Candi's Reviews > Empire Falls

Empire Falls by Richard Russo
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it was amazing
bookshelves: contemporary-literary, book-i-own, favorites

"Lives are rivers. We imagine we can direct their paths, though in the end there’s but one destination, and we end up being true to ourselves only because we have no choice. People speak of selfishness, but that’s another folly, because of course there’s no such thing."

I’ve been pondering this quote for some time now after having finished Richard Russo’s Pulitzer Prize winning novel, Empire Falls. Is it true that we have no choice in where our lives take us? Do we only perceive that we have choices and opportunities, whereas in fact our paths are predetermined? Or does believing such a precept just mean that one is placing blame on circumstances that can in fact be overcome? The message may be found within the pages of this extraordinary novel.

Empire Falls centers on the lives of those characters that live in this small town of Maine. During its glory days, the town flourished due to the logging and textile industries run by the all-powerful Whiting family. Nowadays, the town is run-down, yet many of its inhabitants remain hopeful that some day it will once again prosper. This is due largely to the fact that the mill and the factory remain intact, a vision of what used to be and what could be if someone would only grasp the opportunity. What does remain and stands as the focal point of the actual happenings in the town is the Empire Grill.

"The Empire Grill was long and low-slung, with windows that ran its entire length, and since the building next door, a Rexall drugstore, had been condemned and razed, it was now possible to sit at the lunch counter and see straight down Empire Avenue all the way to the old textile mill and its adjacent shirt factory. Both had been abandoned now for the better part of two decades, though their dark, looming shapes at the foot of the avenue’s gentle incline continued to draw the eye."

It is here that we meet Miles Roby, manager of the Empire Grill. What fascinates me about small towns is the fact that many of its people really never get away. Despite economic instability, there is a core of folks that seem to stick it out – perhaps they don’t perceive a means of escape or maybe they see the town for what it once was and that memory eclipses any sense of hardship. Miles Roby, with a major push and the support of his mother, did get out only to return once again due to circumstances that seemed out of his control. Now under the thumb of Francine Whiting, reigning heiress to the Whiting fortune, Miles seems to have reached a dead end, much like the town itself. He lives in a shabby apartment over the grill, is soon to be divorced, and has responsibilities to his teenage daughter, Tick, his deadbeat father, Max, and his recovering alcoholic brother, David. Through him we also meet a wealth of other complex individuals – some good, some not so good, and some downright cringe-worthy. And yet, under the masterful pen of Russo, each character is written in a way that completely absorbs your full attention. However mundane each person appears on the surface, he or she still manages to throb with life on each page. The interactions and dialogue in this book are superb – believable, gripping, sometimes sad, and often humorous.

The novel is at heart a character-driven story. There exists a plot that is very slowly and deliberately revealed – a couple of turns that I did not fully anticipate. Don’t expect quick action – you will be disappointed. And yet, I found myself nearly holding my breath towards the end of the book; I was that entangled with the lives of the characters. I was hopeful for the future of the town and its people. There was something in nearly each person that I could relate to and understand. What I came to realize in the end is that we should each grab hold of our dreams, take control of our circumstances, and in fact change the direction of that river. We may not end up exactly where we imagined, but neither do we need to flounder and succumb to its currents.

I think it would be safe to say that even though this is my first (I know right, where have I been?!) Richard Russo novel, he will be on my list of favorite authors! This book has those elements I adore in my books - memorable and extremely well-drawn characters, brilliant writing, and surprising plot twists. 5 stars

"After all, what was the whole wide world but a place for people to yearn for their hearts’ impossible desires, for those desires to become entrenched in defiance of logic, plausibility, and even the passage of time, as eternal as polished marble?"
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Reading Progress

November 5, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
November 5, 2015 – Shelved
November 8, 2015 – Shelved as: contemporary-literary
December 12, 2015 – Shelved as: book-i-own
July 2, 2017 – Started Reading
July 17, 2017 – Shelved as: favorites
July 17, 2017 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 52 (52 new)

Angela M is taking a break. Candi, looking forward to your full review. Russo is one of my favorites and this is my favorite of his books. I read this a number of years ago before Goodreads so I never wrote a review but 5 stars hands down!

