Kemper's Reviews > The Fall of Hyperion

The Fall of Hyperion by Dan Simmons
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it was amazing
bookshelves: 2011, favorites, sci-fi, space, time-travel, hyperion-cantos

"Nurse, this patient’s chart is very confusing.”

“Which patient, Doctor?”

“Uh..Mr. Kemper. He’s the one in the vegetative state.”

“Oh, that’s a very sad and odd case.”

“According to the patient history, he was admitted a few weeks ago with cerebrospinal fluid leaking from his nose and ears, but it seemed like he should recover. But yesterday he was brought in again, barely conscious and then he lapsed into a coma. The really odd thing is that I see no signs of injury or disease.”

“That’s right, Doctor. It was a book that did this to Mr. Kemper.”

“A book? How is that possible?”

“From what we can figure out, the first incident occured after he read Hyperion by a writer named Dan Simmons. I guess it’s one of those sci-fi books and apparently the story is quite elaborate. Anyhow, Mr. Kemper had read Simmons before and knew he likes to put a lot of big ideas in his books. But this time, apparently Simmons broke into his house and managed to directly implant much of the book directly into Mr. Kemper’s brain via some kind of crude funnel device.”

“I find that highly unlikely, Nurse.”

“Most of us did, Doctor. But Mr. Kemper kept insisting that Simmons had some kind of grudge against him. He even had a note he said Simmons had left that said something like ‘Don’t you ever learn? If you keep reading my books, I’ll end you someday.’”

“Assuming that I believed this story, I guess that Kemper’s current state tells us that he didn’t heed the warning?”

“Apparently not, Doctor. His wife said she found him having convulsions and leaking brain matter out his nose and ears again. A copy of the sequel, The Fall of Hyperion was on the floor nearby.”

“I can’t believe that reading a silly sci-fi book could turn an healthy man into a turnip, Nurse.”

“Well, when they brought Kemper in, he was semiconscious and muttering. Someone wrote it down. Let see, he kept repeating words and phrases like: Shrike, Time Tombs, the Core, God, uh…no, two gods actually, farcasters, Ousters, religion, pope, death wand, space battles, interplanetary trees, old Earth, AI, mega sphere, data sphere, The Canterbury Tales, poetry, John Keats, Tree of Thorns, and Lord of Pain.”

“Jesus! What does all that mean?”

“Someone looked it up on the web and all of that is actually in the book.”

“That poor bastard. No wonder his gray matter is fried. No one could absorb all that without permanent damage.”

“Yes, I’d think that book should have some kind of warning sticker or something on it.”

“One thing I still don’t understand, Nurse. If Kemper knew that this book would probably do this to him, why did he still read it?”

“I guess he had told several people that Hyperion was just so good that he had to know how it ended, even if it killed him.”


I think the word ‘epic’ was invented to describe this book.

What Simmons began in Hyperion finishes here with a story so sprawling and massive that it defies description. In the far future, humanity has spread to the stars, and maintains a web of worlds via ‘farcasters’. (Think Stargates.) On the planet Hyperion, mysterious tombs have been moving backwards in time and are guarded by the deadly Shrike.

Seven people were sent to Hyperion on a ‘pilgrimage’ that was almost certainly a suicide mission, but the Ousters, a segment of humanity evolving differently after centuries spent in deep space, are about to invade. The artificial intelligences of the Core that humanity depends on for predictions of future events and management of the farcaster system can’t tell what’s coming with an unknown like the Shrike and Hyperion in play.

Battles rage across space and time and the virtual reality of the data sphere as varying interests with competing agendas maneuver and betray each other as the pilgrims on Hyperion struggle to survive and finally uncover the secrets of the Shrike. But the real reasons behind the war and it’s ultimate goal are bigger and more sinister than anyone involved can imagine.

I can’t say enough good things about the story told in these first two Hyperion books. This is sci-fi at it’s best with a massive story crammed with big unique ideas and believable characters you care about. Any one of the pieces could have made a helluva book, but it takes a talent like Simmons to pull all of it together into one coherent story.
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Reading Progress

March 3, 2011 – Started Reading
March 3, 2011 – Shelved
March 13, 2011 – Finished Reading

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message 2: by Ian (new)

Ian "Marvin" Graye If the books are anywhere near as good as the review, I'd better read them.

Kemper Ian wrote: "If the books are anywhere near as good as the review, I'd better read them."

Thanks! The books are far superior to my babblings.

Andrey Why hello there Meth Monkey. Remember me? Hyperion review? Well it is sad to hear about your medical condition, i would like to inform you that i got over mine. The problem is, i have 50 pages left in the Fall, but i just could not resist commenting.
Your review was entertaining.
The book is incredible.
How did Simmons do it? In fact, how did anyone do it???
Authors. those guys got skills. Really big ones.
Don't read the sequels. )If you want to live)
Seriously now though, did you understand all of the ides, theories and philosophies in this book? I am lucky if i THINK i understood half, let alone actually did. The poets, and the futures and the AIs. Too much for a petty human brain.
Point being,
Meth is bad for you.
Time, and sci-fi do not mix well in the average human brain.
Anyway, hi.

Josh Loved your review of Hyperion: memo to George Lucas...this is how you really do galactic politics. Hilarious.

I'm finishing up Fall of Hyperion on Friday. My buddy and I will podcast a show that dissects the book. If you're interested, send a comment/question for the show!

Kemper Josh wrote: "Loved your review of Hyperion: memo to George Lucas...this is how you really do galactic politics. Hilarious.

I'm finishing up Fall of Hyperion on Friday. My buddy and I will podcast a show that ..."


Ciaran Brilliant review and apt praise for the joys of Hyperion

Kemper Ciaran wrote: "Brilliant review and apt praise for the joys of Hyperion"


Jonathan Your review is spot on!

message 10: by kris (new) - rated it 5 stars

kris I love your review

message 11: by Meghan (new) - added it

Meghan Well, now I have to read it. Just to say I survived the experience.

Elisa Unlike you I did not end up hospitalized but I'm going to need some extensive therapy after the first two Hyperion Cantos books. Too many mind fucks in too short a time. But fantastic all the same.

Kemper Elisa wrote: "Unlike you I did not end up hospitalized but I'm going to need some extensive therapy after the first two Hyperion Cantos books. Too many mind fucks in too short a time. But fantastic all the same."

Once you read the last two your therapists will be able to buy those boats and second homes they've had their eyes on.

Aizad Mumtaz Awesome review Kemper, this is up there with Dune and the foundation Trilogy, any more suggestions like these epic books?

Kemper Aizad wrote: "Awesome review Kemper, this is up there with Dune and the foundation Trilogy, any more suggestions like these epic books?"

My big sci-fi obsession at the moment is The Expanse series.

It also just got adapted into a TV series that had it's first season a few months back on SyFy channel.

Michael Finocchiaro Awesome review! I am currently have my mind blown by Fall of Hyperion

Michael Finocchiaro Oh, and The Expanse, or elements of it, also remind me a bit of Hyperion Cantos

Michael Finocchiaro As for another sci-fi series that competes with this one in scope and in brilliant vision, I cannot say enough about Cixin Liu's The Remembrance of Earths' Past trilogy: The Three Body Problem, The Dark Forest and Death's End!

Karina I love it too, but I am not allowed to talk about it anymore to people who haven't read it. Tried it a few times too many after a few drinks too many.

message 20: by Nate (new) - rated it 3 stars

Nate Just finished Hyperion and I keep hearing that this one is crap compared to it. I’ve decided to go with fire upon the deep for my next read but your review may have changed my mind.

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