
Velocity Quotes

Quotes tagged as "velocity" Showing 1-19 of 19
Dave Eggers
“Here I am Rock You Like a Hurricane.”
Dave Eggers, You Shall Know Our Velocity!

Susanna Kaysen
“Insanity comes in two basic varieties: slow and fast... Viscosity and Velocity are opposites, yet they can look the same. Viscosity causes the stillness of disinclination; velocity causes the stillness of fascination. An observer can't tell if a person is silent and still because inner life has stalled, or because inner life is transfixingly busy.”
Susanna Kaysen

Dave Eggers
“But that's one lifetime."
But while doing that one I'd want to be able to have done other stuff. Whole other lives- the one where I sail-"
I know, on a boat you made yourself.”
Dave Eggers, You Shall Know Our Velocity!

Israelmore Ayivor
“It's better to be slow and careful in the right direction than to be fast and careless on the wrong path. Be sure that you are on the right path before you begin to take your steps!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“The world admires wealth and velocity—these are the things for which everyone strives. Railroads, the post, steamboats, and all possible modes of communication are the means by which the world overeducates itself and freezes itself in mediocrity.”
Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth, Faust

“The velocity of light is one of the most important of the fundamental constants of Nature. Its measurement by Foucault and Fizeau gave as the result a speed greater in air than in water, thus deciding in favor of the undulatory and against the corpuscular theory. Again, the comparison of the electrostatic and the electromagnetic units gives as an experimental result a value remarkably close to the velocity of light–a result which justified Maxwell in concluding that light is the propagation of an electromagnetic disturbance. Finally, the principle of relativity gives the velocity of light a still greater importance, since one of its fundamental postulates is the constancy of this velocity under all possible conditions.”
A.A. Michelson, Studies in Optics

Israelmore Ayivor
“Don't rush in order to have things done early. Be prepared before you set off. That's the rule. However, this does not mean that you keep delaying the time for beginning. You must begin by all means! Go, get prepared!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Dean Koontz
“Because when you’re doing it, then it’s just something you do. But
if you talk about it, then it’s something you are”
Dean Koontz

Israelmore Ayivor
“Friends can speed up your steps or slow down your pace. Leaders choose friends wisely; they are aware of the consequences.”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Ladder

Dean Koontz
“Art is the only answer to chaos and the void.”
Dean Koontz, Velocity

Israelmore Ayivor
“Remember no matter how fast you run, you can't be the winner if you don't finish. As someone said, to be the first to finish, you must finish first! Go, take the strike!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

James S.A. Corey
“The velocities and forces involved in anything at orbital altitudes were enough to kill a human with just the rounding error. At their speeds, the friction from air too thin to breathe would set them on fire.”
James S.A. Corey, Cibola Burn

Israelmore Ayivor
“Never be rigid on an action plan that always fails, freezes and frustrates. Perhaps what you need is a change of your methods you run with the peak velocity!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“Only the legs that run are those that really have muscles!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

“You never really know what is going to cause the breakthrough. Each situation has its own history and circumstances. But when they get it, it’s like a brake being released. They reach maximum velocity quickly.”
Trevor Moawad, It Takes What It Takes: How to Think Neutrally and Gain Control of Your Life

Criss Jami
“Is the phrase 'pay' or 'play the piper'
I inquire, why
'Cause I admire a desire to flip the switch
Yeah make a way to face the music like
Life savings for a mosh pit riot
Listen to a mix
Rock the tickets, higher volume
Velocity which shakes a cockpit's pilot”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Neal Stephenson
“In an apt demonstration of the principle of relativity, as propounded by Galileo, the bawdy platter and the steaming morsels thereon, remained in the same position, vis-à-vis Daniel, and hence were, in principle, just as edible as if he had been seated before and the pies had been resting upon a table that was stationary with respect to the fixed stars. This was true despite the fact that the carriage containing Daniel, Isaac Newton, and the pies, was banging around London. . . . Isaac, though better equipped than Daniel, or any other man alive, to understand relativity, showed no interest in his pie, as if being in a state of movement with respect to the planet Earth rendered it somehow not a pie. But as far as Daniel was concerned, a pie in a moving frame of reference was no less a pie than one that was sitting still. Position and velocity to him might be perfectly interesting physical properties, but they had no bearing on, no relationship to, those properties that were essential to “pie-ness.” All that mattered to Daniel were relationships between his—Daniel’s—physical state and that of the pie. If Daniel and pie were close together, both in position and velocity, then pie eating became a practical and tempting possibility. If pie were far sundered from Daniel, or moving at a large relative velocity, e.g. being hurled at his face, then its pie-ness was somehow impaired, at least from the Daniel frame of reference. At the time being however, these were purely scholastic hypotheticals. The pie was on his lap, and very much a pie, no matter what Isaac might think of it. Mr. Kat had lent them silver table settings and Daniel, as he spoke, tucked a napkin into his shirt collar, a flag of surrender and unconditional capitulation to the attractions of pie. Rather than laying down arms, he now picked them up, knife and fork, Isaac’s question frozen just as he poised these above the flaky top crust. . . . and he stabbed pie.”
Neal Stephenson

Dean Koontz
“our ghosts stay with us until we ourselves are ghosts”
Dean Koontz

Dean Koontz
“All you have, is how you live.”
Dean Koontz