Candi Angela, I do remember you saying he was a favorite of yours! I can't wait to read more of his work :)

message 3: by Laysee (new)

Laysee What joy when we make discoveries about authors who will become favorites! I can almost picture you reading in the gathering darkness. Sure sign of a good book, Candi.

message 4: by Jonetta (new) - added it

Jonetta I've had this book forever. Your excitement about it has me wanting to dust it off and read it right away.

Canadian Jen I have this one on my list to read this year, Candi!
Love your quick thoughts :))

Brina Great review. I should read it as a Pulitzer winner.

Sara It is on my short-list, so I am glad to see that you enjoyed it so much. I have only read one of his books, which was good but not great. I am anxious to see how this one differs.

Candi Thank you all! I didn't expect to get wrapped up in it as much as I did, but there was something about it that just grabbed me. It helped that there were bits of humor sprinkled throughout as well. Many pause and nod and smile moments :) Hope to catch up soon and get these reviews written :)

Julie G Candi,
He's a cool guy for sure. I'm reading his "Straight Man" right now. Such excellent writing!

Julie G P.S. I must add here, though, that I hated the ending of Empire Falls! But I have forgiven him, because he knows how to write!

Candi Julie, I have a copy of Straight Man at home, so that very well may be my next Russo! Can't wait to read your thoughts when you finish :)

Now I'm wondering which part of the ending you didn't like - there were a couple of things I can imagine you not liking! You may have to PM me :)

Julie G I just looked back at my review (I have houseguests coming, so naturally I'm on GRs, rather than cleaning), and I thought it was too lengthy, and I stumbled over some of the italicized back story bits. I won't write any plot spoilers here, but I will say the movie had a bit of Hollywood drama to it that surprised me. Does that make sense, without giving too much away?

Candi Julie wrote: "I just looked back at my review (I have houseguests coming, so naturally I'm on GRs, rather than cleaning), and I thought it was too lengthy, and I stumbled over some of the italicized back story b..."

It was lengthy, that's true! I didn't mind the italicized bits when they were about Miles as a kid; will have to look back and see who else had italicized sections. I haven't seen the movie, but I think I can guess what you mean about the drama! (Now I'm just curious enough to watch it, lol!)

message 14: by Deanna (new)

Deanna Great review, Candi :)

message 15: by Bill (new) - rated it 5 stars

Bill I loved this book. One of the best I've read. Great review!

Candi Deanna and Bill - thank you, both! I'll try to add some additional thoughts soon!

message 17: by Vanessa (new)

Vanessa I've not even read one of his books so your ahead of me! :) Great review Candi!

message 18: by Bianca (new)

Bianca I haven't read him yet. I'm keen to.

Marilyn C. Happy to see your 5 stars, Candi! - I need to read this soon!

Candi Vanessa, Bianca and Marilyn - I hope you each get a chance to read this author. If you like a fantastic, in-depth character study then you should love this one :)

message 21: by PorshaJo (new)

PorshaJo Great review Candi! I have yet to read Russo and but have been wanting to. I just did not know where to start. I might have to check this one out now.

Candi PorshaJo wrote: "Great review Candi! I have yet to read Russo and but have been wanting to. I just did not know where to start. I might have to check this one out now."

Thanks, PorshaJo! This was my first and won't be my last!

Sharon I felt the same way after reading this, Candi! My first Russo, but immediately a new favorite author! :)

Candi Sharon wrote: "I felt the same way after reading this, Candi! My first Russo, but immediately a new favorite author! :)"

That's great, Sharon! Have you read any of his other work since then?

Sharon Not yet! I think it might be his short story collection.

message 26: by Katie (new) - added it

Katie Brilliant review, Candi. I'm really keen to read this.

Candi Katie wrote: "Brilliant review, Candi. I'm really keen to read this."

