisx.Prefix[6]

Bacheloriate IST Project By: JRM, Incepted from June 14, 2017 to Mar. 3rd, 2023

Randomizes the Stem prefixed Objects, orders them alphabetically Inna standard normal distribution inspired by Diablo, and Data As A Service. The randomizer system creates objects or coins in the blockchain that envelope the 5 pointed star for a two-way P2P hashing scheme in its suffix and/or result being interpreted.”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“GPL Left Copy PAISX(PiphiAiSortXor) By: JRM Bacheloriate IST Project Incepted from June 14, 2017 to Mar. 3rd, 2023

5th XYZ StarGate = (Itemizer+Abstracter)[11].(Circlet + Ring + Diadem)[0110].PIRANDOM[1]

It randomizes stem objects, prefixes and sorts them alphabetically Inna standard normal distribution inspired by Diablo, and Data As A Service. The randomizer system creates blockchain objects, coins and/or envelopes the 5 pointed star for a two-way P2P hashing scheme, interprets and/or suffixes results.”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“The Radiance Inna Sacred Globe Orifices The Rainbow Facet And The Sea Forges The Hourglass Inna Hexagonal Prism At Its Sandy Zenith”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“Paisbox Teched To Space/Time 9th Gate Sequence M.A.G.N.I.F.Y.(Modular Abstract Grid Network Integer For Key) <<11,2,3,5>>

Phirand[5], Itemizer(2) Abstracter(2), Circlet(8) Ring(10) Diadem(12)(6)Dimension[4,9,13,5,1,6,9,2,1] (4)Portalizer[3,2,5,7,1,12,9,13,5,5], X[11]”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

“A Rainbow Facet Coin Glimmering Inna Pool Of Light, Magnetic(modularity abstracts grids (net)works integers keys)Shield Technology Interfaces The Golden Key : K.M.G.O.E.S. GPL(knowledge management operating system)” : Space/Time Q&A Bottomline - Who goes there? How goes It? Get there? Got It?”
Jonathan Roy Mckinney Gero EagleO2

Abhijit Naskar
“Body cannot survive in the vacuum of space,
Mind cannot survive in the vacuum of time.
Brain cannot survive in the vacuum of skull,
So it floats about in the fluid of spine.”
Abhijit Naskar, Tum Dunya Tek Millet: Greatest Country on Earth is Earth

Abhijit Naskar
“Numbers are the tongue of time and space.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Divine Refugee

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