
Wokeism Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wokeism" Showing 1-15 of 15
Sol Luckman
“Look around. Understand that the very people and civilization you are here to rescue from themselves are also, temporarily at least, and through no real fault of their own, our sworn enemies.”
Sol Luckman, Cali the Destroyer

Mitch McConnell
“From election law to environmentalism to radical social agendas to the second amendment, parts of the private sector keep dabbling in behaving like a woke parallel government. Corporations will invite serious consequences if they become a vehicle for far-left mobs to hijack our country from outside the constitutional order.”
Mitch McConnell

“Here's a definition of Wokeism : There are people just sitting there, who are deliberately waiting, for the thrill of being offended.”
John Cleese

“The revolution, which seeks to connect ideology to bureaucratic power and to manipulate behavior through the guise of expertise, is ultimately not democratic.”
Christopher F. Rufo, America's Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything

Sol Luckman
“Political correctness has nothing to do with fairness; it’s a weaponized psyop designed to induce people to let others do their thinking for them.”
Sol Luckman, Musings from a Small Island: Everything under the Sun

“Wokeism, in its zealous pursuit of social justice, often inadvertently undermines the very principles it claims to champion. While the intention may be noble, the consequence is a stifling atmosphere where free speech becomes collateral damage. The suppression of dissenting voices, even through well-intentioned means, risks creating an echo chamber devoid of critical discourse. It's crucial to recognize that the path to a just society lies not in silencing opposition but in fostering an environment where diverse perspectives can coexist, allowing for the robust exchange of ideas that fuels progress.”
James William Steven Parker

“The danger of wokeism lies in its propensity to label dissent as heresy, leading to the cancellation of individuals for expressing opinions deemed 'unacceptable.' In a society that values free speech, the act of canceling someone for their viewpoint, even when expressed through comedy, is a troubling trend. Comedy has historically served as a powerful tool for social commentary and dissent, and stifling it under the guise of political correctness erodes the foundations of a vibrant, free-thinking culture. True progress is achieved through dialogue, not through the suppression of voices, even those cloaked in humor.”
James William Steven Parker

“Wokeism's impact on free speech is particularly pronounced in its tendency to enforce a rigid conformity of thought. When dissenting opinions are met with cancel culture, it fosters an environment where individuals fear expressing their true beliefs, hindering the open exchange of ideas that is essential for societal growth. It's crucial to uphold the principle that even controversial or satirical expressions, such as those found in comedy, contribute to the rich tapestry of dialogue and should not be muzzled in the name of ideological purity.”
James William Steven Parker

“The paradox of wokeism is that, in its quest for inclusivity, it often becomes exclusionary, shutting down conversations deemed uncomfortable or offensive. This narrowing of acceptable discourse harms the essence of free speech, as it places arbitrary boundaries on what can be said or joked about. Comedy, in particular, serves as a barometer for societal norms and challenges our preconceptions. Suppressing comedic expression not only hampers artistic freedom but also stifles the very laughter that can bridge divides and foster understanding.”
James William Steven Parker

“Wokeism's inclination to cancel individuals for expressing dissenting opinions, even in the realm of comedy, is a dangerous manifestation of intolerance. Free speech thrives in an environment where ideas, no matter how provocative or humorous, can be freely exchanged. Cancel culture, in its attempt to police language and thought, erodes the foundations of a society that values diversity of opinion. Comedy, with its ability to illuminate uncomfortable truths, should be a space where creativity flourishes, not one constrained by the fear of cancellation for exploring the boundaries of social norms.”
James William Steven Parker

“The pitfalls of wokeism become evident in its tendency to silence voices that deviate from the accepted narrative, stifling the dynamic interplay of ideas essential for societal progress. The cancellation of individuals, especially in the realm of comedy, illustrates a broader pattern of suppressing dissent. A healthy society embraces humor as a powerful form of expression, understanding that the essence of comedy often lies in challenging norms and offering alternative perspectives. To protect free speech, it is imperative to resist the impulse to cancel voices that contribute to the mosaic of diverse opinions, even when delivered through the lens of satire.”
James William Steven Parker

“Wokeism's impact on free speech is a concern when it veers towards canceling individuals for expressing opinions, including through comedy. Comedy, as a bastion of satire and social commentary, should remain a realm where artists fearlessly explore the boundaries of societal norms. The attempt to impose a narrow definition of acceptability not only stifles artistic expression but also undermines the spirit of free speech, which thrives in an atmosphere where ideas, regardless of their contentious nature, can be shared without the fear of retribution.”
James William Steven Parker

“The danger of wokeism lies in its tendency to weaponize social justice in a way that suppresses dissent, particularly in the realm of comedy. Comedy has historically been a vehicle for challenging societal norms and questioning authority, and its censorship under the guise of political correctness is a threat to free speech. True progress requires the courage to engage with uncomfortable truths, and the cancel culture associated with wokeism hinders the very dialogue necessary for societal evolution.”
James William Steven Parker

“Wokeism's impact on free speech becomes pronounced when it leads to the cancellation of individuals expressing opinions, even through the medium of comedy. Comedy, with its ability to dissect societal norms and provoke thought, should be a space where diverse perspectives flourish, free from the constraints of cancel culture. The suppression of comedic expression not only stifles artistic freedom but also hampers the collective ability to navigate complex issues through humor, hindering the open exchange of ideas that is vital for a thriving society.”
James William Steven Parker

“The pitfalls of wokeism are evident in its tendency to stifle free speech by canceling individuals who express opinions, including those conveyed through comedy. The attempt to enforce ideological conformity, even in the pursuit of social justice, risks creating an environment where dissent is quashed, hindering the vibrant exchange of ideas necessary for societal progress. Comedy, as a form of social commentary, should remain a space where artists can challenge the status quo without fear of cancellation, preserving the richness of diverse voices that contribute to the tapestry of free expression.”
James William Steven Parker