Thanks so much, Katie. I was so engrossed in this novel that when sitting outside, with the sun threatening to set, I started to panic - I was so immersed in the story that I did not want to get up and move to brighter light! The quality of writing and the development of characters is top notch, in my opinion :)

message 28: by Diane S ☔ (new) - added it

Diane S ☔ Awesome review, Candi. I too have only read one of his books, maybe this one will be the second.

Candi Diane S ☔ wrote: "Awesome review, Candi. I too have only read one of his books, maybe this one will be the second."

Thank you, Diane :) I do hope you read this one! Would love to hear your thoughts on it.

message 30: by Phrynne (new) - added it

Phrynne I see so many good thingas about this author - I must read one of his books SOON!

Candi Phrynne wrote: "I see so many good thingas about this author - I must read one of his books SOON!"

I know what you mean, Phrynne - so many GR friends have high praise for his writing. I don't know why I waited so long!

Camie I love Russo. He's one of the best when writing about small towns !!

Candi Camie wrote: "I love Russo. He's one of the best when writing about small towns !!"

He really nailed it in this one, Camie! Can't wait to read more of his work :)

message 34: by Jaidee (new) - added it

Jaidee So good to see one of your reviews and you wrote this with such passion and admiration. I love that.

I was hoping to come to the Finger Lakes again this year but I think it will have to wait until next year !!

message 35: by Sue (new) - added it

Sue I really must add this. I've read/heard before that this is good, but your review has driven that news home! Thanks Candi.

Candi Jaidee wrote: "So good to see one of your reviews and you wrote this with such passion and admiration. I love that.

I was hoping to come to the Finger Lakes again this year but I think it will have to wait until..."

Thank you so much, Jaidee! So kind of you to say so! I always hope to convey a bit of the love if I adore a book!

Well, the Finger Lakes are fantastic, but if you have to miss a year, perhaps this is the one to miss - the weather has been so strange! I was just chatting with a friend this evening over dinner and remarking that it felt like a late September evening, not early August! I hope you get a chance to visit again soon though :)

Candi Sue wrote: "I really must add this. I've read/heard before that this is good, but your review has driven that news home! Thanks Candi."

Sue, I'm glad to help you along in your decision to read this book! I don't think you would be disappointed. Hope you get a chance to read it :)

message 38: by Margitte (new)

Margitte I haven't read this one yet, but loved his other books. He is one of my favorite authors. Wonderful review, Candi!

Candi Margitte wrote: "I haven't read this one yet, but loved his other books. He is one of my favorite authors. Wonderful review, Candi!"

Thanks so much, Margitte! This is the only one I've read so far, but I have high hopes for the others too. I've heard great things :)

Guille Excelente reseña de un libro cinco estrellas.

Candi Guille wrote: "Excelente reseña de un libro cinco estrellas."

Gracias, Guille! :)

message 42: by Nadia (new) - added it

Nadia Such a beautifully written review Candì, thank you. 😊🍀🌺

Candi Nadia wrote: "Such a beautifully written review Candì, thank you. 😊🍀🌺"

Thank you very much for your kind words, Nadia! :)

message 44: by Sara (new) - rated it 5 stars

Sara What a fabulous review. You said what I wanted to say but somehow couldn't. Loved this book!

Candi Sara wrote: "What a fabulous review. You said what I wanted to say but somehow couldn't. Loved this book!"

Thanks so much, Sara! There was just so much to say about this book, lol! I'm really glad that you loved this one too. So much to admire about Russo's writing :)

message 46: by Taylor (new)

Taylor Segen No, they are not pre-determined by some cosmic force but they are determined by the simple law of cause and effect. Each event has a prior cause and any thought you can choose is an illusion.

Paula K Beautiful review, Candi!

Candi Paula wrote: "Beautiful review, Candi!"

Thank you, Paula! :)

Jerilyn Excellent review. Thank you for helping me understand why I liked this novel so much.

Candi Jerilyn, thank you for your very generous comment!

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