Lo Bookfrantic's Reviews > 3 Truths and a Lie

3 Truths and a Lie by Lisa Gardner
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it was amazing
bookshelves: arc-review-ng

5***Fascinating Stars

Genre:Mystery Crime
Type:Short Stories
POV:First Person – Female


3 Truths and A Lie is truly a very short story but I couldn’t help being captivated and wanting to know the mystery. What mystery you asked? Well D.D. Warren is one of my favorite female detectives she is a total badass. If you’ve read some of Lisa Gardner’s books you will know why. You will fall in love with D.D’s character. This book was no different it was a really great short story that I couldn’t stop reading.


Detective D.D. Warren takes an assignment she wasn’t thrilled about but her husband the blood splatter expert Alex Wilson had convinced her to do it. When she is usually busy solving crimes on this short story she has a total different assignment; to teach at least one hundred thriller writers about her job, to provide them with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. She had only fifthly minutes to teach her blood eager students and she wanted to make it worth their time. Boy was it worth it?! Yes it was I was so captured by her story that I felt like one of the student sitting in front of her picturing the crime scene she was describing trying to answer her questing and figuring out what a detective would do to solve this crime and who the killer was. I was fascinated with this story and her attitude of course i love her.

"Boston homicide works as three-people squads. I'm a sergeant detective, meaning I'm the so called leader of my squad, though my teammates, Phil and Neil, would love to argue."


She was like

And I was like


She figured the best way to keep her class awake was to tell them about the most shocking true case she had to solve. I don’t want to give out the details because it’s so short that I will be giving away the book and it’s so good not to read it. D.D. educates her classroom how to solve a murder the right way by providing them step by steps details of what a real murder case is handled under her authority. She made her classroom guess all the clues and at the end I was so shocked that I didn’t figure out what the lie was bahaha. I should have known but I was just like the writers sitting hungry to try to figure out what she was saying. It truly was a good book that kept me on the edge of my bed. Now I feel the need to get more of this writer. She teases you with the first two chapters of her new book coming out on February of next year and boy do I want to get my hands on that book right now?! Yes I do. To all my romance readers this book may not be for you as it is a suspense thriller with no romance.


"ARC Kindly provided via netgalley, in exchange for an honest review."

Pre-Order Link: Release date January 5, 2016

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Reading Progress

November 4, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
November 4, 2015 – Shelved
November 11, 2015 – Started Reading
November 11, 2015 – Shelved as: arc-review-ng
November 11, 2015 –
5.0% ""D.D. walked through glass doors, instantly replacing the hot August sun with frigid institutional temperatures. She’d forgotten this from her own academy days: the tendency to keep classrooms arctic, most likely to keep the occupants awake."


November 11, 2015 –
21.0% ""We follow the blood trail down the grimy carpet. We peer inside the tiny, freezing cold, misty bathroom, where not one but two cockroaches are already making tracks through the blood."

November 11, 2015 –
41.0% ""It hurts. She can tell immediately. His teeth dig into the washcloth, the cords stand out on his neck. She’s sure he’s screaming, though no sound comes out. But he doesn’t pull his leg out. If anything, he plunges it deeper into the tub, all the way up to his twisted tie.."

November 12, 2015 –
58.0% "“We ask stupid questions. Why not? We’re detectives, we deserve to have some fun. I ask about childhood pets, favorite brand of coffee. What does he think of Dancing with the Stars,.."


November 12, 2015 –
100.0% "Well then why I didn't know that lie? I'm slow lmao this was so good short but good. I need the next full book now haha

November 12, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-25 of 25 (25 new)

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message 1: by Candace (new)

Candace Holy hell, Loyda! What's in that bathtub???

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog Enjoy Doll! :)

Lo Bookfrantic Candace wrote: "Holy hell, Loyda! What's in that bathtub???"

(view spoiler)

message 4: by Lo Bookfrantic (last edited Nov 12, 2015 01:52PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lo Bookfrantic Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Dean and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "Enjoy Doll! :)

>>>Thanks Patty it was just a short story I'm finished lol I need her new book

message 5: by Dawn (new) - added it

Dawn legit. you have THE BEST GIFS hahah

message 6: by Michelle (new)

Michelle Great review Loyda:))

message 7: by Julie (new)

Julie Wonderful review girl!

Lo Bookfrantic Dawn wrote: "legit. you have THE BEST GIFS hahah"

>>>Lmao thanks Dawn :))

Lo Bookfrantic Michelle wrote: "Great review Loyda:))"

>>>thank you Michelle! :)

Lo Bookfrantic Julie wrote: "Wonderful review girl!"

>>>Thank you Julie! :)

message 12: by warhawke (new)

warhawke Awesome review Loyda!
Seems you've been reading too much of bloody stuff lately haha!

Lo Bookfrantic Sharon ✽ is an emotional book junkie ✽ wrote: "wonderful review Loyda!"

>>>Thanks Sharon! :)

Lo Bookfrantic warhawke wrote: "Awesome review Loyda!
Seems you've been reading too much of bloody stuff lately haha!"

>>>lmao thanks War! But now I'm craving more it's so addicting. I forgot these was my very original genre that got me hooked on reading...I like feeling anxious and sick but still can't stop reading bahaha

Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog BEAUTIFUL review Sweetheart! :)

Lo Bookfrantic Patty ❤️❤️ Belongs To ❤️Kellan❤️Jesse❤️Lautner❤️Miller❤️Garrett❤️Dean and Archer❤️❤️ wrote: "BEAUTIFUL review Sweetheart! :)

>>>thanks you so much Patty!! :)

message 17: by Dawn (new) - added it

Dawn @LOYDA Can this be read as a standalone?

Lo Bookfrantic Dawn wrote: "@LOYDA Can this be read as a standalone?"

Yes it can. All her books even though it's a series the cases are different the detective on this series is the same but her murder cases are all different.

message 19: by Dawn (new) - added it

thanks love :)

SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ Bloody week. Excellent review my dear! = DD

message 21: by Lo Bookfrantic (last edited Nov 15, 2015 05:38PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Lo Bookfrantic SueBee★bring me an alpha!★ wrote: "Bloody week. Excellent review my dear! = DD"

>>>lmao yes indeed Sue, Deanna left me wanting more haha. Thanks girl :)

message 22: by ✰ Liz ✰ (new)

✰ Liz ✰ Great review LOYDA! I love it! xxoo

message 23: by Pam (new)

Pam Great review, Loyda :)

Lo Bookfrantic Elizabeth wrote: "Great review LOYDA! I love it! xxoo"

Thanks Liz!! ❤

Lo Bookfrantic Pam wrote: "Great review, Loyda :)"

Thank you Pam! :)

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